23 types of women who cannot be found: why and how to recognize them?

23 types of women who cannot be found: why and how to recognize them?

Why does it happen that you are drawn to one girl, like a magnet, and to another - perhaps more beautiful and educated - you remain completely indifferent? Scientists explain this to the chemical processes of the body, and esotericics - by the energy waves of a higher order or karma.

And no matter how many of us, ordinary people, do not reflect on this issue, still he remains a secret for us for seven seals. No one can predict whether a particular couple will have a relationship, or such a union has no future at all. But, knowing in advance with what type of women you should not start relationships, you can try to protect yourself from bitter disappointments, resentment and loss of illusions. Informed - means armed.

Why can't you meet a married woman, karma?

  • Full -fledged happy relationships are impossible with a married woman, because the legitimate spouse and their joint children will constantly occupy your thoughts. This dead end situation cannot be broken painlessly - everyone will suffer from it. And, above all, a man who invaded the Holy of Holy - someone else's family.
  • "Do not wish your neighbor's wife" - says the law of God, similar to the karmic postulate. This does not mean at all that heavenly thunders will certainly collapse on your head, but due to contaminated karma a reaction will occur that will launch the mechanism of a whole series of troubles-both in this life and in all subsequent ones.
  • Working out karmic debts Maybe in the future to lie on your shoulders with a heavy load, and in the meantime you will be perplexed, for what sins such tests are sent to you?
  • A married woman, if she is also crowned, cannot be a karmic partner for her lover. No matter what feelings you have for her, she remains a stranger wife not only in front of people, but also by higher powers. Therefore, you cannot meet a married woman.
Do not build a relationship with married
Do not build a relationship with married

What is the danger of communication with a married woman:

  • Loneliness. Carried away by a married lady, you run the risk of missing a real chance to meet a woman intended for you. And then, even after the end of the adultery, all the girls you meet may seem boring and uninteresting to you, and therefore you can not create your family.
  • Exhausted karma. You need to improve yourself, strive for success and financial independence, and in the meantime you will spend your vital energy in touch with a non -free woman.
  • Deformation of the energy shells. If your connection opens, your aura can adversely affect or even break through it all those bad emotions that your mistress’s close people experience. The consequences of this can be unpredictable - illness, misfortune, failure, both in this and in subsequent lives.

The whole universe is subordinated to the karmic laws, and one of the main ones says: you can’t take what does not belong to you, otherwise the punishment will not slow down yourself.

Why is idols you can’t meet girls?

  • Idols They are not born, they are driven under fashionable youth stereotypes. If there is a need for this, then the future Asian stars will change their appearance, and the necessary skills in them will develop. Why is idols you can’t meet girls?
  • Usually, for the promotion of Korean youth idols, so much money is invested that their producers have the right to demand restrictions on their personal lives.
  • Each idol signs a contract for several years in advance, according to which he undertakes to start close relations with anyone during his work in a music company.
  • For true fans of idols, it is very important that their favorite artists are “free” - in this environment, wife, husbands and children are not only welcome, they should not be a priori.
  • If Idol has a love affair with someone and fans learn about it, then the management company may incur because of this huge financial losses. That's why the idols cannot meet with women during the contract they signed, or carefully hide their connections from idols.

Why can't you meet with a sister, a relative?

  • Our world stands on “three whales”: the laws of the Russian Federation, the laws of God and unwritten human laws, and we must honor them and obey them.
  • They say that marriages between direct and cousin Unacceptable. And nature itself does not at all welcome incest, as it usually “rewards” the offspring from such unions of various kinds of genetic deviations.
  • Not only do you have to take care of your sick child all your life, but also the understanding that it was you who caused his troubles that will depress you every minute.
  • And the realization that you went against human morality will not add mood to you. Think for yourself, do you need all this? After all, there are so many cute girls around you are not related to you. But it is better not to meet women with the nearest kinship.

Why can't you meet with a former partner?

  • If you have met or even lived for a long time with your beloved girl, then parting in any case will be painful for both of you. Usually a man experiences mental torment for 2-3 months, and already 6 months later he is able to warmly remember his former woman with warmth.
  • But during this time, love is leaving, and the resumption of relations will not lead to anything good - that is why you can’t meet with an ex -girlfriend. The girl will hope to create a family, while you expect from her only to nothing to be binding sex. Scandals and clarification of relations will begin again, but do you need it?
  • This option is also possible: under the guise of preserving friendship, your former passion begins to contact you with various requests, and at the same time it will not provide any services for you. You should not endure her “orders” for a long time, because she is already a completely alien woman for you. Find yourself another, and be happy with her, instead of running on the instructions of the girl that it is high time to leave in the past.
Formers do not change
Formers do not change

Why can't you meet with alcohol girls?

  • At first, it may seem that the girl who drinks in the circle of friends is cheerful and relaxed, not like others. It is easy to communicate with her and never have to get bored - she always has a lot of ideas, as you can have a good time.
  • It would seem that in this terrible - a bottle of beer or other low -alcohol drink drunk by the girl? But this is only at first glance.
  • If such a tradition has already grown into a daily ritual, then this indicates gradually developing alcoholism. The alcoholic man is not a very pleasant sight, what can we say about a girl who will become a wife, mother in the future.
  • This pernicious habit is harmful to her family, children, relatives, and all her social surroundings. Think for yourself: can a husband who returned from work be happy with the appearance of a drunk wife and half -starved children, since mom does not care about them?
  • It is also worth considering that excessive alcohol consumption incredibly ages a woman, and already in his 40 alcoholic usually looks like a real old woman. Do you want to live your life side by lesion with such a drinking creature? Most likely no. That is why you can’t meet women who love to drink, and do it regularly.

Why can't you meet classmates?

  • In countless romantic stories, the boy and girl, who still began to meet and carried their love through the years from the school bench.
  • But in fact, this happens infrequently, and not all classmates in love are in a hurry to exchange rings after graduation. Childhood ends, and in return there are new hobbies, new acquaintances, new meetings.
  • And are their feelings so strong that they withstand all the vicissitudes of school life? In fact, there are a number of reasons why the guy should not start an affair with his classmate.

That is why you can’t meet with a classmate:

  • The inability to abstract from your beloved. You can’t be at the peak of your feelings all day - this can only be at the beginning of the relationship. After some time, you will want to be choking or going somewhere with guys, joke with other girls. But ... she is always there, always on the alert, catches your every word, every smile intended not for her. Your time and your space no longer belong to you, but the scenes of jealousy are guaranteed!
  • You must always be well -groomed. It is possible that at some point you get tired of carefully every day to carefully monitor yourself so that the hairstyle is a hair to the hair, so that on the suit-no wrinkle, so that on the shirt-not a spot! But we cannot give messages to herself, because she sits nearby and constantly evaluates you, so that some sloppiness will not work, because the hero of her novel should be constantly on top.
  • We will have to prove your superiority to others all the time. You cannot show that you are weaker than others. Therefore, you will have to engage in sports intensively, and in studying yourself to pull yourself up, and study bypassing, etiquette, and subtle humor. This, of course, is very important, and in adulthood it will come in handy, but every day to force yourself to all this, oh, it is sometimes difficult! After all, “hit the face in the mud”, it is impossible to allow some kind of blunder-she notices all this.
  • She will always stay nearby. Imagine what can happen if for some reason you decide to break off a relationship with her, and she will not be ready for such a turn of events? What if you decide to start dating another girl? It’s better for yourself such a nightmare and not to imagine!
  • Classmates and teachers will constantly tease you. For them, this is just an occasion for fun, and you will quickly get tired of listening to their jokes and horseshoes. But there is nothing to do - you will have to endure and invent all new butt for them. But, if true love between you, then - who knows? “Maybe you will be able to carry it through all these trials.”

Types of women who cannot be dated and why?

There is a category of women with such character traits that will not contribute to a man to find happiness, comfort and peace. They cannot be called flaws, and some people from the outside can even characterize such traits as virtues. However, men who want to maintain at least some independence and personal space in a relationship should run from such women without looking back.

Which women cannot meet:

  • Mother woman. Supreme Subject - it is this feature of its character that prevails over everyone else. Next to such a woman, you will always be satisfying fed, neatly dressed, and the cultural program will be painted for you. Perhaps at first such a novelty in your life will look attractive and touched for you. But weigh everything well! Are you ready for such total control when they decide for you who to be friends with, how to spend your leisure time and what business you should deal with? If this is exactly what you were looking for, then in this case-happiness to you and good luck next to the woman-mother!
  • The woman was wandered. If you do not want to be in a real captivity, try to dodge the tenacons of a woman-appasal, otherwise you will have to endure her constant presence next to you. She will demand that you hug her, kiss her all the time, talk about your love, take her to meet friends and on your business trips, took her shopping, chose clothes with her for her ... And if you are an intelligent person, then so And you will endure all this, because you cannot tell her directly: "Leave me alone, choose a new victim for yourself, and I'm already tired of you". Such a woman simply ignores more subtle hints, and her perseverance and determination help her to get a good husband, and often a lover. And what is surprising: both of them will all do for her and for her and fulfill all her whims. And to the question asked to myself: "Why am I doing all this?" They will not be able to respond intelligently.
  • A woman-child. In her behavior, it immediately becomes noticeable: this is not a game at all, not coquetry or pretense. Her extreme infantility is so great that it can even be called a silly, as they often attribute to blondes. But the color of the hair has nothing to do with it, just a woman was created by nature, and it was created by nature, and it is simply impossible to re-educate her, despite all efforts, do not even try to do this. She does not read books, does not solve crosswords, does not watch films with a philosophical bias, is not interested in politics and economics, does not even know how to calculate how much money you need to pay for a communal apartment. But she does not miss TV shows, for example, with Buzova and knows very well what brand the clothes are worn on her. What she is accurately interested in is the sales, beauty salons, boutiques, jewelry, resorts. And with all this, it usually has one, but a very important advantage - beauty. But over time, the charm of such a woman disappears, and very soon you will begin to experience only boredom and irritation next to her.
  • Woman-Steal. We can say about women-susters that they are incredibly smart, ruthless and harsh in their judgments. Not every representative of the stronger sex can withstand such a woman beside himself, since she is one continuous natural disaster. It is not for nothing that men treat this type, because they do not know which tricks can be expected from them at any moment. Its maximum cynicism, inner strength, intellect and cruelty, three -to -triply enlarged frequent hormonal bursts, a heb woman simply suppresses all those who, by the will of fate, fell into the circle of her attraction. Even being in the role of a partner, she will still remain your ideal enemy, capable of unpredictable destruction. Whatever you do, everything will not be on it. You do not need to curb and tame it and try, rather, you yourself will find yourself in the role of tamed. What she wants and expects from you at the moment is almost impossible to guess. It’s dangerous to stand on her way, aside-also, it will not be possible to keep silent, something to say-everything is wrong! In any case, for any reason you will enrage her, and therefore there are only two ways out for a man: either immediately recognize himself defeated in this unequal battle, or to cowardly leave the “field of battle”.
Do not tame it
Do not tame it
  • Feminist woman. It can be ranked to the subspecies of a woman. The bitchiness of feminists exceeds all reasonable limits. They bring their contempt to the heads of absolutely all men for the fact that one of them once harmed a woman. They will despise even a completely “domestic” man playing the violin, to self -forgetfulness of the loving his mother, baking pies and strictly adhering to the rules of etiquette. No intelligence will help you: if you are a man, then a priori you are evil.
  • AND NEMFORMANCE woman. Who knows what exactly is pushing the nympho into the arms of many men? Perhaps she is amusing her vanity (I am so attractive that all men love me), and maybe these are the needs of her body (physiological terms). You can’t call this prostitution, since it does it rather out of love for art, and its many lovers may not even suspect each other's existence, however, just like her husband. Each man by nature is the owner, and therefore wants to be sure that his woman has one is single. In addition, the illegibility of the nymphomaniac in bodily relations at times increases the risks of “picking up” some unpleasant sexually transmitted disease. Try to protect yourself from a meeting on your life path of such a nympho. For your own calm.
  • Lenivitsa woman. So since ancient times it was possible that while the man hunts for a mammoth, his woman gets in the cave and supports fire in the hearth. Of course, now it’s not the same time, and sometimes a woman brings prey to the house even more than a man. But to create comfort in her home - this always remains in the blood of a woman. But just not women-lintes. Even speaking of the equality of sexes, it is assumed that both are a man and a woman will deal with household issues. But no matter how! The lazy partner will take everything on your shoulders: the purchase of products, and cooking, and washing dishes. Do you want to put on a fresh shirt? Wash it yourself and stole it, but you can buy a new one in the store. Dust swirls in the apartment and you don't like it? In this case, you will be offered to do cleaning yourself, and at the same time, they will also be asked for money on a campaign with friends in a cafe.
  • Excessively demanding. It is practically impossible to please her - everything, in her opinion, is done not as it should. At first, she can attract a man with her apparent confidence in her own abilities. But in fact it turns out that it happens only to her man, but not for herself, beloved. Such a woman will constantly expect more from you than you want or can give her. She will also demand from a partner to obey the rules she invented, and these overwhelming demands will expand and multiply. Exhausted by such exhausting relationships, the young man will be forced to leave this cozy nest. Moreover, without all sorts of regrets and fluctuations.
  • Lygunia woman. High -quality relationships are based on trust. And how can you trust a person, whether it is a man or woman, if he constantly lies to you. Ligoi are different: sometimes they are just like that, for no reason, only to constantly be in the spotlight. But behind the frequently repeated lies, more good reasons can be hidden, which is not so simple and simple. This can be material benefits for her, and, perhaps, she has to hide the unpleasant truth about herself behind the lie. As a rule, it is not so easy to convict a liar in liability in the lie, because it has long gone to this “art”. But usually with closer and more frequent communication, the truth still goes outside.
Such a girl will deceive you in the mood
Such a girl will deceive you in the mood
  • Woman-problem. Such a woman is always sad, lives in constant stress and despair. Men want to help her, and they, like true hussars, are rushing to eliminate all her problems. But nothing changes, her problems are growing, like mushrooms after rain, and it is becoming more sad. Most likely, it belongs to the type of women who like to feel as a victim, and in a man they prefer to see a knight who sacrifices himself to her.
  • A woman-woman. There are constantly only problems with a woman-man. Its carelessness, lightness and fun, undoubtedly, can attract the attention of guys, but ... as a rule, not for long. And all because she lives only for herself, and her main need is to entertain herself, beloved. For her, the main thing is to always be in the spotlight, that is why it constantly moves from one party to another. She loves constant dressings, a gift drink and delicacies. And also - endless flirting and intrigues with all sorts of suspicious personalities. And even the established relations with the partner will not be able to “pull it out” from the familiar environment. Do you need such problems? Most likely not.
  • Digee woman. At the beginning of the relationship, a frank rude woman will try to hide his true face from you. But still, her unbridled nature will break through in relation to the service personnel. A polite woman will always say “thank you” for a coat handed to her, a shared chair or the front door held in front of her, but the rude woman will prefer such “trifles” not to pay attention. Gradually, when she decides that you are already “in my pocket”, her rudeness and rudeness will turn to you. It is doubtful that one of the men is able to endure constant rudeness for a long time.
  • Woman-Revolution. Everyone is subject to ordinary jealousy, but pathological jealouss are able to bring a man almost to a heart attack. Wherever you are, whatever you do, she always finds a reason for jealousy. Was they spoke on the street with their acquaintance? Spent a beautiful stranger? Admired the game of your favorite actress? All this can lead to real scandals out of the blue, and even with the beating of the dishes. Do you need such a headache? If not, it is better to look for yourself a girl not so jealous.
It will be jealous of everyone
It will be jealous of everyone
  • A female brown loving. The selfish woman will be enthusiastically interested in your earnings, an apartment, a car, and with her tenacious look to evaluate your appearance. She does not give a damn about your tastes, hobbies and addictions, the main thing for her is how much you are standing, and what benefit your relationship will bring to her. Perhaps this is normal - at the expense of a man to arrange his life and ensure normal existence to his future children. But if this is done too obsessively and defiantly, then in a potential partner this can cause only negative emotions.
  • Woman-scruff. It is impossible to live normally, refusing yourself for the sake of saving. A scruff woman will consider every penny, find out about sales, buy only cheap things-and all this is just to deploy money “for a rainy day”. Usually she is not even able to formulate - what exactly she accumulates money for, they just have to be with her. And in the bank ... three -liter, since she does not trust banks. At sea, most likely, you will not go to rest, as it is too expensive. And in the cinema you are unlikely to go on the weekend. And you will bypass the cafe. Think for yourself what kind of life is without the little joys that you allowed yourself before meeting with a scruff?
  • The woman-train. This is a type of woman, diametrically opposite to the ladies of the jerking. Transjira manages to “squeeze” not only his salary in a few days, but also yours, and then you have to interrupt the money busy with friends or parents. Moreover, she spends money recklessly, on any unnecessary nonsense, which is unlikely to ever come in handy in your life. She is able to leave a fortune in the salon of beauty, without thinking that tomorrow, perhaps, there will be nothing to purchase products. It is unlikely that one of you wants to see your life partner in such a woman.
Such a woman will spend money on everything necessary and not necessary
Such a woman will spend money on everything necessary and not necessary
  • Bolt woman. Constantly located next to an overly chatty woman is still a pleasure! And, most importantly, she talks mainly only about herself, about her feelings, feelings and needs, having forgotten to ask about your affairs. Many men begin to be angry when such a lady is such an uncontented language any topic translates to: “... but here I am ...”, “But I had ...”, etc. And be sure: when you come in silence, you will have to run away from your home, because they certainly will not leave you there.

We have listed the main psychotypes of women who should be afraid of men. Unless, of course, they want calm, confidence and comfort for themselves, and unstable mental shocks.

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Video: What girls do you need to run from?

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