Arthrosis of the plusnnepalance joint: symptoms, methods of treatment, diagnosis, prevention. Treatment of arthrosis of plusno -reference joint conservative, surgical and folk methods

Arthrosis of the plusnnepalance joint: symptoms, methods of treatment, diagnosis, prevention. Treatment of arthrosis of plusno -reference joint conservative, surgical and folk methods

Methods for the treatment of arthrosis of plusno -refilant joint.

The arthrosis of the plusnoranfalance joint is a fairly common ailment that affects not only pensioners, but also young people. Most often, they are suffered by people who are engaged in hard physical work, as well as athletes, ballerinas and those who work in the cold, regularly hypothermia. In this article we will tell you how to treat this disease.

Arthrosis of the plus -wrapping joint: Symptoms

Symptoms of the disease differ depending on the stage.


  • At the very beginning, a person can feel periodic pain in the bone on the leg, as well as in the fusion zone with a foot with a thumb. When moving or raising to socks, the pain may intensify.
  • In the second stage, the pain becomes almost constant and a place in the thumb and joint becomes much larger. The bone becomes convex, swollen. Redness or a peculiar growth may be observed.
  • In the third stage, a person cannot move normally, because the pain is present both in a calm state and while walking. At the same time, a person is lame and transfers the entire load to the outer part of the foot.

Fighting the disease is quite difficult. If 1-2 degree of disease is treated with conservative methods, using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as chondroprotectors, then 3 degrees are treated exclusively surgically.

A picture of arthrosis
A picture of arthrosis

Conservative treatment of arthrosis of plusednefalance joint

Regarding the choice of treatment methodology, here everything is determined by the doctor, after conducting an x \u200b\u200b-ray, possibly MRI or ultrasound. Most often, along with the examination of the joint, an X -ray is prescribed. After making an accurate diagnosis, the doctor chooses the treatment methodology.

Review of drugs and treatment methods:

  • At the first, second degree, diclofenac or orthophen is often prescribed. It can be tablets or injections that are introduced intramuscularly. Usually they are done 1-2 times a day. These injections allow you to get rid of pain within three days. Chondroprotectors aimed at restoring the bone are also prescribed.
  • Often the medicine is administered directly into the damaged joint, that is, intra -articular injections are carried out. They help to quickly remove the pain syndrome. Often for this, chondroprotectors, non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs, hyaluronic acid are used, and it is also possible to use corticosteroids to relieve inflammation and pain.
  • Conservative techniques also include the use of such a drug as Nise or Nimesil. They also belong to non -steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs that are quite easy to use. The powder simply dissolves in warm water and is taken inside. Of course, such treatment does not eliminate the cause of the disease, but removes the manifestation of the disease, reducing the symptoms. That is, it helps to get rid of pain.
  • Accordingly, if you want to return the mobility to the foot, you need to take a deeper treatment. For this, the right shoes are most often chosen. Often doctors recommend contacting special orthopedic centers where shoes are made for rehabilitation and treatment. This is special shoes that helps reduce pressure on the sore spot, as well as a properly selected insole, characterized by an anatomical structure.
  • The fact is that very often arthrosis contributes to the sock for women of irregular shoes, heels walking, as well as constant compression of fingers in shoes with a sharp toe. Accordingly, the use of orthopedic shoes, which allows you to properly place the fingers inside shoes or boots, is useful. Due to this, the pressure on the sore joint decreases, the fingers do not compress. Quite often, an orthopedist puts a special gasket between the thumb and forefinger in order to dilute them and reduce the pressure on the sore joint.
Arthrosis in the photo
Arthrosis in the photo

Treatment of arthrosis of plusednefalance joint with surgical methods

Regarding the treatment of arthrosis of the 3rd degree, doctors prescribe surgical intervention. Moreover, it can be carried out by different methods and with a different approach.

Options for surgical intervention:

  1. There are many surgical operations. One of the most popular is the endoprosthetics of the joint. That is, the damaged joint is replaced by the prosthesis. Many experts note that the operation gives excellent results. The mobility of the foot is completely returned, helps to save a person from chroma. The recovery period is about 3 months. The most interesting thing is that very often these artificial prostheses wear out quite quickly. Therefore, their replacement or peculiar maintenance is often required.
  2. In addition to prosthetics, for the treatment of arthrosis, plusnephalanx joint, a partial bone resection method is often used. There are several options. During the operation, they cut out the affected place and stretch the finger forward, changing the position of its growth. After that, therapeutic gymnastics and sock of special shoes are carried out. Thanks to this, the bone does not rest against shoes and manages to get rid of pain, completely return to normal life, get rid of chromium.
  3. Often use surgical intervention, during which the affected joint, cartilage and phalanx of the finger are excised. After that, the bone fits with a finger. Of course, in this area the foot does not bend. But this helps to get rid of lameness and constant pain. It is often carried out in elderly patients who, for some reason, cannot be installed by an endoprosthesis.
Treatment of the disease
Treatment of the disease

Arthrosis of the plus -wrapping joint: Treatment with folk methods

The arthrosis of the plusnoranfalance joint is also treated with folk methods. It should be understood that this kind of treatment is auxiliary, not the main one. This is a kind of addition to conservative methods. Usually use a variety of baths, ointments, as well as compresses in order to eliminate pain. Below are a few common recipes.


  1. Often used Baths Or lotions using this mixture. To do this, it is necessary to mix 10 ml of camphor oil, 20 g of ordinary kitchen salt, 40 ml of ammonia. To all this add a liter of water. The mixture can be warmed up and simply immersed your legs. The procedure is recommended to be done twice a day. To save the solution, you can make lotions. For this purpose, gauze is dipped in a prepared solution and simply applied to a sore spot. It is best to insulate such a compress to achieve the highest efficiency. In addition, other techniques are also used that are able to effectively cope with pain in the feet.
  2. You can get rid of arthrosis with the help special ointment. For preparation, it is necessary to mix bee nectar, dry mustard powder, salt, ordinary baking soda in equal quantities. All this is mixed until a viscous consistency is obtained and applied to sore spots, with gauze on top. It is insulated with a plastic bag and warm socks. It is recommended to do up to 3 times a day.
  3. Another of the treatment options for arthrosis of the foot is using plants. To do this, you need to collect about 2 kg of birch leaves, pour boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Next, the leaves are twisted in a meat grinder or in a blender until mashed potatoes. Such a slurry must be applied to sore spots.
Development of the foot
Development of the foot

Prevention of arthrosis of plusedneusfalance joint

In addition to treatment, it is also necessary to engage in prevention, completely change the life’s way. In most cases, arthrosis of the plusnephalanx joint is provoked by excessive weight, respectively, you will have to lose weight.


  • Reduce the consumption of fatty, fried, as well as high -calorie, sweet food. It is necessary to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables in the diet. Be sure after eating for one hour. In addition, it is necessary to perform therapeutic exercises.
  • To do this, get on socks, you can rotate in the feet in a circle, clockwise or against it. You can also use special massage rugs. For which it is recommended to walk several times a day.
  • Experts note that it is very useful for the prevention of arthrosis to walk on grass, pebbles, sand, and in general barefoot. This massages the foot and prevents the deposition of salts. The main feature of treatment for arthrosis is a decrease in salt consumption.
  • Because very often it is uric acid, which accumulates in the joints, becomes the cause of arthrosis, and gives impetus to destroy the joint. Accordingly, it is necessary to reduce salt consumption to a minimum. Do not forget to use about one and a half liters per day of clean water. This is without taking into account soups, tea and coffee. Need pure water or freshly squeezed juice.
Lazification of the legs
Lazification of the legs

There are a huge number of ways to treat this ailment. The choice depends on the stage, as well as the characteristics of the disease. If this is 1-2 degree, then you can, subject to all the doctor’s recommendation, return to normal life and eliminate lameness.

Video: Arthrosis of the Plusneusfalance Joint

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