Pregnancy: The embryo is not visible - anembrion. The reasons for the anembrion

Pregnancy: The embryo is not visible - anembrion. The reasons for the anembrion

The article refers to what to do to a woman if she has a frozen pregnancy. The methods of treatment with anembrion are explained.

A woman awaiting the birth of a baby is absorbed in thoughts about the upcoming joyful troubles. The diagnosis of anambrion, which is usually made during an ultrasound examination, becomes a bitter sobering pill. It is especially difficult when the pregnancy did not occur for a long time, and the chances of giving birth were approaching zero

At a reception at a gynecologist

Unfortunately, in 15 % of women, doctors are forced to confirm the threat of anembreal pregnancy (failed miscarriage). Unstable tears after the diagnosis heard lead to a complete misunderstanding of what happened. Let's try to figure out what the anembrion comes from and how hopeless the situation is.

The main signs of anembrion. Why does anembrion arise?

A whole bouquet of pathological symptoms leads to a frozen pregnancy or anembrion. This is the intrauterine death of the embryo, and the inertia of myometrium, and violations of the hemostasis system. Everything in the complex leads to a stop of the development of the fetus in the early stages. The fetal egg is empty, without an embryo

An empty fetal egg

The formation of the fetus in the failed miscarriage ceases no later than the third semester of pregnancy. Until the fifth week, the embryo does not reach sufficient for examination on ultrasound of the size. In other words, the device simply does not fix the presence of the embryo. Therefore, the diagnosis can be erroneous.

What to do after you were diagnosed with anembrion? Do not panic and not fall into despair! After waiting for several weeks and insisting on the passage of additional checks, you can exclude an erroneous diagnosis

After confirming the diagnosis, the woman will conduct a gynecological curettage. Treatment will also be required. But a frozen pregnancy does not put a cross on motherhood.


Psychological trauma after the failed miscarriage does not threaten a woman's health. Having become pregnant again, the woman will be able to safely endure the baby. The development of anembrion does not affect its development.

How to find out about a non -developing pregnancy?

The fact that the embryo has stopped development, the woman learns during an ultrasound study or after passing the tests to the level of hCG (the test is confirmed by the pregnancy or various deviations in its course are revealed). It may not feel any changes in the body or discomfort.

HCG level test

  • Some of the cells that began the division after fertilization form an embryo, part - the placenta and the fetal shell. But with anembrion, the fetal cells stop dividing
  • The fetal egg continues to grow. Hormones that cause toxicosis are produced. But there is no embryo inside the fetal egg. Monthly are absent. The uterus increases in size
  • At this stage, a spontaneous miscarriage may occur. A woman has bloody discharge, pain in the lower abdomen

Debred pregnancy

Why does anembrion arise?

The female body is capable of getting rid of a weak non -viable embryo. It also applies to the fetus with an incorrect chromosomal combination. But among the causes of the genetic pathology of the embryo, others happen.

What causes fetal death?

  • genetic disorders (laying an incorrect chromosomal set, entering the egg of a defective sperm, or pathological changes in the egg, coincidence of several irregular combinations at once)
  • the infection transferred by a woman in the first trimester of pregnancy, if they were accompanied by an increase in body temperature (has a destructive effect on the embryo)
  • toxic substances that enter the body of a pregnant woman in the early stages;
  • a decrease in the secretion of hormones necessary for the normal development of the fetus;
  • bad habits (alcohol abuse, smoking, drugs)
  • the reasons can be hidden in a stressful state of a pregnant woman, conflicts, and family tragedies that do not pass without consequences for a woman and fetus;
  • excessive physical activity can cause an empty amniotic fluid (this applies to athletes). Therefore, care for a beautiful and toned figure must be postponed before the child is born

But even with the modern development of medicine, not everything is known about the causes of frozen pregnancy. Absolutely healthy women can face the problem of pathological pregnancy.

How long does anembrion arise?

A pregnant woman is subjected to the development of anembrion until 13 weeks of pregnancy. But even at a later date (up to 28 weeks) there is a threat of fruit freezing

Symptoms of anembrion

It is impossible to independently determine in the early stages of pregnancy that the fetus has stopped development. A feature of pathology is asymptomatic. The absence of subjective signs of pregnancy (toxicosis, if it was before), the appearance of bloody discharge can indicate the beginning of the rejection of dead cells. Next will follow a miscarriage

Video: anembrion

Characteristic features of anembrion

  • reducing the size of the mammary glands (the chest becomes less dense) manifests itself on the 6th day of the death of the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy
  • at 25 weeks, the chest swells at the death of the embryo and the colostrum stands out
  • in the later stages of pregnancy, the cessation of the fetal movements is noted if they have already been observed
  • a sharp increase in temperature, weakness, headache (poor health is caused by a delay in a non -developing embryo inside the female body);
  • the appearance of cramping pain in the lower abdomen

Is it possible to get pregnant after anembrion

  • If the genes of future parents are normal, then the woman after the primary anembrion has every chance to see two strips on the test again and safely give birth to a healthy baby
  • But with “bad heredity”, genetic incompatibility will have to fight. In this case, it is equivalent to "Russian roulette" independently
  • Repeated diagnosis is not excluded. With a natural pregnancy, a woman risks losing the baby even after his birth

Zamentenic pregnancy

After anambrilia, it is important not only to get pregnant, but also to exclude all kinds of risks and malformations of the fetus. The safest way to get pregnant is extorior fertilization (IVF).

  • Thanks to the IVF procedure, only healthy viable sperm will take part in fertilization. Thus, the likelihood of an “update” of the embryo with genetic deviations is excluded
  • Reproductive technologies make it possible to exclude not only anambrion, but also the development of congenital genetic diseases compatible with life. Remember: now you want to become parents and give birth to a healthy child
  • Soon your children will wish the same. The fact that they will give your grandchildren should take care of you! A good genetic heritage of the family will help you preserve medicine

The consequences of anestrion

90% of women who were diagnosed with anembrion are safely pregnant and bend healthy children. After the experience, it will take some time to restore.

A frozen pregnancy is always a severe physical activity on a woman’s health and her mental state. But in some, the pathology of pregnancy may be repeated. Therefore, in the future it is necessary to be examined and eliminated the cause of the frozen pregnancy.

After a frozen pregnancy, a woman physically remains healthy if the frozen fruit is detected and removed in a timely manner

Anambrion: How long can you walk with it?

After the woman is diagnosed with anembrion, the most suitable method for removing the dead fetus is elected

At the doctor

In the early stages (up to 8 weeks) it can be:

  • medication method (carried out to provoke an abortion) - tablets are prescribed;
  • vacuum aspiration (the fetus is removed from the uterus by extracting by extractor)

In the late stages:

  • curettage (carried out under anesthesia);
  • artificial births are caused with subsequent cleaning of the uterus

Doctors do not always resort to immediate operation. Sometimes it is preferred by waiting tactics. The condition of the woman is observed until the body independently rejects the fruit.

Treatment of anembrion

  • A patient with a confirmed diagnosis of anembrion is prescribed Duphaston. The drug is also necessary after cleaning to normalize the tone of the uterus
  • Further treatment lies in the prescription of antibacterial and immunomodulating drugs that prevent the development of sepsis and inflammation
  • After at least six months, the woman’s body will completely recover for a new pregnancy. Repeated consultation with a doctor and examination are required, because you may need additional treatment

Cleaning with anembrion, for and against

The curettage does not relieve a woman from bloody discharge, cramping pains (occur with reduction of the uterus). They continue for another week.

After the discharge passes, it is necessary to visit the gynecologist in order to exclude inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages. The curettage is carried out with an incomplete miscarriage. In the event that a woman had a complete miscarriage, they do not make a curettage. In any case, an ultrasound is necessarily carried out before the procedure.

Video: Pregnancy after curettage

What to do if the anembreonia is repeated?

If the newly -pregnant woman after repeated ultrasound does not be abidered inside the fetal egg, its heartbeat is absent, then curettage is carried out. With repeated repetition of anembrion, a full -fledged examination of both spouses is indicated.

How to find anembrephia: tips and reviews

Nadezhda, 42 years old: “With anembrion, the level of hCG is reduced. Once every three days you can take a hCG test so as not to worry once again, because a woman sometimes does not suspect about a frozen pregnancy: she has normal well -being, and there are no other signs that the child is no longer ”

Olga, 35 years old: “After the woman is first discovered in a frozen pregnancy, you do not need to try to find the reason. It is likely that there was a genetic failure. In my case, everything is different: the pregnancy ends with fading the fetus for the fourth time in a row! It is important not to give up. Check several times. To be examined and listen to the advice of doctors. It is believed that a frozen fruit in a woman happens only once. But this is not my case. "

Larisa, 29 years old: “The gynecologist has set the gestational age of 6-7 weeks. But upon examination on an ultrasound, it turned out that the period of 3 weeks. The size of the fetal egg is 4 mm. But there is no fetus in it. Pre -diagnosed anembrion and sent for a second ultrasound in a week. It is also necessary to take tests for hCG "

Svetlana Yuryevna, obstetrician-gynecologist: “The patient has nausea after cleaning, the temperature rose. She decided to make a pregnancy test that showed a positive result. This indicates the development of trophoblastic disease, in which treatment in the hospital is shown "

Video: Unsuling Pregnancy

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  1. 4 years ago there was an ambridal pregnancy whether there is a chance to get pregnant, I am 41 years old

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