What is the difference between the lobster and lobster, crab, cancer, lobster?

What is the difference between the lobster and lobster, crab, cancer, lobster?

The average Russian is unlikely to be often joined by exotic seafood. Here are the crayfish that are found in almost all reservoirs - yes, this is ours. But in our article we want to talk a little about other crustaceans - lobsters, lobsters and lobsters, who are served in expensive restaurants in the form of an overseas delicacy with wealthy clients.

Even if you can’t afford to be saturated in a restaurant with all kinds of sea reptiles, why not shine with your friends with your gastronomic knowledge in this area?

What is the difference between a lobster and a lobster?

  • If you do not have deep knowledge about marine inhabitants, then you hardly know the correct answer to the question how the Omar differs from the lobster? We answer, both of them are crustaceans, with massive bodies and very large claws - so how to voice the order to the waiter? Feel free to either the first or second option, because lobster and Omar are the same crustacean, just in German (Hammer) and English (lobster) languages, they are called differently.
  • You will be surprised, but once the lobsters (omara) served the main food for the poor, now this dish is an expensive delicacy. They are caught in the Mediterranean and in the North Sea, as well as in the oceans - Atlantic and Pacific. Males live about 3 decades, females - 45. The "average" lobster weighs about one kilo.
There are no differences in the first two forms
There are no differences in the first two forms

What does Omar (lobster) look like?

  • Omar looks just like all of us well familiar ordinary crayfish “Only he is much larger than the size.” Its distinguishing feature - dark color and huge claws.
  • Its four pairs of legs are covered tints of various shapes and hardness. The lobster has a greenish color, in places turning into brown.
  • Can be eaten the tail, legs, caviar and liver. The most delicious are 7-8-year-old kilogram males: they have very juicy meat. In Russia, a kilogram lobster is worth from 1500 to 2000 rubles.
  • Only living lobsters (lobsters) can be prepared, since in the body of dead arthropods are full of poisonous viruses and microbes.

Varieties of lobsters (lobsters)

There are 3 types of lobsters:

  • European lobster is very large, its weight can reach 10 kg, and the length is about 90 cm.
  • American (northern) - even larger, can weigh 20 kg, length - about a meter. Although they are the largest, their taste is worse than all other species.
  • Norwegian lobster The most delicious, albeit small compared to others - only 22 cm.

The benefits of the lobster (omar)

  • Their meat contains a high amount proteins and protein - All other crustaceans in this cannot be compared.
  • Sodium, which is simply “stuffed” with his meat helps to normalize hypertension and hypotenses blood pressure and generally improve their well -being.
  • It also contains useful for the human body amino acids, vitamins, phosphorus, potassium, iron, calcium. And no matter what diet nutritionists attribute to a person, in any case, Omar can be eaten.
Very useful
Very useful

What is the difference between Omar, lobster and lobster?

  • Omari (lobsters) - darker, but they have bright shells in nettles, on which growths in the form of spikes stick out in different directions.
  • The lobster differs from lobster and claws. Lobsters are very strong clacks are developed, in the Langusts they are weaker and thin.
  • Langustees move with five pairs of legs, lobsters lobsters are four enough for this.
  • Omar differs from lobster also antennae. Omars have short antennae, in the Languste they are very long.
  • The gourmets assure that although the lobster has more meat, but the langosts are more tasty.
  • Langusians are found in warm tropical seas, and lobsters live well in the cool seas and oceans - for them the main thing is that the water is well saturated with oxygen.
The difference from the lobster
The difference from the lobster

What is the difference between a crab lobster?

  • Both of them are representatives of the same family. But The crab is more round, a Omar - long, elongated, And by the way, there will be much more in its dimensions.
  • Another bright one The difference between the lobster and crab - crabs move barrel, and lobsters - straight ahead. Representatives of crab are perfectly used in fresh reservoirs, lobsters can live only in salty. Also the lobster differs from the crab by the presence of a long tail.
  • Dishes prepared from these two representatives of the ocean fauna also differ from each other in their taste: Crab meat is more tender and sweeter in taste.

What is the difference between lobster cancer?

  • Omar and cancer have a lot of similar, because they belong to one detachment, but still Omar differs from cancer to many. The habitat of cancer is fresh water, Omara is salty.
  • Omar is much larger than cancer and lives longer. In fact, from the purely outside side we can say that omar is a miniature cancer.
  • There is no doubt that the gourmets will prefer to see lobsters on their table rather than crayfish. As a delicacy, lobsters are valued above and are considered a more aristocratic dish.

We also advise you to read how it differs:

Video: What is tastier - cancer or lobster?

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