Adenoids in children. Modern treatment of adenoids in children. Folk remedies for adenoids in children

Adenoids in children. Modern treatment of adenoids in children. Folk remedies for adenoids in children

From the article you will learn why adenoids grow in children and how to deal with this problem.

If your baby is very often sick and snots for a long time, then this may be a sign that the baby has increased nasopharynx tonsils. Most often, parents learn about the disease when adenoids in children increase to such a size that the baby becomes difficult to breathe.

But the most obvious sign of the disease is a constantly half -open mouth. If your child has two symptoms, then it is better to show yourself to the doctor, because only he can correctly determine what is with your child and what treatment should be used.

Where are the adenoids in the nose of the child and the tonsils in the throat are located and what do you have?

Adenoids and tonsils are just a lymphatic tissue that acts as a barrier from diseases transmitted by airborne droplets. In a healthy state, these formations have a rounded shape and pale pink. But if the protective forces are reduced and infection falls into the body, they become crimson, and increase very much in size.
These vital formations are located in the form of a ring in the oropharynx. They perform one and the same protective function, all that distinguishes them is the location. The tonsils are placed in the throat area, and adenoids are in the upper part of the pharynx.

Signs and symptoms of adenoids in children

Although an increase in tonsils is a fairly common disease, its treatment should be approached quite seriously. After all, if you do not deal with this problem in time, then the child may begin, for example, chronic sinusitis or tonsillitis. And these two diseases, as you know, cause quite a lot of unpleasant sensations.

Symptoms of tonsils increase:

• The child is difficult to breathe
• Chronic runny nose
• Strong snoring in a dream
• Hoarse voice
• The child is very often sick
• Reducing appetite
• Incorrect bite

Causes of adenoids in children

Every mother tries to grow her baby healthy and strong. She does everything that her son or daughter should be sick and meet with doctors as little as possible, but there are diseases that appear regardless of what lifestyle the child leads.
Factors that can affect the growth of tonsils in the nose:
Heredity. If dad or mother in childhood had problems with adenoids, it is likely that the child will also have the same problems
Severe pregnancy. An increase in tonsils can provoke viral diseases transferred to the first trimester, regular intake of medications and birth injuries
Feeding. An unbalanced food, a large amount of sweet and products that include artificial fillers and preservatives can provoke an increase in adenoids.

The degree of adenoids in children. Photo of degrees of adenoids

Very often, lymphatic formations in the nasopharynx begin to increase in time any viral disease. If the child with immunity is all right, then as soon as the disease retreats to normal, adenoids will also come. But if the disease is delayed and goes into chronic, then this can provoke the growth of adenoids in children.

The degree of tonsil in the tonsils:
• First (small size). A child may have minor breathing disorders in a dream
• second (average size). It is difficult for the baby to breathe his nose, but in a dream he is very snoring
• Third (large size). In a dream breathes exclusively through the mouth and very often gets sick

Swelling for adenoids in a child

If you notice that the baby has a strong nose and he constantly brings up, sneezes and breathes heavily, then the tonsils overgrown, provoked nose swelling. But no matter how bad the son feels to be upset. These symptoms can be removed at home.

Methods for removing swelling:
Nemedicine methods. Increase humidity in the apartment, do inhalations, let's drink as much fluid as possible and do warming compresses
Medication methods. Ordinary nasal drops, antihistamines or special substances of systemic action will help to relieve symptoms.
Folk methods. The nose can be washed by mother-i-mother, plantain, calendula or bury beetroot, aloe and carrot juice with olive oil

How to treat nasal congestion, cough, runny nose for adenoids in children?

If adenoids in children reach large sizes, then as a rule they begin to provoke a cough and a runny nose. Most often, these two symptoms are strongly aggravated during the child’s sleep.

This is due to the fact that the receptors that are located in the nasopharynx are constantly irritated by enlarged adenoids and mucus, which is located on the rear wall of the nose and throat.

The following recommendations will help you get rid of such problems:
• We treat cough. You can absorb tablets that increase immunity, rinse the throat with saline, take vitamin C and antitussive agents
We treat a runny nose. The nose should be washed with sea salt, irrigated glucocorticosteroids, dig in drops, which include antiseptics and antibiotics and take antihistamines

How to treat adenoids in a child without surgery?

Not all parents agree to remove adenoids in children. Everyone has their own reasons for this. Some believe that over time the child simply develops to get sick, others are sure that removing the problem will not solve the problem.

And if you also belong to this category, then try to alleviate the condition of the child with folk remedies. But still know, if the tonsils in the nose are very hypertrophied, then you will have to contact doctors exactly

Methods for treating adenoids at home

We cook homemade drops. Take dry cloves (8-12 pcs.), Pour a glass of water, close the lid and leave to infuse. When the liquid darkens, it must be strained after a few layers of gauze, pour into a clean bottle and use a pipette into the nose. You can safely use such drops for a long time
We do soda washing. We dissolve in a glass of warm boiled water the fourth part of the teaspoon of soda and add 10 drops of alcohol to the resulting solution. Washing your nose at least 3 times a day, pouring half a glass into one nostril at a time. For each washing, you need to prepare a fresh solution

What drops are used for adenoids in children?

Most often, increased lymph formations provoke severe rhinitis. This disease is treated very simple, ordinary drops for the nose. The main thing is to remember that drops for the baby must be selected especially carefully. It will be better if they are prepared from natural, soft components.

Types of nose drops:
Drops from the pharmacy. Regardless of how much the selected drug will cost, it must have anti -inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Nazonex and Polydex cope well with rinite
Home drops. Each mommy can easily prepare a therapeutic agent at home. The nasal sinuses are cleaned very well. It is necessary to take a leaf, rinse it well under water, dry it a little and squeeze the juice from it. You need to instill 4 drops in one nostril.
Homeopathic drops. Such drugs quite effectively kill harmful bacteria, moisturize the nasal cavity and do not provoke side effects

At what age do adenoids remove in children?

It is believed that it makes no sense to remove adenoids to very young children, because there is a possibility that by seven years they will grow again. But still this opinion is not entirely correct. There are times when even three -year -old children have to remove lymphatic formations.

Indications for removal:

• Conservative treatment did not help
• The child, in general, does not breathe nose
• Stopping breathing during sleep
• Violation of bite and posture
• Frequent otitis media

Adenoids in a child: tips and reviews

Valentine: I was very afraid when the doctor said that my son needed an operation to remove. But all the glory to God passed successfully. The adenoids were removed quickly and, most importantly, without complications. After that, the son quickly recovered and practically stopped hurting. So I was satisfied with the result.
Tamara: Our adenoids somehow do not grow much, so we decided to try old grandmother's methods. Rinse the nose with sea salt, drip an aloy nose and simply increase immunity with a large number of vegetables and fruits. So far, everything seems to be fine.

Video: Adenoids - School of Dr. Komarovsky

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Comments K. article

  1. The baby, too, had more recently adenoids are inflamed ... It is good that the sensible doctor got caught. He advised us to use daily warmings and use the aquamaster. Over time, the inflammation passed ... so delighted with this! Because they were afraid that they would have to do ...

  2. Really timely treatment of adenoids will stop their growth and, in the future, avoid surgery to remove them. The first degree was treated with oil touches Edas 801, dripped into each nasal passage three drops three times a day. The growth stopped and the nasal breath was restored. Now we visit the doctor once in half a year, for examination.

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