Aliexpress in Russian in rubles: registration, entrance. Goods for Aliexpress in Russian in rubles: catalog with price, photo

Aliexpress in Russian in rubles: registration, entrance. Goods for Aliexpress in Russian in rubles: catalog with price, photo

AliExpress is a huge Chinese online bazaar. Here you can purchase absolutely everything from a pin to large household appliances.
Moreover, the cost of most goods presented on this site is less than the cost of similar goods in Russian online stores.

Moreover, three times a week, this service arranges sales at which you can purchase goods with a 90% discount.

If you haven't happened to buy on Aliexpress in RussianIt's time to do it.

Aliexpress- Official site in Russian

The site is aliekspress multi -language. This means that when, you enter in the address bar of the browser He throws you to the Russian -language site of this trading platform.
If for some reason Aliexpress I could not “read” your language, you can translate it into a Russian -speaking interface using a button "Language"which is in the upper right corner.

ALEEXPRESS Site Version Version button
ALEEXPRESS Site Version Version button

Click on it and click on the “site in Russian” in the falling menu.

If this link is not, then we click in the form to choose the language and look for Russian in the list.

Selection of the interface language for Aliexpress
Selection of the interface language for Aliexpress

Important: if the site does not automatically redirects you to the Russian version, then in order to constantly manually translate the interface in the address bar of the browser, enter the address

How to translate Aliexpress into Russian in rubles?

You could read about how to translate the interface into Russian (if this did not happen automatically) in the upper section of this article.
But, sometimes, even if you were able to translate the site into Russian, prices for goods could be displayed in dollars. For greater convenience, they need to be transferred into rubles. To do it is as simple as translate the interface into Russian.

Find next to the button "Language" (to the left of it) button with a delivery country (flag). We click on it and indicate the currency and the country of delivery in the falling menu (if it is not indicated automatically).

The choice of the country of delivery of goods and currency for Aliexpress
The choice of the country of delivery of goods and currency for Aliexpress

Registration in Aliexpress in Russian

Now that you have learned all the nuances of the site interface Aliexpress You can start a simple registration process.

Look at the site Aliexpress video-instruction on registration here.


  • We go to the site,
  • click on the word « Registration». It is in the upper right corner of this site.
Registration for Aliexpress
Registration for Aliexpress

In order to register on this site you need to have email. After filling out the registration form, you will receive a link to it, by crossing this procedure.

If you have a profile on Facebook, then you can register through it. Which will significantly accelerate this procedure. If there is no such profile, then we simply fill out all the fields on the registration page.

IMPORTANT: Fill in the data on the registration page must be in Latin letters. If you do not know how to write your last name in English correctly, go to the site and write in a special form your name and surname, address in Russian, and then click the button "In translite". Transfer data to registration form Aliexpress.

Writing the surname Latin letters using the service
Writing the surname Latin letters using the service

Now that you filled the fields, surname and email address you need:

  • come up with a password (write it down so as not to forget),
  • enter the code from the picture,
  • put a check box with the inscription "Free membership on AliExpress View Agreement" and
  • press the button « Create your profile».

An example of filling out the profile during registration.

Registration for Aliexpress
Registration for Aliexpress

Now it remains to wait for a letter with a link by e -mail. Click on it and go to it aliexpress website.
Everything, now you can make purchases on this site, communicate with sellers, receive discounts and use various other privileges.

Important: but, registration on the site is only half the case. Now you need to add your address to deliver goods. To do this, go to your personal account and find the tab "Delivery addresses". It is located on the left list. Filling out the delivery address is a procedure that is similar to the one with which you were registered on the site.

Adding delivery address
Adding delivery address

All fields in the form of delivery address are also filled with Latin letters. In order to correctly write down the name of your settlement or street, you can also use the site « Translite».

Important: when filling out the address, you do not need to shine with your knowledge of the English language and, for example, instead "UL. Lenina " write "Lenina Street". In the post office they may not evaluate your language knowledge, and the package with the goods will return to the seller.

An example of filling.

Adding the delivery address of goods with Aliexpress
Adding the delivery address of goods with Aliexpress

You can add up to 5 addresses to one profile. The main thing is when making a purchase to choose the one you want to send the purchased goods.

Goods for Aliexpress in Russian: Search

Now we proceed to the main point of using the site Aliexpress - purchase of goods.

Look video instruction on the Aliexpress website here.
The search for the desired thing can be carried out through the search line of this site or going to the section with the corresponding product. The product categories menu are in the left column of this site.

Categories of goods for alienspress
Categories of goods for alienspress

Let's look at the purchase of a smartphone cover for example. On the Aliexpress It is very profitable to buy this type of product. The fact is that in our stores the price of smartphones for smartphones is several times more than the price of covers for Aliexpress.

It is very difficult to find a cover on your phone model through a menu of categories, so you need to immediately drive the word case into the search line and the name of the model of your smartphone. Suppose we are looking for a cover on Lumia 925.
After we scored a word "Czech Lumia 925" You can click on the link "Covers for mobile phones". Thanks to this, filters Aliexpress Everyone except the covers of the offered goods.

Category Covers for mobile phones
Category Covers for mobile phones

Now you need to decide which case for your smartphone you want to purchase. For this, in the type section, choose the one that interests you:

  • Pencil case
  • Bag
  • Case with rhinestones
  • Wipe cover
  • Bumper
  • Flip

You can also choose the functions of the case:

  • Gluttered
  • Anti -depthnational
  • Waterproof
  • Charging case
Selecting type and case functions
Selecting type and case functions

Suppose you need a wallet wallet. Choose this type and look for the one that the algorithms will be offered Aliexpress.
The proposed goods can be sorted by the price, the number of sellers sold on this site.

Here such a cover in Russia will cost about 1,500 rubles
Here such a case in Russia will cost from 1,500 rubles

Important: don't be afraid to buy for Aliexpress. This site will transfer your money to the seller only after you confirm the delivery and lack of complaints to the product. If you receive the wrong product or it comes to defective, then Aliexpress will compensate you for losses.

If you are not sure that the product is suitable for you, then you can consult with the seller or read customer reviews. If you often buy on Aliexpress, then set the extensions for your browser Alitools. With it, you can quickly assess the degree of trust in the seller.

How to order, place an order and pay for Aliexpress?

After you chose the product you attracted, you read reviews and positively appreciated the seller, you can cross to the design of the goods. To do this, on the page of the product card, you need to choose additional characteristics:

  • Color
  • Equipment
  • The form
  • Quantity

For example, when buying covers for smartphones, you will be offered to choose the color of the case.

After choosing the necessary characteristics, the goods can be bought immediately or sent to the basket. When the goods are in the basket to it, you can apply a discount coupon (if any), ask the seller questions, etc.

Choosing the color of the case and ordering
Choosing the color of the case and ordering

Then you can press the button "Checkout". We check all the details and pay for the goods. This can be done using plastic cards and various payment systems. If you have chosen a plastic card, then it will be “attached” to your account and all subsequent purchases can be made with its help without the procedure for filling out the map fields.

Payment of goods for alienspress
Payment of goods for alienspress

After payment, we are waiting for the delivery of goods. On the Aliexpress The time for delivery of goods is welcome in advance. If it passes, but you still will not receive the goods, then the service must return your money to you. Of course, the seller will ask you to extend the delivery time. And if you trust him, then you can do this.

Watch the video instruction on the site Aliexpress  you can pay for goods here.

Delivery of purchases from Aliexpress

All parcels with which you are delivered with a product with Aliexpress, have a track number with which you can view the movement of your product from the seller to your mail. But, not all products can be tracked. The fact is that the cost of a track code adds a product $ 2 -2. It is not profitable for the Chinese to add tracks to cheap goods. Typically, such products can only be tracked until the moment they leave the Celestial Empire.

You can track the track code using the site Russian Post or special services. For example, « Where is the parcel». After the service will notify you that the package has come to your mail, you can go there with a passport, indicate the track number and get the parcel.

But, it is better to wait for the notification of the arrival of the parcel in the form of a quit from the mail. So you will find your parcel much faster.

More details about delivery read this article and watch the video instruction on aliexpress website here.

Aliexpress in Russian in rubles - burning goods

« Burning goods» This is the section of the site Aliexpress where you can purchase goods with a 90% discount. This is exactly the section that this site made so popular among avid shopaholics. Of course, such a huge discount can only be expected for the cheapest things. But, in this section there may be more expensive goods, with a large discount. For example, at the time of writing the article, this juicer could be purchased at a 41%discount.

A juicer with a discount
A juicer with a discount

By the way, it is delivered from the warehouse that is located in Russia. Which significantly accelerates the delivery time of this product.

In chapter « Burning goods» There are also subsections where goods are divided into categories:

  • Women's clothing
  • Men's clothing
  • Accessories
  • Bijouterie
  • Bags
  • Shoes
  • beauty and health
  • Electronics
  • Doy and hobbies
  • Products for children
  • Auto

The algorithm for purchasing goods from this category is similar to that described above. We just find the desired product and, if he suits you, make his purchase.

Important: a discount indicated in the product card is not always real. The fact is that the sellers, in order to get into the “Lastard Products” section, put the goods in advance at a high price, and then, supposedly reduce the cost. Therefore, before buying goods with such a “discount”, compare its price with similar goods. As a rule, each product on Aliexpress Sold by several sellers. There is something to compare.

In chapter « Burning goods» There is a special section "Almost for nothing". It contains goods at the largest discount.
As a rule, they are sold out immediately after the sale begins, that is, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday after 10:00 (Moscow time).

It is interesting that you can see the update of the goods before the start of sales and if you find what you need, then go to the card of this product at 9:58 - 9:59 (Moscow time) and wait for the start of sales.

Then you need to make a purchase of goods very quickly. Otherwise, you simply cannot be in time for other customers. As a rule, goods of this category are sold in a matter of minutes.

Purchases for Aliexpress: tips and reviews

Kseniya. I buy in the heading "almost for nothing" using a mobile application. As a rule, in it the goods appear 2-3 seconds faster. In addition, the purchase process is faster. Anyway, the application gives more advantages and discounts.

Vika. Aliexpress is a cool Internet bazaar. Before buying a product, I definitely ask the seller to make a discount. Many go to this. Why overpay if there is a chance to buy a product with a discount.

Video. Cheap and useful things with AliExpress Aliexpress

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