Why are homemade eggs dangerous? Which eggs are more useful, domestic or store? Why are the eggs of home chickens? Liquid protein in the egg of home chickens: causes

Why are homemade eggs dangerous? Which eggs are more useful, domestic or store? Why are the eggs of home chickens? Liquid protein in the egg of home chickens: causes

The benefits and harms of home eggs.

In different sources, information about the benefits of home and store eggs is different. Residents of the village write laudatory odes that relate to the high quality of home eggs. They contain a maximum of nutrient trace elements, vitamins and protein. However, if you compare the chemical indicators and the composition of home and factory eggs, it turns out that they are practically no different. In this article we will talk about the benefits and dangers of home eggs.

Which eggs are more useful, domestic or store?

The main difference in the conditions of the content of birds. If we are talking about households, then here the hens are on a free walk. In the warm season, birds are released on the street where they can pinch the grass, look for insects. Thus, their diet is more diverse than that of the birds that are on the poultry farms.

Which eggs are more useful, home or store:

  • In addition, sunlight and physical activity favorably affect the state of health of the bird. She feels much better, respectively and produces the best quality eggs that are saturated with trace elements and vitamins.
  • As the experience and results of analyzes shows, in the conditions of poultry farms for layers, special food is selected, which helps to obtain a large number of high -quality and fairly large eggs. It saturates with all the necessary minerals and trace elements.
  • But in the conditions of the factory they feed only with special food. If we are talking about households, then here the bird eats not only compound feed, bought in some kind of production, but also home-made cuisine. Often it is corn, beets, remains of carrots, other foods. The diet of home chickens is more diverse than that of factory. 

How to distinguish homemade eggs from store?

There are a number of features by which many are trying to distinguish homemade eggs from factory. It is worth noting that grandmothers selling eggs in spontaneous markets, claiming that they are homemade, can purchase them in supermarkets and sell them a little more.

How to distinguish homemade eggs from store:

  • It is extremely difficult to distinguish such eggs from home, but experienced farmers or inhabitants of Ancient can easily do this. Outwardly, the eggs are practically no different. In the production there can be either brown or white eggs. In the same way in household conditions.
  • In one tray, the hostess rarely can find eggs of the same color and size. The difference is that the chicken coop in a private house contains chickens of different ages and breeds. Young drunks give a small product with a pointed tip. The shape of such eggs is more elongated.
  • As for adult layering, they give large eggs. The color of the eggs differs depending on the breed of chicken. Therefore, in the tray of households, eggs of different sizes, colors and shapes. 
  • In the conditions of poultry farms, the eggs are calibrated and sorted. They are sorted by size and flowers, as well as assigned a variety. It can be the letter “D”, which means diet or “C” - table eggs. In the conditions of households, there is no such separation, no one sorts eggs. They are put in a box, collecting in a chicken coop. Therefore, they differ in size and flowers. 
  • There is an opinion that homemade eggs differ from the stores with the color of the yolk. It was believed that a bright orange yolk is a sign of quality, saturation with a large number of minerals and trace elements. However, in fact, it turned out that the color of the yolk directly depends on the feed and conditions of the content of the chicken. Therefore, in the conditions of poultry farms, eggs with two yolks of bright color are obtained.
  • In order for the eggs to differ in orange yolk, a large amount of corn, carrots and beets are added to the food. More often orange yolks are found in domestic chicken due to a variety of nutrition. This happens in the summer when calendula flowers and nettles are added to the feed to chicken. It is they who contribute to the formation of yolk of bright orange color. Now and in factories, they resort to tricks, add special substances that can paint eggs in orange. 
Orange yolk
Orange yolk

Are homemade eggs dangerous?

It is believed that at home the chicken is more clean. But actually it is not.

Are homemade eggs dangerous:

  • Salmonella is found both in home and factory eggs. The fact is that this microorganism does not harm the body of chicken. Therefore, the poultry does not affect the infection with a microorganism.
  • The bird gains weight well, eats right, no pathologies. But microorganism is very dangerous for humans. As multiple studies have shown, you can extremely rarely meet Salmonella inside the raw eggs. This is due to the fact that the bacterium is contained in bowel movements, that is, in the chicken litter. All eggs from the factory are cleaned, washed, so the risk of infecting a small one.
  • As for home eggs, not all housewives wash them. Often eggs covered with bird droppings fall into the tray. It is in this case that the risk of infection increases. Therefore, we recommend that before eating eggs, thoroughly wash them with soap to clean the shell of chicken litter, which may contain salmonella.
  • It is proved that if for more than 7 days the droppings will be on the surface of the egg, then through the shell it penetrates inside the product, that is, into protein and yolk.

Buy homemade eggs or not?

It is recommended to process homemade and factory eggs until the protein and yolk is completely hardened. A dangerous dish is glazed, it is undesirable to eat raw eggs. It is necessary that all parts of the egg, both protein and yolk be fully prepared and hard.

Buy homemade eggs or not:

  • During heat treatment, Salmonella dies and does not cause any harm to the human body. Regardless of whether homemade eggs or factory, they must be given complete heat treatment. The risk of infection with salmonellosis, purchasing homemade eggs, is much higher than factory. After all, they are not cleaned, they are not washed to remove bird droppings. 
  • All eggs from the home chicken coop are fertilized. This is due to the fact that in every household there is a rooster that fertilizes the chicken. Studies have proved that in the yolk that is in a fertilized egg, there are much more nutritious elements, minerals than in the factory. This is due to the fact that for the development of the embryo, a maximum of useful substances is necessary. Therefore, homemade fertilized eggs have a high concentration of vitamin D, as well as trace elements compared to the factory product. 
  • Factory eggs are not fertilized, since there are no roosters at the factory. The composition of the yolk is significantly different. People who at least once in their lives ate homemade eggs, know that they have a more rich taste and aroma. If you compare the surface, then the shell of the factory eggs is smooth, and in the homemade rough. This is due to different nutrition, which can change during the day or week. The factory give the same food all the time. That is why the surface of the homemade eggs is rough, which depends on the content of calcium in the diet of the bird. 
Home product
Home product

Why are the eggs of home chickens?

In most cases, bitterness does not occur in protein, but in the yolk. There are several most common reasons.

Why are the eggs of home chickens:

  • The chicken was fed with overdue food, they gave antibiotics, drugs that have a bitter taste. 
  • Chicken was used by wildflowers, such as wormwood or herbs that were treated with chemicals. 
  • Eggs obtained from old chicken. Outwardly, it is almost impossible to determine a bad taste. Even if bitter eggs are given to heat treatment, the taste remains anyway. Accordingly, when adding such eggs to the dough, you can ruin the products. 

Liquid protein in the egg of home chickens: causes

Under normal conditions, the protein should have a dense, viscous structure. If it is quite liquid, this may indicate a damage to the product. 

Liquid protein in the egg of home chickens, reasons:

  • The product was stored at high temperature, in unacceptable conditions. 
  • Chickens that demolished eggs are sick. Most often, this happens with infectious bronchitis. You can determine such eggs during a visual inspection. Usually such eggs have a tuberous shell. 
  • The bird is quite old. The older the chicken, the more liquid protein in the eggs that it carries. Indeed, the composition and quality of the egg worsens with the age of the bird. 
  • The longer the eggs are stored, the more the protein becomes liquid. If you purchased such a product in the store, pay attention to the shelf life and date of packaging of the product. 
  • Transportation rules were violated. This often happens in winter, after freezing and defrosting eggs. 

This phenomenon is not dangerous, such eggs can be eaten, but if there is an unpleasant odor along with watery protein, the integrity of the egg is broken, there are chips or mold, such eggs must be thrown away. It is impossible to independently determine the presence of an infection, it can only be done in a specialized laboratory. If there are doubts about the freshness of the product, do not eat it. 

Cart with eggs
Cart with eggs

The benefits and harm of raw home eggs

Raw eggs are useful for children, men and women. This is a great product for people aged people. They contain a protein that helps to remove excess cholesterol from the body. The composition contains fats that take part in the formation of bile. They contribute to the full operation of the circulatory system. 

The benefits and harm of raw home eggs:

  • Vitamins B3, B12 have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. They help restore sleep, normalize metabolism. The composition contains vitamin A, which improves the condition of the skin and hair. 
  • Antioxidants help to remove free radicals, prevent the onset of rapid aging. 
  • Vitamin D contributes to the better absorption of calcium, and also prevents the development of a large number of chronic ailments, deviations in metabolic processes. Without vitamin D, it is impossible to form dense bones and liquid, which is located in the joints. 

Is it useful to drink raw homemade eggs or not?

The egg contains magnesium, iron, calcium, phosphorus and iodine. It is these vitamins and trace elements that are best absorbed if the eggs are consumed raw. This is true, because heat treatment helps to destroy some vitamins.

It is useful to drink raw homemade eggs or not:

  • However, in most cases, salmonellosis causative agents can be in home chickens. They multiply on the surface of the shell, but the first few days do not penetrate the eggs.
  • To be sure of the product, it is best to use it after analysis. It is recommended to thoroughly wash the surface.
  • Most nutritionists, doctors, oppose the use of eggs in raw form and recommend that they undergo heat treatment. 
Home product
Home product

We advise you to read the following articles:

In the conditions of the factories there is a department of the OTC, which controls not only the quality of the products received, but also the conditions of the content of birds. Therefore, they are often treated, cleaned, given a large number of antibiotics, hormonal agents that prevent the development of pathogenic microorganisms, including salmonellosis.

Video: Why are homemade eggs useful?

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