What is the difference between the structure of the body of spiders and scorpions, the difference between scorpions and spiders: TOP-11 basic differences

What is the difference between the structure of the body of spiders and scorpions, the difference between scorpions and spiders: TOP-11 basic differences

Rarely, someone reflects on how diverse our nature is, we came to this world when it has already inhabited the huge number of all kinds of representatives of the Fauna world, and therefore for us all these living beings seem so ordinary that they do not cause surprise. And you just imagine how many millennia it took nature to ensure in the process of evolution arachnids arose!

And all of them are so different that sometimes uninitiated people do not even occur to them that they belong to the same class - such as spiders and scorpions. You will be surprised, but for all your external dissimilar, scorpions also relate to the classroom of spider -shaped, like ordinary spiders that come across our eyes all the way.

What is the difference between scorpions and spiders?

Scorpions are also spider -like
Scorpions are also spider -like
  1. Spiders are more primitive. In this class, there are many separate detachments that differ among themselves by the structure of their bodies. Absolutely all arachnids have no antennae and abdominal limbs, but thanks to their six pairs of legs (four of them - walking) they can move quickly. Spiders in spiders are quite primitive, consisting of golovoredi and abdomen. But Scorpions advanced more in development than their closest relatives: their bodies are folded from the head -sized, front -buffet and rear -bid.

    Body structure
    Body structure
  2. Spiders are more defenseless. Scorpio, as if in armor, is chained by a strong chitin shell - the enemies are not terrible for him. The spider, even the most poisonous, is deprived of this powerful means of protection from attackers on his life.
  3. Scorpions have a tail, sting and claws. If you put a scorpion and river cancer nearby, then one would think that they were, but not their closest spiders - the structure of their bodies is so similar. Scorpio also refueling his claws like cancer, and they have the same imbalance between these threatening limbs and the rest of the body. Scorpio has a tail, its tip is another means of defense and attack - the stingwhich crings the last abdominal segment. In a capsule having a pear -shaped shape, a poison is produced, with the help of which these arthropods deal with their victims. The spiders have neither tail, nor sting, nor claweAnd therefore they are more defenseless.

  4. Spiders are more sighted. Despite the fact that the spider -shaped eyes (different types of spiders and scorpions may have different amounts - from 2 to 12), all of them cannot boast of excellent vision. But still, spiders see better. They are able to distinguish an object at a distance of 30 cm, while scorpions are even more “short -sighted”. The range of their viewing of just 2-3 cm. The location of the eyes in spiders is a head-breast shield, which is two arches. The two largest eyes of Scorpio are located in the central part of Golovrudi, the rest are on its side parts, and they are called “side”.
  5. Spiders can usually be immediately determined by the sexual basis. Usually, their females have much larger size than males, and besides, the color of the latter is more bright. On their pedipalpas are oblong bulbs, with which males fertilize their females. A completely different picture with Scorpions. There, not even every experienced zoologist can immediately determine who exactly in front of him is a boy or a girl. They differ only in that females have the volume of their body slightly larger than their sexual partners.

    Scorpio structure
    Scorpio structure
  6. Absolutely all spider-shaped dioecious ones, but if the spider lay eggs, then mothers-scorpions belong to the squad of the livestock.
  7. The difference between scorpions and spiders is that scorpions are more and more darkened with age. Their coloring can be different (this is influenced by the habitat): sand-yellow, brown, black, gray, purple, orange, green. There are even scorpions who have absolutely transparent bodies. But their color scheme is uniform, without any patterns of bright colors, as often happens in spiders.
  8. In the process of evolution, the spiders modified the abdominal limbs into the web warts. With the help of the secret of these glands, the spider creates its “masterpieces of weaving art” - a tenet for its victims. And by the way, they have sticky (for victims) and not sticky threads (for themselves) thread. Scorpions do not know how to weave threads.

    Scorpions cannot weave such threads
    Scorpions cannot weave such threads
  9. Hairs located on the abdomen of scorpions, one of the main roles is allocated - these are the tactile organs, with which they capture the slightest vibrations of potential victims. The spiders also play the hairs of this role, but they are located with them all over the bodythat helps them react very quickly and literally “rush” along the web to their still living “dinner”.
  10. It would seem that it is the Scorpions that belongs to the “palm branch” in terms of their body among the spider -shaped. By no means. If in some Scorpions, the body length reaches 20 cm, then the spider-ptyed can be even longer than Scorpio.
  11. Spiders breathe trachea or trachea and pulmonary bags at the same time. Scorpions - Only pulmonary bags. Once in the process of evolution, their ancestors mastered a ground lifestyle, and then their abdominal limbs seemed to be “imprinted” into their body-so they appeared pulmonary bags.

We advise you to find out how it differs:

Video: Spider against Scorpio

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