Brach from beads with your own hands: instructions, photos, tips

Brach from beads with your own hands: instructions, photos, tips

In this article, we will talk about how to make a brooch from beads with our own hands.

Every girl loves beautiful accessories, and there are usually many of them in the wardrobe. With their help, you can stand out and attract attention. Today in stores you can choose the most different jewelry, but high -quality and beautiful brooches are very expensive. So the creation of such a thing with your own hands will allow you to get an exclusive thing without large investments.

Where to start making a bead brooches with your own hands?

With beads with your own hands
With beads with your own hands

If you go around the shops where items are offered for needlework, you can find a lot of beads for creating copyright jewelry:

  • One -color and multi -colored
  • Small and big
  • Smooth and with texture
  • Glossy and matte
  • With different transparency
  • Various shapes
  • With a edging hole and without it

Before starting work, first you need to decide what you want to get and already build on it. This will help to quickly decide which beads you need. If you are a beginner, then do not try to make a complex product, it is better to start with brooches in the form of butterflies and flowers.

In addition, you need to learn how to string the beads before starting work in order to make it correctly and beautifully distribute it. Thanks to such training, you will understand whether it is convenient for you to work with the tool and you can choose another.

It is important to pay attention to the fishing line, needle, as well as scissors. Perhaps the wrong size or the fishing line is poor -quality.

How to effectively combine materials for creating a bead of beads with your own hands?

Bester Snegier
Bester Snegier

It is important to note that brooches are created not only from beads, but also from other materials.

  • Beads and beads

The main material in brooches, of course, is beads. The beads are more designed for decoration. To make it convenient to make a brooch and then use it, take half -beamed beads. They will be comfortable to lie down, and sewing them will be easier.

  • Beads and felt

All modern needlewomen love felt. It allows you to use it to make a variety of accessories thanks to:

  • Good strength
  • Softness and simplicity of cutting
  • Lack of need to process the edges
  • Opportunities to store form for a long time

To make a simple brooch yourself, you just need to draw a drawing on the felt and sheathe it with beads. After completion, the extra edges are removed.

  • Beads and stones

Stones are always interesting on brooches, especially if you combine them with beads. This is due to their contrast. Many needlewomen use cabochons that are half precious and have a round or oval shape.

How to make a brooch from beads and felt with your own hands: instruction, photo

A brooch from beads

Each beginner needlewoman can create beautiful brooches or you can even make them with children. First of all, decide on a suitable pattern and already start working with it.

Materials for manufacture:

  • Strong thin fishing line, which is sold specifically for beads
  • Beads of different colors
  • Fetr for cutting the base for embroidery
  • Pencil for applying the picture on the basis
  • Needle for sewing beads
  • Scissors
  • Punch to create mounting

The brooch is created in several stages:

  • First, the desired picture is transferred to felt
  • Further on the fishing line, beads are strung and the fabric is stitched with a needle so that the pebbles are fixed on the surface
  • The edges of the fabric are removed at the end
  • The pin is attached to the base of the brooche

How to make a brooch from beads with your own hands using cabochon technique?

Bisker brooch using cabshon technique
Bisker brooch using cabshon technique

If you decide to work on the Kaboshon technique, you will have to take a little more tools:

  • Cardboard and fabric for the base
  • Glue "moment" or similar
  • Cabochon
  • Beads of several types. Ideal 7 and 11
  • Needle with thread
  • Pencil, scissors and mount

Next, we do everything sequentially and very carefully.

Row 1:

  • First take the fabric and glue the cabochon on it
  • A simple seam sew a pair of large beads near the stone
  • You will get 4 beads
  • Explore the right number of beads so that a dense ring is obtained around the stone
  • To fit stronger, it is better to flash beads a couple of times

Row 2:

  • Take smaller beads
  • Inside the first row, make a dense ring from it
  • When the ring forms, then go the beads several times so that it is well fixed

Row 3:

  • Take less beads
  • From it we make a ring already outside the first row
  • Fasten the beads, passing through it with a needle

We create a mount:

  • Now we cut out the finished brooch in a circle, removing the excess
  • Make 5 mm figures from leather and cardboard less than a brooch
  • Stick a pin on the center of the cardboard figures
  • When the glue dries, attach the pin to the brooch

To finally arrange a brooch, use a “brick stitch”. Go to them along the edge and fasten the beads more reliable. Then string 5 beads on a thread and fix them around each bead at the edges.

How to make a buba brooch from beads with your own hands?

Lips from beads
Lips from beads

A voluminous and bright brooch in the form of lips looks very beautiful. You can make it both for personal use and present it as a gift. We need:

  • Red felt
  • Skin and sheet of cardboard
  • Threads of the same color as beads
  • White and red beads
  • Mononitis 15 mm
  • Scissors
  • Glue
  • The non -woven base

We make a brooch:

  • We draw the lips on the non -wovenet, cut them out and connect them to the felt
  • Now draw the same lips on the cardboard and add the inner circuit to them. It is enough to retreat several millimeters from the edge
  • Cut the workpiece and glue it to the fabric
  • Immediately connect the structure with the base and sew everything with a monoite. All nodules will be hidden by beads
  • We take red beads with a thread to match and embroider the contour of our brooches. The scheme will be 3x2 - first we make 3 beads, retreat back to two and again through them pass
  • When the work is done, you need to go through the beads with threads in order to better fix it. As a result, you will make a beautiful lip outline
  • Take a piece of red felt and cut a couple of details from it to create a volume
  • Glue them on the basis and you can still flash
  • Speak the details of the lips in red. It is better to start with the center. Fix the thread so that it is not visible on the felt
  • With white beads, you can embroider your teeth
  • After that, carefully cut the edges and the work will be completed

How to make a brooch-sova with your own hands from beads and beads?

Owl weaving scheme

The creation of a breeze in the form of an owl is pleased, but this accessory will definitely make you stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of others. The jewelry on the lapel of the jacket, or on the blouse, looks great.

To make such beauty, you will need several materials:

  • Big rhinestones
  • A bead on the nose
  • Head and trunk beads
  • Glass for wings

The brooch is created step by step:

  • With a pencil, draw an owl on the template
  • First of all, fix the rhinestones on the eyes. If you can sew them, then do it
  • Make a frame for the eyes. Each bead is sewn separately
  • The body is completely cooled by beads of two colors to make the transfusion effect
  • Also, do not forget to make beads on the crest and wings
  • Cut the owl figure
  • Fasten the bouquet fastener on it
  • The back can be closed with leather

If desired, you can make an owl in the same way as shown in the picture.

Creation of Bisera broches with your own hands: tips

  • The most popular is Czech beads
  • The most difficult thing is to attach the skin on the basis, and therefore, during fitting, mark the inserts of the insert in black dots
  • When creating slots, make them a little less, and if necessary, then cut
  • So that the beads do not slip from the surface, it is better to use non -slip fabrics
  • To make it convenient to work with beads, place them in different heaps on colors and sizes. You can put them on a napkin or container
  • Take the beads during the work with a needle, because it is inconvenient to do it with your hands

Video: Blacks from beads and crystals "Fells". Master class on making brooches

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  1. Thank you, Irina.

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