Apitherapy - treatment with bees at home: indications, biologically active points for different diseases, contraindications, side effects, exacerbations. Allowed number of bees bites per day, for the course of treatment and the duration of treatment

Apitherapy - treatment with bees at home: indications, biologically active points for different diseases, contraindications, side effects, exacerbations. Allowed number of bees bites per day, for the course of treatment and the duration of treatment

Find out in the article how bees can have a healing effect on the human body.

Apitherapy products: names, method of application

The bites of the bees are unpleasant, this will be confirmed by those who had to deal with an unpleasant burning sensation. But bees bites can be useful if this procedure is correctly carried out.

Important: Apitherapy is a direction of non -traditional medicine in which living bees are used. It is proved that bee venom has a number of useful properties.

The essence of the main direction of apitherapy - beekeeping is that a bee is applied to the sore spot of a person. The insect instinctively stings a person, injecting his healthy poison. Thus, a person’s healing occurs from many diseases that we will talk about in this article.

In addition to living bees, in apitherapy, useful bee products are used, namely:

  • Honey;
  • Propolis;
  • Wax;
  • Uterine and drone milk;
  • Bee pollen;
  • Pergen is pollen collected by bees and neatly laid in cells of honeycombs;
  • Beeswill are dead bees.

Beekeeping products for the purpose of treatment are used in the form of ointments, tinctures, tablets, powder, candles, balms and gels. Based on two or more components, complex drugs are produced, for example:

  1. Wax-throat ointment with royal jelly;
  2. Wax-Popolis ointment with bee screenshot;
  3. Drill homogen with honey.

The benefits of bees and beekeeping products were known for a very long time. Residents of ancient Egypt, China, ancient Europe at different times used “gifts” of beekeeping not only for medicinal purposes and beauty, but also in other areas of life.

Important: there is another term - aphytotherapy. These are treatment methods based on taking vegetable preparations in combination with beekeeping products. Thanks to the combination of two effective components, the effect of drugs of aphytotherapy is enhanced.

Beekeeping products have medicinal properties

Bee poison: composition, benefit and harm to the human body

With the help of bee venom, the bee is protected from enemies. The poison is produced in the glands of the bee, it is transparent, it has a bitter taste, it smells specific.

Studies have been conducted that found that bee venom is many times more effective than snake poison. Both of these poisons are similar in composition.

The bee poison includes:

  • Squirrels - make up most. Proteins, in turn, are divided into high molecular weight enzymes and low molecular weight peptides.
  • 18 important amino acids (among them are tyrosine, lysine, leucin, histidine, methionine, etc.).
  • Trace elements: magnesium, copper, calcium, phosphorus
  • Inorganic acids: salt, orthophosphoric, ant.
  • Histamine.
  • Acetylcholine.

By the number of useful substances, many pharmaceutical products cannot be compared with bee poison. The composition of the poison may vary depending on the age of the bee.

The rich composition of bee venom with proper use and correctly selected doses is beneficial. Its beneficial influence on the nervous, immune, vascular system of man has been proved. The components of bee poison have anti -inflammatory, antibacterial, analgesic effect.

But bee venom can also harm. This happens if a person has intolerance to bee venom. Or the second case: a too large dose of poison, which instead of the therapeutic effect is toxic.

Important: therapeutic doses of bee venom are ten times less toxic.

Video: Benating benefits

What diseases can be treated with bees bites: indications for apitherapy

Apitherapy is indicated for diseases of various human systems. Let us consider in more detail:

  1. Neurology. Bee poison helps to relieve pain in osteochondrosis, facilitates the condition for epilepsy, migraine, multiple sclerosis, arthritis and arthrosis, paralysis, paresis, helps to cope with the consequences of traumatic brain injuries, facilitates the course of Parkinson's disease, cerebral palsy.
  2. Allergology. Bronchial asthma is treated by bites between the shoulder blades. Small doses of poison are administered a couple of hours before bedtime to facilitate attacks activated at night. Bee poison helps to remove the spasm of the bronchi.
  3. Dermatology. There are cases of remission of psoriasis after the treatment of apitoxin. It is used for alopecia, for healing scars and skin regeneration.
  4. Ophthalmology. The use of eye drops based on Apitoxin for the treatment of conjunctivitis, iridocyclitis, etc. is practiced.
  5. Phlebology. Successful treatment of varicose veins.

This is far from a complete list of diseases. Apitoxin is also used for:

  • Thrombosis prevention;
  • Normalizes the work of the gastrointestinal tract (helps to digest food, improve appetite, and increases the intestinal tone);
  • Expands the vessels of the brain;
  • It helps with female diseases: relieves inflammation of the appendages, reduces the pain of menstruation, according to certain schemes, apitoxin is used for infertility.
  • Reduces cholesterol;
  • Increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;
  • Helps with stimulation of myocardium and normalize heart rhythm;
  • Reduces the release of thyroid hormones;
Indications for apitherapy: what diseases can be cured

Biologically active points for apitherapy in different diseases: scheme, proper stinging bees

Important: the stinging procedure is carried out by sitting down the bee with tweezers on pre -selected points on the human body.

Before starting beeings, it is necessary to carry out two mandatory procedures:

  • First, they plant one bee on the lower back of a sick person. The sting is extracted after 10 seconds. The next day, the patient should donate blood to determine the protein and sugar in the blood.
  • On the second day, they again put one bee. The sting is taken out after 1 minute. The next day, the patient should again donate blood.

If, according to the results of analyzes, the level of protein and sugar is normal, the apitherapist allows a person to the further stages of the procedure.

How to prepare for apitherapy correctly

There is a general strengthening scheme for planting bees on the body. It includes the zones of the outside of the shoulder and the outside of the thigh on both sides. These areas have biologically active points, from where the bee poison quickly enters the lymph and blood.

Also, these places are characterized by the smallest soreness for bites, well tolerated by patients and do not cause severe swelling.

Below is a scheme according to which for 28 days the patient put a certain number of bees at different points. On the first day, they plant one bee, the next day 2 bees plant from the opposite side. On the tenth day, the patient will receive poison from 55 bees. Then a break is taken, after which the treatment continues. For a 1.5 month-old course, the amount of poison will be equal to the poison of 140-150 bees. The entire course of treatment provides for the introduction of poison from 180-200 bees. This method increases the effectiveness of apitherapy. It is often used in the treatment of neurosis.

Scheme of biologically active points

There is another scheme according to which bees are placed in the most painful places. To do this, probing is determined by the most painful zone, then put a bee there. With this approach of treatment, sessions are carried out every other day, gradually increasing the number of bites. The sting is removed after 10 minutes, the number of bees can reach 15-20. The course of treatment includes 20 procedures.

Video: How is the procedure for stinging bee in apitherapy?

Where and how to put the bees on the back, with osteochondrosis, disease of the spine, joints, with other diseases?

Bees are placed in certain places, depending on the disease. Consider the basic places and rules for apitherapy:

  • Rheumatism, arthritis - bees are placed along the spine.
  • Osteochondrosis - bees are placed according to the general strengthening scheme, as well as in the spine.
  • Joint diseases - on the joints of the limbs.
  • Varicosis - bees are placed over varicose nodes.
  • Diseases of the nervous system - to the points of the output of the nerve endings and to the lower back.
  • Diseases of the vascular system - bees are placed in the direction of blood movement on the sore limb.
  • With ulcers - bees are placed around them at a distance of 5 cm.

Video: Treatment of osteochondrosis with bees

Allowed number of bees bites per day for treatment and duration of treatment

Important: the course of treatment with bees is an individual procedure. The beekeeping method is good to use in combination with honey massage, as well as with the use of beekeeping products inside.

Apitherapy must be carried out in courses. A short course can be from 10 to 15 days. A long course can be 1.5 months. After a certain number of procedures, a break for 1 or several days is made. Between the courses also take breaks of 2 months. Treatment with courses is long, the need for additional courses is determined by the apitherapist based on the course of the disease. Apitherapy courses help to achieve complete or long -term remission.

Important: the number of bites can vary from 2 to 30 per procedure, depending on the methodology.

There are various techniques that determine the duration of treatment, as well as the number of simultaneous bees simultaneously. Above, we have already considered the methodology to influence biologically active points, as well as stinging in the pain zone. Consider other methods.

The methodology of S. Mladenov involves a shortened course of treatment by sitting down a larger number of bees. Thus, on the first day, a person will receive 2 stingnesses, the next day there will already be 4 bite, on the 3rd day-the number of bites is 6, on the 4th day-8, the largest number of bites falls on 5-24 days-9 stingnesses . Thus, in 24 days, the patient will receive 180 stings.

According to another technique, treatment is carried out in 10-12-15 procedures. After each course, a break for 2 months is made, after which the treatment is resumed. At the same time, the place of attachment of bees, as well as the number of stings depends on the disease:

  1. With polyarthritis, the amount of stingness for one procedure reaches 20. In this case, the bites are increased by 2 daily;
  2. For diseases of a neurological nature, the number of bites should not exceed 12 per procedure.
  3. With hypertension - no more than 5 bites in one procedure. Procedures are carried out 2 times a week, daily stung with such a disease is not recommended.
  4. With trophic ulcers - no more than 8 sting for the procedure
  5. For diseases of the thyroid gland - no more than 4 per procedure.
How many bees are allowed for one procedure of apitherapy

Exacerbations after a course of apitherapy: What do you need to know?

After the first procedures, the reaction after bees bites can be almost invisible. But further procedures can be accompanied by edema, redness of the plots. It is for this reason that it is recommended to undergo apitherapy with an experienced specialist. The doctor will monitor the patient's condition in order to adjust the doses of poison in time, reduce them or stop treatment. Also, bites can itch, cause burning. Some patients have an increase in body temperature, dizziness. Gradually, the body gets used to it, and the condition is normalized. If you have these symptoms, be sure to inform your doctor.

After the course of apitherapy, most patients experience a decrease or complete lack of pain, spasms and the absence of other symptoms that they wanted to get rid of. With the help of apitherapy, you can reduce the frequency of exacerbations of diseases. A small part of the patients notes that the symptoms are returning. As a rule, bees treatment are recommended to be carried out in courses. Do not perceive apitherapy as a panacea from all diseases. Both doctors and patients claim that if treatment with bees helps, then periodically you need to repeat treatment courses.

What can be expected from apitherapy:

  • Restoration of the body
  • Improving coordination
  • Lightness and strength in the muscles
  • Reducing spastics

IMPORTANT: Apitherapy is unacceptable to carry out independently. Do not risk your health and life.

Apitherapy should be carried out in courses

Contraindications and side effects for apitherapy

Not everyone can be treated with apitherapy. If this does not know, then instead of the expected effect there will be side effects, which will have to be eliminated later:

Apitherapy is contraindicated in such cases:

  • Allergies with a reaction to bee poison. The reaction can be extremely severe, up to lethal cases.
  • With malignant tumors;
  • Patients with tuberculosis;
  • Type 1 diabetes patients;
  • For diseases of the kidneys and liver;
  • During pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • Contraindication is children's age;
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.

With apitherapy, early and late complications can be observed.

Early complications arise during the procedure or immediately after its implementation. These include:

  • Dyspnea.
  • Falling blood pressure.
  • Dizziness.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Stopping breathing.
  • Loss of consciousness.

Such side effects occur extremely rarely. If this happens, immediate resuscitation measures are needed.

The late complications include:

  • Hives.
  • Quincke's edema.
  • Headache.
  • Chills.
  • Weakness.

People with a sensitive reaction before the course of apitherapy are prescribed antihistamines to exclude side effects.

Bee treatment cannot be carried out at your discretion, in this matter it is better to contact an experienced specialist. The apitherapist will select an individual technique so that treatment achieves a good result without side effects.

Contraindications to the treatment of bees

Why can't you drink alcohol during apitherapy and when is it possible after apitherapy?

Important: alcohol is contraindicated during the course of apitherapy and some time after.

In addition, apitherapy is successfully used to treat alcoholism. Why can't you drink alcoholic beverages? The fact is that even 50 grams of vodka neutralize bee venom, weaken it. In other words, the treatment of beekeeping will not bring any benefit if you take alcoholic drinks. The lack of effect is the best option that can expect a person in a similar situation.

If you drink alcohol regularly and in large doses, while being treated with beekeeping, an individual reaction can be extremely dangerous, up to death.

Alcohol is banned not only with beekeeping, but also in the treatment of beekeeping products. Moreover, not only alcohol, but also alcohol -containing drug tinctures, for example, corvalol is contraindicated.

If, out of ignorance, a person has taken alcohol, to prevent pressure falling, you can make an injection with Dimedrol.

After apitherapy, alcohol is not recommended, at least immediately after the course of treatment. The accumulated poison will be present in the body for a long time.

The prohibition of alcohol is not the only one for apitherapy:

  • It is also not allowed to visit the sauna;
  • Physical activity should be avoided;
  • You can not drink strong tea and coffee;
  • Spice are contraindicated.
  • It is advisable to carry out mental stress after apitherapy no earlier than after 1 hour.

The course of treatment with bee venom should be accompanied by a mall-lowering diet, stinging can be carried out 2-3 hours after eating. After sting, you should lie down for 25-30 minutes.

Alcohol and bees treatment are incompatible

How to catch bees for apitherapy yourself: Tips

Important: the bee helps to cure the cost of its own life. The bee's body is arranged in such a way that after a bite the insect dies. Therefore, for the course of treatment, you will need not one bee, but a large number of them.

Often patients decide to independently carry out the beekeeping procedure. Bees are sure to do this. There are two options to get insects:

  • Buy from a beekeeper;
  • Catch the bees yourself.

With the first option, everything is clear. Catching the bees yourself is problematic, we will tell you how to do it:

  1. First of all, you should warn you from hunting bees from a neighboring apiary. The beekeeper takes care of bees, makes a lot of efforts and financial resources for their maintenance, so such actions will be dishonest in relation to the neighbor.
  2. Only a swarm of wild bees can be caught, wandering, not belonging to anyone.
  3. For this, traps are installed in the places of growth of honey trees.
  4. The trap is a box in the form of a hive with a closing flyer for further transportation of caught bees.
    This hive can be made from plywood. Inside, the frames with honey are inserted. The presence of feed will attract wandering bees and they will populate your trap.
  5. Fix the trap on a tree at an altitude of about 2 m.
  6. Then, every day or with any successful opportunity, the placed traps should be checked.
  7. If the bees chose a trap and settled, you can take them home.
  8. The conditions for the content of bees before apitherapy should be compatible with insect life. Firstly, they should have food and water, and secondly, the presence of a ventilated capacity must be.

We recommend not to engage in self -medication, but to seek help from qualified specialists. This option will be the most correct in achieving your healing diseases.

Some decide to take a course of apitherapy after they have tried other methods, and they did not help them. A person, going to beekeeping, understands that this procedure is painful, but this does not stop many in the way to healing. There are centers of apitherapy.

To carry out their activities, doctors must receive an appropriate certificate. Without this, the apitherapist is simply not allowed to work. The trust in such centers is large. There are also folk healers who have established their practical activities with good reviews of the healed. If you decide to contact such a specialist, choose the proven, listen to the reviews of those people you trust.

Apitherapy houses are also arranged on the apiary. An additional positive result is achieved by the release of essential oils in the production process of bee products. The air in the apiary has a beneficial effect on people with diseases of the nervous, respiratory, immune systems.

This is what an apidomic looks like

Apitherapy is a unique method that helps strengthen the overall immune system, get rid of diseases that bring torment and pain. Reviews of the people healed cause confidence in this treatment method.

We suggest watching a video in which you will see how you can catch a swarm of wild bees.

Video: How to catch a swarm of bees?

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  1. prog. Recommend an opitherapist my phone number 8 910 400 51 59 must cure the knee. I can't walk

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