Healing fungus cheerful: medicinal properties, instructions for use. Tincture of fungus fungus for oncology and how to cook it

Healing fungus cheerful: medicinal properties, instructions for use. Tincture of fungus fungus for oncology and how to cook it

Do you know about the unique properties of the fungus of a cheerful? In the article about what diseases he heals and how to use it.

The fungus of the merry is an amazing and mysterious living organism. He is the Guinness record holder due to extremely fast (5mm per minute!) Growth of the legs. The folk names attract his attention - “Witch's Egg” and “Carrier”. And also, the mushroom has a wide range of therapeutic properties. They say he treats cancer at any stage.

Where does fungus grow in Russia and when to collect it?

The bazidial fungus of a cheerle of ordinary belongs to the order of phabes. Indeed, in a mature form due to a long leg and a round hat, it is very reminiscent of the male genital organ in a state of excitement. Due to such a specific "appearance", the people are called the fungus "cuff."

It is enough to look at the mushroom as a cheerful to understand why it is called a cuff
It is enough to look at the mushroom as a cheerful to understand why it is called a "cuff"

The “shaggy” grows in temperate latitudes, in deciduous, coniferous and mixed forests.

  1. The cheerful of a round, oval, elliptical shape propagates.
  2. The mushroom hat develops in the ground. It has a round shape and a size of about 6 cm by 5 cm. At first it is light gray, as the mushroom ripens, it darkens
  3. The leg of the cheerful can "shoot" from the ground by 10-30 cm
  4. The "shaggy" lives for only two days. At the very beginning, it is a grayish jet egg with a mycelial weight at the base. During the ripening period, a dark olive hat rises on a dense light leg with spongy walls. By the end of the second day of life, the merry exudes a fetid aroma, and on the third day it disappears without a trace

Very often, Witch's Egg forms a symbiosis with a beech, oak and shrubs, you need to look for it under them.

The phases of the life of the mushroom is cheerful.
The phases of the "life" of the fungus are cheerful.

In Russia, you can collect it:

  • in the Caucasus
  • in the area of \u200b\u200bthe Black Sea
  • in Siberia

Important: the fun season is large enough: the mushroom can be found from May to October

The healing properties of a healing fungus are a cheerful: what does it treat?

People have known the healing properties of cheerful properties for a long time. Here are a few interesting facts:

  1. Back in the 19th century, this mushroom was treated with blue bloods in France, Germany and England
  2. A.S. Pushkin cheerle helped with thrombophlebitis, and Balzac is supposed to cure her ulcerative disease of the stomach
  3. The Russian tsarist family was also treated cheerful
Mushrooms treat many diseases, even cancer with preparations of fungus.
Mushrooms treat many diseases, even cancer with preparations of fungus.

So what does this wonderful mushroom help from?

  1. First, from cancer. Moreover, at any stage of this terrible disease. Polysaccharides in the composition of the mushroom stimulate the production of punch in the human body, which causes the destruction of cancer cells. It is believed that the infusions of the “witch's egg” stop the growth of malignant tumors of all internal organs, and also treat skin, leukemia, papillomas, fibromas, fibers, cysts and other benign neoplasms
  2. Secondly, from many internal diseases, for example, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary and reproductive systems
  3. Thirdly, funny preparations are apparently used for unhealed and infected wounds, trophic ulcers, dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema, and other skin diseases
  4. Fourthly, the fungus helps to increase immunity, and also acts as a powerful antiviral and antibacterial agent with many infectious diseases, ranging from acute respiratory viral infections and purulent tonsillitis, ending with viral hepatitis B and C

VIDEO: Mushroom - which treats cancer and oncology and AIDS - this is a fungus of a cheerful or witch's egg, damn egg

Fungus funny in official medicine

It would be amazing if official medicine did not become interested in the people about the miraculous properties of the “witch's egg”, did not try to confirm or refute them.
In the 20th century, in various countries of the world, scientific studies of this fungus were periodically conducted, during which its antitumor and many other beneficial properties were confirmed.

Important: at the junction of traditional and non -traditional medicine, there is a special method for treating mushrooms - fungotherapy. Within the framework of this method, a merry is used in one form or another

How to cook a fungus tincture of a cheerful on vodka? Witch's Egg on Kagor and Water

For the treatment and prevention of various diseases, cheerful is used:

  • purely raw
  • thermally processed in dishes
  • in the form of tincture on vodka, kagore and water
  • in the form of a decoction

RECIPE: "Witch's egg" on alcohol

Alcohol tincture is prepared from the fungus.
Alcohol tincture is prepared from the fungus.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bThe fungus is young in the form of an egg - 100 g of fresh (or 20 g of dry), vodka - 400 ml

  • mushrooms are washed and cut crossed out so that the core is exposed
  • put mushrooms in a glass jar
  • pour the cheerful with vodka
  • insist the mushroom for 2 weeks, at this time the bank should be in a dark place

Important: they say that the healing properties of the cheerful will increase, if each incision is made on the mushrooms, dip the knife into the Epiphany water. You can also replace vodka consecrated in the church by Kagor

There is a category of people who contain alcohol tinctures contraindicated. They can prepare the drug cheerful in water or oil.

RECIPE: Oily drug fungus cheerful

Witch's egg can be insisted in oil.
“Witch's egg” can be insisted in oil.

Need: fresh fungus cheerle - 50 g, olive oil - 200 ml

  • mushrooms are finely cut or rubbing
  • the oil is heated to 38-40 degrees
  • the mushroom is placed in glass and poured with warm oil
  • the drug is placed in the refrigerator for 5 days
  • after filter and use

RECIPE: Decoction of "Witmail Egg"

Need: fungi fungus dry - 10 g, water - 400 ml

  • water is brought to a boil
  • at the same time prepare a water bath
  • the mushroom is poured with boiling water, the container with it is placed in a water bath
  • languish the decoction for 15 minutes
  • cool and insist within an hour
  • filter and use

Important: for the treatment of cancer and other serious diseases for the course, it is necessary to take from 1 liter to 3 liters of tincture or a decoction of the “cubby”, so the proportions according to recipes can be increased

Video: How are mushrooms collect fungi. Recipient preparation of medicine

Application of fungus fungus in folk medicine

  1. Various endocrine diseases, including diabetes of the first and second types and diseases of the thyroid gland, are treated with a “cuff”. To do this, tincture of the mushroom must be taken 3 months according to this scheme: 3 weeks of reception - 1 week of break
  2. The mushroom is used in the complex treatment of severe viral diseases, such as hepresoviruses, cytomegaloviruses, papillomovirus, hepatitis viruses. To raise the body's defenses to the confrontation of infection, you need to gradually drink 3 liters of tincture or decoction (1 dessert spoon 3 times a day)
  3. The hearts of the heart and blood vessels bring severe discomfort and slowly kill the body. And then a miracle grib can help. It has the ability to remove cholesterol from the body, to “clean” the blood from its plaques. The tincture of a cheerful, taken twice a day before meals, normalizes blood pressure. With varicose veins, the tincture can be used externally in the form of lotions. They should be applied once a day to areas with a “net” for 15-20 minutes. But! You can’t warm compresses on the veins!
  4. If a person has gastritis or ulcer, it is recommended to take oil tincture of a cheerful. Firstly, the mushroom itself has bactericidal and wound healing properties, secondly, the oil envelops the organ covered with erosion. With hemorrhoids, the cracks of the rectum can be inserted with candles with a cheerful, the recipe for their preparation is given below
  5. With the help of the drug "Witch's Egg", you can cure cystitis, pyelonephritis, get rid of polyps in the bladder. The mushroom has a beneficial effect on male and female reproductive systems. He is a strong aphrodisiac, helps men return sexual power. Candles with a cheerful are used to treat prostatitis in men, inflammatory diseases of the genitals in women (then they are used rectally or vaginal). With mastopathy, lactostasis, a cake of clay, water and alcohol tincture of a cheerful is applied to the chest. If you take tincture of cheerful in oil inside, you can increase the amount of breast milk in a young mother. But! During pregnancy, mushroom preparations cannot be used, since it has abortive properties
  6. In the second half of their lives, it is recommended to use “witch eggs” drugs for the prevention and treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system: arthritis, arthrosis, coksartrosis, osteochondrosis, gout. With whores in the joints, tincture diluted with water is rubbed into problem areas. The same is done with radiculitis, after rubbing they are wrapped and fall asleep
  7. During an epidemic of acute respiratory viral infections and flu tincture, cheerfuls are used as an immunostimulator: they drink 1 hour of a spoon of the drug after breakfast, lunch and dinner
  8. Lotions with a cheerful are very effectively treated with skin allergies, sweating, ulcers and fungus. If you wipe the place of the insect bite with the tincture, it will not become inflamed and will not itch. Infusion can be used for burns and frostbite of the 1st and 2nd degree

RECIPE: Candles with fungus cheerful (10 pcs)

Home rectal and vaginal candles with a cheerful.
Home rectal and vaginal candles with a cheerful.

It is necessary: \u200b\u200bcocoa oil - 25 g (food), propolis tincture - 2 ml, tincture of cheerful - 5 ml

  • from foil and a cap for the handle prepare shapes for candles
  • cocoa oil is flooded in a water bath and mixed with propolis tinctures and cheerfuls
  • keep in a water bath for another 5 minutes to evaporate alcohol
  • pour warm oil into molds
  • send Sich to harden in the refrigerator, and they are kept all the time of treatment

Fungus treatment of cheerle of prostatitis

Prostatitis is a scourge of men after 50. They are looking for any ways to cure this disease, to overcome physical and psychological discomfort associated with it. The sad consequences of prostatitis are adenoma and prostate cancer. From this ailment you can be saved:

  • candles with tincture of the "witch's egg"
  • microclisms with this drug

RECIPE: Microclism from prostatitis with tincture of cheerful

With prostatitis, microclysters with a cheerful help.
With prostatitis, microclysters with a cheerful help.

Need: tincture of cheerful - 3 tbsp. tablespoons, boiled water cooled - 100 ml, sprint

  • tincture of the "shaggy" is bred in water
  • gain a solution in a sprint
  • do microclysteen
  • the procedure is recommended to be carried out every day in a course of 2 weeks, with a break per week of 3 years of enemas

Mushroom tincture of fun: Instructions for use in oncology

For the treatment of cancer, it is recommended to use tincture of a cheerful in this way:

  • the course of treatment - 12 months
  • take tincture for 30 in a row, then take a break for 10 days
  • the number of techniques per day is 2-3
  • drink tincture before meals, in about half an hour
  • a single dose from 1 dessert to 1 tablespoon of tincture, depending on the stage of the disease

After the first course of treatment with tincture, it is necessary to undergo a second examination. As a rule, their results delight. If the patient’s improvement has not occurred, he may need to switch to another medicine.

For the treatment of oncology, tincture of cheerful is drunk during the year.
For the treatment of oncology, tincture of cheerful is drunk during the year.

Important: oncological patients do not need to be considered a merry panacea. The mushroom is by no means an alternative to the treatment provided for by the official protocol! Also, there is no need to wait for instant healing: cancer is a very serious ailment, months and years take to fight it.

Is it possible and how to grow a fungus at home? The mycelium of the fungus is cheerful

Healing fungus can be grown at home. To do this, you need to buy seedlings.

A cheerful of mycelium can be grown at home.
A cheerful of mycelium can be grown at home.

IMPORTANT: Seedlings of fun is called mycelium. It is sold in packages of 100 g. The average packaging price is 10 US dollars

  1. This packaging is enough for the mushroom landing at 2 square meters (under a tree or a bush)
  2. Mycelium is ordered in winter, then it is better experiencing shipping
  3. Before planting it is stored in the refrigerator
  4. For planting, it is necessary to delve into the ground to a depth of 30 cm and organize a nutrient medium in three layers (10 cm each)
  5. The lower layer is formed from leaves, grass and crust of trees
  6. The middle layer is a forest humus. They pour mycelium into it (evenly)
  7. The upper layer repeats the bottom and is formed from the residues of plants
  8. On top of the landing place of fun is poured with garden soil

The first crop of “witch mushrooms” can be harvested 1.5 - 2 months after planting, then the new ones will grow twice a month. The mycelium will live for about 5 years.

VIDEO: Growing the fungus of a cheerful

Is it possible to buy a fungus of a cheerful in capsules in a pharmacy?

In pharmacies, a bioadot is sold - a fungus of a cheerful in capsules. It is taken 1-2 capsules twice a day with a course of 1-2 months.

Capsules with a cheerful.
Capsules with a cheerful.
Pharmaceutical tincture cheerful.
Pharmaceutical tincture cheerful.

VIDEO: Secrets of longevity. Electsir of youth mushroom "merry"

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Comments K. article

  1. I was cured of cancer of the third stage with a complex approach of tinctures of fungus, fly agaric, as well as tinctures from a backwater, and drank alkaline herbs. For a month and a half, I was cured.

    1. Alexander, and please write to me.

  2. Alexander thank God that you were cured! Could you write how you drank tinctures and what herbs. Thank you.

  3. I sell tincture of a cheerful. Harvest July-September 2016
    Call 8-963-728-63-96

    Sergiev Posad

  4. selling tincture of cheerful in bulk 150 liters

  5. i am to you ask you to write and Mne Aksandr how I had everything in the complex and how. I have my mother's cancer

  6. Alexander I have a prostate cancer, there is a fun, I begin to drink and use in dry form. Can you advise something?

  7. And where to get such a drug?

  8. Where to get this drug?

  9. After taking alcohol tincture, the fun was sick. Who knows whether it is possible to dilute the alcohol tincture with water and in what proportion to preserve the healing properties?

  10. Cancer can be cured with tincture of cheerful. Drink 2 times a day on a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals. It is necessary to be treated both from cancer and from many other diseases- a year. Although recovery occurs much earlier, but to be treated anyway, a year !!!

  11. Friends welcome you. Fitoncides of cheerful effectively acts on most pathogens and viruses (including herpes viruses, influenza, hepatitis), polysaccharides have a strong antitumor effect. In the Mari's repa, they produce medicinal tinctures based on the fungus of “Joker ordinary”

  12. I sell tincture on the cheerful

  13. I will sell tincture of the cheerful, fly agaric Krasnoye, Petrov Cross. There is a dried cheerful and the root of Petrov Cross.

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