What is the difference between professional shampoos and usual: which composition, which shampoo to use?

What is the difference between professional shampoos and usual: which composition, which shampoo to use?

What is the difference between professional shampoos and simple ones that are used at home? It is described in detail in the article.

The main task of the hair shampoo is their purification. Publicly accessible such funds, as a rule, have a minimum number of different active additives and therefore do not have little effect on improving hair health, but it is more difficult to harm themselves with such means.

Read on our website another article on the topic: "How to cure oily hair?". You will find the tips of the trichologist for treatment and care, as well as an overview of shampoos for caring for oily hair, special products for the treatment of oily hair, folk recipes for oily hair.

Professional shampoos are designed to use them a specialist who can assess the condition of the client’s hair and skin and choose the right tool. More information about how ordinary shampoos differ from professional are described in the article below. Read further.

What is the composition of professional shampoo?

The composition of professional shampoo
The composition of professional shampoo

In composition, ordinary and professional shampoos are characterized by the concentration of various additives. But the composition of all such tools always includes the following components:

  • Water - The main component of any shampoo. In domestic agents, the percentage of water is approximately 80%, while in professional about 60%.
  • PAVA (surface-active substances) - It is necessary to clean the pollution. They are present either combined or separately sulfate, unysulfate and medium PAVA. Professional shampoos often contain simultaneously sulfate and average similar additives.
  • Buffer agents - acids regulating the pH. Its specialization depends on the pH of shampoo (for dyed hair, for cleansing, etc.).
  • Thickeners - Dostiarat, wax and other thickeners, they are necessary for the shampoo to be thick and viscous.
  • Silicon - Silicone oils soften the washing process and form a protective film on the surface of the hair from environmental exposure. In professional shampoos, the silicone content is small, because it is assumed that after their use in the cabin, additional funds (masks, balms, etc.) will be used in the cabin. In domestic agents, the content of silicone is much higher, since it is taken into account that not everyone uses additional funds.
  • Courting components - Vitamins, proteins, oils. The purpose of the shampoo also depends on their content. In professional means, the content of these components is greater than in household.
  • Perfumery - Various additives that give the tool the smell.
  • Air conditioner - hydrated fat alcohols that create an additional protective film on the hair.
  • Conserviers and dyes - Methylparaben, propylparaben.
  • Other components - Various antibacterial components that chelates agents that improve the process of washing the hair and their condition.

Despite the same basic composition, the main difference between professional shampoos and usual ones is their higher concentration and the presence of a higher surfactant. Due to this feature, professional shampoos are often used in salons and hairdressers to reduce the likelihood of harming hair with independent use.

Is it possible to use a professional shampoo at home?

It is not prohibited to use professional shampoos at home. They do not contain aggressive components, but such funds are very concentrated. Before using shampoo, it is worth studying the instructions - it is prescribed recommendations on the frequency of use of purchased cosmetics.

  • As a rule, such shampoos are not recommended to be used more than 1 time per week.
  • But there are options for such tools that can be used 2-3 times a week.

Therefore, the use of a professional tool should alternate with domestic if there is a need for frequent hair washing at home.

What is the difference between professional shampoo and ordinary household?

Professional shampoo from ordinary household is characterized
Professional shampoo from ordinary household is characterized

Professional shampoos and ordinary household shampoos are characterized by a composition that allows you to use them for different situations. For example:

  • Professional shampoos can be intended for certain types of hair, their condition, dyeing and other factors.
  • Ordinary household such funds are also divided depending on the type and condition of the hair, but the content of active various components in their composition, allowing to maintain the color of dyed hair or restore them, is much less.
  • Therefore, after the use of professional shampoo, the condition of the hair improves significantly, and the difference is visible to the naked eye.

An important factor that distinguishes professional shampoo from the usual one is its cost. Prices can vary several times compared to conventional shampoos, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to buy them in an ordinary store. The order of such funds often occurs through hairdressers and salons, or through specialized outlets.

  • Another difference between professional cosmetics is that it is not produced in the 2V1 format.
  • Of course, these shampoos contains slightly conditioning substances, but not as many as to be used as a full air conditioning.

Thus, professional shampoos are easy to distinguish by their price and composition and it is difficult to find in a regular store. But their use will significantly improve the quality of the hair in a short time.

Hair care in the summer: Tips of professionals, what shampoo to use?

Due to the fact that professional cosmetics are very powerful and effective, for its choice it is worth consulting with professionals. In the summer, when the hair is subject to dehydration and ultraviolet radiation, it is especially important to take care of them. What shampoo to use?

  • First of all, high -quality purification is necessary, then nutrition and protection.
  • Ordinary shampoos are able to cope well only with the first task.
  • Next will help various masks and oils.
  • It is worth knowing that professional shampoos form a protective film on the surface of the hair that protects against environmental and dehydration.

Experts advise when caring for hair in the summer, it is rare to use professional cosmetics, so as not to accidentally harm the hair. And in the case of a deterioration in their quality, seek a consultation with a hairdresser. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to both ordinary hair purification and professional.

Currently, there are a large number of different types of shampoos, the easiest way to find household products available to any person, but not always improving the appearance and quality of hair. Professional tools are more rare and less accessible, but their use in the shortest possible time improves the appearance and condition of the hair. The choice of shampoo depends on what result you need to get on its use and many other factors.

Video: Hair shampoo, which one to choose? Harmes of shampoos. How often to wash your hair with shampoo?

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Comments K. article

  1. I like the chorus shampoo for dyed hair with collagen, lanolin, biotin and arginine, rinses the hair and scalp well, at the same time helps to solve the problem of thinning of the hair, helps to strengthen and restore them

  2. Shampoo needs to be selected depending on the type of hair and the presence of problems. For example, from oily dandruff, trichologists recommend Naftaderm shampoo. This is an effective pharmacy that affects its composition - it contains Naphthalan oil.

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