15 signs that a man destroys you

15 signs that a man destroys you

What happens when a man destroys you. Read the article.

Signs that a man destroys you

While still young girls, many dream of entering into a relationship with a prince on a white horse. Let it be not a prince or on a horse, but to be loving, kind, sensitive, understanding, generous.

Unfortunately, not everyone can build such relationships. Mutual understanding and respect are two foundations on which strong and long relationships are kept. Naturally, if love is present in this union.

Important: if there is no mutual understanding, there is no respect, then you will not be able to build a happy relationship. Even the most powerful, beautiful and smart women can fall into psychologically difficult relationships. In unhealthy relationships, a man can destroy a woman, turning her into a sick, weak and nervous.

How not to get to such a state? After all, many people think that they will never come across this hook. But only the most insightful, smart women who can decide to part with a man are insured from this as soon as they see the first alarming calls. Many, being madly in love, do not pay attention to disturbing calls and allow their man to impermissible rudeness and behavior addressed to him.

Abouuser, or moral tyrant, psychological rapist, tyrant, so they also call such men. At the initial stage of the relationship, the abuser can pretend to be a wolf in sheep's skin, it will be polite and gallant, but later it will begin to show its true nature.

A sad woman

Where do the aboupers come from? The guilt of such behavior of a man his own complexes, fears, resentment. Not finding a way out of his grievances, he begins to take out evil on others. Not only a beloved woman falls under his arm, a mother, grandmother, child and other people who cannot stop an offensive attitude in behavior of themselves can become a victim of an abusele.

It is possible to say that a person is a psychological rapist, when he does it systematically. That is more than once. Everything can be in a bad mood, rude or sharply answer. But this does not mean that a person destroys you. If this is repeated constantly, if you stopped finding yourself, this is a great reason to think about the meaning of such a relationship.

Important: If the listed signs are present in the behavior of your man, run. Painful relationship is better to break before building a family, creating a marriage until the moment when the child appears.

Such a relationship will not bring good relations, one might say, nothing. And from the bad - you risk losing yourself, losing friends and spoiling relations with relatives, you will become nervous and notorious, and stop enjoying life. Do you need such happiness? Probably not.

Video: How does a man destroy a woman in a relationship?

A man destroys you - he forbids to communicate with friends

First of all, the manipulator will begin to interfere with your communication with friends. Under the pretext that a girlfriend or girlfriends does not affect you, your relationship with him, this person will do everything to tie you to himself. It is not only a campaign with a girlfriend to the club, such a man can resist even an ordinary cup of coffee with a girlfriend in a cafe.

No one has the right to prohibit an adult to an independent person, to communicate with someone. If a man makes groundless statements addressing your meetings and communicating with friends, he is an owner. Thus, he wants to make you only with him, so that your attention belongs only to him and no one else.

If you do not want to lose your friends and want to continue communication with them, do not follow the man’s lead. A loving man should accept you and your circle of friends. At least do not interfere with your communication.

Prohibits communicating with friends

A man destroys you - prevents communication with the family

At the next stage, the destroyer of your personality will do everything so that you stop communicating with your family. Want to go to mom? It is forbidden. Would you like to invite relatives to yourself? Should not be doing that. The manipulator has a thousand reasons to prevent you.

Gradually, the abusers protect their victim from everyone and everything, thereby making it only their own. A woman without support is easier to emotionally destroy and crush.

Often, women who decided to leave such a relationship after many years understood that they were left alone with their problem. Indeed, over many years of relations with Abuzer, they gradually moved away from their family.

Don't do that. Your parents and brothers, sisters are your loved ones and relatives. Do not forget about them by entering into a relationship with a man.

If a man protects you from loved ones

A man destroys you - he constantly criticizes you

Whatever you do, everything will be wrong. Any of your actions are criticized. I didn’t buy the dress, I didn’t cook dinner very tasty, I got into the car wrong, I looked like that, I said not that way.

This is very disappointing, but Abuguser is not enough. He sincerely believes that he tells you the truth from the best motives and does nothing bad.

Important: Remember the rule - tell a person a hundred times that he is a pig, one hundred and the first he will kneel and blinks. So it will be with you if you fall on a hook of criticism from a man.

Over time, you will agree that you are wrong in any of your actions, which does everything badly and for each of your “unsuccessful” action you will feel guilty.

And what will happen next? And then you will stop like yourself in the mirror, lose your desire to do anything. After all, you will know that you will still do everything out of hand.

This is only necessary for your emotional rapist. Congratulations! The destruction of your personality is in full swing. There will be more further.

If your man loves you sincerely and he is a psychologically healthy person, he will not scold you for overfected meat. He will never say that you look bad. It will not criticize you out of the blue, groundlessly and cruelly. A loving man accepts his woman with all her shortcomings, as he knows that he is also not perfect.

A man criticizes a woman

A man destroys you - assures that no one needs you besides him

“But who will love you, since I am?”, “Who needs you besides me?”, “You will not get along with anyone,” “No one can live with you.”

The emotional tyrant uses these phrases so that his victim believes that he is the best choice for her. Such a manipulation of a man is necessary so that the woman does not break off the hook and does not dare to leave him.

It is bad if your head sits a firm conviction that he is a difficult person, he forgives you your shortcomings. This means that your self -esteem fell below the baseboard and you need to urgently raise it. Thinking in this way, you become completely dependent on your man.

Sometimes a man will crush that you are ugly. Do not succumb to these rude and cruel tricks. Never doubt your beauty, do not consider yourself unnecessary, worthless. Believe me, there is a person who will be ready to carry you in your arms.

If a man is morally crushed

A man destroys you - constantly insults you

Constant insults are a companion of unhealthy relations in which you are destroyed. It’s one thing to say something offensive once in the hearts, and then ask for forgiveness. Another is to humiliate, insult, call offensive obscene words constantly.

Some of the manipulators can insult their woman alone in private, others do not hesitate to do this in society, in public. In any case, this cannot be allowed.

Such an option is possible when, in response to the indignation of a woman, the tyrant will begin to blame her for excessive resentment. Like, this is easier to treat this. And many women humble themselves, thinking that this is their picture of life is wrong. And that in fact there is nothing wrong with insults. The tyranny will be written off to the too emotional character of a man.

If in cases with open insults, everything is clear, then with comic offensive words is more difficult. A man can come up with comic nicknames, but they can be very offensive. To the requests of the woman not to talk about her, he will say that he was just joking. He will accuse that you do not understand jokes.

Important: you need to stop insults initially. Either clear and clear to say that this was the first and last time, or immediately tear such a relationship. A man should not insult his woman.

Imagine if such a man will call you with children, will they respect your mother later? Insults are terrible, it destroys, you should not endure it, you do not deserve this.

Insults from a man

A man destroys you - accuses you of his failures

A man dumps all his failures and misses on your shoulders. Accuses you, your words and actions of your mistakes. If he did not succeed, then you are to blame. In every situation inconvenient for him, you become a scapegoat on which you can take out evil.

It is not your fault. Adults themselves are responsible for their actions and subsequent failures. The accusation of you in your failures is nothing more than shifting responsibility from your shoulders to yours.

If your man does this systematically, this is a serious reason to think about further relationships.

The man accuses the woman

A man destroys you - requires a report on every minute spent without him

If you accidentally did not have time to answer the call of your beloved, and now you are even afraid to call him back, the situation is launched. The psychological rapist will demand from you a report for every minute spent away from it. And if you did not pick up the phone, then it will then report you and scold you for bad behavior.

Such a man can do everything in order to constantly keep you in the field of vision. And if physically it cannot be nearby, he will call and write for no reason.

Of course, this behavior may be uncomfortable for you. After all, phone calls and messages can distract from business, but you can’t answer either. But a man is of little interest in your convenience, for him you are just an object of manipulation.

If your man is trying to control your every step, stop this at the very beginning of the relationship. If you allow this, then it will be difficult to return the situation back. Everyone has every right to personal space.

A man controls a woman

A man destroys you - punishes you for "misses"

If you have done anything without the approval of your man, this may follow the punishment. It can be different: threats, intimidation, silence, refusal to intimacy, depriving you of something.

Thus, a man tries to "train" like a dog. For example, without his knowledge and consent, you went to a meeting with a girlfriend. In response, he decided not to talk to you for several days, a week or even more. In the future, you will not want to repeat your action, as you know that punishment will follow.

The man understands in this case that the system works, he continues to apply punishment for you. Many women will now say that this is some kind of nonsense, that this cannot be. Yes, this cannot be in healthy relationships, but the relations of painful things can happen very often.

A man punishes a woman in silence or in another way

A man destroys you - painfully jealous

Jealousy is acceptable when it is justified. And then within reasonable limits. When jealousy is pathological, crazy is a negative quality that will ruin your life.

Some women at the beginning of the relationship are even happy that a man is jealous. It is believed that jealousy is an indicator of love. In fact, only over time, some understand that crazy jealousy is not an indicator of love, it is an alarming beacon of the owner and aggressor.

If a man is jealous of everything that moves is very bad. He can control your social networks, catch your opinion on other men. Even if you looked without interest, the jealous will perceive it differently.

He will record all your colleagues, friends in lovers, arrange terrible scenes of jealousy. Needless to say, you will be forbidden to walk on corporate parties? Or only with his chosen one, or nothing. Talking with men for you is a taboo. Otherwise, there will be scenes of jealousy.

Total control will lead you to nervous exhaustion. Many couples collapse due to jealousy. This feeling sometimes interferes with normally living.

Important: if your man is a pathological jealous and conversations do not help, this relationship cannot be corrected.

Unhealthy jealousy

A man destroys you - uses blackmail

A man can use emotional blackmail if you suddenly say about the breakdown. He will put pressure on pity, threaten that he will hang, sniff, commit suicide.

At some stage, the woman will be scared that he really will do it. She will take her words back, change his mind and stay with him. And this is only necessary for the abuser.

Some may even try to imitate their threats. In fact, this type of men will never do this with them, it is just a reason to manipulate you. If others no longer work, the manipulator will also try this method.

If such words were heard in the relationship as I will hang or commit suicide because of you, this is not a reason to think. This is a reason to run away, and the sooner the better. This indicates serious psychological problems in a person. You do not need to try to solve these problems, you will do it worse.

If a man is blackmail

A man destroys you - requires humility

An emotional tyrant can strive for leadership in a relationship. He must dominate, be the main one. A woman should show her humility, agree with any decision of it. There are two opinions - it is wrong. A woman of such a man, according to his personal conviction, should understand this and successfully put it into practice.

The opinion of a woman in solving any issues, for example, where to go on vacation, what furniture to order, no one asks. After all, her opinion is not important, everything has already been resolved unilaterally.

If your man depreciates you as a person, this is not permissible. Respect yourself and demand this from others.

A man wants to make a woman a slave

A man destroys you - does not allow you to work

Many tyrants believe that the place of a woman in the kitchen. They do not need a business lady. The main thing for them is that a ready -made and warm dinner is always waiting for them at the first request. If a woman manages to combine the house and work, the emotional rapist will find a reason to make the woman quit her job.

After all, career and financial independence can give a woman the opportunity to determine her life and make a decision. And this is not included in the plans of the Abuezer, he must manage.

A man prohibits working

A man destroys you - deprives you of financial freedom

For many, this will seem wild, but there are men who manage the money of his wife. That is, she herself earned this money and gave it to the man, since he himself knows better how to properly and rationally spend this money.

There is another situation. When a woman first loses the opportunity to earn money under the influence of a man, and then falls into a trap of lack of money. She has to ask a man on tights, on lipstick, etc. And he will already think whether the woman deserved this money or not.

Needless to say, a man in the hand of this state of affairs? After all, a woman is dependent on him not only psychologically, but also financially. So it will not go anywhere, will not be able to leave and start a new life. Since then, when a woman loses financial freedom, handling her can become much tougher than before.

A man deprives financial independence

A man destroys you - drinks drugs or alcohol

Alcohol and drugs often lead to the fact that a man becomes aggressive. If a man abuses, do not hesitate, run. Do not try to change it, you will just lose your precious time.

A man destroys you - applies physical strength

If a man raises a hand on you, this is a point of no return. The threshold that cannot be crossed. If he raised his hand once, this may not happen again. But if he raised it a second time, then he will hit again.

If a woman suffers beatings, this is terrible. So, it is already broken as a person. If a man hit, do not perceive it as an alarming call. This is an occasion to collect things and leave. If you do not know how to behave when a man beats, we recommend reading this article. Here you will find useful phone numbers and a guide to action.

There is no forgiveness to the one who beats a woman. Do not let the relationship reach such a level.

If a man raises his hand to a woman

A man in a happy relationship seeks to do everything for the happiness of his woman. He seeks to give her love, affection, happiness. In toxic relationships, everything happens the other way around. A man may not consider himself a tyrant and an abuser, but it will still destroy a woman. If you are offended, humiliated, depreciated your feelings or do things worse, do not tolerate such an attitude. It is better to be one than to be in such toxic relationships.

Video: signs that a man destroys you as a personality

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