What to do if I found money, a wallet with money on the street, cards, documents: be sure to return? How to leave a wallet and money for yourself? Why sometimes do not raise someone else's wallet, money, documents?

What to do if I found money, a wallet with money on the street, cards, documents: be sure to return? How to leave a wallet and money for yourself? Why sometimes do not raise someone else's wallet, money, documents?

If I found money, a wallet - what to do with it? The law has an article that states that this is theft.

A person walks along the street and suddenly finds someone under his feet, a lost wallet-a quite ordinary phenomenon and a fairly common scenario. But how to do the right thing, being in a similar situation, is it possible to leave the find for yourself and what will be the consequences? About all this in detail in the article below.

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We will tell you, if you find a lost wallet without money, cards and documents, whether it can be used and what article is in the law for this situation. Read further.

Is it necessary to return the found wallet?

Found wallet
Found wallet

The very first question capable of arising in the head of a person who has found someone's wallet: is it necessary to return the find-the found wallet found or can you leave it to yourself? People are often frivolous about lost things: "Someone loses, but someone finds it." Thanks to this thinking, the assignment of someone else's thing becomes easier, even if the true owner of the lost is known. However, the Civil Code warns against such actions:

  • A person who found a lost object should take care of notification of the real owner of the find and return to him this thing.

To search for the owner of the found thing, you need to make maximum efforts. However, this is not the last duty that falls on the head of a person who has found a lost wallet. He is also obliged:

  • Carefully store the find. In case of damage to the subject, it will have to be compensated by the true owner of its value.

As we see, an unexpected find is able to deliver a lot of trouble. Therefore, any person who has found a wallet on the street must once again think about whether it is worth holding a discovered thing at home or is it better to return it to the true owner as soon as possible.

What will happen if you appropriate the found wallet, cards and money: what article?

Another significant factor capable of recapturing a person’s desire to assign someone else's thing is a fear of criminal punishment. We will figure out what article you can get for the assignment of a wallet, cards, money.

In fact, the find is not a criminal offense. Therefore, punishment in the form of an article for a person who left someone’s wallet is not provided. In such a situation, the lost thing that found the lost thing will be asked to return the find to the real owner, with all its contents. However, there are nuances. Eg:

  • There is a big difference between a lost and simply left thing.
  • In the first situation, a person has no idea about finding his thing, in the second case he knows exactly this.
  • Accordingly, the appropriation of a thing, the whereabouts of which is obviously known to its owner, will already be considered a theft, and this is a criminal crime, especially if the owner can be identified. So approves the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation.

It is worth knowing: The wallet is lost or simply left by the person who is already going to pick it up, it is not easy. However, it is still not worth risking. Moreover, to find the one who took the thing quite easily, thanks to the cameras.

What to do with someone else's wallet?

Alien wallet
Alien wallet

So, now we know that to appropriate the found wallet for ourselves is wrong and not always legal. Then a logical question arises, what to do in such a situation and what to do with an unexpected find - someone else's wallet? We’ll figure it out further.

First of all, you can try to find the owner of the wallet on your own. Very often in a purse you can find cards with the name and name of the owner or other contact information. Maps should pay special attention. Having found them in a lost wallet, you can do two things:

  1. Contact the bank using a number written on the map. In this case, the bank employees will block the card and contact its owner.
  2. You can replenish the card account with a small amount, leaving a comment with your contact data.

There is another way to find the owner of a lost wallet - these are social networks. However, this method will be relevant only if the search object has a rare name and surname.

In the event that the wallet was found in transport or some room, it must be transferred to one of the representatives of this object. Simply put, having found a thing on the bus, it needs to be transferred to the driver, in the supermarket to the seller. Thus, not only fulfill your civic duty, but transfer responsibility for the find to another person. The wallet found will no longer be your headache. Although it is also not worth being absolutely confident that the person who was handed over to the wallet will not be appropriated.

It remains to add that it is not always possible to find the owner of a lost thing quickly, and finds are often found on the street and the most correct solution in a similar situation is to contact the police.

How to leave a wallet and money for yourself?

Any person who found a wallet on the street may have a thought in his head about leaving the find for himself. A logical question arises, is it possible to do this in a legal way?

  • According to the law, the police have only six months to find the owner of a lost thing.
  • In the event that the owner of the wallet was not found in the specified period of time, the find can be transmitted to the one who discovered it.

In order to be able to get the wallet found after the expiration of the search for its real owner, it is necessary to apply for a statement by the police, and receive a special ticket from them. The application must be indicated in the application:

  • Time
  • date
  • Place of detection of the wallet
  • The circumstances in which this happened

In addition, you need to write about the desire to become a new owner of the find if the real owner is never found. If all of the above actions are performed correctly, then after six months a person who found a wallet will be able to take it to himself, under well -known circumstances. Throughout six months of searching, a purse can be kept at your place. However, we must take into account the fact that the keeper of the thing takes full responsibility for its safety. And if the owner is found, the wallet will need to be returned whole and unharmed.

It is worth clarifying that the ability to dispose of the contents of the wallet after six months does not apply to bank cards. You can’t assign them to yourself anyway.

Why sometimes do not raise someone else's wallet, money, documents?

Do not raise someone else's wallet, money, documents
Do not raise someone else's wallet, money, documents

There are such situations when when you see a lying wallet on the street, it is better to pass by and in no case take it. Why sometimes do not raise someone else's wallet, money, documents? There can be many reasons for this. Consider the most frequent and dangerous.

  • The owner of the wallet can be dishonest

Even if the owner of the wallet really lost it, he can subsequently deceive the police, in order to enrich himself and blame the one who found a wallet of theft. It will be difficult to prove the opposite.

  • The risk of being suspected of theft

Very often with a loss of wallet, people immediately go to the police and declare the theft. Having accepted the application, the police will take up the search for the thief. In this case, the one who finds the wallet will become a suspect. The situation will aggravate if you select a thing on the street not to declare this to the police during or not to do it at all.

  • Fraudsters

Quite often, allegedly lost wallets, in fact turn out to be a weapon of scammers.

The action of crook schemes using wallets looks approximately as follows:

  1. A passerby raises a wallet.
  2. A person who depicting a witness appears, says that he saw everything and offers to share money.
  3. Next, the “real” master of the wallet appears, takes his property and declares that there is not all the money there, after which he begins to intimidate the victim by the police, forcing a naive person to return the missing amount.

Troubles are added to such situations that the extorted amount of money is limited only to the greed of scammers and can be truly large. Agree, this is a significant reason not to raise the wallet found.

What is definitely not worth it if you find a wallet with money and cards?

Now we know how to behave and what to do when you see Portmon on the street. But what is definitely not worth it if you find a wallet with money and cards? The warnings are not worth it:

  • Assign yourself bank cards and try to dispose of them.

The owner of plastic cards is always known - this is a bank. And the money available on the account cannot be considered lost at all. Therefore, any attempt to use someone else's card or at least withdraw money from it will be considered a crime. It is easy to identify and find a person who used the plastic card thanks to the large number of cameras that are equipped with ATMs, and in online operations, personal data is required.

  • Use the found cash, without making sure of their authenticity.

Using fake money, you can be in the police. However, the waste of other people's money is considered illegal in any case, regardless of whether they are real or false. Therefore, you do not need to do this - never.

If you find a lost wallet without money, cards and documents, can it be used?

Lost wallet without money
Lost wallet without money

Another interesting question that is worth making out - is it possible to use the empty wallet found, without money, cards and documents? On the one hand, it may seem that there is nothing wrong with this, because the usual lost wallet is unlikely to have great value, unless of course it is decorated with precious stones. On the other hand, such a find can bring to the one who will raise it, even more troubles than a wallet full of money. There are several reasons for this:

  • Initially, it was not empty

It is possible that in the lost wallet there was money that someone who found it before. In this situation, a person who took the wallet will be almost impossible to prove that he was empty, especially when communicating with the police. As a result, a harmless, at first glance, find, can lead to financial expenses, since it will be necessary to pay the shortest amount to the real owner.

  • Trap of scammers

Raising an empty wallet, a person can fall on the bait of scammers who will begin to threaten him with the police and demand to return the amount that in fact never existed.

As we see, an empty wallet is not such a harmless find as it might seem at first glance. Therefore, it is worth considering once again, before taking such an object.

Found a wallet, wallet, they say - there was money in it: what to do?

Imagine this situation, a person finds an empty wallet, a wallet on the street, and takes it to himself. However, after some time, the police finds it and the real owner of the find appears, who claims that there was money in the wallet. What to do if the owner of the thing says so? Adviсe:

  • The most important thing in such a situation is to insist on your innocence to the last, even if the prosecutor threatens to write a statement. It must be remembered that the law is always on the side of the innocent.
  • In the event that the prosecutor nevertheless writes the application, then you can do the same in response, accusing the offender of slander.

A false denunciation or slander is a false statement to an official who may initiate criminal cases of committing or preparing a crime. False accusations are strictly punished by law if the prosecutor does not have evidence of the guilt of the person to whom he writes a statement. In addition, there are many circumstances and factors that can become burdened for a crime, for example: falsified or created by artificially evidence, a selfish motive and the like.

In conclusion, it remains to add that it is impossible to predict and anticipate all the troubles that a person who has found someone on the street of a wallet. Regardless of whether the found wallet found with money or empty, its real owner may well be selfish and unclean on his hand. Therefore, the best way to avoid troubles, faced with such a find, is to hand over it to the police as quickly as possible or not to raise it at all, just passing by.

Video: If you found someone else's wallet

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