Acrylic paint: Advantages. What to do if acrylic paint has dried up? How to dilute acrylic paint: methods

Acrylic paint: Advantages. What to do if acrylic paint has dried up? How to dilute acrylic paint: methods

Any paint dries over time if you leave it open and not use. We decided to find out what to do if the acrylic paint suddenly dried up and how to dilute it.

Acrylic paints are safe and non -toxic, for this they love them so much. They contain a coloring pigment, a binder, as well as water. When applying paint to the surface, the water dries and evaporates. Ultimately, the coating is high -quality for frost and damage. You can apply acrylic paint on different surfaces, for example, wood or metal.

Advantages of acrylic paint

Acrylic paint
Acrylic paint

Unlike other materials, acrylic paint has certain advantages:

  • Environmental friendliness. The paint is absolutely safe for health and the environment. This is due to the fact that toxic substances are not added to it
  • Large color scheme, the ability to add a ring
  • It is convenient to use acrylic paint, it dries quickly and it can be washed
  • There is no unpleasant odor, and therefore during work you can not use the respirator
  • The coating lasts at least 10 years
  • Acrylic layer is moisture resistant

The structure of acrylic paint, as a rule, is always a single one - it is a thick consistency, which must be diluted before use. This allows you to provide high -quality and uniform application. In addition, with prolonged idle in open state, the paint will also have to be diluted, because it will inevitably dry out.

How and what to dilute acrylic paint?

How and what to dilute acrylic paint?
How and what to dilute acrylic paint?

At the moment, acrylic paint can be diluted in several ways.

  • Water

The basis of each paintwork is water, and therefore it is better to use it. So the consistency will turn out to be the most optimal. It is very important that the water is clean. Previously, it must be defended for several hours. As an option, distilled water is suitable, which allows the interaction of paint and diluent most effective.

  • The proportion of 1: 1 allows you to use paint as the main layer. She will lie down exactly without subteces and influxes.
  • If you dilute the paint in a ratio of 1: 2, then the consistency will turn out to be more liquid. This will allow it to apply it with a thin and even layer. In this case, the paint perfectly impregnates a brush or roller.
  • The proportion of 1: 5 allows you to make “colored water”. It is used to paint textured elements. The composition is perfectly absorbed and fills all the recesses.
  • The proportion of 1:15 is used very rarely. It is used to create transitions between colors. In this case, not even paint is obtained, but tinted water.

Important: after completing work with the paint, be sure to clean the tools, because after drying the paint will become waterproof. Accordingly, the tool will not be reused.

  • Water with alcohol
Water with alcohol
Water with alcohol

This composition is used when the use of water alone does not give a result. For example, when the paint was completely dried. Water and alcohol are used in the same proportions. You must understand that the quality of such paint will be lower.

  • Acrylic dilutors

You can breed paint in the first two ways only if you are going to use a roller or brush. If you use, for example, a spray gun, then it is recommended to better dilute the paint with a diluent. It has no color and has a specific smell. The amount of added tools depends on different factors.

For example, where exactly the paint will be applied or in what conditions it is planned to use. It is worth noting that acrylic diluents can have a different composition and, depending on this, you can get a matte or glossy color. A suitable effect can be achieved due to proper use, and all proportions are usually indicated on the package.

The diluent really makes sense, especially since it stands out favorably among other methods:

  • The paints after its use dry much faster
  • The surface can turn out matte or glossy
  • The paint is applied evenly, does not flow, and there is also no white plaque left on it
  • Dilias are considered chemically clean, and therefore they are not dangerous for others

How and what to dilute dried acrylic paint?

If your paint is very dried up, then it's okay. It can still be diluted. Before adding something first, chop the acrylic. Hot water is best suited for dilution. It must be added several times. That is, they added a little, and then leaked and so on until the paint becomes soft. The last portion of water remains in the paint and it must be stirred until a homogeneous mass is obtained.

Dilute the paint carefully and add a little water, otherwise you will not get the effect that you expect.

Video: Dilute 2k acrylic paint

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