Banking installment card of Halva Skocombank: what is the catch, reviews. What is profitable and not beneficial to the installment card of halva?

Banking installment card of Halva Skocombank: what is the catch, reviews. What is profitable and not beneficial to the installment card of halva?

Many viewers at least once, but saw an advertisement for television from the Sovcombank about the map - Halva. All the advantages of this product are clearly described in the video. But not all people know about the shortcomings. Next, let's look at what kind of installment card is this - halva, what is the bank of the banking product?

On the Combank portal there is detailed data on the Halva map. It describes that customers are not required to repay interest rates for a certain period, which lasts several calendar months. According to the interest rates, the Sovcombank has concluded an agreement with stores, it is they who pay them. Indeed, the client, when fulfilling all loan agreements, does not pay for the first months the interest of this banking structure.

From here it explains why the installment card - Halva is popular among residents of the Russian Federation. Still, it is not necessary to draw up a loan when purchasing expensive equipment or other expensive product, or you can pay simply by credit card. It has favorable conditions of use and very easy to get it. But a suspicious client will always have doubts whether everything is so smooth with this banking product.

Installment card of halva oskombank: conditions for issuing

The Halva banking card allows its owners to buy goods with an interest -free installment loan. It is issued either in a banking organization or online on halvacard. Everything is done extremely simply, you fill out a special form and either get it yourself in the Sovcombank, or you will be delivered to you with a courier service home.

Halva - installment card map
Halva - installment card map

From this card you can take cash, pay in stores, and the bank’s network is common, the card is valid throughout Russia. Which, of course, is very convenient. But there is a small one - but


Only in the bank’s store stores there is the possibility of interest-free purchases.

In such retail outlets, the purchase payment scheme will look as follows:

  1. The client in the partner store selects goods.
  2. He notifies the sales consultant that he is ready to take it and pay for Halva Skocombank with a card.
  3. Then he simply pays for the goods, immediately picks up the purchase.
  4. Putting down occurs according to the scheme proposed by the Sukombank. For several months, the client contributes the amount for repayment without interest, then they begin to drip interest.
Sukombank - Credit Halva
Svombank. Credit Halva

Detailed action of the installment card:

  • After the client bought the goods, a certain amount is written off from the account.
  • The owner of the card is obliged to return this money in equal payments for the specified period.
  • The client must replenish the Halva card once a month before a certain period, so that there are no delays in payments.

IMPORTANT: According to the rules - the amount paid for the goods should be exactly the same as the amount of installments. It is interesting that when the owner of the card buys several goods at once, then all payments made from the installment card are summarized. Again, they should be repaid according to the scheme proposed in the conditions of repayment of the Halva card until a certain period.

Halva - installment plan: pitfalls

All the actions described above only confirm that the Halva installment map is a profitable banking product. But any even the most ideal bank has its disadvantages. What is the catch of cards from the Sovcombank? Any trading organizations, shops, hypermarkets are trying to constantly increase sales.

And the bank under discussion in this case is an advertiser. Moreover, at the expense of sales in stores, he advertises his banking product with particularly favorable conditions. It is beneficial to earn a banking institution at those customers who do not fulfill the repayment of installments on time. It doesn’t matter they knew the subtleties of this matter or not.

Halva, what is the catch?
Halva, what is the catch?

Let's look at the most common cast, related to this installment card into which its owners fall:

  1. Is it true that the goods can be bought by installments without any percent? Compared to other credit cards, in this bank you are offered goods under installments - 0%. Also, everyone is satisfied as a result: the buyer, the store, which increased its turnover and a banking organization having a percentage of a partner store (in particular for advertising). But there is another side of the question, if the client does not buy the goods in the partner store, then all this will result in a penny. You will have to pay extra to the bank for such an installment plan for another 10 percent per annum, the amount may not be small.
  2. Nowhere is it said in advertising sources that for the fact that the client will overdue the periodic payment, he will have to pay fulfillment of the Sovcombank. You need to carefully read the conditions. The owner of the credit card is obliged to pay money every month until the 15th. If the payment is not made, then you will immediately lose 590 rubles, and interest will begin to increase. The size, which will be nineteen percent per annum.
  3. Когда клиент потратил кредитный лимит или же его осталось меньше нужной суммы, то наступает — Unauthorized debt.Here the percentage of debt increases decently to 36 percent annual. And this is not all, daily the debtor has fines in the amount of 19 percent per annum and if a person again missed timely payment, he is again placed on interest, at first 1 percent is added to all these fines, the next time 2%. For interest, you can calculate about how much the debtor will pay. If you bought goods for 60,000 rubles, then a month according to the rules you must pay 20,000 rubles. If you remove the credit limit, then pay about 5.6 rubles a day, and with unauthorized debts you will be taken from you about 20 rubles per day. After a six -day break as a result, the amount of the fine per day will be 20 rubles.
  4. In advertising, they promise to give before 350 thousand rublesHowever, such amounts are given extremely rarely. To get that kind of money, the client will have to prove that he is solvent.
  5. As already mentioned, installment plan can only be taken only in the partner stores of the Sovcombank. In addition, the store does not always offer installment on year, most often terms are adjusted to 2-4 months.
  6. It is also said a lot about the provision of favorable conditions to customers who have a halva installment card. The bank promises special discounts, promotional proposals. However, they act only when the buyer takes them not in installments, but so. Therefore, the client, buying goods by installments, is simply not able to use them.
  7. It is convenient that you can withdraw funds from the card. That is, the owner can easily bring cash. But for the issuance of cash to the bank of the bank it will be necessary to pay 2.9 percent of the amount that must be withdrawn, and more add To this number 290 rubles, agree to the amount will not turn out to be small.
  8. And finally: partner stores of the Sovcombank They do not find themselves at a loss. Compared to other stores that sell the same product, prices They have several overestimated. And many consumers have repeatedly indicated this in their reviews. But evaluating even these shortcomings, it is still more profitable for customers to use the Halva card than to take on the goods they like in another store with a cheaper cost. Since overpaid interest on the loan will be higher.

Now you yourself can think about whether the conditions that the Sovcombank with the card offers you - Halva or not. Perhaps, despite the minuses of the credit card, it still has its own advantages. The main thing is not to delay the repayment of card debt, and then you will not have any problems. And yet - it is not entirely profitable to remove cash from the installment card, because if you need cash, it is better to draw up another card.

Halva map - real reviews
Halva map - real reviews

Banking map of installments Halva: reviews

Andrey, 34 years old:

On the advice of acquaintances, he issued a Halva map for himself. They say that cashbacks are given here for purchases. Cashback I was never able to get. After the first month of use, despite the fact that the payment was repaid counted 633 debt rubles. When he turned to the operators, they replied that this was a debt for the payment protection service. Although I was not mentioned about this service. I paid all debts and terminated the contract with the Sovcombank.

Alina, 28 years old:

I issued a halva card in December 2018. I used it all this time, no problems arose. Then she decided to participate in the action: "Bring a friend." For each new client they promised bonus - 500 rubles. The link registered two of my friends, everything issued, as described in the action. I should have come to me 1000 bonus rubles, but alas - neither I received them or my friends, unfortunately. Appeals to the support service are useless.

Video: installment card map of halva - catch

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