Pain after cesarean section. How much does the stomach hurt after Caesarean? Can you sleep on your stomach after Caesarean?

Pain after cesarean section. How much does the stomach hurt after Caesarean? Can you sleep on your stomach after Caesarean?

The article tells what to do if the stomach hurts after cesarean. Phenomena such as numbness, stomach hardness are explained in detail.

Despite all the advantages of the operation, the thought of ugly scars scares young mothers. Scars do not decorate the female body.

Scar after cesarean section is no exception. But let it not scare you: over time, the trace of the operation will become inconspicuous or will be hidden under the pubic hair.

Seam after Caesarean

What should be the stomach after Caesarean, photo

  • The specifics of the operation is such that it is not easy to get a scar. After all, absolutely all the tissues of the peritoneum and walls of the uterus are cut
  • The size of the dissection should be such as to ensure the extraction of the baby without damage
  • But the women who had an operation of the delivery can be sure that a new scars do not appear during subsequent births. Two will be cut strictly according to the existing scar

Seam after Caesarean

Seam after Caesarean

How long will the seam heal? It depends on several factors:

  • from the technique of the cut
  • whether the birth passed is rapidly
  • were there complications during labor

Types of seams after Caesarean

Video: Caesarean section

Seam on the White Line

  • With fetal hypoxia, severe bleeding, a decision is made on the operation of the corporate cesarean section
  • At lower laparotomy The cut is vertical. It passes along the white line of the abdomen 4 cm below the navel. The section ends at a distance of 4 cm above the pubic area
  • Such a classic method of laparotomy provides good access to female reproductive organs. In addition, it is possible to check the condition of the organs of the upper abdomen
  • One of the unpleasant consequences of the following laparotomy is that the seam over time can change the form, become thicker due to the fact that it constantly experiences stress
  • In addition, the vertical seam does not look aesthetically pleasing and noticeable under transparent clothes

Horizontal incision

  • The skin incision in the transverse direction along the right fold is carried out at pfanneshtil laparotomy. The peritoneum does not open
  • The incision after the operation heals faster and is inconsistent thanks to the imposed cosmetic seam. Pfanneshtil laparotomy is performed more often
  • The transverse direction of the section is performed and at laparotomy on Joel-Kohen. It passes 3 cm below the midline under the navel to the pubic zone

Why does the stomach hurt after cesarean?

  • Any surgery with skin dissection leads to tissue damage. The healing period is accompanied by pain
  • The seam hurts after Caesarean for a month, in some cases - more than six months. The women in labor after a natural birth do not experience such severe pain as after delivery by cesarean section
  • The postoperative period does not pass without pain and discomfort
  • Under the influence of anesthesia, a woman does not experience painful sensations. But after anesthesia, the woman experiences severe pain. Medication does not always save

The unpleasant consequences of delivery by 14 days less concern the woman. But for a long time she will feel numbness, itching, loss of sensitivity of the cicatricial zone.

  • The pain after Caesarean in some women can be very strong. The intensity of pain is affected by the pain threshold. Equally important is the first or second operation of Caesarean in a woman. After the first delivery by cesarean section, painful sensations are stronger
  • The first 3-4 days the seam hurts especially strongly, and then it calms down. The seam can remind of itself tingling. After the bandage is removed, the woman experiences itching
  • In addition to the usual pain, a woman can notice wet spots on clothes. Small discharge after removing the bandage should not cause panic or anxiety. Usually after 3 days the seam becomes dry
  • One of the unpleasant problems is the accumulation of gases, as well as the inability to empty independently. Both problems are caused by aggressive intervention, after which intestinal motility is disrupted. As a result, the movement of food slows down, which causes discomfort
  • The release of gases will help to free yourself from pain. A woman needs to lie on her left side and not to melt the stomach much. The enema and the appointment of candles also helps. In some cases, the enema has to be done within a week
  • The pain is also felt from uterine contractions. It resembles menstrual pain. The hormone oxytocin, which is produced after childbirth, promotes active uterine contractions. This enhances pain
  • Strong continuous pain signals the onset of inflammation of the internal walls of the uterus. Therefore, you cannot endure pain. Turning to the doctor as soon as possible, a woman will save herself from serious consequences
  • Strong pain in the first days after surgery deliver the smallest movements to a woman. A cough or a deep breath sometimes cause severe discomfort. But you can’t constantly lie on the woman in labor, afraid to move or cough. The more movement after surgery, the faster the body is restored. Therefore, there is only one advice here: to endure and move
  • Pain in the shoulder are associated with the accumulation in the diaphragm during air operation. Will save anesthetic from discomfort

The stomach hurts after Caesarean

What complications can be?

  • A woman needs to listen to the nature of the pain. In case of complications, you can not hesitate with a call of a doctor
  • Strong pain can be with inflammation of the uterine cavity, as well as if the seam is inflamed or inflamed
  • After epidural or spinal anesthesia, the head may hurt. There are frequent cases of violation of the function of the bladder. Back pain usually pass without painkillers

How much does the stomach hurt after Caesarean?

  • The seam heals for a week after the formation of a skin scar. Seams are removed on 5-7 days. If the seam is cosmetic, then it is sewn with self -conquering threads. After 65-80 days, such threads are completely absorbed.
  • A healing wound on the uterus and skin hurts a lot, because the woman in labor is intramuscularly pricking anesthetic narcotic or non -narcotic analgesics. In order to prevent infectious complications, antibiotics are prescribed.
  • Subsequently, analgin with Dimedrol or other anti -inflammatory non -steroidal drugs to cope with pain syndrome. But they must be prescribed by a doctor, given other appointments and the lactation period. The illiterate use of drugs may have negative consequences for the baby.
  • The duration of the recovery period, as well as how much the seam will hurt, depends on how much the surgeon was made. If the incision is longitudinal, then it will hurt 2 months. The transverse hurts about 6 weeks, but pulling sensations will bother the woman for about a year.

What to do to reduce pain?

  • do not lift weights (more than 2 kg) for a month or two after surgery
  • use the postpartum bandage, putting it on immediately in the morning after waking up (the bandage fixes the uterus and soft tissues, not allowing them to move)
  • avoid physical exertion and sudden movements
  • with problems with the intestines, the pain only intensifies, therefore, even before the operation, it is necessary to refuse to use sweet, flour, acute, fat, legumes
  • make a light self -massage of the abdomen that will help activate the activities of the intestines
  • move more
  • with uterine pain, chamomile tea helps: a teaspoon of chamomile of a pharmacy must be poured with a cup of boiling water and let it brew for an hour (drink chamomile tea 2-3 times a day without harm to the child)
  • the seam should be treated with green, washed with water and soap, without a washcloth


Why is a solid belly after Cesarean?

  • The mild and inconspicuous scar will not become soon. This will not take a month, but several years. The hardness of the abdomen after cesarean at the site of the scar is normal and it will disappear throughout the year
  • The hardness of the scar with a vertical section will remain more than a year. Only after that the scar will begin to become soft. With a transverse section and imposition of a cosmetic seam, seals in the scar and the scar itself disappear a year after the operation
  • The formation of a skin fold over the seam should not cause concern if there is no inflammation and the seam does not hurt. This indicates the scarring of fabrics in the seam. Timely ultrasound will help to avoid unpleasant consequences
  • Sometimes above the seam in the first year after surgery or even much later a crimson cone is formed. This is a signal that you need to consult a doctor
  • In addition to scarring of fabrics, the bump may turn out to be a fistula, inflammation, suppuration. The bump over the seam can be oncomic formation

The first year after the operation, the woman is often concerned about the hardness of the scar, the occurrence of folds, and seals. The woman should alert severe pain, suppuration, bump. In all other cases, it is not necessary to rush to consult a doctor.

Swelling of the abdomen after Caesarean

The swelling of the abdomen after surgery is a normal phenomenon. To prevent adhesion processes in the operated area, it is important to move, even if movements cause pain.

Already on the first day after the operation, you need to try to rise in bed, turn over from side to side.

Numbness of the abdomen after cesarean

Numbness of the abdomen also passes not after a month or in six months. It bothers less and less as the nerve endings are restored.

Flat belly after Cesarean

Bloating after Caesarean

A long stay under anesthesia, as well as the introduction of certain drugs during surgery, sometimes leads to atonic constipation.

The extreme degree of atonic constipation is manifested by bloating and swelling

  • You can avoid swelling of the abdomen if after surgery you will actively move. So the intestines begin to function better
  • It takes an average of 7-10 days to restore the intestine. In some cases, peristalsis improves after eating
  • After cesarean, diarrhea may begin. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to adhere to the postpartum diet
  • In case of violation of the intestinal microflora, preparations with bifidobacteria are prescribed that will lead the intestines to normal

Why is the stomach growing after Caesarean?

  • After severe stretching of the abdominal muscles, the accumulation of excess weight during pregnancy, the stomach cannot remain flat
  • In addition, fat now fills the space in a sagging stomach. The figure of a woman changes, but not for the better
  • Returning the stomach to the antenatal state will help strengthen the muscles of the abdominal press, as well as observing a reasonable (not extreme) diet

Important: simply limiting yourself in sweet, flour, without absorbing food in huge quantities, you can bring the stomach to normal. Physical activity should be moderate


When can you sleep on your stomach after cesarean?

  • After surgery on the stomach, it seems that it is impossible to lie down on him. But this is not so. The stomach pose during sleep contributes to the formation of a flat and beautiful abdomen
  • Some doctors themselves recommend that their patients sleep on their stomach. Thus, the abdominal muscles are strengthened, and the uterus is also more intensively reduced
  • If a woman sleeps on her back or on her side, then the abdominal muscles do not experience the desired load, as a result, the stomach acquires the same shape slower

Sleep on the stomach

Video: Switch care after cesarean section

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