5 rules and 7 tips, how easy and quickly repay a loan without delay! How to close a loan at the end of repayment correctly: tips

5 rules and 7 tips, how easy and quickly repay a loan without delay! How to close a loan at the end of repayment correctly: tips

In the current economic situation in the country and the unstable material situation of most of the working population, the topic of loans is becoming more and more controversial, and debts for them are constantly growing. And we propose to consider how to deal with it correctly.

It should be recognized that many of us have encountered a loan at least once. The tempting and profitable decision for banks and the state, for an ordinary citizen, can often turn into a huge debt pit. After all, one loan often delays the favor of relatives and friends, and an even more sad option is to re -lending from the second or third bank to repay an existing loan. Therefore, we are ready to give you some tips and valuable rules how to quickly repay the loan, without any losses, spoiled credit history and debt pit.

5 main rules, how to correctly and quickly repay a loan or close a credit card

These foundations, in order to quickly repay the loan, should be taken into account even before its design. The same goes for a credit card. This is a separate conversation - it is better to hide it away at all or at all, if possible, not to decorate.

At the psychological level, a credit card creates the illusion that you have money for some waste. There would be no this money, most of the purchases would not have been made at all! Therefore, the first and important rule - we take loans only for really important things, and if possible we do not issue a credit card!

Do not arrange a credit card or loan unnecessarily!
Do not arrange a credit card or loan unnecessarily!

But if you already have a loan or own credit funds on the card, remember a few more rules for their use:

  1. Pay earlier! This applies to any type of loan. Of course, when registering, you should take into account the date of payment. But, perhaps, you have changes at work, so you receive a salary later. In this case or another case, we extinguish immediately on the day of payment (or in the coming days), but so far the money is not distributed and spent.
  2. Extinguish ahead of schedule! Again, when registering, it is worth considering these points to close the loan ahead of schedule and not be in the minus. If you are unprofitable to close it earlier, then you have incorrectly chosen the terms of lending.
  3. Try to have a financial pillow! You must create it even before the loan is ideally. If it is not there, then at least 5-7% of your amount received immediately set aside the deposit or in the bank of the house. It will be so mentally easier for you that in the event of a crisis you can pay for a loan for at least 2-3 months.
  4. We try to pay all our additional money to the credit card. Even even 50 rubles each, but do not spend them, but put off on repayment of a loan.
  5. Learn to save and postpone your cash receipts! And having at its disposal a loan for all occasions, it turns out to save much more difficult. But most importantly-do not go to the store every day, make purchases 1-2 times a week, do not succumb to the tricks of discounts and shares. If you really need this product and it is at a favorable price, this is another matter. But more often, actions only attract attention and you buy as a result what you were not even going to take. You can read more information about the rules for saving your budget and accumulation even with a small salary in our article "How to save money correctly?"
This is the case with the credit registration
This is the case with the credit registration

7 tips, how easy and quickly repay the loan

These tips go in parallel and complement the above rules to quickly repay the loan:

Conduct a complete analysis of your income and expenses, and even better - lead home accounting!

This is a certain addition to the 5th rule. But this is the first thing to start with is to analyze your capabilities. For this, it will be best to start a book of income and expenses where you will constantly record all (!) Movement of funds. With the help of such records, you can more fully cover the picture of your capabilities, understand what to save on in order to collect the freed money by the date of repayment of the loan and more rationally plan the budget. Having decided on the terms of payments, they should be strictly adhered to. The right amount by this moment should be your main goal for the entire period of repayment of the loan.

Additional savings and once again saving on the design of subsidies!

A good help will be a subsidy for payment of utilities if it can be issued for this period, and some additional state assistance, for example, tax refunds or free medicines for children received through funds. We save as much as possible on everything! Of course, it should not touch the vital things - treatment, nutrition (but shrimp can be put in place), payment of utilities. But shopping for spontaneous purchases and entertainment may well wait until better times. You will be surprised, but if you constantly abandoning various little things, in the form of dinner in a cafe, a taxi trip or some not very necessary little thing, you can save a significant part of the amount to repay credit debt.

As a cheat sheet
As a cheat sheet

We are looking for and find additional sources of income!

When paying a loan, you can find some additional work, make up for one and a half rates at the place of main work or take some one-time part-time jobs. Think about what you can do, what services to provide. All funds received from such part -time jobs should be postponed and used strictly to repay the loan. But a small amendment - working for 20 hours is harmful to the body!

Overpayment on the loan

Savings and part-time jobs are quite capable of increasing your loan payments by 8-15%, which will allow you to close the loan faster than it was originally supposed and will benefit. T.K. The bank in this case will work less on you. But in any case, try to throw an amount more on a loan agreement. Even if it is not 10-12%, at least round up to a round amount. Moreover, consider not rubles or pennies, but dozens.

With several loans, build the right priorities

If you have several loans, then the main attention must be paid to those at which the highest interest rate. This will minimize the amount of overpayments, and the money saved - to send to repay other loans. In addition, after repayment of the most “most expensive” loans, the payment of those that “cheaper” will reduce the number of debts. In conclusion, you should proceed to the payment of long -term loans.

Lending priorities
Lending priorities

Rescue in the form of refinancing

Simply put, this is the provision by the Bank of more favorable loan conditions, allowing to reduce the amount of overpayments. Such services allow the borrower, for example, to issue a new loan to repay the old at a lower interest rate or to combine several loans into one.
But in such services there are many "underwater stones."
For example, you should never take a microloan, the largest overpayments are obtained on it, or you should not take a larger loan to repay the smaller ones - this, as a rule, leads to a debt pit. Therefore, resorting to the services of refinancing, you should carefully study all the conditions and weigh your capabilities.

How to close a loan at the end of repayment correctly: tips

After making the latest payment, it is important to correctly close the loan and take a certificate at the bank that you should not do anything else. Otherwise, you can get into an unpleasant story, when you have several cents on your rest (yes, there are such cases), and the bank continues to accrue interest on them. As a result, as long as you know about this, a rather large amount of debt may run and a credit history will be spoiled for untimely repayment of the debt. Therefore, we always go to the bank to close the loan and receive a special document confirming this.

Video: How to quickly repay a loan and pay off credit cards?

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