What to do if you dream, a bad dream was a bad dream? Prayers and rituals from bad dreams. Why are there bad dreams, nightmares: the opinion of psychologists

What to do if you dream, a bad dream was a bad dream? Prayers and rituals from bad dreams. Why are there bad dreams, nightmares: the opinion of psychologists

What to do if you had a bad dream?

Dreams dream of absolutely everyone. However, they do not always say about something pleasant, often there are nightmares, bad dreams. In this article we will tell you what to do if you had a bad dream.  

Why did you have a bad dream?

It is necessary to distinguish between prophetic, bad dreams and nightmares. All of them differ from each other not only by interpretation, but also by the attitude to them. Basically, almost a lot of dreams do not warn us about anything, and is not a things.


  • These are mainly ordinary dreams that express our experiences, as well as an emotional state. For the first time that dreams reflect our emotional state, among researchers and scientists, began to say Freud. True, he connected dreams with the sexual component of our lives.
  • A little later, other scientists began to explore dreams, and deduced the relationship between what was happening in ordinary life and dreams. In most cases, poor dreams, as well as nightmares, dream of people who suffer from nervous overstrain, as well as stress.
  • If you were overcome by any troubles before going to bed or during the day, you experienced negative emotions, anger, rage, or fear, then with a high probability you will dream of a nightmare or a bad dream. There is serious need to take him seriously, he is not a prophetic.
  • This is just the answer of your subconscious to what is happening in ordinary life. Try to listen to good music before going to bed, relax, drink delicious tea and read some friendly book, watch a comedy. It is necessary to dilute the negative emotions experienced during the day with positive experiences.
  • To this end, communication with the child, bathing him, or communication with a loved one in a relaxed atmosphere can cope. Try to get distracted from the troubles that haunt you at work or in work.  
dream Catcher
dream Catcher

What to do if you dream of a nightmare?

What to do if you are scared? Do not rush immediately to run and decipher a bad dream. Most often, it is not a prophetic, and there is no need to decrypt. There are several rites with which you can get rid of the action of sleep, and make it not to come true.


  • Folk healers, as well as many people who are engaged in esotericism, advise, as soon as you have a bad dream, forget about it. That is, try not to remember anything about him. Stop playing sleep after waking up.  
  • Tell someone before lunch about your dream. It is believed that if you told about poor dreams until 12:00 a day, then it will not come true.  
  • After waking up, open the window and say: "Where is the night, there is a dream." Close the window and calm down. In addition, a flame or water can remove negative energy from sleep.
  • After waking up, you need to look at the flame of the lighter, but it is best to use the consecrated candle for this. Warm it, look at the flame, and calm down. Say the words to yourself that this dream will not come true.
  • Almost the same manipulations must be carried out, looking at the current water from the tap. Tell me, let the water take a bad dream. You will be able to clear thoughts of bad sleep and calm down. The fact is that our thoughts tend to materialize everything that we think about. That is why try to forget about a bad dream and not betray him any meaning. Indeed, very often, due to self-hypnosis with people, unexpected situations and troubles occur.  

What to do if you had a bad dream several times?

What to do if you often dream of the same bad dream?


  • Perhaps fate is trying to warn about something, or you are in a state of stress for a long time, and think about something bad. For this purpose, you can use the transformation method. To do this, try to change it.
  • That is, before going to bed, if you dream of falling from the roof, try to come up with wings and fly. Thus, instead of a terrible fall, you will wake up with a feeling of complete satisfaction from the flight. The same must be done with any bad sleep.
  • It is worth paying attention, scientists and doctors warn that bad dreams, as well as nightmares that dream quite often, have about the same meaning, can talk about health problems. Quite often, people who experience breathing and respiratory system have dreams with strangulation, gallows. In this case, pay attention to your health.
  • Perhaps you have bronchitis or some problems with the lungs. It will not be superfluous to do a fluorographic study, x -ray. If you constantly dream that it smells poorly with meat, or deadly, you should pay attention to the condition of your teeth, as well as the digestive tract.
  • Very often, poor smells dream of just because of the malfunctions with the teeth and stomach. People who experience heart problems and vascular system very often dream of how they run and do not have time. Downs can dream, as well as a serious condition during the running process. Be sure to consult your cardiologist.  
In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Dreams of dreams from bad dreams

It should be understood that bad dreams, as well as nightmares, dream of most people. However, not all of them are remembered. Therefore, in the morning, a person wakes up with a good mood and does not even suspect an unpleasant dream. In most cases, such dreams are associated with a strange and complex emotional state. Those dreams that dream in a quick phase are remembered.

If it was a phase of deep sleep, most likely, you simply did not remember what you dreamed. Dreams that you saw directly early in the morning are also remembered before awakening. It is these notifications or dreams that we recall after awakening, and we can judge them as nightmares, or bad interpretations, possibly proper dreams.  

In the kingdom of Morpheus
In the kingdom of Morpheus

Dream Catcher:

  • You can neutralize nightmares with the help of dreams. This is a kind of amulet that can be made from very simple objects. It is used by Indians and has become also popular in our time. Now this product can be found in any store of different attributes and souvenirs. It is believed that these simple products absorb bad dreams and help to come true to good ones.
  • It is a circle of willow branch, inside this circle there is a kind of web, weaving, from a thread or deer cores. It is believed that poor dreams get confused in this web, and with the first rays of the sun are simply destroyed. At the same time, good dreams slip through small holes and come true. Many legends, interesting fables are connected with the catcher of dreams.  
  • Many recommend making dreams of heels and dense rods. However, this is actually a mistake. In India, some tribes are still made by catchers of dreams from a flexible, fresh willow rod. As soon as it dries and breaks up into parts, a new one is made. Dreams are not intended for long -term use. From time to time it is necessary to change it to a new one. That is why, we advise you not to purchase it in a souvenir shop, but to do it yourself.  
Dreaming of a nightmare
Dreaming of a nightmare

I had a bad dream - what to do?

You can also remove a dream with the help of thought. Thus, you neutralize it, and you can make it so that it does not come true.


  • To do this, put your hands on your head, it is convenient to sit on the sofa and at the same time lower your eyelids. It is necessary that your eyes be closed. Now it is necessary to draw a waterfall in your imagination and say such words: “My dream is out of place, leave the waterfall, go from the waterfall to hell. Amen". This is quite simple and helps to calm the nervous system.
  • You can share your anxiety with paper. It is necessary to take a pen and briefly describe what I dreamed. Try to be as brief as possible. Now take a candle, it is desirable that it be church. Bather a sheet of paper, then you should pronounce such words during the burning of a piece of paper : “Leave the anxiety from the servant of God (your name). Amen". Now it is necessary to collect the resulting ash and throw it into the toilet, flushing a lot of water. During the washing of the ash, say the same words as during the burning of paper.
  • In addition, you can use a candle in another way to perform this ritual. You need to put the paper on the flame of the candle in such a way that smoke forms, and say: “Smoke swirls, smoke streams, turning into a fable, closing everything with a key, where he is there and a dream. This will help to quickly get rid of negative energy, and will also allow this dreams not to come true.  
Bad dreams
Bad dreams

What to do so that a bad dream never comes true: prayers and rituals

If you regularly encounter bad news from the kingdom of Morpheus, you can use an interesting and unusual way and prevent the appearance of bad dreams. To do this, pick up the Holy Water in a small container, a vase, or a decanter, leave it open near your bed.

It is best to put a vessel at the headboard. Thus, holy water will absorb all negative energy, and your dream will not come true, and you most likely simply will not remember it. Early in the morning it is necessary to pour water into the toilet.  

In a dream


  • To get rid of negative sleep and avoid its consequences, you can with the help of very simple rituals. You need to turn the pillowcase on the inside, put it on the pillow again. Turn over the back, that is, upside down, and try to fall asleep again. Thus, the pillow will absorb a bad dream and will interfere with the fact that it will come true.
  • You can also not eat food after I had a bad dream. It is best not to do this until noon. That is, until 12:00 p.m. it is advisable to eat nothing or drink. If desired, you can sip sacred water in small sips. It is believed that such a ceremony will help get rid of the negative consequences of dreams.  
  • Many people believe that you can get rid of bad dreams, as well as to lose their consequences using verbena. You need to take a dry branch and set it on fire. Thus, in the process of combustion of this plant, smoke will be released. You need to fumulate every corner in your apartment, taking into account the balcony, as well as the toilet with the bathroom. It is believed that smoke from this plant helps to clean the room from evil strength and energy.  
  • Often, in order to get rid of bad dreams and prevent the fact that they will come true, they read prayer to St. Cyprian. It was this holy martyr who helped people who often dreamed of nightmares. There are several options for such prayers, below are the most common of them.  
  • If such an action does not help you, you can handle it by visiting the church. It is necessary to purchase three sacred candles and put each of them near the icon of the Mother of God. One candle is worth placing about health, the second about the health of enemies, and the third to all the saints. It is necessary to carry out such manipulations several times. It is recommended to repeat a similar procedure three times with a break for several days. This method works if you dream not bad dreams, but simply comprehend failures one by one. Thus, the Holy Forces, as well as the Lord God, will help you cope with troubles, poor dreams and bad luck.  
Prayer Kupriyan
Prayer Kupriyan
Prayer Kupriyan

There are a lot of ways to get rid of bad dreams, as well as impede their embodiment in life. Try to calm down as much as possible before going to bed, take a relaxation, most likely bad dreams will cease to dream of you.  

Video: Bad Dream


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  1. Preparing for sleep is needed, this is half the success. Ventify the room, change bedding in time. Nightsmares are usually worried if you are nervous. That is why it is necessary to drink the Evalarovsky magnesium helat, it increases stress resistance, and this is the most easily learned form of magnesium. The dream is very good.

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