Watermelon berry or fruit? Watermelon or melon is more useful, is it possible to eat watermelon bones?

Watermelon berry or fruit? Watermelon or melon is more useful, is it possible to eat watermelon bones?
The benefits of watermelon seeds. Watermelon class as a fetus.
Summer is the time of vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries. Nature manifests itself as abundant as possible, gives us health and strength for daily actions.

Perhaps it is difficult to find a person who is indifferent to watermelon not because of the prohibitions of the doctor.

Let's talk about all this in more detail in the article, continuing our conversations about watermelon

Why is the watermelon called the berry?

Slices of juicy watermelon
slices of juicy watermelon
Contrary to the widespread opinion that the watermelon is a fruit, it is not such.

Look at the Wikipedia pages and you will find that fruit is called edible juicy fruit, grown from a flower on a tree or shrub.

The same encyclopedia defines the value of the “berry” as a thin rather solid fruit, which has juicy pulp and many seeds in a dense peel. However, the science of Botany claims. And from this point of view, watermelon is a berry.

Going further, you will find a classification of fruits, among which there are tybovins. They are also considered:

  • melon
  • cucumbers
  • zucchini
The same botanists note that all of the above fruits and watermelons are berry pumpkin and make up a separate class.

Watermelon or melon is more useful?

Cutten watermelon and melon
cutten watermelon and melon
Speaking about the benefits of famous melons, it should be noted that it is huge both in watermelon and melon.

Both of them:

  • cleanse our body of toxins, toxins
  • contribute to the removal of sand from the kidneys
  • help to return the skin of the face radiance. For example, melon pulp masks are effective for acne rash
  • contain useful substances that are still more in the melon
Watermelon is especially valuable for:
  • sliding people who have decided to reduce their weight
  • leading healthy lifestyle and practitioners of unloading days
  • all who suffer from constipation
  • treatment of digestive system diseases, for example, colitis
  • people suffering from excessive amount of poor cholesterol
The melon is unique in effect on the human body, because:
  • contains many natural sugars that cause a feeling of happiness in the one who enjoys it
  • capable of prolonging youthful codes and the whole organism thanks to the rich composition of valuable elements, for example, vitamins C, group B, organic acids
The only differences in the use of these melons:
  • melon cannot be mixed with other foods
  • it should be eaten only in the morning between the main meals
  • it is contraindicated for women during lactation, as well as people with diseases of diabetes, ulcer, overweight.
  • watermelon can be eaten on an empty stomach, melon - no

Is it possible to eat watermelon bones?

A handful of watermelon seeds on a sheet of paper
a handful of watermelon seeds on a sheet of paper
Definitely yes, if you are not pregnant, you do not have congenital pathologies of the synthesis of citrullin - a specific amino acid, and also when you are confident in the fetus grown on clean soil.

The beneficial qualities of watermelon seeds are manifested from the moment of their chewing teeth. If you just swallow them during the use of a watermelon pulp, then they will fly unnoticed by your digestive system.

Watermelon seeds useful properties

Their beneficial properties are hidden in the uniqueness of the chemical composition. So in the seeds of watermelon there are:
  • vitamins PP, A, C, groups in
  • iron that is responsible for hematopoiesis
  • zinc, which helps maintain the beauty of the skin, hair and provides coordinated work of the nervous system
  • natural protein participating in the structure of muscle tissue
  • amino acids, among which Arginine is especially valuable. It helps the work of the heart, preserve his health
  • magnesium, which regulates blood pressure, carbohydrate metabolism and sugar level
  • other minerals - potassium, manganese, sodium, phosphorus, the number of which in 100 g of seeds is enough to meet the daily needs of the human body
  • fiber and dietary fiber, which are responsible for normalizing the work of the digestive organs, the withdrawal of toxins and toxins from the body
  • fats that give calorie content to the product, but its indicator is low

What will happen if you cross the watermelon?

The girl is happy to eat a slice of watermelon
the girl is happy to eat a slice of watermelon
Moderate watermelon consumption to a healthy man only benefits. There are enough 300 g of fragrant pulp to enjoy the taste, and the stomach cannot be overwhelmed.

It should be limited to the daily dose of watermelon or completely abandon it if you have been diagnosed:

  • stone kidney disease
  • gastritis, pancreatitis, digestive ulcers
  • cholecystitis
  • pregnancy, especially the third trimester
  • diabetes
Due to the excessive use of watermelon, you:
  • fill the stomach with watery pulp and feel satiety. However, your daily need for different vitamins, minerals and trace elements is not satisfied
  • provoke stretching walls of the stomach
  • create increased pressure in this body, which in turn infringes on the boundaries of others
A dense snack of watermelons is dangerous:
  • diarrhea
  • weakness
  • nausea
  • bad mood
  • difficulties of breathing
  • excessive gas formation
  • far's heartbeat
  • edema
  • in extreme cases, the refusal of the kidneys

What will happen if you cook a watermelon?

Squares of boiled watermelon on a plate
squares of boiled watermelon on a plate
Want to conduct an experiment with the taste and appearance of the watermelon? Then weld it entirely.

As a result of this preparation, you will receive a watermelon that:

  • it has a soft peel
  • increased in size, that is, absorbed part of the water in which it was cooked
  • it has a specific smell
  • lost its original taste due to cooked pulp
In the open spaces of Runet, you will find different answers to this question, for example, what will you get:
  • compote
  • jam
  • a damaged product
However, there is an opinion if you cook the peel peeled from the green coating in the sweet juice of the watermelon, and then dry it, you will get centered.

Why does the watermelon not drown in the water?

Watermelon swims in a natural reservoir
watermelon swims in a natural reservoir
Watermelon is a watery porous substance, moreover, its most delicious part.

When the watermelon was torn ahead of time, he will behave like this in the water:

  • a little swims on the surface
  • gradually go to the bottom
The ripe fruit behaves differently. He drifts all the time on the surface of the water. At the same time, the watermelon is mostly immersed in it, and only a small part peeks out.

The reason lies in his pulp. Having air bubbles, it in its density is less than the density of water. Therefore, a ripe watermelon drifts on the surface and does not sink.

How to wash a watermelon?

Little girl eats a slice of washed watermelon
little girl eats a slice of washed watermelon
It is necessary to wash the watermelon, regardless of where you bought it.

To do this, use:

  • soap
  • brush
  • water
Turning the fruit, carefully pass the brush with soapy solution over its entire surface.

If you plan to feed children with watermelon, then wash it twice with soap.

So, we examined the benefits of watermelon and melon, found that both of these pumpkin are useful for our health.
Enjoy the warm season and the taste of sweet juicy watermelons in August and September!
Be healthy!

Video: What is the benefit of watermelon?

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