Bechovka: what kind of drink is this, how to drink it, a recipe for beherovka at home

Bechovka: what kind of drink is this, how to drink it, a recipe for beherovka at home

A green flat bottle with a yellow label-this is what the famous tincture looks like at the beginning of the 19th century by the Czech pharmacist Joseph Becher. Initially, this drink insisted on a magic bouquet of herbs was considered a therapeutic agent.

Today we have long forgotten about this and drink Becherov as a separate alcohol. But let's look at it in more detail.

Set of herbs Bechevka

  • There are separate sets of herbs and spices that are part of Bechevka, from which tincture can be prepared independently. An accurate recipe is a secret behind seven seals, so they can vary a little.
  • So, what are the herbs in Becherov? As a rule, in such sets of herbs and spices for Bechevka you can find anis and Badyan, cloves and St. John's wort, cardamom and Kalgan root, hops and nettles, oak bark (possibly the presence of oak chips) and coriander, chamomile and cinnamon, wormwood and fennel, juniper and licorice. They are usually complemented peas of black and fragrant pepper, crusts of lemon and orange, as well as Melissa and Shalle.
The composition of beneficial herbs
The composition of beneficial herbs
  • To prepare a drink from this composition, it is necessary to fill the spilled spices with one and a half liters of distillate or rectifier (the fortress is about 50%) and, closing the jar, put it in a dark, sufficiently warm place. The time of insisting is a week, with periodic shaking every other day.
  • Then a process is needed filtering, before which the drink should try, and if the aroma is not enough, in your opinion, expressed, leave to infuse for another couple of days.
  • After the tincture is filtered, you should cook the syrup, heating 150 ml of water and stirring the same amount of sugar in it until completely dissolved, without taking to a boil and removing the foam. The syrup should be cooled and poured into the tincture, and add 100 ml of water into the container in which it was cooked, shake and pour it there.
  • On this, the preparation process can be considered complete. Let the drink stand for two or three days and you can try.

Bechovka - how to drink right?

  • It is compliance with the traditions and rules of drinking Becherovka that allows you to try and feel its unusual taste. Drink tincture You can both separately and use as an ingredient for a cocktail. In the first case, the classic is considered The volume of cognac glass - No more, in combination with cinnamon sprinkled with a slice of orange or tangerine.
Small portions
Small portions
  • The same method of taking the drink cooled up to 5-7 ° C as a classic diet is recommended by the manufacturers of the drink. Bucky shades of herbs, Made by Bherovka, appear after the first sip is made, and in conditions of room temperature a fragrant bouquet also manifests itself, however, the tincture becomes sharper.
  • The authors of the tincture also indicate that the composition of herbs is therapeutic and tonicand therefore it is good as an additive for tea or coffee - no more than 1 tsp. On a cup. Just do not be too zealous, limited to one cup per day.
  • In the spirit of national traditions, Bechevka with beer is used as a kind of “aperitif”: first in one gulp, a small glass of chilled tincture, and then, leisurely sipping light beer.
  • The most famous cocktail, which includes Bucherov, is Concreterepresenting a combination Berovka with a tonic In any ratios with the addition of ice and lemon juice.
With a tonic
With a tonic
  • In addition, Becherovka is often drunk with juices: apple, currant or cherry.
  • Bechirovka is also produced with additives of linden and citrus fruits. These tinctures are distinguished by the strength and are used as ordinary liquors.

Bechovka: How many degrees?

  • As a rule, depending on the type of liquor, its fortress is 20-40%.
  • So, the original tincture made according to the classical recipe has a fortress 38%.
  • The degree of Bucherovka with the addition of citrus notes is much weaker - total 20%.
  • The option with the addition of linden has 35%-On fortress, and the liquor, the basis of which is red wine, is like vodka in the fortress - 40%.
The drink is strong enough
The drink is strong enough

Bechovka: Recipe for cooking at home

As already emphasized, the original recipe is deeply classified, so at home you can prepare a beherovka that will be close to the original, but nothing more. In any case, a pleasant herbal taste and aroma of tincture prepared with its own hands will become the highlight of the festive table for any celebration.

You can cook at home
You can cook at home

So, you need:

  • 1/2 tsp. lemon or orange zest
  • One whole or crushed cinnamon stick
  • 3 Cardamon grains
  • 1/2 tsp Anisa
  • About 15 cloves
  • 8-10 peas pepper
  • Half a liter of 50-degree alcohol
  • 150 g of sugar
  • 0.5 l of water

After making sure that there are all the necessary ingredients at hand, you can start cooking Becherovka:

  • Brighten Cardamon's grain with a rolling pin, and, if desired, cinnamon. Fold all the spices listed in the recipe in the jar and pour alcohol.
  • Leave days for 10 in a warm place where the light does not fall. Shaking daily or every other day, withstand the required time, after which the tincture is filed.
  • Prepare syrup from sugar and water, and the more important the feeling of the taste of spices is for you, the less proportion you should take sugar. Cool the syrup and pour into the tincture.
  • Mix and leave to “rest” for a week for which the precipitate will fall.
  • After that, you can drink in a chilled form both in the form of a clean tincture, and mixing with juices, tonic and even lemonade. It is best to eat fruits.

Bechovka: Recipe on moonshine

  • The principle of preparing homemade beherovka is already described above - spices are added to alcohol and insisted. Differences in the composition itself, as well as in the form of alcohol used.

To prepare Bucherovo at home from moonshine (by the way, grass and spices will completely destroy possible sivuish notes, which are often noticeable in moonshine), you can take the following composition:

  • fragrant pepper - 10 peas
  • vanilla - half a pod
  • cardamon - 3 pods
  • cinnamon - 2 sticks
  • 1 tsp anise and orange zest
The drink will be strong
The drink will be strong
  • Insist on moonshine in a jar with a tightly closed lid, hiding it in a dark place. Shaking once or twice in two days, a jar with the future tincture is kept for 10-12 days, after which the liquor should be filtered and diluted with syrup, as usual, from sugar dissolved in water.
  • Composition of herbs and spices can vary by combining sage and licorice, anise and kalgan, badyan, wormwood, cloves and fragrant pepper etc. Experts advise not very finely crushing certain spices so that there are no problems when filtering the drink, and you can get a more saturated color.
  • Also, recipes can fluctuate in terms of insisting, but in any case - at least a week.

How to bite Becherov?

  • If desired, Becherovka can even be bitten by cakes, not to mention fruits. But the classic of the appetizer is considered a slice of orange sprinkled with cinnamon.
  • Becherovka with linden is permissible to eat chocolate also. If preference is given to fruits, then this is all the same citrus, as well as apples and grapes, cherries or strawberries.
  • Slovaks as "snacks" use light beer, Washing a small glass of Becherka with a glass of foamy drink. The main thing here is not to get carried away, because a hangover effect may occur.
  • In addition, given the fortress of tinctures close to classical vodka, it can be combined with snacks from fish or meat.As well as with dried fruits, among which - bananas, dates, prunes, dried apricots.
Eat at will
Eat at will

The benefits of Becherovka

  • Since the infusion of drink on medicinal herbs, its healing effect is obvious. Using the beherov in small quantities (about 50 ml) after eating, you thereby contribute to improving the digestive process, especially if oily, sharp and heavy dishes in the stomach were fed for lunch.
  • Tincture reduces the sensation of severity in the stomach, helps to avoid indigestion, behawing, and at others often arising from overeating intestinal problems.
  • Bechirovka can also be considered a controversy, therefore, with symptoms of a cold, pain or piercing in the throat, 50 ml of tincture should be slightly heated (the most correct solution is a water bath) and drink one sip. After that, a dream is recommended for several hours under a warm blanket. This method of treatment, of course, is not suitable for children.
Bechevka with a cold, after drunk it is better to sleep
Bechevka with a cold, after drunk it is better to sleep

How to distinguish a real behars from a fake?

  • First of all, when buying Becherov, you should pay attention to the bottle. On the original it will certainly be logo that has a relief - 1807 (This is the year when the drink was created). Such a logo is applied above the label. And under the very label, another relief should be located with the name of the author of the tincture.
  • By the way, the original bottle of Bechevka is simply dotted with embossed inscriptions not only with the name of the creator, but also with the place: Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic. The complement is lines that also have a relief, and located in the form of a pattern almost over the entire surface of the bottle.
Pay attention to the relief
Pay attention to the relief
  • On the lid (necessarily blue!) The red logo of the company must be applied. The neck is wrapped in a blue “shirt” with the logo and the name of the creator of Bechevka.
  • The upper and lower lanes of the label, like counter -metics, are glued along the diameter of the bottle and are located in embossed cavities. And finally, it must be present without fail excise stamp.

Basic rules of compatibility of Bechevka: Tips

  • When mixing beherovka with juices and other alcohol drinks in such a cocktail, there should be no more than a quarter from the entire volume.
  • Bechirovka can be used as syrupwhich is added to ice cream.
  • Bucherovo cannot be mixed with strong alcoholic beverages. Cognac, vodka, tequila, rum - all this does not combine with grass tincture.

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