Why is fast food harmful to the human body? Can fast food be useful? Brtuch - how to prepare useful fasfod with your own hands?

Why is fast food harmful to the human body? Can fast food be useful? Brtuch - how to prepare useful fasfod with your own hands?

In this article, we will talk about whether there is a useful fast food and how to cook it with your own hands.

We are all used to thinking that fast food for the body is very harmful. After all, this is very high -calorie food food, which is of low quality. But not all fast food is harmful and in our article you will find out why, and we will talk about such a delicious and useful product as a brush.

Why is fast food harmful to the human body?

Why is the fast food harmful?
Why is the fast food harmful?

In general, fast food is not in vain considered harmful and there are many reasons for this. Let's find out what.

  • The content of a large number of calories

As you know, an excess of calories leads to obesity. There are extremely many of them in fast food, because it includes large amounts of fat and sugar. Moreover, the usefulness of such food is almost zero, because there are no vitamins in it. So it turns out that people consuming fast food are gaining weight.

For example, if you take a sandwich, salad, cocktail and potatoes in a cafe, then it is already 1,500 kcal, and this is almost a daily norm, which is consumed by sedentary people. So how can you not replenish if one portion of food gives daily calories and at the same time they are not consumed!

  • Using trans-fats for cooking dishes

As a rule, all dishes are prepared using trans fats, and they can lead to oncology. According to WHO, the amount of fat in the amount of 1% of all food is considered safe. And one portion of Free potatoes contains 30-40%.

It is also important to take into account that fast foods are rich in animal fats that have a huge load on the liver. This can provoke various serious diseases when the liver will no longer cope with its work.

  • Quick carbohydrates, minimum protein and fiber

Fastfood contains a lot of fat, but there is no fiber in it. When using such food, rapid saturation is felt, but it passes very quickly and has to eat again. Most often, people come back.

The worst in this situation is that due to the lack of fiber, fast carbohydrates almost instantly penetrate the blood through the intestines and settle in places of accumulation of fat. From here, excess weight appears.

  • Binge eating

A fast food cafe is always trying to sell as much as possible and it gives rise to different marketing moves like “2 at price 1”, “french fries as a gift”. This makes people convey, because it turns out to eat more than usual. And each excess calorie penetrates fat deposits, and it is very difficult to process so much food to the body.

  • A lot of sugar in the composition

Separately, it is worth saying about soda and sweet drinks. The fact is that they have a lot of sugar. Together with quick carbohydrates, they accelerate the process of fat deposition, which in the end can provoke obesity and, as a result, diabetes.

The second point, which is important to know - drinks cause a diuretic effect, and this makes the body lose water, which causes dehydration.

A person for health needs to drink 2.5-3 liters of water per day. But only a sweet drink still needs to be processed in order to remove all superfluous from it and get water. The body has to spend a lot of energy on this. So it is best to drink clean water.

  • The development of vitamin deficiency

Fast foods do not contain nutrients, and taste additives are addictive. This is done so that people always come and ate as much as possible. As a result, uncontrolled consumption of such food leads to metabolic disorders, because the body does not receive useful substances. And this is a direct path to obesity and diabetes.

  • Harmful additives

To give fast food, the necessary taste, networks use a variety of additives. For example, the same flavorings or flavors of taste. They have no benefit to the body and can even be dangerous.

Can fast food be useful?

As you can see, the benefits of fast food products are minimal. We can say that it is almost absent. So the establishments where such food is proposed should be bypassed. Moreover, it is distinguished by high fat content and heavy, and the quality of its preparation is doubtful. But there are situations when I really want to eat, but there is nothing nearby except fast food.

Undoubtedly, you should not starve at all, especially with physical activity, so you can go into such an institution and find something more or less useful. But, the best way to make fast food is useful is its independent preparation.

Of course, today, many thanks to advertising give preference to quick nutrition, because advertising is always so bright and attractive, as well as shares. Well, how to resist. Unfortunately, children also join this trend.

Can fast food be useful?
Can fast food be useful?

If we take into account the fact that fast food is very harmful, parents try to limit their children from its use. But even hamburgers and hot dogs can be useful. Again, if you cook them at home from fresh products.

For example, kids can prepare home burgers. Special buns can be purchased in the store, like everything else. If we talk about meat, it is better to cook on your own cutlets for steam or in the oven. After that, everything folds in layers.

Nevertheless, they know that the nuggets are nothing more than chicken, fried in breading. Preparing this dish is also easy. It is necessary to grind ugly flakes, take small pieces of chicken and roll them in the egg and the resulting flour. The nages will be even more useful if you make them steamed.

As for the potatoes of free, then it can also be done independently. Just do not use a lot of mayonnaise. To cook baked potatoes, cut in half, open the pulp with a fork and add any filling to the “baskets”. You can use crab meat with light sour cream or meat with vegetables and so on.

Brtuch - healthy and delicious fast food: Description


Armenians, as you know, the attitude to bread is special. There is such a treasure in this country as a blade, which can be considered useful fast food.

If you translate this word into Russian, you get something like “wrapped”. This dish consists of thin, where meat and vegetable filling is placed. The gas station is done using a yogurt -based sauce. In particular, a dish is useful for those who are used to counting calories.

Brtuch has appeared for a very long time, its history has more than one millennium. It was actively used by monks and wanderers, who had to leave their house for a long time. And they also gave him to the children to just have a bite.

It is important to note that the brush does not look like shawarma at all, if only externally. The fact is that there are no harmful components in the composition of the dish, and the technology of creation is very different. For example, the meat is fried on shawarma, and baked on a brush. The second cooking option is much more useful.

Classic wand
Classic wand

In addition, Brtuch cakes are often done manually. To do this, the usual dough of flour, salt, sugar, sunflower oil, gash -shaped soda and yeast is used. You need to interfere with about half an hour and let it rest for about 15 minutes. After that, you can roll out and bake.

As for the filling, it can be very different, it all depends on your imagination. The components can be combined in different ways, but cheese and greens must be present.

Bratuch meat is also used differently - beef, turkey or chicken. It may even come up with an option for vegetarians and replace the meat with cheese or salads. You will be surprised, but the wrapper can be filled with Chinese rice noodles like Vietnamese soup f. But this is suitable for those who like the sharp.

For refueling, you can use low -fat sauces. The best option is a mixture of yogurt 1% fat, garlic and greens. Such a sauce gives a aftertaste for a cake and makes it tender. If desired, you can use any other sauce that you like best.

Brtuch is good because it is easy to do with your own hands and it is beautiful, and most importantly - useful, snack.

How to cook a wrapper with your own hands: recipe, step -by -step instructions

How to cook a brush?
How to cook a brush?

Cooking method:

  • Take the turkey and process it. It is enough to add salt and pepper
  • Wrap the meat in foil and bake at 180 degrees for an hour. This time is provided for 0.5 kg, if you have more, then for every 100 g add another 10 minutes
  • Next, we make white sauce while the meat is in the oven. To do this, mix it together with yogurt, garlic, dill, salt, parsley and lemon juice
  • Now we lay the sauce on the lavash, then pieces of meat, and pour suluguni on top
  • After that, we send everything to bake for 5 minutes in the oven. So far, you do not need to turn off anything. Let the cheese deal completely
  • Now you can cut a Chinese salad, tomatoes, an iceberg salad and cucumbers. Better to make it cubes
  • Finely chop the greens - dill, parsley and onion
  • In conclusion, add a little refueling to taste
  • Now you can get the lavash from the oven and lay out all the remaining ingredients
  • It remains to turn the product and you can eat it

Brtuch is customary to eat directly from the oven, that is, hot. But even if you cannot do this right away, then it will still be fresh. After cooking, the dish can be stored for 12 hours. As a drink for drinking, you can use anything that you like best.

Other options for useful fast food: Ideas

Useful ideas - Fasfud
Useful ideas - Fasfud

Even if you are the most ardent follower of proper nutrition, then from the situation where you need to urgently have a snack you are definitely not safe. A wrapper, as well as other good ideas, can come to the rescue. All dishes can be prepared at home on your own and take with you on the road.

1. Salad

We are not used to counting the salads of fast food, but it is such. It can be cut and put in a convenient package. In a couple of hours it will not deteriorate. Each fast food network sells salads, but they are not in demand, because they are lost against the background of other products.

As an option, you can cut apples into strips and sprinkled with lemon juice. You can use any vegetables and fruits that you like best. And so, if you are hungry, then you will have something to crunch.

2. Yogurt

There will be no problems with him at all. It can even be purchased at a supermarket for a few days in advance. It can also be done independently. Try to choose unsweetened foods without additives and with low fat content. Only in this way, only beneficial bacteria will penetrate the stomach and the body will not gain kilograms.

3. Pancakes

If you were persuaded to go to the cafe, then choose pancakes. Only they should not have fillings and as few fat as possible. For example, take pancakes or cheesecakes with syrup or yogurt.

4. Sandwich

Sandwiches are the same burgers. But you just have to replace all the ingredients with useful ones and it becomes right for power. For example, instead of buns, use whole grain bread, and mayonnaise can be replaced with yogurt. So, you will receive the same burger, but already useful.

5. Smoothies

These cocktails can be stored in a thermos, bought ready -made or ordered in snacks. They only gain popularity. If your smoothie does not have sugar, chocolate, cream or ice cream, then the drink will be useful and support the weight of the body. Another advantage is that in such drinks you can mask underly useful, but tasteless vegetables. Yes, and the smoothie is digested very quickly.

As you can see, fast food may well be useful, you just need to know how to cook it.

Video: Brtuch with chicken

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