Birthday ditties - the best selection for a fun holiday

Birthday ditties - the best selection for a fun holiday

A large selection of ditties for the birthday of men, women, loved ones and relatives.

Birthday ditties - the best selection for a fun holiday

Birthday ditties - the best selection for a fun holiday

Birthday ditties - the best selection for a fun holiday:

We are ready to sing ditties
What a cheerful holiday!
You sing to us too,
Surprise with your hearing!

On the birthday to sing ditties
One pleasure,
After all, girlfriends are given
To howl at the same time!

You have time to sit on a diet
After a birthday.
And today eat everything
You are without regret!

Mark birthday,
Pour hot tea.
You can also live
So, pour vodka!

If it is taken by surprise
Birthday again,
Then take a loan soon
Walk without regret!

It became dear to us to live
The flippers will stick together soon ...
We will open it, so be it,
On this day of birth!

Crisis, crisis is sick of
Telik his ears buzzed.
It is better to sing and dance,
Celebrate birthday!

I'm going to the table
Like a restaurant,
There are only delicacies here
Admire yourself!

We give you a gift
You will open it in the evening.
And ditties will come in handy
You will still remember them!

Don't judge that we don't know how
We beautifully sing songs.
We croaked ditties
We must regret the neck!

There is a mare on the mountain
Under the town of harrow
Congratulations on birthday!
Pour more wine!

The steamer is floating along the Volga
And the motorized motor
Congratulations on birthday
And we wish you love!

We were called to the restaurant
Birthday was celebrated
They would have celebrated more
Yes, health is not to the Chey-e-e ...

I happened to noted
Birthdays all day
Now I drink mineral water -
Got a ballot

If in the morning a little alive
Like a ghost
So you're cool yesterday
Meet my birthday!

The plane flies in the sky
The boat floats in the pond
Along the fence, from the day of birth
I am a tipsy walk.

The cook makes cutlets
The horse makes manure
I came for a birthday
And the gift did not bring!

Fish loves to swim at sea
The cook loves pancakes bake
Let me congratulate you
Happy Birthday Wife!

Ditties funny for a birthday for an adult company

Ditties funny for a birthday for an adult company

Dithes funny for a birthday for an adult company:

What are you, guests, sad,
Hanged heads?
Read these texts -
It will immediately have fun!

The country is my dear country,
There are many fields in it, seas and rivers.
I don't know another country ...
Because I have not been anywhere!

I am a laundry soap
I bought a man to wash.
The husband shouted to the whole quarter
But he did not become economic.

There is a rumor walking around the village
That my dear loves two.
Love, dear, love them,
I myself love three.

At the entrance under the balcony
It smells firmly by moonshine.
This is a husband to his hut
Returns from fishing.

Do not judge me strictly
I don't have fun anyway.
Because I am left
Two months before retirement!

On a diet for a whole year
The girl stayed ...
The doctor will not get in any way
A syringe in the buttock.
Behind the hill, by the stream,
The girl is a draw.
Well, let him lie for yourself
He does not value himself!

I am appointing a date
On a cliff near the edge ...
Will pester cute -
I will teach him to fly!

You’ll run, dear, drown
Look to me to say goodbye.
I spend to the river -
I'll tell you the place deeper!

In the evening to your husband
She showed a sex score.
He could not figure it out,
Good - the neighbor helped!

If you want to go to me -
Go to the station.
Give your wife into luggage
And throw out the receipt!

Once on the beach a diver
Savior drowning
And when he married her,
He went and drowned.

If she knew, if she knew,
Who am I married to,
I would tell my mother -in -law
Do not plant cabbage at all!

Sits cute on the porch
With an expression on the face.
Expresses that face
Than sit on the porch.

I bought liquid soap -
A hundred rubles were trampled.
A friend thought jam
She took everything and broke.

Everything in a ditty will affect:
New day and last century.
As if in a mirror, it looks
The Russian man in it.

Cherry blooms in the garden,
Next to her is a bird cherry.
Ah, why did I get married
For such an Olukh!

Oh, advertising - I will not save,
They twist in the morning and at lunch.
Wip out in the evening and at night,
So you can go crazy - for sure!

Hello, my dear,
Russian potatoes!
I dug you for three days -
The back is like an accordion!

I compose ditties
For fun, I sing them.
If you like them,
Then pay the ruble!

We sang ditties
Ninety -nine times!
Really today
Nobody will give us vodka?

Happy birthday ditties - funny to raise mood

Happy birthday ditties - funny to raise mood

Happy birthday ditties - funny for upbringing:

We begin to have fun
Gulm, so frenzy,
If today we will not get drunk,
Tomorrow we will come.

Birthday today,
We take out cups.
Babya booze with us that
Al will and boys and boys?

We celebrate our birthday
Dancing to the decline
And throw a hundred grams
The hugs will begin.

We had a cool fun
Pulled out, do not calm down
We need festivals hopped
We often celebrate.

We will gather again
Again songs, dances, laughter
Where is a good company
People there are happier than everyone.

The table was breaking from food,
What is not there.
That I will not eat, then I will bite,
I will forget about the diet.

A lot of beer, a lot of vodka,
Pilgroup of caviar, a bucket of herring.
Birthday to celebrate,
We can about five days.

The toast for health was said
They poured glasses.
So that the cold does not stick
Eat the bustle on the snack.

Songs sang and ditties,
Soon girlfriends will go on dance.
Cool the holiday to celebrate
We will be able to eighty -five.

Girls danced under the button accordion,
They sang under the guitar.
The birthday was celebrated
For two weeks.

We walked well
The birthday was celebrated.
I drank and chopped off
I don’t remember who was born then.

They announced a white dance,
And where are the men where we will find?
And let's make women make a woman
In the glasses of a little white we pour ...

We covered the clearing
The bottles were devastated.
A liter drank - a hassle,
Until the morning he snored in the bushes ...

But the overseas caviar,
I eat directly from the pelvis.
And we don’t get it in any way,
Oh, tasty, infection.

We set off together in dance,
We are dancing for an hour.
To stop us,
It is necessary to pour vodka.

Funny ditties for a birthday from guests

Funny ditties for a birthday from guests

Funny ditties for a birthday from guests:

In anticipation of the feast,
I didn’t eat at home for three days.
And at a party he ate a heap, a jelly,
And from the cakes are a bald.

I love to go to visit
I immediately drink for the mistress.
And about the defender of the hostess,
I will say: "Very cute bunny."

Was visiting Fedot yesterday,
Today, Fedot has become not the same.
I got drunk from yesterday,
Now I have registered in the toilet.

I hug a toilet
There is no better place now.
It was necessary to rush
So as not to be fenced away.

In the morning, Semyon with Ignat,
They crawled from guests to the hut.
I got Semyon on the face,
And Ignat seems to be too.

To the payroll to survive,
You have to walk around the guests.
Since there are not even sausages at home
We’ll get around the list on the list.

The guest came to me yesterday,
I treated it from the heart,
Eats for a day, soon bursts,
Everything screams - dragging Harchi.

He invited Kuma to visit
What Lyada - I do not understand.
Instantly gobbled up all supplies
And the third hour is already sharpening the Lisas.

We will smear icores,
A thick layer for a sandwich.
Didn't you get into my mouth? Away, Vanyatka,
Open your mouth wider.

I like to go to visit
There is a jelly and water to drink vodka.
Me and I like to eat salad,
Yes, I'm even sleeping in the salad.

The table was bursting with an abundance
And by the morning of the ball of Katya.
Oh, I love to eat away,
Do not take away from the table.

It is better not to find a place
Sit a clock three.
All the premieres and ministers,
Washed the bones cleanly clean.

In every house she has
You can sit in it with the company.
Here is a water tap, grub and gas,
We’ll slow down the snack now.

It doesn’t matter that there is little space
Won wife already knew the dough.
Tea is in full swing, the pie is suitable,
The matchmaker does not take the eye from the oven

We were sitting on the kitchen,
Swers drank, ate porridge.
Gossip everything, the whole area
The mother -in -law will tell everyone who is at home.

Oh, I like to go to my neighbor
For a kitchen conversation.
And we will drink it, so we will stand up,
If we do not get down to opinions.

We were sitting on the kitchen,
The sincere chatter led.
They ate a whole pelvis of dumplings,
And the port of the liter is three.

M s on the kitchen, they were sitting,
About politics was buzzing.
And Fedot said -“Guys,
Yes, we are smarter than deputies. "

They sat with a friend in the kitchen,
And under the vodka are the points.
Another hour under cognac,
And there and to the fats under the barrel.

We talked about everything
The wives were washed by the bones.
Burn another hour,
Yes, vodka ended with us.

We were sitting on the kitchen,
They drank vodka, if they ate.
It is important not to even eat,
And to talk heart to heart.

Comic ditties for birthday to entertain guests

Comic ditties for birthday to entertain guests

Comic ditties for birthday to entertain guests:

They say that they ate bulb
Colorado beetles.
We can do without bulb
If only there were men!

My Milenok Tyr-Tyr-Styr,
He rides to Tyr-Tyr.
As I hear: "Tyr, tyr, tyr" -
Heart is breaking!

I miss the dear -
I drink a cup of tea.
And when he misses
Sweeps, bastard, moonshine.

Ivan came to the toad,
He stomped with his left boot ...
But such a woman could
Bring, moron, to the house!

That science has advanced
I have no doubt!
I'm in bed with a laptop
Hug the Internet!

The planet is beating with the crisis,
But I'm asking in mind to keep -
This is the best diet
To lose weight to all of us.

In the yard, the fog is worth
Zero visibility,
Under the mountain, the man lies-
Russian real estate.

My mother beat me, I was beating
That I came late
So as not to wake mom-
I will come to come in the morning!

For pipe on the stove
Thought the saints.
Dedko Babka bent his paws,
Equipment sinners.

Just went to the porch
And he got into witnesses.
My rooster is someone else's chicken
He pressed to the rubble.

I was visiting the mother -in -law.
Ate mushrooms for joy.
And with a smile on the lips
He sat in the bushes all day.

Behind the river on the slope
Milka pegs.
Her skirt is short,
In the ass, the sun bakes.

If you want to meet
Come to the tubercle.
Capture a loaf of bread
And potatoes pot.

Like Kum Kuma glad,
He brought her to the grapes.
Kissed Kuma there
And not a word to anyone.

Ditties happy birthday congratulations for an unforgettable holiday

Ditties happy birthday congratulations for an unforgettable holiday

Dithes happy birthday congratulations for an unforgettable holiday:

We were going to congratulate you
Happy birthday!
Toasts are diluted with jokes
And we will sit sincerely !!!

Don't think that for tomorrow
There will be a head to buzz,
And leave one hundred grams for breakfast,
So as not to get sick in the morning!

We wish you many years
And hug in absentia!
Let luck calls
Without hesitation forward.

How your age suits you
It became even better simply!
You are an example to imitate
And hit the departure!

How much it would not be nicked -
You are good for everyone!
Continue your bright flight,
Take fate gifts.

Gentle ears.
We’ll sake ditties to you!
We wish everything you want
Joy from morning to night!

We are for this birthday
Cooked ditties:
To set the mood
We will amuse your ears!

You will grow up for a year,
But in fact you get younger.
You can see you know the secret
How to wind back the term of years!

Let you spare you years
And never torment!
You are still good
Apparently, you have a secret.

We wish you on your birthday
What the soul is amending,
Perform without delay.
Life is generous and good!

You are all the most important today
You have your best day.
So that it lasts all year
And you did not need anything!

Personal happiness and in general
You wanted to wish.
And successful success
The fact that only the soul pleases!

Ditties for a woman's birthday

Ditties for a woman's birthday

Little ditties for a woman's birthday:

Birthday, let's just say,
The holiday is wonderful,
Therefore, ditties give
We are diligent to you!

We have funny ditties
Sweeping is not too lazy at all
Let the jokes fun
With a good joke, slant!

So that you smile sweetly
All sparkled with joy
So that your dreams come true
Life seemed sweet!

We will not count the years
You have fate - for "five!",
Better a glass we will say
And then we pour it again.

OPA, yes op,
We are ready again
Have fun and joke
Give you a compliment.

You are so beautiful
Right in sight.
All rivals, sighing,
Suffer defeat.

You don't need a diet
Fitness is also useless
No matter how you look, queen
Everything and everything to face.

Share your secret
At least for a birthday,
How to achieve this
You are physique.

The legs are super, the view that you need
And the figure is just a class
Be with you, fate reward,
You are the joy of our eyes!

OPA, yes op,
You look cool
Stay like that
Cute, bright, enviable!

You, a fighting friend,
You give trouble to everyone,
You have time for everything in the world
You will never be lost.

Let the success meet you,
Happiness pours over the edge,
And everything that hurts
Send away!

And we also wish you love
Yes, such that oh-th,
Money, joy, good luck,
Well, other things.

OPA, yes op,
We wish you a lot:
Live richly, have everything,
And in happiness to storch.

Ditties for a birthday to a man

Ditties for a birthday to a man

Dithes for a birthday to a man:

We are ditties, dear friend,
We’ll sought it to you now
Congratulations on birthday,
Let the problems roll out of the eyes!

You are a man, of course, cool,
What proved more than once,
You are doing all things to be a waybill
And in the feast, - just ace!

Continue in the same spirit
Be successful and cool
Let them grumble around the old woman:
In him an angel behind him!

Christmas trees, pine trees,
Vodka is not a water
Pour in a pile
We will have fun!

You have many advantages:
Spleen is inappropriate in life,
If necessary, a strong word
Send away, damn it!

Never upset
Be with luck on "you"
Rest and have fun,
Performing all dreams!

Let the pockets drop it:
In the sense - money is a whole pood,
All beauties dream
To fall asleep with you!

Christmas trees for a pine,
So that there is everything with a bundle
We drink without a stop
And then we still pour it!

With a breeze, not knowing worries,
In the elite strip,
Rush, everything is sweeping away,
On the chic Chevrolet!

Paris and Nice are waiting for you,
Not for a red word,
To enjoy life
Could be completely, to the end!

To visit, we wish you
Wherever you want more than once
And today, congratulating
Give vigor reserve!

Christmas trees, pine trees,
More fun,
To be from a needle,
We’ll hang out tomorrow!

Ditties for a birthday girlfriend

Ditties for a birthday girlfriend

Dithes for a birthday to a friend:

On the birthday to sing ditties
One pleasure,
After all, girlfriends are given
To howl at the same time!

A friend has a birthday,
We will eat the cake and cookies,
And another kilo of halva,
If only there was no war.

Have fun, my friend,
Celebrate, celebrate the anniversary,
Tomorrow again on a diet.
On carrots and celery!

Be, my girlfriend,
He is dressed from coutur
And look at the sun
From the convertible!

Mark birthday,
Pour hot tea.
You can also live
So, pour vodka!

Take gifts, (name of your girlfriend),
And listen ditties.
Do not be offended by friends
And dare better!

We ruled the glass,
They bite half a kilo.
The main thing was enough for strength
To celebrate O-th!

I love potatoes cake
And the girlfriend is with cottage cheese.
I give a fuck,
After all, attention is expensive!

We are for you today
Let's drink sweet vodka,
So that there is no hole
In a family boat!

A friend has an anniversary
A hundred friends ran
What toast is to say,
We need to take a queue.

You are good for everyone,
Maybe you will say what is the secret.
And you have a figure
I forgot about lunch.

On your birthday to you
We give chrysanthemums,
No more beautiful than you
In the team of girls!

Congratulations of their own
I betray publicity:
I want to wish love
Well, sex, in particular!

Oh, dear friend,
Let's sit down under the hawthorn.
Your fly is a harmonist,
And mine is a balalaika.

Don't count your years
This is all in vain.
The main thing is our friend,
You look cool!

You don't need a diet
Fitness is also useless
No matter how you look, queen
Everything and everything to face.

We wish you further
Happiness was over the edge!
If he offends who - away
They send them, girlfriend!

We sang ditties to you
The neck dried up.
Happy birthday my friend,
Pour it so as not to die!

Ditties for birthday from children

Ditties for birthday from children

Dithes for birthday to mom from children:

Our mother is the best
The most beautiful,
Young, gold,
Be healthy, dear!

Dad mom in her arms
Wears with adoration.
And he kisses her
Just with incontinence.

We adore mamulia
We never offend.
And we will not give offense
We’ll fence from everything!

Our mother is all forced to
All problems over the teeth.
She will get at home,
Like a great captain!

We congratulate mamly
Good ditties.
A kiss in both cheeks,
We reward freckles!

You have a birthday
Warm spring.
Our mother, like spring

You kept, cherished
Baby beloved.
Helped us to get up,
I got out of force.

We wish you, mom,
It is tasty to sleep sweetly.
And to make it more fun, -
Remove a pension more often!

And ours, with Mamuli,
Birthday again!
How many candles are there on the cake?
As usual 25!

We have no money, mommy,
To give gifts.
But we'll give you
What they managed to make!

Our mother loves very much
"For a trifle" to worry!
So that the pressure rides
And then knock him down!

Our mother is the best
The most beautiful,
Young, gold,
Be healthy, dear!

I have a mood
Directly great in the morning!
After all, mom's birthday,
There is no better in the world of the day!

If mom smiles
And we will be more fun.
We wish our mother
A lot of good, bright days!

Ditties Birthday of dad from his son and daughter

Ditties Birthday of dad from his son and daughter

Ditties Birthday of dad from his son and daughter:

Dad knows everything best,
Never lose heart.
Dad in the house - head,
This is how twice two.

Dad, be always like this:
The closest, dear.
The most daring and high,
The most intelligent, but not strict.

Happy Birthday to You
The whole family congratulates.
Never forget:
You need us than ... wi-fi!

Hello Papul, what can I say?
We will congratulate you.
We wish the sky blue
As well as the happiness of the groovy.

So that there is always football in the television,
And ours scored a goal.
Mom to adore you
And she did not forbid drinking beer.

And so that, in spite of the deputy,
They raised a salary eight times.
I also want to say from us:
Papul - you are just a super class!

Not sick that my good
Never knew troubles
I did not meet with black cats,
The neighbor returned debts,

But Mamul did not grumble
On you by trifles,
I poured at dinner
Even a white one hundred grams,

So to speak, for appetite!
Happy birthday, my dear!
Be chosen by the favorite
For the next century by fate!

The best dad in the universe,
Happy Birthday.
And we wish to live long
To cherish us all!

You are beautiful, no doubt
You live without knowing troubles.
Be beautiful and sports,
Nimble, cheerful and active!

You are an example for us in everything,
Straight excellent student-pioneer.
So stay so
And do not give up the temptations!

Ditties for a birthday from a grandfather from the whole family

Ditties for a birthday from a grandfather from the whole family

Ditties for a birthday from a grandfather from the whole family:

Grandfather (name)! You accept
My congratulations.
I wish you happiness
For all future days.

You will receive a pension as a pension
Then did not light up
Remember the commandment of Christ -
He shared his neighbor.

You, grandfather (name), are not pain,
Forget you where is the pharmacy.
You take a hundred grams on your chest -
You will live two centuries.

Feasted holiday today,
Everyone is surprising.
Grandfather (name) to dear
Let's handle the birthday.

What a punishment
There is no attention to a pension.
If the pension was raised,
We would sing and danced.

Oh, Lafa to pensioners,
They have no bad problems
Cottage, yacht, what kind of stupidity?
With whom to drink for three.

If the pension is small
The gym is not needed,
Shops where there are discounts,
While running, prepare dinner.

I went to pension,
SNILS Green received,
I worked or walked,
SNILS learned everything about me.

That's how happiness fell
The pension was added.
As many as forty -two rubles,
Oh, they were forced to laugh.

As always, by etiquette
I'm going to my grandfather for dinner
To congratulate your birthday
And hand over the poem

On a multi -colored postcard
Together with fiery greetings!
Be always good -natured
Mom with the obedient grandmother!

Our grandfather today is young,
Ruddy like a new chervonchik,
You will congratulate us from us,
Let us walk the fun
So that you are never old, our eagle,
So that you are strong like a pillar,
Granny pinched for the ass,
And never discouraged!
So that you still live for a whole century,
Be happy, our dear man!

Grandfather, I wish two hundred years
Or even three hundred!
Let there be no ailments, troubles
And problems with the body!
Let under the sky blue
You live joyfully
And caring from relatives
It is fully worth it!

"I wish grandfather of joy"
I wish grandfather joy
You never discourage you
And, the day of birth, celebrating
Invite friends and loved ones!

Let you lucky, grandfather,
And it will be next to it forever
Your beloved granny.
Love for many years!

Grandma's ditties for birthday

Grandma's ditties for birthday

Dithes for grandmother for birthday:

For their relatives, friends, guests
You do not regret vodka today.
Raise the glass above the bolder
We will sing, and you are to the bottom of the finish.

And I am friends with my grandmother,
I don't boil very early -
Let him rest and sleep again.
This is, because, because,
Obviously on everything:
So I love her hotly!

We look in the eyes of our relatives
And we drink for you
We call the granny good,
The only one
Not only on the birthday,
You are no longer -
Honor and respect
You are hundreds of years!

Today is the grandmother
The whole family gathered.
After all on this day, grandmother
Fear all, friends.
We are grandmother's birthday
We call everything the holiday
And on this day only to her alone
We sing all the songs!

We wish you, grandmother,
Always be healthy.
As energetic
Live up to a hundred years.
We will try you
More worried about
We will be all around the house
We always help.

We love very much, grandmother,
Come to visit you.
And you can all guests
So delicious to treat.
Both pies and buns -
You can’t find tastier.
Raspberry compote and fruitless -
You will always find for us.

How to congratulate us granny?
How to surprise her?
And we ask the grandfather
Invite on a date!

So what, what about fifty?
So what, what's the grandmother?
Anyway for us - a girl
And for the husband - the Ladushka.

Baba (name) does not sit,
She is young to match:
Since to work is to work like that
And to dance - so dance!

It's no secret, my granny,
Beauty is still that!
And Modnyshka, Singing,
Everyone for envy is yes!

I am with my grandmother
I asked 100 rubles,
And she gave me 3,
Grand the granddaughter on your own!

Here warm guests are met.
And the guests like it here.
Grandfather pride bursts -
The grandmother will not be praised!

We did not have time to be born
They began to shout merrily.
To be a grandmother for strength
And check for class.
And the parents handed it
Grandchildren to the grandmother is dear.
And they only take it to themselves
Only on the weekend.
But the granny smiled
And she told me
That I did not become a grandmother
And only "Grandfather's wife."

Ditties for his sister's birthday

Ditties for his sister's birthday

Sisters' birth ditties:

My sister's sister
Ears on the top of the head
Congratulations listen to ours,
We will sing, or maybe a spray.

Sister, sister - a floor of a fire,
The light of a candle in an ice night!
Sister, sister, and all my heart
In happiness and in trouble I'm always with you!

I'll get together more with the spirit
And without unnecessary phrases
I am a beloved sister
I will kiss a hundred times.

Be cheerful and bright,
Do not lose heart for trifles.
In a crazy life
Do not lose self -control.

We all came down the mountains
And steep shores.
We wish you happiness
And two bags of gifts.

There is wine on the table
A whole bottle,
Happy birthday, we congratulate
We (name) Darling!

I'm on your birthday
I will give three roses.
Let your eyes with happiness
Glums like stars.

To go along the street,
We need to take the boots.
Let forever young
There will be your legs.

Candles are on the cake,
Don't count how old
Our majesty!

I am pissing in the garden of wormwood,
I will link her into sheaves.
So that you are not taken out
Cockroaches and bugs.

The doctor pulled out of the kidneys
The stones are robbed.
Let you have stones
Only precious.

Make your lips with a bow
Make the edge of the house
On birthday you will be your own
The sweetest gnome!

You dance and laugh
You have fun and sing!
And all the guests are surprising
Here is an old woman, here it gives!

Ditties to her husband's birthday

Ditties to her husband's birthday

Dithes to her husband's birthday:

My husband, you are the strongest
Wonderful, beautiful.
On the birthday, dear,
Prepared a verse with a wife:

More joy and happiness
And success without bad weather.
And in work and in love
So that good luck only go.

Let the health be strong
Like a drink seven -year -old.
And so that next to
Would anyone be? Of course it's me!

You, of course, are not a gift either
But we will not be about this now.
Know, although often it is not visible, maybe
I love you. It will always be so!

Happy birthday, spouse,
I cordially congratulate
I wish me regularly.

To hammer the nails more
And buy diamonds,
And from my beautiful dishes
Only ecstasy always fall.

Like a tiger, be in bed,
So that the chandeliers are rang,
And neighbors with irritation
We would be knocking on the walls!

Earn decent
Like a bourgeois, solo cash,
Be successful and happy
And, of course, my beloved!

You, whose shoulders are wider than ours!
You, who are higher, more beautiful!
You whose bald head is visible
From any window!

You who do not like shopping!
It will save me, then destroy me.
You shaggy, hairy!
Hey, you! In a striped T -shirt!

You, who loves to dance money!
And he will comfort if I whip!
You! Can you hear? Or no?
Congratulations to send you.

You are more expensive than anyone in the world!
You are shining in the sky!
You, beloved and dear!
Boring without you alone.

Be always with me!
And do not wash the dishes!
Even take out the garbage,
I just ask you to be!

Let not jerk nervously
You, my glorious eyebrow,
If I cry, getting dressed
There is nothing again today.

Forces, let enough health
Mammoth to drag home,
Well, I will warm with affection,
I will love to love.

Happy birthday, noble,
My man, my hero,
I wish to show more often
The house has its temperament.

Score nails with passion,
Cranes with zeal to repair,
And with great inspiration
Take out the garbage at night.

I want to give me money
Just like that, from ardent feelings,
Let there be patience in you
For my great madness.

Beloved, happy birthday,
Be strong, like Apollo!
And let the bank of Savingsia
They will go for a million!

Let friends call more often
And go for lunch.
Strong friendship of the present
There are no obstacles!

You will go fishing -
I don't think about interfering
Only, dear, mermaid
Do not try to catch there!

Let not give reasons health
Worry about it
Well, I love you
I will always surround!

Ditties to wife's birthday

Ditties to wife's birthday

Dithes to his wife's birthday:

Here's the task of Pythagoras:
How to travel half the country?
Where to get the sea of \u200b\u200bflowers
On the birthday of his wife?

I will not go fishing
Sorry, boys!
Fines took the landfill
On the birthday of the wife!

Live without beer for a month!
He tears the news to me!
Wife's birthday
The whole salary was eaten!

What to buy a wife as a gift?
Think, think Boshechka!
The skin from the tiger or something to remove?
Loves a dwelling of cats!

Birthday to a girl
I bought plates.
And she is a plate
I was pulled by the theme!

He gave his wife
On the birthday of honey in the hive.
Only she will reveal her mouth -
I will release the swarm of the swarm!

And my pretty one
I bought diapers.
There will be something to do to the wife,
Stop just kissing!

I bought a herring wife,
And she: "I want tights!"
I am a simple man and Russian:
“What is the use of them? - Not a snack! "

I will give my wife a pan
On the birthday in July.
You, wife, listen to me -
I really want to eat!

Eh, my wife scored me
She wants Shubonka
With fur is the brightest!

He wants a wife a car!
Just not washing!
Well, I'm only a tire for her
I was able to premium!

If the matter goes so,
I will give a lock on my mouth!
Too often says
That her head hurts.

And the wife is not enough money,
Give her all the bucks.
All stagnacons are pancake
At least sew your pockets into my underpants.

What did you find under the sofa
Then my stash
Give it soon, Klava,
And there will be a fight.

I took out my stash
It seems not enough.
I took a closer look, e-mine,
Inflation gobbled up.

I hid a stoop for a long time,
Then in a jug, or in a boot.
And then he took out and drank,
So without a booze, pierced.

I hid the stoop, hid,
Then he gave his wife himself.
But in the house there is peace and happiness,
And then the Fingal shone in the forehead.

I dug up a treasure in the garden,
Only my husband was not happy.
Then his stash
Oh, I will feel a fight.

I hid a stoop for a long time,
The wife found in five minutes.
She has scent, like a shepherd.
She was born for a detective.

The wife has a head,
I was not sick at night.
I will give a whole pay,
After all, sex is good deed.

My nyuh has,
She is the shepherd with two.
Where would he have not hung up
He will always find a bad ending.

Leo Tolstoy, he is a faithful friend,
He will heal my ailment.
In volume ten, in the middle,
The stitch on a bottle of vodka.

The wife has a head,
I did not get sick by chance.
Not a bottle on the stitch,
Buy gifts to your wife.

Bookcase, in it in three rows,
Classics are always waiting for me.
I read - the wife is proud of
In volumes, the jack is stored.

I sat down in a shuttle, and then suddenly pitching,
I'm in alarm, where is the stash?
Wife is still an infection,
A little that the stash will whistle right away.

Ditties for the director’s birthday, chief

Ditties for the director’s birthday, chief

Ditties for the director’s birthday, boss:

And our chef
After all, today is the anniversary
And in honor of the holiday we ask
We are an increase in a hundred rubles

Dear ... (Igor Mikhalych, for example)
Congratulations on the holiday
Stay you like that
Responsible boss.

We came to the director
Ask for the increase
Well, at least they got something
For example, for champs.

Past the chief’s office
I don't go idle
Then the report under the door I will slip
Or I will offer coffee.

We knocked towards the director
Maybe an hour, or maybe three.
The chef was negotiating there
With secretary inside.

Our director is well done
I gave everyone a salary
Well, if I didn't give out
We would burn the hut!

Our boss is in time
Do ten things at once,
He is very worried
If something did not have time.

We are not at all to the sink
But we want to praise
Our leader is strong -
Its sin not to praise!

If the work is going on,
And profitability is growing,
This means our boss -
Correctly conducts things.

Do not be sad, our boss,
That the problems are full,
In our friendly team -
Everything has been debugged for a long time!

On the birthday boss
It affects beauty:
He has a beautiful tie
And the mood - at least sing!

Our team is excellent,
And the boss is just a class!
That's why we congratulate you
We want from the heart now!

We have a superhero chef
He stands for us a mountain.
Well, if we are with the same,
Then screams at us sometimes ...

Cystyushki songs at birthday

Cystyushki songs at birthday

Cystushki songs at birthday:

Happy birthday to congratulations
And according to the list of goods we wish:
To get into the Duma!
To become new Russians!
Gated Gates Bila,
I got a summer house in the Maldives!
Peris Hilton to fall in love
And fell to your feet!

Happy Birthday,
Put the kettle soon on the gas.
I bring you cookies
We will celebrate now.
There will be a lot of jokes, laughter,
Pour tea into mugs.
I almost drove up
After five minutes, meet!

Once a bottle, two bottles!
Happy birthday friend!
Let it not be a hole in life
Your filled pocket!
Three bottles and four ...
We are already swimming with you
To tomorrow in our world
Very long was the hut!
Five bottles and sixth ...
What ... do you still wish?

The nose was combed in the morning
So it's time to mark!
There is a reason, and not bad -
This is your birthday!
And I want to wish
Do not lose optimism,
Be satisfied like an elephant,
And earn a million!

What to wish for a day?
Never lose heart
All problems bypass,
Somewhere like a tank to pass,
So that a thousand steps
There were no enemies nearby.
I wish the feast
Heroic health
And love and respect,
Only upwards are always upward.
I drink my stack to the bottom,
I seize vodka with lard
And scream in the heat of fun
The louder I am:
Happy Birthday!

So that with a smile, with a positive,
Without associations with beer,
Life is like a ripe raspberry
Silver car!

Let the house be in the fairy tale!
To work not in scrap!
What is in abundance
Money was calculated in the ingot!

So that the health is strong:
Eat onions, carrots and turnips!
So that luck and love
With you were again and again!

Congratulations, birthday!
Jam Day, e-mine!
Let your life be.

Not a minute without luck
Not a second without love
Positive, mood
Wake up in the morning.

Eat, dance, pedal,
From ecstasy, die,
Love everyone, make friends with everyone
Life to live in full!

There is a gift for you
And his friends will read.
We call the days of the week
Congratulations on birthday.
Monday - shook off
And the beauty woke up.
Tuesday: drank slightly -
A couple of glasses of cognac.
On Wednesday, you can drink tea.
Here is a cigar is accidental.
Thursday - you need to sleep,
Maybe read Nietzsche.
On Friday - it's time to bite,
Cavaliers start.
Ophel overtook on Saturday ...
Thank God there is no work ...
On Sunday, tan
Rest on Canaries.
And let the whole year
Life passes without worries.

I wish you tons of victories
I wish you lots of health,
I wish you a bit of interference,
I wish you for the soul!
I wish the sweets of love
I wish you life in bright color,
I wish you dreams that have come true
I wish the best in the world!
I wish you laugh a full house
I wish you a whole year of fun,
I wish everything around
Enjoyment gave you!

Video: ditties at birthday

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