What is the difference between the institute and the university, the academy, the university: what is better, higher, more prestigious, cooler? What is in common for the university and institute: comparison

What is the difference between the institute and the university, the academy, the university: what is better, higher, more prestigious, cooler? What is in common for the university and institute: comparison

What is cooler and prestigious: university, institute or academy? Look for an answer in the article.

Currently, three main educational institutions are distinguished in the field of higher Russian education: institute, academy and university. Are there any differences between them? Which is cooler and prestigious? These issues excite future applicants. Let's understand this article.

What is the difference between the institute and the university, the academy, the university: what is better, higher, more prestigious, cooler?


The differences between the institute, the academy and the university are insignificant, but it still exists. Many students of 11th grades who are going to enter a higher educational institution do not know what this difference is. The requirements for applicants are the same, diplomas at the end of training are issued about higher education, so what's the difference? Which is better, higher, more prestigious and cooler? Here are a few aspects of similarities and differences:

Important: all these educational institutions are called universities - higher educational institutions.


  • The very first stage of the highest educational process in Russia.
  • It can be part of the university, and it can be a separate educational institution.
  • Typically, large universities in Russia consist of several institutions. In one such institution, young specialists are trained in one profession or industry.
  • This institution does not develop new methods of certain programs. This is carried out by professors of the Chief University, to which the institute belongs.


  • In order to increase the status of an educational institution to the Academy, the rector of the educational institution must provide data on certification on an increase in the number of employees who are engaged in scientific activities. If the commission gives this report a good assessment, then the institute rises to one educational step and becomes an academy.
  • The requirements for educational institutions with the status of the "Academy" in many respects are similar to the requirements for institutions.
  • The difference between the Academy and the Institute is that the Academy Scientific research is covered in a more full volume. Not only students, but also teachers are studied by new scientific topics, dissertation work are written.
  • There are many specialties at the Academy, and the field of activity of future specialists is determined by the name of the educational institution: the Academy of Agriculture, Tourism, Transport and so on.


  • The highest level of education is a university. Students receive a multidisciplinary education.
  • At the same time, lawyers and managers, controllers and specialists in tourism, architects and religious scholars can study at the university.
  • Faculties, institutions - all this can be an integral part of one university. This is the highest degree of development of the university.
  • The educational institution has the right to have the status of a “university” if most (60%) teachers have scientific degrees and titles. At the same time, scientific activity should be conducted in more than five different industries.

Good experts can be prepared by institutes, and academy, and universities. It is important not the name of the educational institution, but the quality of teaching in it. Indeed, the knowledge and skills of a young specialist, and not the name of the university in which he received an education, will be valued at the future work.

What is in common for the university and institute: comparison


If everything is clear with the Academy and the future specialty and field of activity can be traced in the name, then what is common with the university and institute. Here is a comparison and what is the similarity:

  • Educational category - higher educational institutions.
  • Conducting scientific activity, but at the university it is fundamental.
  • The receipt of applicants can be carried out according to the results of the exam and additional exams in the educational institution.
  • Students receive a specialized education.
  • The teaching staff is conducting scientific activities.
  • High qualification of teachers.
  • Studies are conducted in many areas.
  • Innovative methods of teaching students.
  • Good material and technical base for students' training.

As you can see, there are as many in common between the institute and the university as the differences. When choosing a university, you should pay attention to the rating of an educational institution. This aspect suggests that in the educational institution a good quality of teaching and real experts come out of its walls - competent and demanded.

University and University: Is this the same?

University students
University students

Often from students you can hear the name "university". It seems that this is the abbreviated name of the university, which is used in student circles. But this is not so, future experts can call “university” any higher educational institution in which they are trained. After all, it is much easier to say not “I go to classes at the Academy”, but “I go to the university.” Therefore, university, university, as well as the Institute and the Academy are the same thing.

Do not choose a university by name, only because it is called the university. It is more reasonable to enter a narrow -profile institution with a high rating, for example, a lawyer than to study in the same specialty at a technical university.

Video: TOP-10 of the best universities in Russia 2016

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