First aid to the child for burns with fire, boiling water, chemicals

First aid to the child for burns with fire, boiling water, chemicals

Health depends on the correctness and speed of first aid for burns, and sometimes the life of the child.

Burning is called damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissue that occurred due to the action of temperature, chemical, radiation energy or electric current.

In children, they arise quite often, because curiosity and lack of a sense of fear pushing the kids to dangerous objects. According to statistics, every fifth children's injury is a burn.

Parents are obliged not only to protect their child’s life as much as possible, but also to understand how to help him if the trouble happened.


Degree of burns

All burns are divided by the severity and depth of the defeat into 4 groups:

  1. Burn 1 degree. The surface layer of the skin is damaged. Redness appears, swelling, a burning sensation occurs. For 3 - 4 days, the burn will pass by itself. The skin will be completely restored, there will be no traces.
  2. Burn 2 degrees. Deep damage to the epidermis. The formation of bubbles filled with liquid is characteristic. Watery formations in them can increase, therefore, after a while, new or the growth of old bubbles at the site of injury is possible. The skin is restored independently after 7 - 12 days. A new layer of bright pink epidermis appears at the place of burn. Then the skin acquires a normal color. There are no traces and scars.
  3. Burn 3 degrees. Deep damage to the skin and subcutaneous tissues. The damage is extremely painful, with the formation of large bubbles. The burnt area eventually loses its sensitivity to touch. Distinguish 3 (a) and 3 (b) burns. In the first case, the bubbles are filled with yellow jelly -like mass, and in the second - bloody liquid. 3 (a) burns heal after 15 - 20 days, after 1.5 - 2 months, natural pigmentation of the skin is restored. Healing 3 (b) burns occurs after 20-30 days, scars and scars remain at the place of damage.
  4. Burn 4 degrees. All subcutaneous tissues are damaged, the tendons, muscles and bones are dead. The surface is covered with black crust, insensitive to touch. Complete recovery after such burns is impossible. At the site of damage, scars and scars are formed.

Types of burns and methods of their prevention

Depending on the cause of the defeat, burns are divided into several types.

  • Thermal - arise as a result of contact with hot objects. In the role of a striking factor, boiling water, fire, hot metal, hot steam or air, hot viscous masses may turn out to be. This type of burns is the most common. Typically, children get such injuries due to the carelessness of parents.

Boy and teapot

Important: in order to minimize the risk of a thermal burn, adults need to take a rule to always remove potentially dangerous hot objects to places inaccessible to children.

  • Electric -They appear after sloppy handling of electrical appliances, wiring, as well as due to lightning. The general condition of the victim worsens the violation of the functions of internal organs, stop or difficulty breathing. If contact with the amazing factor was short, light fainting and dizziness are possible.


Important: in order to avoid the receipt of electric burns by children, it is impossible to allow them to play with household appliances, charging devices, switches and sockets.

  • Radiation burns - The consequence of a long stay on the scorching sun. Children's skin is very delicate, so the probability of obtaining a radial burn with a child is extremely high.

Tan cream

Important: you can reliably protect the baby from the negative effects of the Sun using a special antizagar cream.

  • Chemical - The result of contact with chemically active substances. In everyday life are not often found. The depth of these burns depends on the exposure and concentration of the chemical. If the chemical fluid was swallowed by the child, then poisoning is added to the burn. The formation of bubbles for such burns is not characteristic.

Important: you can not leave chemicals used for domestic needs in sight.

Burns in children

Important: burns in children have a number of features that both parents and medical personnel should take into account when the child is assisted.

  • The skin in children is delicate and thin, so the burns are deeper than in adults.
  • Children, facing defenseless before the amazing factor, usually receive strong burns.
  • Even with a slight surface of the lesion, a child can develop a burn shock.
  • In children, there is a high probability of post-burning complications that develop due to the immaturity of tissue structures.


Important: more than 50% of all children's burns require immediate qualified assistance.

First medical care for burns at home

Providing assistance to a child who received a burn depends on the type of lesion.

The first aid for thermal burns

  • quickly remove injury source
  • to free the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe skin from clothes, while the adhering fabric cannot be torn off to avoid further damage to the burn
  • cool the affected area with water or ice

Important: under water you can cool the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a burn of 1 and 2 degrees. Burns of the 3rd and 4th degrees cannot be processed.

  • give the child an anesthetic, reassure it
  • put a dry cotton cloth on the wound
  • if necessary, seek medical help

Important: you can not open the resulting bubbles, seal the damaged area of \u200b\u200bthe skin with a patch, independently lubricate the wound with something.

Thermal burns of the 1st degree are left without special processing, 2 degrees burns are treated with herbal ointments, panthenol or local antibiotics. Only a doctor can prescribe a tool for treating a burns in a child.

Doctor and Reb

The first aid of lesions of the child with electricity

and they need to receive burns:

  • urgently disconnect the source or pull the victim for clothes if the current is turned off. You can use plastic, rubber, wooden objects to free the child from the damaging factor

Important: you can’t touch the victim until the current is disconnected.

  • if the child is unconscious - check the pulse and breathing, if necessary, perform an indirect heart massage and artificial respiration
  • call an ambulance
  • free the wound from excess clothing, cover with dry clean cloth
  • give the child a warm drink and 10 drops of tincture of valerian

The first pre -medical assistance in receiving radiation burns in the sun

  • take the victim into the room or in the shadow
  • cover the burned areas of the skin with a light cotton cloth
  • give the child a lot of warm drinking
  • apply cool compresses and treat panthenol

Important: in the case of serious radiation burns, you must urgently consult a doctor

The first aid for chemical burns

  • determine and remove the damage source
  • remove clothes, especially if there are traces of a chemical that caused a burn
  • rinse the wound under cold running water
  • call an ambulance

Important: if the chemical burn is caused by sulfuric acid, lime or aluminum compounds to rinse the wound with water in any case, since a reaction with a large release of heat arises on the burned surface of the skin.

Treatment of burns with folk remedies

Recipe No. 1. Raw grated apples are laid out with a thick layer on the affected area. This helps relieve swelling and inflammation.

Recipe No. 2. 2st.L. Oak bark is boiled for 25 - 30 minutes in 0.5 l of water. The resulting broth is cooled and used for compresses.

Recipe No. 3. 1st.L. Aspen cows fill 2 tbsp. water and boil for 20 minutes over low heat. The cooled broth is taken inside 1 t.l. 3 times a day before meals, as well as compresses on the burned area of \u200b\u200bthe skin.

Recipe No. 4. Make compresses from cold brewing black tea. This helps relieve inflammation and relieve pain.

Recipe No. 5. Defect the location of the burn with a mixture of sour cream (2 ts.l.), lean oil (1 tbsp) and chicken yolk. Such compresses can be left at night.

Recipe No. 6. Healing of wounds from burns contributes to aloe. Its juice accelerates the regeneration of skin cells and relieves inflammation. The damaged place can be wiped with fresh juice or make applications from the cut sheet of aloe.

Aloe burn

Important: with the help of folk remedies, only burns of the first degree can be treated. Only a doctor treats the rest of the burns!

Funds for burns. Drugs for burns. How to smear a burn?

Medication treatment of burns should perform several functions simultaneously:

  • prevent the penetration of microbes
  • dry the wound
  • reduce inflammation
  • do not give a wound to dry out

The simplest and most affordable means are gels, ointments, creams and sprays. Ointments have proven themselves well Levomekol, Povidon-Yod, Rescuer, spray Panthenol, gels Appolo and Burns. When using gels, there is a faster purification of wounds from pus and other necrotic tissues, but it is recommended to use them only at the initial stages of treatment.

An expensive but very effective way to restore after serious burns is the use loskutov natural donor or polymer artificial leather. In the treatment of extensive burns, an additional intravenous administration of the drug is necessary.

Help for a child with burns: tips

Children's burns are easier to warn than to treat. But if a nuisance happened to the child, you need to seek medical help to the nearest clinic or call an ambulance as soon as possible.

Important: and to all responsible parents, just in case, it is better to replenish the children's first -aid kit with any anti -burn cream or gel.

Video: a child’s burn. What to do?


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Comments K. article

  1. My child is already an adult, a teenager, but nevertheless ... Burn with boiling water on the half of his hands. What is the best way to process the skin?

  2. Larisa, did you get burned strongly? Maybe the hospital is better? Or did they process something at home? In general, I always use panthenlsprey in such cases, helps well and heals everything quickly. They saw for sure in the pharmacy sold, a bottle of emoticon and the inscription "Produced in Europe."

  3. We also dealt with boiling water. Sadly and very painful. But I did not think for a long time - I washed with cold water and smeared a burn with a tirosur gel, in the instructions I read that it was not only from cuts and abrasions, but also from burns. So they were saved again once again.

  4. Elena, I agree with you, I myself take a pantenolsprey with a smile on a package, helps well with burns. There is also a Dexpanthenol, and he will remove inflammation and helps to heal faster to heal faster. There are other means with this name, but many of them are purely cosmetic, so you must take the original spray.

  5. It is allowed to direct a stream of cold water to the face only if the integrity of the skin is available. You can not apply sour cream or vegetable oil to the wound after a burn. It is forbidden to remove the remains of clothing or a gluttered object from the face after a burn, which stuck to the skin. This is allowed to do only a doctor, as too large pieces of skin can separate, and bleeding will occur. At home, there is a risk of infection in the contact of a wound with any objects. It is not recommended to process the wound on the face and apply a bandage without special skills and medical training for this. Without painkillers, this process will cause severe pain to the victim.

  6. Here about the pantenolsprey with smiley on the package, they wrote a good means, they also used it recently. The son burned his leg with tea, mapped the spray and everything went without complications. The composition of this spray is therapeutic, so I noticed that the smile was the inscription that the product was produced in Europe.

  7. hey

  8. Here about the pantenolsprey here they wrote, it helps to heal the skin. He treated their burns and his son. The main thing is to pay attention to the smiley, just the means began not only to take such a name, but they also make a packaging, but the composition is not therapeutic. I always look at the presence of an emoticon and that the inscription was. What is produced in Europe.

  9. Thank you very much for the article. I'll keep it on mind.

  10. I just have to agree with the girls about the processing of burns by Panthenolprey. She herself has already been burned more than once and processed this particular spray with an emoticon. The skin is restored in a few days of use of the spray, there is no trace of the burn. Of course I'm happy.

  11. My child burned so much horror just (((

  12. Diana, the main thing is to properly process a burn. For example, I put a pantenolsprey to the place of burn, if necessary, I apply a bandage. The foam is well absorbed, while the Dexpanthenol begins to restore the skin, the burn heals. They wrote above that it is necessary to buy this spray with the emoticon, so I confirm, since it is the healing.

  13. It will be necessary to try, then the means of which they write here.

  14. Regina, if you're talking about pantenolsprey, be sure to try it. By the way, I also process burns to their children. But it is true if you buy, be sure to pay attention to the emoticon and the sign is made in Europe so that they must be, because fakes without these distinctive signs are not treated.

  15. I think that the child will be difficult to process in general.

  16. Nina, well, it depends on what to process. For example, for example, for these cases, I keep a pantenolsprey with an emoticon and a sign made in Europe at home, so I put a spray on a burning child at the same time, I don’t touch the burn with the bottle, so it doesn’t hurt the child. Yes, and our burns with this tool heal great.

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