White nights in St. Petersburg: what is it and how they look? Where do white nights come from: a scientific explanation. When are there white nights in St. Petersburg? What events take place in St. Petersburg during white nights? Where in St. Petersburg can you take a walk during the period of white nights?

White nights in St. Petersburg: what is it and how they look? Where do white nights come from: a scientific explanation. When are there white nights in St. Petersburg? What events take place in St. Petersburg during white nights? Where in St. Petersburg can you take a walk during the period of white nights?

In this article, we will talk about what the white nights are and why, during this period, the number of tourists who come to St. Petersburg increases repeatedly.

White nights are a phenomenon that has long and stably attracts tourists in St. Petersburg. Fans of beautiful personnel bring a camera on the traveler, romance plan weddings, and the rest are looking forward to the event dedicated to this event. What are white nights? And what can you see in the city on the Neva if you come there at this time?

What is "white nights": a scientific explanation

What lies under the mysterious and romantic term “white nights”? This is a phenomenon in which the darkness after the sun comes in, does not come. That is, literally everything is distinguishable as during the day. More precisely, as during Twilight. You can completely walk in picturesque places, not worrying that nothing will be visible.

Important: if you turn to science, such twilights are explained by the fact that the solar disk is hidden behind the horizon only 6 degrees.

This is what white nights look like in St. Petersburg
This is what white nights look like in St. Petersburg

This phenomenon to residents is well familiar cities located next to the polar circle. However, St. Petersburg does not fall into such a location. So what's the matter, why did the white nights literally become his business card?

For a solution, you must again turn to science. The fact is that such a thing as “white nights” in science does not exist - this is rather superior expression.

The following concepts are officially distinguished:

  • Civil twilight - lowering the sun 6 degrees, which was mentioned above. The stars are practically not visible, and the night reminds day during cloudy weather or twilight.
  • Navigation twilight - But in this case, the sun is hiding beyond the horizon is already stronger, but not lower than 12 degrees. There are still no darkness that is familiar to many people, but these twilight are somewhat different from the previous ones. Stars, For example, become more distinguishable - The vessels on them can already navigate. It is to this category that the white North North Venice.
During white nights, the real twilight fall into St. Petersburg
During white nights, the real twilight fall into St. Petersburg
  • Astronomical twilight - The sun falls 12 degrees beyond the horizon. The stars are visible very well. But in the sky there is still small backlight, which does not allow the world around us to plunge into the darkness.

Important: a full -fledged night occurs when the sun falls 18 degrees over the horizon.

When are there white nights in St. Petersburg?

When can you see your own white nights of St. Petersburg? Astronomers claim that in the period from June 11 to early July - namely, the 2nd number.

However, is it worth trusting in the research of astronomers? Not really. They really guessed the approximate period of the occurrence of this natural phenomenon. But Petersburgers claim that, fortunately, white nights can be observed longer. Namely, around the end of May to mid -July.

Most half the period is considered the second half of June. It was at this time that a huge number of tourists come to the city on the Neva. Places in hotels to book Therefore, better per month Before this period. Better yet - days in 40-50. The same applies to the purchase of transport tickets.

White nights in St. Petersburg are in the summer
White nights in St. Petersburg are in the summer

Walks in St. Petersburg: What tours to choose on white nights?

White nights are the time when tourists and residents of the city are especially like to roam it. Picturesque embankments, beautiful streets, cozy courtyards - all this can be captured on the camera without difficulty. And even without a flash.

Important: besides, it is important, such walks are safe, because everything around us is clearly visible.

There are special places that are especially beautiful during the period of white nights. Of course, this is, first of all, embankments. The waters of the Neva, ancient buildings on its shores in a soft twilight light look especially romantic.

During the break between such walks, you can make up for the forces of the cup of coffee in one of the local coffee houses on the embankment, which work on such days all night long. And the forces will definitely be needed, because About one in the morning It begins breeding the bridge - One of the most beautiful sights of St. Petersburg. True, it is preferable to appear on the embankment approximately an hour before dilution, otherwise, through a large number of people it will be difficult to squeeze.

Breeding bridges in white nights in St. Petersburg - an extremely picturesque sight
Breeding bridges in white nights in St. Petersburg-an extremely picturesque sight

Of course, it looks amazing in enveloping twilight Palace Square. It is delicately illuminated by lanterns from different sides. Separately in the rays of the spotlights bathes Alexander Column. The area during this period of the year looks especially fabulous and mysterious.

Important: it is believed that it is during white nights that you can make the most attractive photos of Palace Square.

Palace Square of St. Petersburg during white nights
Palace Square of St. Petersburg during white nights

Saint Isaac's Cathedral Attracts at any other time. Visitors are very fond of rise to the colonnade, Where does the impressive look come from. Should it be surprised that during white nights this place is especially attractive? Shrouded in the twilight softness of Petersburg in the framing of colored lights - this is really insanely beautiful.

By the way, the museum in the cathedral organizes excursions. Many visitors know about the opportunity to rise, accompanied by a guide to the colonnade during the day. But not everything is aware of what and summer night You can do it!

Isaac's Cathedral looks very white night
Isaac's Cathedral looks very white night

Stunning photos are obtained next to Copper horseman. It is very successfully illuminated by the lights, which favorably set off the greatness of the monument to the founding of the city.

The monument looks like a white night is very picturesque
The monument looks like a white night is very picturesque

However, if you walk yourself hard, you can always order bus tour in beautiful places. The choice of such excursions is quite wide. As a result, the legs will receive rest, and the qualified guide will help expand the horizons.

Romantic people will certainly appreciate Cruise according to the Neva. The delightful channels framed by the light of the lanterns, the beautiful buildings rise above them from the side of the cruise steamer look completely different than from the usual angle on land. And how beautiful bridges look! Giants and elegant openwork bridges enchant their originality.

Important: at least 2-3 hours should be allocated for such a tour.

In white nights in St. Petersburg, it is certainly necessary to make excursions on the water
In white nights in St. Petersburg, it is certainly necessary to make excursions on the water

Roof excursions -Unusual, but very romantic and somewhere even mystically. Especially loves such walks youth, But, of course, they are available to everyone. With the exception of those under 11 years old.

Stunning views open from the height of the roofs for all attractions cities. BUT sensation of freedom Having breathtaking. Only, accuracy It does not hurt, especially after the rain.

From the roofs of St. Petersburg, a wonderful view opens during white nights
From the roofs of St. Petersburg, a wonderful view opens during white nights

Festive events of St. Petersburg during the period of white nights

Separately, it is worth talking about holidays that are specially arranged in the romantic time of white nights. For example, this Day of the citywho was surprisingly coincided with time of wonderful twilight. At the end of May - on the 27th -All residents and guests of St. Petersburg have a wonderful opportunity to enjoy concerts, bright fireworks.

For example, in the evening of this day, according to tradition, a concert of classical music on Palace Square. The best opera voices of world level at dusk - what could be more attractive?

The day of the city of St. Petersburg miraculously brightens up white nights
The day of the city of St. Petersburg miraculously brightens up white nights

Scarlet Sails - The holiday is named after a wonderful romantic work. This is not surprising, since he dedicated to graduateswho are configured to conquer life. The nearest white night is selected - as a rule, this June 17 or the 23rd.

The celebration begins at 22 hours atdivine theatrical show. It occurs in Palace Square. Within 2 hours, all those present enjoy the performance.

Important: but, unfortunately, you can get on it only by invitation tickets.

But for the next part they have the opportunity to admire already all. Performance right on the water, unforgettable fireworks to music - All this lasts 20-30 minutes. Cherry on the cake - a ship with red sails, floating to the enthusiastic applause of the audience.

Scarlet sails-a fairy tale holiday just for the white nights of St. Petersburg
Scarlet sails-a fairy tale holiday for white nights of St. Petersburg

"Stars of white nights" - This beautiful name belongs international festival of classical music, which passes from the 20th of May to the 20th of July. Exact dates vary every year, but in general it is worth navigating this gap.

The most the best productions from ballet and opera art, performances of chamber and symphonic orchestras - A real paradise for lovers of classics. Everyone can visit them to enjoy them Mariinskii Opera House. But not only the time -tested things expect grateful viewers - premieres Also possible.

During white nights, you can visit the Mariinsky Theater and enjoy the best productions
During white nights, you can visit the Mariinsky Theater and enjoy the best productions

"Swing of the White Night" - so called jazz festival. It also has an international level. Time, as a rule, falls on Last June days.

The best groups from around the world delight their viewer on a site located near the Russian Museum. The festival format is the so -called "Open-Air", that is, in parallel with good music there is a chance to enjoy the fresh air.

Important: by the way, this festival can be visited for free!

The jazz festival is the true decoration of the white nights of St. Petersburg
The jazz festival is the true decoration of the white nights of St. Petersburg

We hope that this article was satisfied with the interest of those who heard about white nights, but did not quite understand the essence of this phenomenon. And also those who have long planned to visit the city on the Neva, but doubted the choice of the date.

We offer readers a beautiful video about the white nights of St. Petersburg:


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  1. Have you ever been to the autumn forest? What beauty, however, what a palette of colors is a picture of autumn, what a fabulous picture of colors and sounds, rustling leaves and the crack of branches and birds singing all this is very amazing and you can just be surprised, which means we can plunge into this fairy tale of colors and sounds and white nights in St. Petersburg.

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