Ogarkov balm for joints: composition, indications for use, instructions, reviews

Ogarkov balm for joints: composition, indications for use, instructions, reviews

Instructions for the use of balm Ogarkov for the joints.

For the treatment of joints, a huge number of drugs are used, among which not only injections, tablets, but also local remedies. One of the most effective means for treating joint diseases is Ogarkov’s balm. In this article, we will talk about what this tool is, how it should be used.

What is Ogarkov balm?

The balm is a gel or ointment sold in tubes or in banks. The product is combined and contains both chemicals and medicinal herbs. It is worth noting that it has been developed by a famous people's healer and doctor Ogarkov, who has many years of treatment of joint pathology.

It is important to know that this balm contains a huge number of essential oils, camphor, red pepper extract, nimesulide, bee components, as well as medicinal herbs. Thanks to such a combined composition, the tool not only removes the symptoms of the disease, but also penetrates deep into tissues, improves the condition of the joints. Thus, it is possible to kill several hares in one blow: to eliminate the pain, as well as provoke regeneration in the area of \u200b\u200bbone and cartilage.


The action of Balm Ogarkov and indications for use

Cream and indications for use:

  • This tool warms tissues, improves blood circulation in the joints, and also improves their nutrition
  • In addition, it removes extra salts, eliminates swelling, as well as pain
  • Most often, the product is used for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis, illumination of ankylosing spondel, as well as with bursitis, injuries
  • A few days after trauma, thanks to this tool, you can warm a painful place
  • Therefore, the balm is often used to treat colds in order to rub heels, as well as breasts

The composition of Balm Ogarkov for the joints

Below are the most active components of this balm their effect on the body.


  • Ogarkov's balm contains red pepper extractwhich differs in the presence of capsaicin. This substance improves blood circulation and promotes a rush of blood to sore spots, which improves the supply of damaged tissues with nutrients. This helps them recover faster. Red pepper is distinguished by an irritating effect, so at the place of application of the balm a light burning is possible, as well as redness of tissues. This is a completely normal reaction to the use of the product.
  • The balm contains golden mustache extractwhich is characterized by effective anti -inflammatory properties. In addition, this tool helps the outflow of lymph from sore joints, thereby removing swelling, as well as redness. The composition of the drug makes it possible to use this tool not only in the treatment of joints of the joints, but also after stretching the muscles and sports injuries.
  • Comfrey As part of the product is distinguished by restoring properties. It stimulates the restoration of bone as well as cartilage, which is effective for arthrosis, as well as arthritis.
  • Sablen marsh It contains flavonoids, organic acids, essential oils that help relieve inflammation in a short time, reduce pain, reduce swelling of the injured place. The most effective in burglows of non -infectious nature, as well as a variety of joint injuries.
  • Camphor. This tool actively copes with inflammation, as well as a deterioration in blood circulation in sore joints. Accordingly, this tool warms up the sore spot, improves the metabolism in the affected joints, which positively affects their condition and improve the clinical picture of the disease. It is possible to get rid of edema, as well as severe pain in a short period of time.
  • Bosvelia - This is a plant that grows in India. Moreover, in mountainous areas that are distinguished by purity and environmental friendliness. The resin of this tree helps to cope with severe inflammation and has the properties of natural antibiotics. Therefore, in a short period of time, it will be possible to get rid of inflammation. In addition, this tool prevents the penetration of leukocytes into sore joints, a synovial bag, which prevents the accumulation and increase in the amount of fluid. Thus, the plant helps to absorb swelling during joint trauma, and also improves blood supply to the capillaries, and stimulates bone tissue regeneration.
  • Tea tree oil. This tool is characterized by high biological activity in relation to sick tissues. It improves tissue regeneration, stimulates the restoration of cartilage fibers, which slows down the process of destruction of joints with arthrosis. In addition, it improves blood supply to sore spots, which helps to restore joints after their trauma.
Sick joints
Sick joints

Ogarkov Balm: Features of Application and Contraindications

Features of application:

  • The composition of the product includes bee venom, as well as other aggressive components. Accordingly, it is necessary to be very careful people who suffer from a variety of allergic reactions, because herbal extracts, as well as beekeeping products, can adversely affect the condition of the skin and provoke the occurrence of an allergic reaction.
  • Please note that Ogarkov’s balm must be used 3 times a day. To do this, a small amount of funds is applied to the affected places and rubs into them for 3 or 5 minutes. After the implementation of these manipulations, rinse the balm.
  • It is worth noting that there are no contraindications for the use of Balm Ogarkov. The only contraindication is individual intolerance, as well as allergic reactions. Damage and damage to the skin are possible.
  • That is, the product cannot be applied to atopic dermatitis, eczema or cracks, as well as damaged skin. Because it can cause a strong burning and edema. The main advantage of Ogarkov’s balm is a low price.
Golden balm
Golden balm

Balm Ogarkova: Reviews

Below we present reviews about use.


Marina, 45 years old. Very often I suffer from inflammation of the joints and exacerbation of chronic arthritis. Usually the disease overtakes me in spring and autumn. At this time, I only save the balsam of Ogarkov. It quickly relieves pain, and also reduces swelling, which allows you to soon return to ordinary life and work.

Konstantin 50 years old. I regularly use the balsam of Ogarkov. I really like its consistency, though the smell is quite specific. The neighbor in the country advised me. Since then I have been applying regularly. I really like this tool, helps to get rid of joint pain, as well as relieve swelling. I use in combination with chondroprotectors and non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs.

Ekaterina, 27 years old. Ogarkov’s balm was advised by my grandmother who uses it for rheumatism, as well as inflammation of the joints. I was helped by stretching and injuries.


The tool is inexpensive and effective. Thanks to the combined composition, it allows not only to reduce pain, but also to reduce inflammation.

Video: Balm Ogarkova

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