Is the temperature possible after the mantu in the child and the adult? What to do if the child has a temperature after the mantoux? How much does the temperature usually last after the mantu in children? Is it possible to get sick from Mantoux vaccination? What will happen if you make a mantle at a temperature?

Is the temperature possible after the mantu in the child and the adult? What to do if the child has a temperature after the mantoux? How much does the temperature usually last after the mantu in children? Is it possible to get sick from Mantoux vaccination? What will happen if you make a mantle at a temperature?

An increase in body temperature in babies after a mantle often occurs. There may be many reasons for this. Further more about this issue.

To determine the tuberculosis infection, children use Mantoux test. It is made to kids and adolescents until the age of seventeen. The active substance of this drug is tuberculoprotein (allergen). It is it that contributes to the detection of patients who have an infection in the body or vaccinated. Mantoux is made intake. Thanks to the reaction to the injected allergen in the early stages, local, initial forms of serious illness are detected - tuberculosis.

Is the temperature possible after the mantu in the child and the adult, is it dangerous?

If the injection of the Mantoux is properly made in compliance with all the established norms, then the adverse reactions of the patient’s body to its effect are extremely rare. As a rule: there are no symptoms in the form of an increase in body temperature. Only in rare cases can such phenomena manifest. This is due to individual intolerance to the components that are part of the Mantoux. And there are other causes of complications.

Mantoux - temperature rises
Mantoux - temperature rises

Reasons for increasing temperature in children:

  • The baby’s immune system is broken. Unfortunately, the child in our time is often exposed to harmful factors on the body, as a result, allergies occur.
  • Frequent ignoring the regime of the day, sleep, improper nutrition leads to the decline of the vitality of the body.
  • Diseases that do not pass for a long time due to the above factors also lead to an increase in temperature and other complications after the Mantoux test.
  • Small physical activity, teeth growth in babies negatively affect the health of children and exacerbate the effect of the vaccine in the negative direction.
  • The low quality of the drug and when the shelf life of Mantoux is on the verge of expiration, causes an increase in temperature and other undesirable symptoms.

IMPORTANT: Mantoux reaction causes allergies due to the influence of one component-phenol. Because it is he who is an irritant.

Is it possible to get sick from Mantoux vaccination?

Most often, children with colds and allergic diseases get sick from the drug. When the medical staff is vaccinated by parents should always be attentive to their kids. You can not do mantle to children with only what are transferred diseases. You risk getting sick again. And recovery will occur for a long time due to complications.

With allergies to the drug, it is better not to make a mantu at all, but to use another vaccine - sample Diaskintest. It has a slightly different composition. Therefore, the drug has fewer stimuli, in addition, it acts more precisely.

The temperature after the mantu
The temperature after the mantu

How much does the temperature usually last after the manti in children and what to do with it?

Injections are mainly done at school age, and the reaction to the sample is most often manifested in young children. An increase in temperature manifests itself in an hour or two after the Mantoux. If the temperature is up to 38 degrees without other symptoms, then it is already normalizing for three days And without outside intervention.

In addition to the fact that after the mantu, the temperature may increase, many children appear in children unpleasant sensations, among them can be:

  • dizziness, nausea
  • sharp reeds in the most part
  • causeless vomiting, extensive rashes on the skin
  • reducing pressure, as a result - drowsiness, weakness.

In case of violations of the child’s immune system, parents have the right to write a refusal of the mantu. After all, microorganisms of the drug can even more harm the already weak health of the baby.

What is the danger of Mantoux vaccination?
What is the danger of Mantoux vaccination?

Also, due to the development of some other infection in the child’s body, there may be complications after the mantu test. Then an increase in temperature is not an allergy, not the effect of phenol on the student’s body.

In this case, you should go to the pediatrician so that he assesses the patient's condition and prescribes the correct treatment. And such consequences often arise the next day after the injection.

IMPORTANT: After you made a mantu test, try to make sure that your child does not wet the place where there was an injection. You can get the wrong verification result.

What to do if, after a mantoux, a child or adult has risen high temperature?

Medical workers conducting planned vaccinations must perform a number of measures before making them. Parents, in turn, are wary of such events. Still, there are many cases when the child became ill after the mantle of colds. And some mothers and dads completely abandon them and other methods, despite the fact that tuberculosis is common in our time. And the health control of children is simply necessary.

Mantoux test
Mantoux test

IMPORTANT: If you do not want to do a mantle, then you need to do a blood test or x -ray - once a year. These methods have their drawbacks, but they are able to detect tuberculosis when it lends itself well to treatment.

Mantoux test - how can you replace?
Mantoux test - how can you replace?

If the following states of the child are detected after the Mantoux test, then call an ambulance without fail.

  1. If the child has sharply increased temperature (more than 38.5 degrees) and no methods allow it to be shot down.
  2. In the case when the papule has become indecently large, redness, suppuration are observed. And any movements of the hand cause pain.
  3. Call the doctor if the child has vomiting reflex, weakness, nausea, convulsive states, muscles, diarrhea, loss of consciousness, and even more nonsense.
  4. If irritation has gone on the skin, swelling, heavy breathing, then you need a doctor and does not hurt to take antihistamines.

Do I need to measure the temperature before vaccination of the mantu?

Before you make samples, the pediatrician must examine the child without fail. And it is necessary to measure the temperature, since at an elevated temperature they do not make a mantle. In addition, the doctor must examine the throat, listen to the lungs. Only after establishing that the patient is completely healthy, you can go as a procedural, and make a mantle reaction. Another doctor is obliged to make an entry on the hospital card on the examination of the baby.


Parents must prepare their child in advance for this sample. Especially if the child suffers from allergies.

  1. Limit the consumption of products that can cause allergenic reactions (chocolate, honey, strawberries, nuts, citrus fruits).
  2. Do not give the children new products that the baby never tried (cakes, citro, ice cream, chewing gum, fast food).
  3. Before vaccination, go to your doctor, if the child has a tendency to allergies, you will have to take antihistamines.
  4. On the day of injection, make a control measurement of the body of the baby’s body at home.
  5. Refuse the Mantoux test if your children have undergone an infectious disease in recently. And after a month after the illness, make an injection. Otherwise, there may be complications after the sample and the result will not correspond to reality.
  6. Antihistamines (suprastin, phoenistil, zyrtek) are taken three days before Mantoux injections.

What will happen if you make a mantle at a temperature?

To make a mantle test when the patient has a temperature is prohibited. Because the result of the injection will be false and there may be various unpleasant consequences.

To prevent this, parents should pay more attention to their children. Do not let your child with SARS, flu to school. If the baby is sick, visit a doctor and undergo a course of treatment. No need to leave all the Nasamatek because of employment. After all, the health of the child should always be in the first place.

Is it possible to make a manti at a temperature?
Is it possible to make a manti at a temperature?

The temperature after the mantu in the child: Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. We had a temperature, but its pediatricians did not connect with vaccination. And they said that you just need to start strengthening the child’s immunity so that it does not pick up any infection, since the season contributes. They began to give on their advice the vitamins of Immuno, they are based on natural juices, so the benefits, of course, are invaluable. But so do not forget about simple preventive measures in the form of hardening and frequent walks. This is all very effective in fact.

  2. They came across such a problem ... Here it really becomes obvious that the matter is in poor immunity. When we began to strengthen it with vitamins, we said goodbye to such reactions. Mishka Evalar Immunity helped, of course. They are the best in my opinion. The composition and quality are higher than the analogues will have. Vitamins-bases are all the same. You cannot do without them.

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