How to feed the seedlings of Petunia, flowering petunia - folk remedies, fertilizers, vitamin B12: Tips of gardeners

How to feed the seedlings of Petunia, flowering petunia - folk remedies, fertilizers, vitamin B12: Tips of gardeners

If you are engaged in the cultivation of flowers, you should know the main stages of care for them. Top dressing is an important procedure.

The use of fertilizers allows you to grow beautiful and healthy flowers that will delight the gardener. From this article you will learn how to feed Petunia correctly.

How to feed the seedlings of Petunia after the appearance of seedlings, before and after diving: tips of gardeners

  • Until a diving procedure has been carried out, petunia does not need top dressing. All necessary nutrients are already in the ground and seeds. After all, planting plants should be carried out in soil intended for flowers. But, some gardeners are convinced that a month after the appearance of seedlings, a small amount needs to be made phosphorus fertilizers. They will strengthen the formation and growth of the root system.
  • Petunia top dressing are very important after diving. This process is very important, and is a stress for the plant. Therefore, during this period it is necessary to add phosphorus fertilizers that will relieve stress and improve the development of the roots. When the root system is formed, you can make nitrogen and potassium fertilizers. Ideal phosphorus fertilizer - superphosphate. To prepare the solution correctly, read the instructions for the drug.
  • After diving, when the seedlings are rooted in a new container, start the next top dressing. It must be carried out when several pairs of leaves on the plant appear. This is done literally 1-2 weeks after diving. This time you can use potassium and nitrogen fertilizersbought in a specialized store.

How to feed Petunia during the transplant, after imposing in the ground: Councils of gardeners

  • When planting, it is not required to make fertilizers, because all the necessary substances are contained in the soil used to plant a plant. Petunia needs to be fed a few weeks after landing to a permanent place. It is better to use nitrogen fertilizers, because they help to increase the sheet mass. Perfect option - urea or ammonia nitrate.
  • The first shoots appear 10-14 days after planting. Before introducing fertilizers, you need to loosen the soil so that substances better penetrate the root system. It is better to use a complex of mineral fertilizers. Experienced gardeners recommend using "Plantafol", "master" or "ideal". You can also use “Karbamid”, “Biogumus” and “Aquarine”.

How to feed flowering petunia for abundant flowering?

Each gardener dreams of growing a beautiful plant that will delight with large -scale flowering. Fertilizers need to be applied with an interval of 1-2 days, alternating fertilizers with irrigation.

To nourish the plant, you can use the following solutions:

  • Mullein. 1 kg per 10 l of water is enough.
  • Complex fertilizer, which is sold in specialized stores. When creating the solution, the recommendations described in the instructions should be taken into account.

Petunia feeding scheme:

  1. Plant watering is carried out warm water. Watering is carried out in the evening so that burns on the leaves do not form under the influence of direct sunlight.
  2. If you use fertilizers that contain organic substances, then it is better to make them under the root.
  3. Mineral fertilizers are carried out spraying leaves.

How to feed Petunia in August, autumn?

  • In August and autumn, fertilizers aimed at enhanced flowering of the plant. Gardeners are recommended to use urea. Fertilizer introduction - 2 times a month.
  • You can also use monophosphate. It is introduced no more than 1 time in 5 days. You can also use a potassium nitrate or "Fertikplus." These substances need to be alternated with monophosphate.

How to feed Petunia with folk remedies?

  • If you do not want to spend money and buy substances in gardeners, you can use folk remedies. The ideal option for feeding Petunia - ash. Its action is aimed at accelerating growth, good flowering and prevention of diseases.
  • Before use, you need to prepare solution (100 g of ash per 5 l of water). Pour the solution under the root part so that the components penetrate better into the plant.
  • To accelerate the growth of petunia, it is used chicken droppings. It should not be used in its pure form, because burns on the plant may appear. Pre -prepare a solution using clean water. Pour the prepared fertilizer under the root. Some gardeners use nettle solution. It stimulates the growth of the plant.

Is it possible to feed Petunia with yeast, ash, mullein?

  • Many gardeners are wondering if it is possible to use yeast, ash and mullein, When growing petunia. As mentioned above, ash is ideal for feeding Petunia. It contains a lot potassium and phosphoruswhich improve the growth and flowering of culture.
  • If you regularly use the ash for fertilizing petunia, then the plant will be beautifully bloomed before the first frost.
Top dressing
Top dressing

When using yeast, adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Prepare the correct solution. Mix 100 g of living yeast and 10 g of dry in 10 liters of warm water. Add 2 tsp to the solution. sugar, and let him brew for 2 days in a warm room.
  2. The prepared solution must be diluted with water (1 liter of the solution per 5 l of water). Pour it under the root. For each bush, you need to pour at least 500 ml of liquid.
  3. Repeat the top dressing with an interval of 2 weeks.

If you use yeast, you should know that they provoke the loss of potassium and phosphorus from the soil. Therefore, after such fertilizers, a solution of ash (300 g of ash per 10 l of water) should be used. You can add a little soap to the solution so that it lasts longer in the soil.

  • Some gardeners believe that a mullein is needed for flowering and growth of petunia. A nutrient solution is prepared from it.
  • Combine 1 kg of mullein and 10 liters of water. Leave the solution in a warm place for 7 days so that it is better to infuse. After you need to add 5 g of manganese and 5 g of copper sulfate.
  • Mix everything thoroughly, and pour 500 ml of solution under each bush.

How to feed Petunia with vitamin B12?

  • It is recommended to feed Petunia bushes with vitamin B12. It is necessary to stimulate metabolism and increased plant growth. Tiamin also participates in the formation of chlorophyll, which gives the leaves a rich green color. The composition of vitamin contains cobaltwhich saturates the plant with oxygen.
  • Vitamin B12 must be applied in the form of a solution. Dilute 1 vitamin in 300 ml of warm water. To feed a small plant, it is necessary to pour a solution under the root. Adult plants are enough to spray. Fertening with vitamin B12 is entered with an interval of 10 days.

Effective fertilizers for feeding petunia

Now the market has a huge number of drugs that are suitable for feeding Petunia. You yourself can choose a type of fertilizer: in capsules, ampoules or in powder. All of them should be divorced in clean water. Therefore, you need to carefully read the instructions so as not to harm plants.

The most popular fertilizers for Petunia:

  • "Uniflor Flower". The drug includes many trace elements, in particular magnesium and sulfur. These substances are growth stimulants.
  • "Crystalon yellow." The drug is nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, boron, iron, magnesium and copper. It is effective for strengthening the roots.
  • "Green Guy Aqua." The composition contains magnesium, iron, amber acid and all vitamins necessary for plants. The drug helps to accelerate growth, enhance buds and give the leaves a more saturated shade.
  • "Master Agro." Contains all the necessary trace elements. The drug gives the leaves a rich green shade, protects plants from diseases, and stimulates prolonged flowering.
  • "Planetofol" It is necessary for the formation of leaves.
  • "Agreecol". Improves growth, gives a rich shade with leaves, and enhances budding.
A drug
A drug

Is it possible to feed Petunia with urea, ammonia, calcium nitrate?

  • When Petunia only begins to increase the green mass, it is necessary to use urea or ammonia nitrate. To prepare a solution of urea, you need to dilute 10 g of the component in 10 liters of water.
  • If you decide to use ammonium nitrate, then it is enough to dilute the 10 main ingredient in 5 liters of water. Fertilizer must be applied to the root.
  • To make nitrogen better, it is necessary to use calcium nitrate. It positively affects the body's immune system, and also accelerates photosynthesis. For the preparation of the solution, it will take 1 tsp. Substances for 1 liter of pure water.
Regularity is very important
Regularity is very important

Is it possible to feed Petunia iodine, iron, magnesium sulfate?

  • Many gardeners are wondering if iodine, iron and magnesium sulfate can be used to feed petunia. In the case of iodine, it should only be applied in a complex of fertilizers. You can not make a substance in its pure form, because burns will appear on the plant, and the flower may die.
  • Try to purchase a set of fertilizers, which include iodine. It helps to strengthen the splendor of the plant, and make the color of the leaves more saturated.
  • If in the soil not enough iron, The leaves begin to turn yellow. Feeding the situation with the use of iron helat will help to fix the situation. This substance is contained in the drug Ferovit. It is necessary to introduce iron no more than 1 time in 10 days. To prepare a solution that should be sprayed with a green mass, you need to use 5 g per 10 l of water.
Nutrition disadvantage
Nutrition disadvantage
  • For spraying, use a spray gun with small compartments. It is impossible for the leaves to be visible drops, because this will lead to burns. You can use a wide spectrum fertilizer, because they contain magnesium sulfate. This component is necessary for the prevention of diseases.

Can you feed the seedlings of Petunia Cornevin?

  • A very effective means for feeding Petunia is Kornevin. This is a growth stimulator that is aimed at improving plant development.
  • If you cannot find "Kornevin", replace it with analogues. Such drugs include “The root is super” and “Cornerost”.

Petunia is growing badly, the seedlings are weak: what to feed?

Often, gardeners are faced with such a problem when plants grow poorly, grow weak. It does not depend on the quality of care. You can follow all the recommendations for growing petunia, but it will still be poorly growing.

  • In this case, you need to use vitamins B1, B6 and B12.
  • To prepare the solution, use 1 ampoule of each vitamin and 250 ml of pure warm water. If the plants are very small, then the solution must be administered using syringe. If you need to feed adult petunia, use spray. The procedure must be carried out with an interval of 10 days.

Petunia's seedlings are pale: how to feed?

  • If the leaves of the plant is enough pale, then, Petunia suffers from chlorosis. This disease occurs when the plants are not enough iron, manganese or nitrogen. To get rid of the problem, feed the plant with Kemira. To prepare the correct solution, read the instructions carefully.
Pale leaves
Pale leaves
  • If this method has not helped, you can use the folk remedy. Dilute in 10 liters of water 1 tbsp. l. citric acid. Plant plants with a prepared solution. Just a few days later, you will notice that the color of the leaves has become much brighter.

The leaves of Petunia turn yellow than to feed?

There are several reasons why Petunia's leaves turn yellow:

  • Incorrect watering.
  • The presence of diseases and pests. The most common disease is powder. The yellowness of the leaves provokes chlorosis, which occurs due to frequent top dressing and improper watering. From pests, yellowing of leaves provokes spider mite. Soap solution will help to fight it.
  • If you notice that the leaves of Petunia began to turn yellow, get the drug "Ferovit". Top dressing should be carried out 3 times, with an interval of 2 days. A week later, you will notice that the situation has changed for the better.
Yellow leaves
Yellow leaves

How to feed the seedlings of Petunia so that there are thick ones?

  • If the stem of seedlings is thin, then in the substrate there is not enough nutrients. To make seedlings more thick, it is necessary to use fertilizers. Mix 2 g nitrogen, 2 g of phosphorus and 4 g of potassium. Dilute them in 2 l of clean and warm water. Pour 2 tbsp under each bush. l. prepared fertilizer.
  • After 14-15 days you need to spend Repeated feeding of Petunia. But, this time, the number of mineral fertilizers should be increased. Also add 2 g of magnesium to them.

To make the seedlings of Petunia thick, you can prepare another effective solution:

  • 6 g of Azophosics;
  • 3 g of superphosphate;
  • 1 g of potassium sulfate.

The components need to be diluted in 10 liters of pure water, and poured with a prepared solution of plant. The procedure is carried out with an interval of 2-3 days.

How to feed Petunia in pots?

  • If you grow petunia in pots, then the top dressing procedure is the same as in the case of planting in open ground. But, in addition, you can use nitrogen fertilizer - nitroammophoska.
  • You can also use complex fertilizers that are sold in specialized stores. The interval for introducing useful substances into the soil is 10 days.
In pots
In pots

As you can see, it is not difficult to feed Petunia. If you use the recommendations described in this article, you can grow a beautiful and healthy plant. How beautiful Petunia will be on your effort.

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Video: top dressing for lush flowering

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