Sharks cartilage for joints: composition and application, dosage, safety and side effects

Sharks cartilage for joints: composition and application, dosage, safety and side effects

For problems with the joints, you should use sharks of cartilage. And the correct use procedure will be described in this article.

According to many researchers, cartilage is an effective and safe addition: soothes inflammation, suppresses angiogenesis and vascularization of cartilage in cases of arthritis, giving strong relief and good health. Studies showed a 50% decrease in pain after the first 15 days of treatment in the case of a degenerative disease of the knee joint.

Composition and use of shark cartilage

Sharks Cartoon - food supplement of animal origin, obtained from the dried and crushed skeleton of fish. Akula endoskeletet consists entirely of cartilage and accounts for 6% of the total shark weight. Cartilage is a complex of collagen and proteoglycans that make it elastic, calcium salts, amino acids, proteins and minerals. Protelyglycans have a protein structure to which polysaccharides are attached, known as glycosaminoglycans (GAG).

The most represented by glycosaminoglycans in the cartilage of sharks are chondroitin sulfates. Thus, the cartilage of sharks is useful for ensuring chondroitin sulfate - an important component of the cartilage of a person. It can be effective against special conditions, such as arthritis, osteoporosis, cancer and muscle degeneration.


It is usually accepted orally and used:

  • with osteoporosis
  • with inflammation and pain in the joints
  • with arthritis
  • with asthma
  • with eczema
  • with enteritis
  • to prevent and treat psoriasis
  • to accelerate wound healing
  • to reduce complications in eye diseases

Shark cartilage is also known for its alternative or adjuvant use in a decrease in the growth of Kaposhi sarcoma. Due to its ability to inhibit angiogenesis - the development of new blood vessels from existing ones. It can stop the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the tumor and thereby prevent the growth of the latter.

Since the cartilage of sharks contains calcium and other minerals in its composition, this means an increase in the amount of these substances in the body during taking. This will help strengthen the bones by reducing the likelihood of osteoporosis.

For the treatment of psoriasis and reducing arthritic pain, in some cases, they are used locally. Powder from the cartilage sharks of the southern oceanic regions has anti -inflammatory effects, helps the regeneration of a cartilage, reduces pain and promotes rehabilitation in arthritis.

Sharks of the cartilage are much more effective than individual components present in drugs are well tolerated. Studies of the effectiveness of the cartilage of the shark, in the treatment of degeneration of the yellow spot (loss of vision associated with age), indicate that taking a specific extract within 4 weeks can improve and stabilize visual ability.


Sharks of the cartilage significantly improves the condition for arthritis and arthrosis, since the correct and constant supply of this substance helps to restore cartilage in the body. Increases the production and amount of synovial fluid and provides better blood circulation.

There are no studies that demonstrate the absorption of the cartilage of the shark through the skin.
Deep studies show that shark cartilage extract, taken orally or locally, can improve the appearance and reduce the itching of psoriasis plaques.

According to scientific research, the cartridges of sharks also have antitumor properties that can increase the activity of the immune system, stopping or slowing down the growth of cancer cells. Improves the general condition of the body.

Dosage of shark cartilage

The corresponding dose of the cartilage of the shark depends on several factors, such as age, health, disease and other conditions. The average daily dose is from 1.5 to 2.0 g per day, which can be taken at any time of the day for long periods of treatment. Positive effects are not immediately manifested.

  1. In case of mild pain, 3 g per day can be sufficient.
  2. In the case of acute pain, 5 g per day are required, which can be reduced to 2 if the pain decreases in a week.
  3. In the case of chronic pain, 10 g per day should be taken in the first week, and then reduce to 2 if the pain decreases.
  4. In the case of arthritis or sports injuries, 10 g of cartilage of sharks per day is required, divided into three doses between morning, day and evening, and then reduce the amount, as soon as the pain begins to become less intense.
Use depending on individual characteristics
Use depending on individual characteristics

However, in order to avoid any side effects, it is strongly recommended to always contact your doctor, which will indicate the dosage that is most suitable, given the patient’s health characteristics.

Currently, there is no accurate information to determine the recommended dose. Although this is a natural product, there is no certainty that it is safe, especially with very high doses. It is advisable to monitor the information in the instructions and consult with the pharmacist or doctor before use.

Safety and side effects

If we take orally up to 40 months or on the skin up to 8 weeks, the cartilage of sharks is considered relatively safe. He has a specific taste and smell.

It happens in the form of a gel
It happens in the form of a gel

In some cases, its use provokes:

  • nausea
  • vomiting
  • abdominal pain
  • constipation
  • arterial hypertension
  • dizziness
  • heperglycemia
  • high blood calcium
  • fatigue
  • problems with the liver
  • fever
  • slower healing processes
Types of the drug
Types of the drug

If one or more of these symptoms occur, it is strongly recommended to seek medical help. Sharks of the cartilage can excessively increase the level of calcium, so it should not be used by people whose calcium levels are already too high.

IMPORTANT: The product does not come from the species that are threatened with disappearance, but from the controlled and permitted fishing.

Cartilage can reduce the formation of blood vessels, for this reason the healing process that can follow the disease can slow down. In addition, athletes and bodybuilders who follow a certain program to increase muscles should avoid this substance, since the muscles need to form new blood vessels for growth.

You can not take pregnant women, nursing mothers and children during and after a fracture or injuries. Sharks of the cartilage can interfere with the normal development and growth of children.

People with allergies to seafood should also avoid the use of cartilage, since in this case it can cause allergic reactions. Infections may also occur in people with a low amount of leukocytes.

Video: Live great: about a shark cartilage

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