Badyan and Anis: What is the difference between them? Properties, description, use in folk medicine, interchangeability of anise and battery: Description

Badyan and Anis: What is the difference between them? Properties, description, use in folk medicine, interchangeability of anise and battery: Description

What is the difference between Anis and the Badian? In this article we will tell you how Anis and Badyan are different and whether one can use one instead of another.

In the preparation of various confectionery dishes, anise and badiyan are often used. These are spices that have a sweet taste. Some culinary publications say that they are interchangeable.

Anis and Badyan: properties, description

This is not the same spice, many people think that anise is the fruit of the Badyan, but this is not so. Anise is an annual plant from the umbrella family, and resembles umbrella or fennel umbrellas. The seeds are dark green, oblong, similar to caraway seeds. It has a pleasant taste and aroma. The root of the plant is the most effective, because it contains a larger number of essential oils and active components than seeds.

Badyan is a tree on which fruits are formed. After drying them, a dry fruit is formed, reminiscent of an asterisk. It is these stars that are used in the preparation of honey gingerbread. The most interesting thing is that for the first time the Chinese began to use Badyan, who added it to various cough syrups and prepared desserts using spices. At the same time, anise began to be used in ancient Egypt. The essential oil of this plant was often used in the treatment of a lack of appetite, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as for the treatment of coughing of unknown etiology.


Anis and Badyan: What is the difference between them

These spices are very different in their appearance from each other. Despite similar properties, as well as taste, in folk medicine they are not recommended to replace each other. Because it is fraught with consequences.

Anise and Badian contains Anatol - this is one of the varieties of essential oil. The taste can be remembered by trying licorice candies. It was in them that anise was introduced, giving them a pleasant sweet and sour fragrance and taste. The battery contains more than this substance, which is why its taste qualities are brighter. But thanks to this, there is a stronger allergy to this product, which cannot be said about the anise.


It is believed that Badyan has a more pronounced effect of a strong allergen. Therefore, it cannot be used in the treatment of children, as well as pregnant women. It can provoke uterine bleeding. Anise is similar in its properties, but it gives a milder effect, so it is allowed to use when preparing different dishes, as well as for the purpose of making decoctions and healing rinses for the treatment of children.

It is also worth noting that plants grow in different countries. The fact is that in our country, anise is a fairly common plant since the 19th century. Our country was the leader in the cultivation and sale of this plant. The spice of Badyan in Russia grows poorly enough, because it prefers a warmer climate.

Anisa seeds
Anisa seeds

Anis and Badyan: Application in folk medicine

Indications for the use of a Badian:

  • Cough, unclear nature. It can be tonsillitis, pneumonia and bronchitis. Spice helps to dilute sputum and removes it from the body. Accordingly, the mucus clearse faster, which facilitates breathing.
  • Used for neurosis and neurasthenia. Helps to calm down and establish a psycho -emotional state.
  • Improves digestion, helps get rid of parasites. The fact is that some of the varieties of worms really react badly to the use of the Badian and die when using it. For this purpose, the root of the plant is used.
  • Spice can also be used for purulent tonsillitis, severe sore throat in the form of rinsing.

Indications for the use of anise:

  • During coughing even in children. Because it acts gently, removes sputum from the upper and lower respiratory tract.
  • In order to establish a menstrual cycle in women and prevent the onset of premenstrual syndrome. Such as swelling of the mammary glands and pain in the lower abdomen.
  • It is often used for eye damage, for cataracts, so that this film resolves.
  • You can also use in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Anis and Badyan: Is it possible to replace each other?

Therefore, if in some culinary book you found that the anise can be replaced with a battery, before doing it, think about what taste the finished dish should differ. Badyan is mainly more odorous and obsessive, so it goes well with vegetable, meat dishes, but is most suitable for cooking baking. Anis has not very pronounced and not so intrusive taste. Therefore, it can be used in salads and second vegetable dishes.

If necessary, it is often used in the preparation of a variety of confectionery pastries. Most often added to gingerbread or cakes. Complements some varieties of simple pies for tea. Please note that the number of spices should also be different. After all, Badyan is more aromatic and has a strong, rich taste.

Anise's grains
Anise's grains

Therefore, before adding a badiyan to the dish, first enter a small amount so as not to spoil the food.

Video: Differences of the Badian and Anisa

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  1. Please tell me, for a mask against wrinkles, Badyan was needed, whether it was possible to replace with anise

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