What to do, where to go in the first place if you have lost your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Application to the police about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: a sample. What documents are needed to restore the lost passport?

What to do, where to go in the first place if you have lost your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Application to the police about the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: a sample. What documents are needed to restore the lost passport?

If the passport is lost, urgently contact the police. Read detailed information in the article.

A passport is an important document that every citizen should have. Without its presence, insurmountable difficulties arise with those structures where this document is necessary. None of us are safe from the fact that the passport will be lost, stolen or spoiled. If this happens, the questions immediately arise: “What to do?”, “Where to contact, and will have to pay a fine?” You will find answers to these and other questions in this article.

What to do, where to go in the first place if you have lost your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation?

What to do, where to go in the first place if you have lost your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation?
What to do, where to go in the first place if you have lost your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation?

If you suddenly find that such an important document as a passport is lost, do not be discouraged and do not panic. The main thing is that you immediately noticed it. So, what to do, where to go in the first place if you have lost your passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation? Here are the tips:

  • First, remember where you went with this document for the last time. Perhaps you forgot it and to find it, just come and pick up your passport.
  • If there was a theft (in the subway, entrance, on the street or in another place), then things are more difficult. It is necessary to immediately contact the nearest police station. Provide a statement written in any form, photo - 2 pieces and a receipt on the payment of state duty.

The application must be submitted so that the police record the fact of theft and submit your document to the database. This is an excellent warning against fraudulent actions (a dosper, fraud with real estate, and so on).

Advice: The police will be given a tear -off coupon - this is a certificate that your document is really lost, and the application was adopted by the police.

Application to the police on the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: a sample

Although the statement is written in any form, many citizens do not know how to issue it in confusion. Here is a sample application to the police on the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation:

Application to the police on the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: a sample
Application to the police on the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation: a sample

Important: Do not forget to indicate all the smallest details, since thanks to them the police will be able to establish the identity of the kidnapper, and you will quickly receive their document back or restore it.

If there was no obvious theft, but you found that there is no passport, for example at home, then the application should be written like this:

Application to the police on the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation
Application to the police on the loss of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

When the employee accepts the application from you, he must issue a certificate of the loss of the passport. It is necessary to draw up a new document.

What penalty is it supposed to lose the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation?

The fine is assigned if the face of the action that entailed the loss of the document: improper storage, intentional damage, destruction. In this case, a person is considered an offender and penalties in the amount of 100 to 300 rubles are applied to him. But often for the first time, it is only a common warning.

Important: If the actions on the intentional loss of the document were committed by a minor child, then the payment of sanctions for the loss of state paper of a citizen of the Russian Federation is assigned to his parents.

How to get a new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in return for lost?

How to get a new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in return for lost?
How to get a new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in return for lost?

With a certificate and a tear -off coupon from the police, you must contact the UFMS of the city in which you live. Passports are issued in this state structure. To date, documents of the state model can be obtained at the MFC on the principle of “one window”.

So, how to get a new passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation in return for lost? After receiving a certificate from the police, contact the FMS or MFC. The passport should be made to you within 2 months. You must issue a certificate of receipt of all papers for registration of a passport. At the request of the citizen, a temporary identity card is issued in the form No. 2P, which you will pass after receiving your important document.

What documents are needed to restore the lost passport?

An appeal to the police on the fact of the loss of a passport behind, now you need to contact another state body to restore your identity card. What documents are needed to restore the lost passport?

What documents are needed to restore the lost passport: application
What documents are needed to restore the lost passport: application


  • Statement fill in a special form, the sample is higher. In the 9th point, indicate the reason for the replacement of the passport: in connection with theft, corruption or other.
  • 2 photos- 3x4, the face of a large image on a white matte background.
  • Receipt of the payment of state tax - issued after paying at the bank or other financial institution.
  • Certificate from the police about loss, theft of a passport. It should be in your hands after contacting the police department.
  • Documents that will be needed to affix special marks in the passport, if you need to put them.
  • Documents that indicate belonging to citizenship of the Russian Federation. If necessary, you will have to prove citizenship.

Documents testifying to belonging to citizenship of the Russian Federation are provided only for the removal of photocopies. Then they should be returned to you.

Can they take a loan from a lost passport?

When a person loses his passport, his panic begins, and this is primarily due to the fact that now he will have to live without documents for some time, but with the fact that fraudsters can get a stand -in loan. Is it really that someone can take a loan from a lost passport? In fact, yes.

  • Each banking institution and another credit institution have a security service that will not miss such actions.
  • But not all employees are responsible for their work responsibly: someone will miss the stamp, the other will not pay attention to the lack of similarity to the photo and the person who turned for money.
  • After the loan is issued, it is almost impossible to prove that the loan was received without the knowledge of the passport owner.
  • We'll have to go to court, and this is a lawsuit that can last for years.

Warning: Be vigilant and after detecting the fact of the theft or loss of the passport, immediately contact the police.

What to do if the lost passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation was found?

What to do if the lost passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation was found?
What to do if the lost passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation was found?

There may be such a life case when a lost passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation was found. What to do in this case? Here are the tips:

  • If you find a passport before writing an application by the police, then do not worry, but just continue to use your identity card to use your document.
  • If you found a “crust” after writing an application to the police, but before writing an application for a new passport, then it all depends on whether the document was canceled. If so, then you will have to receive a new document. If the application has not yet been processed, then you can withdraw it and calmly use your document that was found.
  • But it happens that you have already written an application for issuing a new passport, and the old one was found, then it cannot be used - it is invalid.

There are many more nuances. If you have found your old passport, just consult the police what to do with it now. You will be answered to all questions of interest.

If the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is lost: tips and recommendations

If the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is lost: tips and recommendations
If the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is lost: tips and recommendations

From childhood, adults have been told that a passport is an important document. But life situations are different. How to get out of them with dignity? What to do and where to run if the passport is lost? Tips and recommendations if the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation is lost:

  • Remember where you were with this document for the last time.
  • Look for him in the house, maybe he lies in a prominent place, and you think that he was stolen.
  • If the searches do not give the necessary results, drop a panic and contact the police with a statement.
  • Collect all the necessary documents on the list, attach a certificate from the police and contact the FMS for receiving a new document.

The process of obtaining a new passport will last up to 2 months. At this time, gain patience and wait, especially since you have a temporary identity card in your hands.

Video: What to do if you have lost your passport

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Comments K. article

  1. loss of passport

  2. April 28 I found a loss of passport

  3. Take a hurry to run to write a statement, check can someone find your passport and wants to give it to you! The main problem is how to find a lost one, but now there is a new site of the Lost (Lost-Found.pro) office, go see even if there is no necessary announcement about Nakhodka, leave an announcement about the loss and you can call you much earlier than you make a new one. You can also make repost on the social network on the site, will increase the audience coverage.

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