Running training: Why is it hard to start? Factors of the main errors during running. Beginning of training: intensive walking, heating the muscles before running, changing the surface for classes, moving and setting the body for running. Basic rules of fast running

Running training: Why is it hard to start? Factors of the main errors during running. Beginning of training: intensive walking, heating the muscles before running, changing the surface for classes, moving and setting the body for running. Basic rules of fast running

To run the effect, it is important to run correctly. And how to do this - find out from the article.

Many people want to start running to lose weight, just for the sake of pleasure or to improve health. This is the most budgetary type of training, since you just need a tracksuit or leggings and, of course, sneakers.

But before starting to run, and especially the pioneers should know this, it is important to run correctly in order to lose weight and not harm health. For these classes, you need to carefully prepare. Even people who have been running in the past should recall some rules and instructions.

Running training: Why is it hard to start?

There are several factors why people do not run regularly:

  • Physical is quite difficult.
  • Psychological - hard, cannot cope with the load.
  • Physico-psychological-very difficult.
  • Weather. When the weather is clear, it is a pleasure to run, but when it is raining, it is cold or snow, it is unlikely that you want to get out of a warm blanket.
  • When starts to get sick, for example, side. At this moment, thoughts visit you, why all this is necessary, it would be better if I did something useful, and did not waste time.
Regularity is important
Regularity is important

All these factors move you to leave everything and do other things. Adhering to some instructions, you will start running correctly, you will not complain about well -being during running, improve your attitude to this lesson.

Running training: basic errors while running

  1. Shoes that are not suitable for running: The lack of shock absorbers, a thick sole, narrow shoes that do not allow you to feel comfortable and confident.
  2. Many novice runners lead a sedentary lifestyle. The result is the weak muscles of the back, pain in the knee joints, pain in the vertebrae, underdevelopment of the calf muscles. The weak back muscles also affect the correct run.
  3. Wearing narrow shoes in daily life led to inability to properly step on the foot and amortize walking. This provokes pain in the calf muscles.
Choose the right shoes
Choose the right shoes

To improve all indicators, you need to engage in different types of running, engage in yoga to improve joint maneuverability. Why do you need to start training?

Running training - start of classes: intensive walking

  • How does it happen to be newcomers? You put on a sports uniform and begin to run right away at high speed, and after a couple of minutes you get tired, your breath is difficult, your side hurts, and you stop.
  • How do professionals do this? The ability to run in our blood from birth. Any person, if he wants, can always become a professional runner. One of the American coaches Gordon Bakulis recommends starting slow walking training And gradually increase the pace. If you start to hurt in your side, in no case stop, but slow down the pace and wait until everything goes away, and then run again. The speed should be such that it was comfortable to speak, and your breath was free.
We walk intensively
We walk intensively

It is best for beginners to start with quick walks, at least a couple of days or even a week. If you do not have time when going to work, do not use transport, but go with a quick pace. So you will save on the passage and prepare your body for more intense loads.

Such training should be arranged 3-4 times a week. If you feel that you are doing and you will not grab the load, go to classes 4-5 times.

Running training plan for ten weeks:

  • First week: 2 minutes of running, 4 minutes of intensive walk.
  • Second week: 3 minutes of running, 3 minutes walk.
  • Third week: 4 minutes of running, 2 minutes walk.
  • Fourth week: 5 minutes of running, 3 minutes walk.
  • Fifth week: 7 minutes of running, 3 minutes walk.
  • Sixth week: 8 minutes of running, 2 minutes walk.
  • Seventh week: 9 minutes of running, 1 minute walking.
  • Eighth week: 13 minutes of running, 2 minutes walk.
  • Ninth week: 14 minutes of running, 1 minute walking.
  • Tenth week: running throughout the training.

Any training should begin and end with a warm -up or walk at a slow pace for five minutes. If you felt exhaustion a couple of minutes before the end of the lesson, you did something wrong or chose a quick pace, went little, or the lesson lasted longer than usual. This plan can and should be adjusted for you.

Running training: warming up muscles before running

Each athlete knows that if all muscles are well warmed up in the process of warm -up, you cannot injure in the process of training. But not all this adheres to.

  • The warm -up not only warms up your muscles, it also launches your internal organs into intensive work, gives the command to start running and starting classes. Thus, it is easier for us to cope with aerobic load.
  • After training, we need to pull all the involved muscles so as not to score muscles, to relax them.
  • If you do not have enough time, do it before you go to bed. Without letting the muscles recover, we affect the cardiovascular system, on the muscle corset. You will feel constant muscle pain.
Warming up
Warming up

Running training is a change of surface for running: what does it matter?

Most experts never think that the variety of training affects not only the pace, but also the plane on which the run passes. The use of the same surface leads to addiction, and the body no longer receives that load as before.

  • To change or increase the load for the first week, run at the stadium on the asphalt coating.
  • The second is in the forest, where there are many bumps and bumps.
  • For the third week, go to the hall and try the treadmill.
  • In the last week of the month, run along the river bank along the sand. Such a change in the surface, landscape and situation for the better will change the attitude to the run.
Change the surface
Change the surface

It is not recommended to run along the concrete surface, because these are plates that are very hard, they do not have depreciation, unlike the asphalt surface. The lack of depreciation is fraught with injuries of the ankle joint or sprains of the ligaments.

Running training - movement and setting of the body for running: Basic rules

You will get a high -quality result from running, if you not only run and sort your feet, but also correctly direct your body so that all the muscles work.

  • Head.It should always be directed forward to the goal. The head is raised up, relaxed.
  • Shoulders.Relax, do not raise them up. After all, if they constantly keep them in suspense, headaches may occur, you will quickly get tired. If you still cannot be avoided, slow down and shake your hands. Fix this condition until the end of the workout.
  • Arms. Like the legs of the hands should move synchronously, this will not only speed up the pace, but will not let you get tired quickly. They should also be relaxed and not pressed against the belt. Bend your arms at the elbows, forming a right angle. Slightly squeeze your fingers into a fist, but do not overdo it.
  • Body.In no case do not lean forward, because the back will be in constant tension. Keep your body straight, only tilting slightly.
  • Hips.Keep them straight, do not loosen now to the left or the right.
  • Legs and heels.When running, the leg should smoothly land on the ground. Do not make sudden movements. You must soar in the air, and not step like an elephant, all weight. The running quality is also affected by the step that you make, it should be small so that the body does not stick forward and does not strongly load the hips.
Correct and wrong
Correct and wrong

If you want classes to give you pleasure, do not rush anywhere, do everything, gradually increasing the intensity, only for a split second. For example, if you run 60 minutes. 3 times a week per day, then next week run 10 minutes more. The same applies to distance. Run in the first week - 10 km, and for the next - 12 km.

Make a novelty in training

The monotony of training also tires even experienced runners.

  • Music.Energetic music is an excellent alternative to the noise of machines. After all, you can not only train for such music, but also “turn the mountains”. Write down your favorite compositions and start. When choosing, take into account the pace of music so that it suits your running speed as best as possible.
  • Friends. Many people do not run and do not even go to the gym without a company. They say they are bored. If you do not have friends who would make you a company, join groups where the same runners are gathered as you. This will be a good motivating factor, because no one wants to blush and say that I overslept if your comrades wait for you.
  • Keep a diary of achievements.Get a notebook and write down there every day changes in the body, well -being, your records, indicators. You can record all changes and draw the appropriate conclusions. When you see all this, it will stimulate you even more. Now progress has come to the point that you can keep a diary in special applications on the phone.
  • Meditation.This is a great option when you run in the forest or along the river bank. Listen to the noise of water, bird singing, trees. This relaxes and sets up on a positive wave.

If you decide to become an athlete in the future, or your future work requires endurance, if you have plans to achieve unprecedented heights, then you still have to attract professionals in the future, but you can do everything yourself for the start.

Running training: Basic Rules Rules

  1. During running, do not take big steps, it not only does not accelerate you, but even slows down. The basic rule of fast running is to contact the feet as little as possible.
  2. There is a special art, how to learn how to run in the shortest possible time:
  • Lower your foot to the ground as quickly as possible, the movements should be soft.
  • Hands should move symmetrically.
  • Unlike simple running, fast running requires a slightly larger inclination of the case.
  1. Other training will also help to add speed. Classes in the gym will strengthen the muscles of the legs, increase the endurance of the body.
Fast run
Fast run

To learn how to run as soon as possible, you need frequent training with any suitable opportunity. Interval running affects the endurance of the body. It consists in the fact that you start running very quickly and abruptly switch to easy running, then run again quickly, and so alternating.

You must clearly understand that starting running or any other training is never too late, even at 50. Relax and get the maximum from life, do not think what they will think of you and what they will condemn in. The main thing is to follow your health and well -being. Do your favorite thing.

Video: running technique

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  1. My main mistake was running on an empty stomach .. It was tin! And I couldn’t run a kilometer .. then I began to make a light snack before the run (usually it was a turboshosym bar or a cocktail of some or just a banana) and it became much easier! Such a light snack and stomach does not load and gives strength, what is needed for the morning and morning training)

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