What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist: comparison. What is an adult and a child’s dentist, dentist, therapist, surgeon, orthodontist, orthopedist, dentist: differences. Who is better: a dentist or a dental doctor?

What is the difference between a dentist and a dentist: comparison. What is an adult and a child’s dentist, dentist, therapist, surgeon, orthodontist, orthopedist, dentist: differences. Who is better: a dentist or a dental doctor?

The difference between a dentist and a dentist and a dentist.

The toothache arose makes it immediately run to the doctor. If the problem is solved, and the pain does not bother, no questions arise. But if the pain does not subside and a visit to the doctor does not give results, the question arises: did he see the doctor?

This is where it turns out that it would not hurt to know: is there an alternative to a dentist and, in general, what doctors should treat the existing disease? Without waiting for a critical situation, we will figure out the specifics of the work of doctors who practice the therapy of dental pathology.

What is an adult and a child’s dentist, dentist, therapist, surgeon, orthodontist, orthopedist, dentist: comparisons and differences between them

Get a specialty of a dentist, you can graduate from a medical college. This certified specialist is able to treat teeth. But has no right:

  • Treat pulpites
  • Correct the bite
  • Carry out multifaceted prosthetics
  • Conduct anesthesia

Some dentists, due to the circumstances, in the absence of the required specialists, will have the duties of the dentist.

The main sign of the difference between these two doctors is the degree of education. The dentist is given a higher level of knowledge. In the learning process, there is an opportunity for him to obtain advanced practice and high competence. This gives a ready -made specialist with wider powers. But for this he needs to unlearn 5 years and pass the residency for 2 years. After graduating from a higher educational institution, former students are assigned a certified status of a general dentist.

Then they need to decide on the choice of a narrow specialization of the dentist:

  • Therapist. It is engaged in the treatment of disturbing the patient problems, filling. This therapy is allowed to deal with a dentist. Both of them can determine the cause, do a jaw examination, give advice on caring for it. Dentical ailments cannot do the dentist, this is a difficult problem for him. Low qualification does not allow him to treat deep caries, gum disease, destroyed teeth, inflamed pulp. These problems are available for a dentist-therapist.
  • Orthopedist. It is engaged in prosthetics of tooth jaw. It restores a disturbed chewing process due to the lack of teeth, leads to aesthetic appearance the jaw cavity. Before the orthopedist begins his work, the patient needs to heal all the dental injuries from the therapist. From here their difference follows: one is engaged in treatment, the other with proxing.
  • Surgeon. A tooth that is not subject to therapy must be removed. This operation is carried out by a dentist surgeon. It helps to give the correct form a distorted bite, provides assistance in the injury of the jaw, joints, carries out preparatory work of the oral cavity to establish implant or is engaged in implanting it. All these complex functions can only be performed by a specialist with a direction-surgery. Without such qualifications, a dentist cannot engage in this activity.
  • Orthodontist. Corrects the pathology of the structure of the jaw: a curvature of the teeth, the incorrect formation of the dentition and separately standing teeth, reduces the gap between them. It is he who sets braces. Without receiving this specialization, another doctor cannot do such painstaking work.
  • Children's dentist. In children, the structure of the jaw is not the same as in adults - this requires a special approach in their treatment. In addition, when forming milk teeth, it is important to monitor their proper growth and health, because the quality of future permanent teeth depends on it. Proper communication of the doctor is very important when communicating with a small patient. It is important to treat the treatment so that the child is subsequently not afraid to visit the dental clinic. That is, the doctor must have the skills of a child psychologist.
  • General practice dentist. Not a single hospital can do without such a doctor, in which there is no way to have the whole set of narrow specialists. A huge obligation is assigned to him. After all, he needs knowledge and experience in order to do everything that each specialist treats separately. The only thing that is not in his power is very complex cases and operations.

With the doctors considered, everything is clear. But there is another concept that is almost forgotten in Russia and popular abroad - dentist. Getting a dental education in foreign countries is a rare opportunity, so there a dentist is a dentist with secondary specialized education. In our dictionaries, this is a tooth doctor treating and prosthetics

Can a dentist work as a dentist?

  • The formation of a dentist is the end of a medical college. Its field of activity is limited to the treatment of solid dental tissues: enamel, dentin.
  • He has no right to help:
  1. With acute dental inflammation, since this is usually the result of the lesion of the pulp (dental nerve)
  2. In acute periodontitis. For a dentist, only treatment of simple caries without complications is permissible.
  • The resulting higher education of the dental doctor expands the circle of his activity, depending on the existing qualifications.

Given the indicated reasons, we can say the following: that the dentist will not be able to professionally cure.

Who treats and pulls out teeth: a dentist or a dental doctor, what is the specialty of a doctor?

We twitch with tongs the damaged components of the jaws
  • The treatment of teeth is supposed to be engaged in a dentist-therapist.
    1. He diagnoses the patient's oral cavity, makes the correct diagnosis.
    2. Heals the most difficult:
  • caries
  • pulpites
  • periodontitis
  1. Makes preparatory work in the mouth for prosthetics
  2. Removes the swollen nerve
  3. It restores partially broken up tooth.
  • Not all these functions are available, as mentioned above.
  1. He does not begin the treatment of deep caries complicated by pulpitis.
  2. To the destroyed tooth, it is impossible without the presence of appropriate qualifications.
  • Remove the tooth, if necessary, can only be a surgeon dentist. This is prohibited by a simple dentist, due to the lack of a necessary specialization

Who is better: a dentist or a dental doctor?

  • It is difficult to determine the superiority of these two healers.
  • It all depends on the identified problem and the possibility of choosing.
  • Specialists of various dentist profiles do not always work in sparsely populated areas:
  1. Children's
  2. Therapist
  3. Surgeon
  4. Orthodont
  5. Orthopedic
  • As a rule, in this case, all of the above functions have to perform a dentist.
  • If any problem occurs, of course, it is better to contact a dentist.
  • The dentist has to gain experience in the process of work, the average ladder does not allow it to get it during short learning.
  • The dentist’s doctor has the advantage that already in the learning process gives him a higher and wide range of knowledge. And various specializations make it possible to study the essence of their work more deeply. This helps to determine the most accurate medical conclusion, and prescribe the correct treatment.

Knowing the differences in the specifics of the work of the doctors in question, you can confidently go to the dental clinic, not afraid to make a mistake with the choice.

Video: dentist orthopedist debunk the main myths and errors in the field of dentistry

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  1. And what is the difference from the dentist and the dentist? For me, absolutely no. If the tooth hurts, then I just go to the dental clinic of Dr. Razumenko, there are very good specialists and prices for Moscow are adequate. Now I am satisfied with my teeth, I do not feel discomfort and pain. The clinic is everywhere the latest equipment, doctors professionals, so how do not name, dentist or Dantist, the main thing is to find a good clinic.

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