What can not be eaten when losing weight? 5 most harmful foods, harmful food

What can not be eaten when losing weight? 5 most harmful foods, harmful food

The presence of excess weight is not only a problem of aesthetic nature. This is only the top of the iceberg. Extra pounds lead to problems of the cardiovascular system.

The thing is that fat, accumulating in the vessels, reduces the bloodstream of blood. This can lead to a disease such as atherosclerosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Which, in turn, increases the risk of heart attacks and strokes. That is why you need to fight overweight. And the prevention of this problem may be the exclusion from the diet of the five most harmful products. About them, you will learn in this article.

Interfere with weight loss: drinks with artificial sweeteners (juices, lemonade)

Sugar -substitutes
Interfere with weight loss: drinks with artificial sweeteners (juices, lemonade)

The water is the foundation of our life. We use it in different forms and quantities. Someone cannot imagine his day without a mug of coffee, another without aromatic tea. But, more dangerous than others for our body, there are sweet drinks: lemonade, juices, etc. And it doesn’t matter what makes them sweet: natural sugar or its substitute.

As for sugar, everything is simple here. Probably, everyone who has encountered excess weight knows that this product is a quick carbohydrate. That is, getting into the body, sugar quickly transforms into fat cells and is “cozy” on the sides, abdomen and other problematic places of our body.

Stop. But, but what about sugar substitutes? Many nutritionists believe that these products can be eaten with excessive problems. But is it? It is important to understand that sugar -substitutes can be natural and synthetic. Natural sugar -based sugar -based sugar, fructose, sorbitis and xilitis are completely absorbed by the body, which means that they cannot be attributed to harmful substances. But, you can’t say this about artificial. Sloders based on sugar, cyclamate, aspartam, potassium and chocrazite can disrupt the cardiovascular system and cause excitement of the nervous system.

But, the main harm of artificial sweeteners in exacerbation of a sense of hunger.

After we have a sweet drink where its artificial analogue is used as sugar, we want to “continue the banquet”. At the same time, to quench hunger, which was played out after eating a sweet drink, we can eat more food than if we took food without eating sweet soda or juice.

Important: daily eating a sweet drink (0.5 ml) leads to an extra 6-7 kilograms per year!

It is impossible when losing weight flour from white flour

The harm of flour
It is impossible when losing weight flour from white flour

The second line in our rating of harmful products from interfering with weight loss is occupied by white flour products. Everything is simple here. In the production of white flour, it is cleaned of all impurities. But, the most amazing thing is that along with such cleaning, vitamins, enzymes and minerals, as well as magnesium, cobalt, copper, iron and molybdenum are removed from this product. Before processing wheat grain, the flour contains Vanadius and Barios necessary for the proper functioning of the heart. There are no vitamins and macro elements in the flour of all these.

Well, but how does this affect those who want to lose weight? What harm flour products carry such people? The thing is that flour products adversely affect carbohydrate metabolism in the body. Such “empty calories” themselves have a poor effect on the body, but also delay the processing of carbohydrates from other products in it.

Important: flour products can harm the stomach. The abuse of such products can lead to more serious problems over time.

And finally, the third reason to abandon flour products made of white flour is the presence of a yeast fungus in them. This substance today is considered a carcinogen, which means it provokes the development of cancer.

You can’t with weight loss: corn syrup read the labels - GMO in sauce

The harm of corn syrup
You can’t with weight loss: corn syrup read the labels - GMO in sauce

Corn syrup in our country is not very popular, as in North America. But, and we can find it in various products purchased in the supermarket. What is corn syrup harmful and why you need to read the label before buying something in the store, I will tell you below.

Corn syrup is made of corn starch. This product is widespread in cooking and is used as a sweetener and a thickener. Such syrup can be found in some soft drinks, frozen foods and sweets. The composition of corn syrup includes various toxins that can lead to obesity and diabetes. In addition, this product can cause the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Important: recent experiments with corn syrup have proved its harm to the body. During heat treatment, carcinogenic substances causing cancer are formed in this product.

When buying products in the store, be sure to look at the etiquette. In addition to the fact that you need to exclude the purchase of products containing corn syrup, make sure that there is no GMO in the product you bought.

Harmful substances in food: sodium bilom in fast food networks, in crab sticks, in spices

Sodium fool
Harmful substances in food: sodium bilom in fast food networks, in crab sticks, in spices

Another harmful product for losing weight is sodium bilomat. This substance is used as an amplifier of taste. It is added to their products of fast food. In addition, sodium bombomat can be found today in various spices and even crab sticks.

The largest negative, from eating products containing sodium bilomatomas, is to get used to this substance. Several regular diets containing this substance “rebuild” the body’s work, and it can no longer do without sodium bilom. Without this substance, taste receptors can no longer function correctly and the taste of food becomes “fresh”.

Important: German scientists have found that even a small amount of sodium glitomas leads to the destruction of brain cells responsible for appetite.

As for the sodium glutamate and reduction of excess weight, then everything is bad. The fact is that this substance, entering the body with food, reduces the activity of brown adipose tissue. It is this tissue, burning calories, that protects the body from the cold and ensures the correct operation of its other systems. That is, sodium glutamate reduces the speed of burning "extra" calories. Therefore, in order to cope with hated kilograms, it is necessary to exclude sodium glutamate and the products in which it is contained from its diet.

You can’t with weight loss: fry in oil. Grill without oil - useful

Fry in oil
You can’t with weight loss: fry in oil. Grill without oil - useful

In the conclusion of our top 5 products interfering with losing weight, I must say a few words about oil. Products in which there are a lot of oil or other fats, with weight loss, it is necessary to exclude from your diet. Also, fried foods need to be excluded from it. The thing is that when frying in oil, the fat content of products increases. With this processing, fat compounds made of oil are added to food, increasing their calories. In addition, the abuse of fried foods can cause problems with the pancreas.

Important: when frying in oil, carcinogens cause causing cancer. Moreover, they can be contained both in oil itself and in its pairs, which are inhaled during cooking.

For lovers of fried, it is best to use a grill for cooking. It not only does not add fat to food, but on the contrary, it melts the fat already contained in products and removes it from them. That is why the food cooked on the grill is considered dietary. In addition, it is tasty and healthy.

Excess weight is a problem not only of appearance, but also a large load on the body. Help him and get rid of unnecessary kilograms. Moreover, it is very simple to do it. It is only necessary to exclude the above products from the diet.

Video: Rules for proper nutrition

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  1. I believe that everything can be eaten, the main thing is that it fit into calories ... well, training is important, of course (it is better, of course, with L-carnitine, because endurance increases)-I have a sports examiner, I am satisfied with the fats better burns, and I train noticeably better))

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