Altruism: What are it in simple words, examples of manifestation. Is it profitable to be an altruist: a positive and negative side

Altruism: What are it in simple words, examples of manifestation. Is it profitable to be an altruist: a positive and negative side

What is altruism, and does a person need it? The benefits and harm of altruism.

In this article, we will consider what altruism is, how does it manifest itself and the most exciting question - is an altruist good, or is it not profitable for a person?

The concept of altruism: just about the complex

Altruism is a form of self -sacrifice for the benefit of others. Simply put, a person is ready to give up his benefits, time, emotions, money in order to help others. At the same time, not expecting anything in return.

Altruism is one of the forms of selflessness. When a person, “stepping” through himself creates a good for others. Such people are often set as an example, but people who set as an example are not so often altruists themselves.

Today in society there are two fresh directions (currents) associated with altruism. Healthy altruism is a movement that teaches not only to love the neighbor and help the needy, but also not to forget to himself and his loved ones. For example, if you saw a cat on a frosty street, seemingly clearly a patient, an altruist’s act is to pick him up from the street. The act of a healthy altruist is to wrap it and take it to a veterinary clinic. And only after it will be clear that the animal is healthy and safe for humans - to take home, take it to a shelter or attach to friends.

The term altruist
The term altruist

A dozen years ago, if a person took off his jacket, and wrapped a homeless animal, taking away from a frosty street, caused tears of tenderness. But there are cases when such altruists later died from pneumonia! Therefore, the direction of healthy altruism teaches to help the world, not forgetting about yourself, your health and safety.

The second direction is effective altruism. This is the philosophy of the 21st century, which is aimed at a thorough analysis of altruism methods to calculate all kinds of moves and consequences after altruistic interfering in the situation and finding the best concept for the optimal solution to the problem.

A striking simple example is the sterilization of street animals, which significantly reduced the number of homeless animals, instead of attaching puppies and kittens again and again.

The theory of altruism

Altruism is a concept that is found in nature only in humans. Psychologists studied this issue, and came to the three main theories of the emergence of altruism in humanity:

  • Evolutionary theory. It is believed that altruism came to a person due to evolutionary spiritual and emotional development. Reaching certain heights in spiritual development, a person needs to help the world disinterestedly. He is looking for the realization of himself in helping the suffering, and improving the quality of life in the world for everyone;
  • The theory of social exchange. According to this theory, a person showing altruism subconsciously hopes that in the event of a difficult life situation for him, love and care will also show him;
  • Theory of social norms. This theory is based on the fact that a person consciously and voluntarily becomes an altruist, not hoping for reciprocity in the future, and any nobleness. Such a person lives in accordance with his conscience and internal attitudes.

Types of altruism

Altruism covers a very wide circle of selfless dedication. In order to correctly understand this coverage, altruism was divided into views:

  • Parental altruism. Everyone knows that the parent sacrifices his freedom, emotions, time, in general, to everyone in favor of his child. More importantly - parents of adoptive children sacrifice everything, for their happiness, security and comfort;
  • Social altruism. A person sincerely and disinterestedly helps, but only to his “circle” of communication - family, relatives, friends, neighbors;
  • Sympathetic altruism. A person very much and painfully perceives other people's pains and sorrows. So much so that it breaks down in order to help the needy or mourning;
  • Moral altruism. The personality feels full and holistic when it conducts public altruistic activities: donation, social contributions to charitable foundations, one -time help to the victims of disasters, wars, etc.;
  • Empathic altruism. A person constantly empathizes with loved ones, and will always respond, ready to be a “vest” for loved ones. The main contender of the best friend for difficult times. But as soon as a person becomes better, the altruist “forgets” about this person and goes to the aid of other suffering;
  • Rational altruism. The personality shares itself and society, appreciates its desires and needs, while conducting active altruistic activities. At the same time, it must ensure that the activity does not go beyond the boundaries of his personal life;
  • Demonstrative altruism. This species is often criticized, implying altruism by showing, not because the heart tells, but because it is necessary for society, the state, discounts in the tax, etc. This is so, but there is also a type of demonstrative altruism from public figures who do it sincerely, while demonstrating to society to take an example from them. They raise acute issues, and solve them thanks to their name and place in society.
Self -sacrifice should be not to the detriment of their family
Self -sacrifice should be not to the detriment of their family

Examples of altruism

In this section, we will give several examples of different altruism:

  • Angelina Jolie adopted children from the third world countries, and gives them as much love and maternal care as his relatives. Thus, she made children happy and gave them a great future, attracted the public to the situation and problems of the third world, and also showed a striking example to follow, after which the adoption of children from third world countries increased year after year. Imagine how many happy children appeared in the world because of a demonstrative, seemingly act of one movie star;
  • Education of children is parental altruism. But children also show altruism, looking after elderly parents, aunts and uncles, grandparents;
  • Ennoble the area in which a person lives, subbotniks, etc. Everyone can transform the world and make it more beautiful and cleaner. A striking example is the show “obsessed with cleanliness”, where people with a mental deviation found a way out of their features and help mired in garbage to gain cleanliness;
  • Donation, volunteering in hospitals, animation shows for children in hospitals, orphanages, etc.;
  • The basis or participation in maintaining nurseries for stray animals;
  • The provision of volunteer psychological assistance on trustlines, as well as the foundation and maintenance of funds engaged in assistance to people who were in difficult situations.

But there is another type of altruism that completely absorbs people and deprives them of their usual life. For example, throw a family and work in order to fly to another continent and help orphans from Africa. Or move the interests of your family and populate your house with immigrants. Yes, and this is also altruism. Yes, for those in need of altruists, real angels embody. Only for their family, altruists seem to be punished from heaven.

About altruism in cartoons
About altruism in cartoons

Causes of altruism in people

We are all born egoists, and this is what allows a person to survive. The child screams, demanding food, change of diapers and emotions, thanks to which he is developing. He does not spit on the state of mom and dad, he simply can not think about whether they need rest, sleep or a minute of silence. So for what reasons does an altruist grow from an egoist?

Psychologists have been observing the modern generation for years and identified several reasons why a person can be inclined towards altruism:

  • Congenital empathy. This feeling of empathy and sincere anxiety is present in 1-3% of people. Yes, these are the little little men who, having not had time to sit down or take the first steps, are divided with a smile to toys and sweets with parents and children;
  • Feeling of empathy, Which is considered the basis of altruism, can be developed over the years. Children grow up and see how parents help the world become better, and with them they help those in need, thereby developing the feelings of empathy, and discover altruism in their lives. Altruism is also taught in kindergartens, schools, public organizations;
  • Repentance after an immoral act, guilt and atonement through altruism. In modern society, no one else is surprised by the repentant sinner. A drug addict, who was cured and became a volunteer, actively promoting a healthy lifestyle. Former criminal who sponsor orphanages. Now imagine how many repentant sinners are anonymously engaged in altruism to throw off the burden of guilt and get the long -awaited atonement;
Love for orphanages sometimes gravitate women who voluntarily deprived themselves of children, having an abortion
Love for orphanages sometimes gravitate women who voluntarily deprived themselves of children, having an abortion
  • Social self -affirmation. It can be either conscious or not conscious. Thanks to altruism, a person receives a certain positive status in society. It’s easier for him to live, and most importantly in his soul, he believes that if trouble happens to him, altruism associates will always come to the rescue;
  • Demonstrative activity of altruism In order to attract the attention of the public, beloved girl, relatives, etc. As soon as a person receives what he wants, his altruistic activity falls into decay;
  • A mental disorder, which found a way out and a kind of outlet in Altruism. This is not always bad and often used by specialists in order to withdraw a person from a serious condition. For example, a case is known when a man with suicidal inclinations and a complete lack of a desire to live came out of depression, helping a little refusenik with a violation of the psyche, which was in the same hospital with a man. Thanks to the new meaning of life, the man returned to normal life, but in addition to this actively engaged in the refuser and eventually adopted the child, cured and gave him a ticket to a full life.

Is it profitable to be an altruist: a positive and negative side

At first glance, it seems obvious that altruism is beneficial for society, but is extremely disadvantageous for a person as a whole. But this is fundamentally the wrong concept. Really disadvantageous altruism, if it is unhealthy behavior that deprives a person of sleep, money for life, entails emotional burnout and the loss of loved ones. Another thing is if a person is an altruist, but at the same time controls his urge to self -sacrifice and gives a report to his actions.

So, if a person is deliberately engaged in altruism, then from the positive aspects you can highlight:

  • Emotional satisfaction and a sense of realization of oneself in social life;
  • A feeling of a certain hero, a positive character who be -bearing good people;
  • Pleasant fatigue and understanding that the day is not in vain, after helping others;
  • Understanding that the world is not warlike Cubble of energy, and the substance of good and evil. And the more good a person gives to the world, the more chances to get the same amount of good at one time;
  • Lack of sensation of hopelessness. After all, if you help the homeless, and others help the homeless, it means that the chances of dying, in the event of a bad situation, are extremely small - after all, there are kind people in the world!
Subbotnik is one of the types of healthy altruism
Subbotnik is one of the types of healthy altruism
  • A sense of community, unity, The sensation of the family comes only after you become an altruist for loved ones;
  • Inspiration and additional life resources. So a person is arranged that he is saturated and “tired” from life by about 30-40 years. Altruism gives the very goal in life that allows many years to feel significance and receive positive emotions;
  • Understanding that after your death in the world there will be a piece of you. They will remember you, they will thank you. It is for this purpose that many shelters are built, houses for the poor, etc.

The negative aspects of altruism include such sides as:

  • Infusion of resources into altruism. It can be money, time, emotions. If the distribution of your capabilities is incorrectly, you can find yourself in a difficult situation, trying to help others;
  • Being an emotionally immature person who does not know how to set borders and say no " You may face a lot of problems. From residents in the house (both people and animals), and to emotional burnout and bankruptcy;
  • Resentment of loved ones and conflicts with relatives. Not all people understand altruists, and if there are more egoists in your environment, then conflicts may arise on the topic: “How could you take money to a shelter for homeless cats when we need a good gift for a grandmother” or “Why help homeless alcoholics if it is better Set up with money and take a family at sea. ”

Idealistic altruism is a heroism that I remember for centuries, but a person sacrifices health and life for the good of others. So, for example, the soldier rushed to the exploding mine to protect his comrades from his faithful death. Or the driver of the car turns the steering wheel towards the river or pillar so as not to run into a child, a person or an animal who ran out onto the road. On the one hand, such people sacrifice themselves for the good of others. On the other hand, they deprive themselves of their lives, and the relatives of happiness, for the good of others.

Reviews about altruism:

Reviews about altruism:

  • Nina: I never thought about altruism until the children appeared and have grown up. There are a lot of things, it’s a pity to throw it away, to sell it like it is pointless and they told me to take it to the church, where they will be distributed to those in need. My husband and I brought bags and just faced people who disassembled things. Among them, we saw two neighbors, elderly and very young with the baby in his arms. So we learned that not everything is smooth in their life. A lonely pensioner and mother of a loner from an orphanage who was given a room in an apartment with the same guys. Since then, my husband and I have helped both by default, so to speak, volunteer. We can’t give a lot, but we can throw food, clothes. Soon we eat at sea, the husband suggested taking a neighbor with the baby with him, they also need to improve his heal. I'm glad we are on the same wave!
  • Ivan: The wife always helped the neighbors, and transferred the money to the aid of friends. I muttered everything that it was stupid, not to help the whole world. We have two children, they need money for them. And the third pregnancy was not according to the plan, early birth and extremely expensive treatment. So our entire district was thrown out, who could have much, the meager amount seemed to be, but we were enough to draw out the situation. I will move to tears, and my life has changed forever!

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Video: Altruism - what is it? How to relate to this?

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