Bronchomunal: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, during pregnancy, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, duration of the course, output form. Bronchomunal - at what age can children be given, how many courses can be repeated per year?

Bronchomunal: instructions for use, dosage for children and adults, during pregnancy, composition, analogues, reviews, contraindications, duration of the course, output form. Bronchomunal - at what age can children be given, how many courses can be repeated per year?

From this article you will learn everything about the drug "Bronchomunal".

Bronchomunal and Bronchomunal P - This is a new medicine of bacterial origin from colds of bronchi, lungs, throats, ear and nose, for adults and children. The doctor will also advise him to take him if your child is often ill for a long time. We learn more about this medicine.

What does the drug "Bronchomunal" helps, and what is its composition, active substance?

Bronchomunal treats colds
Bronchomunal treats colds

Bronchomunal - This is a new drug containing the main active substance:

  • Particles of cells of bacteria staphylococci, streptococci, hemophilic sticks, Klebsiella, moksarella (only 8 bacteria, with an amount of up to 7 mg) contained in 1 capsule

Additional substances are:

  • Propilgalat
  • Mannit
  • Sodium glutamate
  • Magnesium stearat
  • Corn starch

The above bacteria most often cause infections in the respiratory tract. On fragmented, no longer competent, bacteria cells and a medicine is based.

Bronchomunal: output form, indications for use

The drug Bronchomunal
The drug "Bronchomunal"

When accumulating in the digestive tract, the bronchommunal interferes with the penetration of capable harmful microorganisms into the body, fights them, does not allow severe complications, and improves the state of immunity.

Assigning bronchomunal for the treatment of colds, especially in children, the doctor can reduce treatment with antibiotics to a minimum, and recovery occurs faster.

Bronchomunal is produced in solid gelatin capsules covered with a shell consisting of indigotine and titanium dioxide, white blue. Inside the capsule, the active substance is light beige.

Bronchomunal is prescribed for children and adults for the purpose of:

  • Treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract
  • For a preventive purpose to prevent the disease during the flu epidemic
  • To prevent a complication of the disease, adults and children with weak immunity

Bronchomunal - at what age can children give?

The drug Bronchomunal can be taken from 6 months of life
The drug "Bronchomunal" can be taken by children from 6 months of life

Bronchomunal for adults You can give children from 12 years old, and for young children they release a more gentle Bronchomunal P,which It is allowed to give from 6 months of age.

Attention. From the birth of a child to 6 months, the drug cannot be given due to the immaturity of its immune system.

Bronchomunal Capsules: annotation, instructions for use and dosage for children up to a year and older than a year

Bronchomunal P for Children
The drug "Bronchomunal P" for children

The doctor may prescribe bronchomunal to children who often suffer from colds (more than 4 times a year), to treat the disease and prevent it. These are such infectious diseases:

  • Bronchitis (inflammation of the bronchi)
  • Laryngitis, pharyngitis and angina (inflammation of the larynx)
  • Rhinitis, sinusitis, sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane in the nose)
  • Otitis media (inflammation in the ear)

In addition, doctors are prescribed by bronchomunal if the disease is delayed, and it cannot be cured by antibiotics.

For prevention, the doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with bronchomunal before the influenza epidemic.

For children, they are released Bronchomunal p With content particles of bacteria cells 3.5 mg in 1 capsule, and this is 2 times less than the drug for adults. It can be given even to young children from six months of life.

From 6 months, children are given 1 capsule bronchomunal per day, on an empty stomach, a course of treatment for 10 days, then the rest of the month (20 days) - a break, and 2 course begin again. Treatment can be continued for 3 months in a row in 1 year.

If the treatment of other medicines did not help, and complications occurred, the course of treatment of bronchomunal P can be extended up to 30 days, but then it will be necessary to limit yourself to only one course in 1 year.

Bronchomunal Capsules: abstract, instructions for use and dosage for adults

The drug Bronchomunal treats colds
The drug "Bronchomunal" treats colds

Before starting a course of treatment with capsules bronchomunal, they are vaccinated the introduction of a living vaccine through the mouth, to create immunity to bacteria contained in the medicine. Should pass at least 4 weeks after vaccination, and then it will be possible to start treatment.

In combination with other antiviral drugs, the course of treatment bronchomunal is this: take on an empty stomach, 1 capsule per day, 10 days in a row, 1 month, then a break - the rest of the month, the next month - the same, and so 3 months a year.

If an exacerbation of the disease is observed, then the course of treatment is extended until the symptoms of the disease disappear. If in the morning you forgot to take a bronchommunal capsule, then you need to drink at any time, you can not pass the treatment.

If, together with the bronchomunal, antibiotics were attributed to you, treatment should begin together.

How to take bronchomunal from cough to adults and children: before meals or after eating?

The drug Bronchomunal should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach
The drug "Bronchomunal" must be taken in the morning on an empty stomach

Bronchomunal is taken in the morning, before meals. If the child is small, and cannot swallow the capsule, it can be opened, pour the powder from the capsule into water, juice or milk, mix, and let the child drink.

If one day you forgot to give the child a medicine, then this day can be skipped, and do not forget to give the next morning.

Bronchomunal Capsules: Duration of admission, how many courses can be repeated per year?

The drug Bronchomunal to adults and children take 1 capsule
The drug "Bronchomunal" to adults and children take 1 capsule

For adults and children, the course of treatment bronchomunal is 10 diets 1 time per day, in the morning, on an empty stomachthen you need to take a break for 20 days, and then start 2nd course Treatment Bronchomunal. Then, with the same interval 3rd course.

Attention. It should be noted that bronchomunal for adults is not suitable for children. Bronchomunal P.

Is it possible to drink bronchomunal with antibiotics, viferon at the same time?

The drug Bronchomunal can be taken with antibiotics and viferon
The drug "Bronchomunal" can be taken with antibiotics and viferon

Doctors, including Dr. Komarovsky, advise you to begin to be treated with antibiotics and other drugs, if you “picked up” the infection during the accepting the course of the bronchommunal and fell ill with colds.

As for the viferon, it was created on the basis of interferon (a number of proteins in the human body), it is released in the form of suppositories, and used, introducing into the anus of a person. So the medicine acts faster than in tablets or capsules.

Viferon helps to reduce the duration of treatment with bronchomunal and antibiotics.

Bronchomunal and Alcohol: Compatibility

The drug Bronchomunal is undesirable to take with alcohol
The drug "Bronchomunal" is undesirable to take with alcohol

Bronchomunal is compatible with alcohol, but it should be remembered that the use of alcoholic beverages, even in small quantities, can greatly worsen the state of the immune system, and then, previously spent byces and means, on the treatment courses of bronchomunal treatment, will simply be destroyed.

Polyoxidonium or Bronchomunal: which is better?

In some cases, polyoxidonium is better than bronchomunal
In some cases, polyoxidonium is better than bronchomunal

Polyoxidonium - A synthetic drug with an immunostimulating effect in the body. It is produced in a solution for injection, adults and children from 6 months of age. Pregnant women, and mothers, breastfeeding, is strictly forbidden to take the drug.

In combination with other drugs, polyoxidonium treats:

  • Chronic viral and bacterial inflammatory diseases (meningitis, encephalitis, sepsis, gynecological diseases)
  • Tuberculosis
  • Allergic diseases in acute and chronic form (bronchial asthma, halflenosis, dermatitis)
  • Malignant tumors along with chemotherapy
  • Dysbiosis
  • Complications after operations (purulent wounds), burns, fractures
  • To raise immunity in places with an unfavorable environmental situation, and after ineffective prolonged treatment with other drugs

As you can see, polyoxidonium has more treatment of diseases, but this is a chemical drug, and bronchomunal is natural, its treatment is more limited.

Bronchomunal is used if, for some indicators, it is impossible to take medications of synthetic origin.

How can you replace the bronchomunal: analogues

Analogue of the drug Bronchomunal
Analogue of the drug "Bronchomunal"

Ribomunil - a drug of bacterial origin, with fewer varieties of bacteria than bronchomunal. Released in tablets. Prescribed for inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (otitis media, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia).

Bronchomunal similar to bacterial originrelated to the group of immunomodulators:

  • Actinolizate
  • Bacterporin
  • Bronchovaks
  • Irs-19
  • Imodon
  • Lycopid
  • Sporobacterin

In addition to immunomodulators of bacterial origin, doctors prescribe and other natural drugs:

  • Anaferon - based on homeopathic substances
  • Ergoferon - also based on homeopathic substances
  • Rinatal - homeopathic drug
  • Vilosen - based on the surge extract of large home mammals
  • Timalin - based on the thymus gland of large pets
  • Steamffort - based on hoods from uns
  • Echinacea extract (plant)
  • Immunal - based on echinacea juice
  • Echinocorus - based on the grass of echinacea, birch leaves, licorice roots, rosehip fruits

Bronchomunal: contraindications, side effects

The drug Bronchomunal should not be taken by women breastfeeding
The drug "Bronchomunal" should not be taken by women breastfeeding

Contraindications drug for adults and children:

  • Sensitivity to the components that make up the composition may appear skin rashes, swelling, itching, face swelling, cough, nausea.
  • Children up to 6 months old.
  • Women breastfeeding a baby.

Take with caution:

  • Pregnant women, in the 1st trimesterwhen the main organs of the child are formed, it is categorically impossible, in the 2nd and 3rd-if necessary (if there is more benefits from the medicine than side effects for the child).
  • People who have frequent stool disorders.
  • Patients with dysbiosis.

Bronchomunal: reviews of doctors, Komarovsky

Dr. Komarovsky to the drug Bronchomunal is ambiguous
Dr. Komarovsky to the drug "Bronchomunal" is ambiguous

Many doctors now, with colds, for the treatment of respiratory tract and prevention, prescribe to children drugs of bacterial origin, which include bronchomunal. Moms of children are ambiguous: some believe that the drug helps, while others do not.

Oksana. My child is already 8 years old. They hurt often. A few years ago, the doctor prescribed Bronchomunal P. to us rarely began to hurt. But we continue to undergo 3 courses of treatment with this drug every fall.

Tatyana. My son is 4 years old. Previously, they were sick constantly, even lay in intensive care with pneumonia. For several years, in the autumn-winter time, we have been drinking bronchomunal P, and the diseases have stopped. In kindergarten, many children get sick, but we do not.

U doctor Komarovsky There is also your opinion. He believes if the bronchomunal, and drugs of this type are more often than recommended by doctors (3 courses per year), then along with stimulation of immune cells, the division of abnormal cells in the body may increase, and then the medicine does harm. And therefore, it is impossible to engage in self -medication, the medicine should be attributed to the doctor, and the task of the parents should be taken strictly according to the prescription.

For preventive purposes, according to Dr. Komarovsky, and many other doctors, bronchomunal should begin to be taken before the flu epidemic, in the summer, since maximum effect It comes from the medicine if the 3rd courses are taken without sick.

So, now we know what Bronchomunal is, and how to be treated.

Video: Capsules Bronchomunal

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