How is it different and what is personal subsidiary plots and individual housing construction?

How is it different and what is personal subsidiary plots and individual housing construction?

The difference between the LPH and IZHS lies in different aspects. Read more in the article.

Owning a land plot is always prestigious. Therefore, each person, especially, a resident of the big city, dreams of having a country house with a plot of land. But not everyone can afford to buy a ready -made cottage. People try to first take land ownership, and only then grow crops on it and build housing.

  • When acquiring the allotment, each person faces such definitions as personal subsidiary farm and individual housing construction.
  • In legal practice, the abbreviation is used LPH and IZHS.
  • To decide in what type of ownership to arrange a land allotment, you must first figure out what these concepts mean. Read about this below.

What is LPH?

Personal subsidiary farm
Personal subsidiary farm

Personal subsidiary plots (LPH) involves the use of land ownership in order to cultivate vegetables, fruits, as well as the maintenance of pets. Such land ownerships are acquired to obtain agricultural products. In this case, the following should be understood:

  • The household cannot be conducted in order to make a profit.
  • Grown animals, as well as fruit trees, berries, cucumbers, tomatoes, herbs, and so on, can only be used to eating owners, and not for sale.

Such an aspect of ownership acted under the Soviet Union, when plants, as well as cows, pigs, goats, rabbits, naked in the country, could not serve to enrich the owners. All this is still valid - the use of LPH in terms of commerce is prohibited. Therefore, it will be impossible to get the right to land ownership in this case.

What is IZHS?

Individual housing construction in the cottage village
Individual housing construction in the cottage village

Individual housing construction is a form of land ownership, which is intended for the construction of a home - houses, cottage. Landing documentation is issued on the basis of a cadastral passport.

It's important to know: If you erected a house on the allocation of land, which is intended for planting garden crops, then this building should be written in a tax report - a declaration.

Land tenants for IZHS are intended for the implementation by each person of their copyright to own the residential premises, which is provided for in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. You should know that:

  • Building It is made from your own funds.
  • Such a residential building It has specific restrictions: it should be for one family, a building is allowed in several floors (2.3). All other buildings on such an allotment of the Earth should be one -story and cannot be recorded as residential. For example, if your land ownership has a house for a guard or housekeepers, then the structure is better to write down as a utility room.
  • The height of the structure There can be no more than 3 floors.

It's important to know: You can take a loan in a banking institution for the acquisition and structure of the residential building with a ownership of IZHS. There are even state programs to support certain categories of citizens with the provision of a loan on preferential conditions: young families, teachers, military personnel and so on.

What is the difference between personal subsidiary plots and individual housing construction?

What is the difference between the LPH and IZHS?
What is the difference between the LPH and IZHS?

The purpose of the land plot, which is described in the documentation for the right to own, affects the chance of using. This is the basic difference between IZHS and LPH.

  • IZHS - This is the ownership of land ownership, which provides for the construction of a home. It does not provide for cattle or grow cultures, although several trees, cultivated plants and flowers can be planted near the house.
  • LPH - This is a form of ownership of land ownership, in which allotted can only be used to cultivate crops. You can build buildings on such an allotment of land, but only outbuildings. Many owners build summer cottages. In this case, such a building must be privatized.

In addition, if LPH is located within the city line, then on such an allotment you can build a residential building with its further privatization. If the personal subsidiary farm is outside the city line, then it is forbidden to build a residential building on such an allotment.

It's important to know: Under IZHS and LPH, if a residential building has been erected on land ownership, then such a status is a guarantee of connection to gas and hydraulic compensation.

Tax deduction, benefit

The legislation provides for the right to a tax deduction if you erected a house on the vending house. However, if the structure has not been erected for 10 years, then you will have to pay tax on the contrary. That is, if you have taken a plot for construction, you must mandatory build a structure.

It is worth noting: LPH in this case has a clear advantage, since the legislation does not oblige you to build or plant plants - you are the owner and decide what to do.

Some other differences:

  • LPH A duty at a minimum rate is taxed compared to IZHS.
  • In personal household Below the bets on light, gas and water. But at the same time, the district administration does not undertake to bring gas and hydraulic comacks to the site, since the LPH is not intended for housing.
  • The possibility of registration IZHS only has. But even in this case, registration will be permissible only after commissioning and registration in the State Organ.
Put the land for IZHS
Put the land for IZHS

What's better?

If we talk about what is better - IZHS or LPH, then in terms of the need for living, we can say with confidence that IZHS is better. In this case, the administration undertakes to carry out gas and hydraulic compromise and organize infrastructure facilities. In LPX, all this is done at its own peril and risk.

What is more profitable?

If we talk about the benefit, then the lands inside the city with the status of LPH are much cheaper than IZHS. Outside the city, a plot with a form of ownership of LPH can be bought in general for nothing. This is due to the fact that outside the settlements, arable lands that are not used for construction are located, but can be issued to citizens for processing.

Changing the purpose

The land fund provides for transfer to land from one type of ownership to another. But this is possible after conducting an inventory, drawing up special territorial plans, and with the permission of the district authorities.

Now you know what LPH and IZHS are. If you need to build a dwelling, then it is worth it to arrange a land plot for IZHS, and if you put it on for plant growing, then it is suitable for LPH. Good luck!

Video: Land plot for a house for permanent residence. How to choose IZHS, SNT, DNT, LPH?

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