12 confirmations that excessive savings leads to poverty

12 confirmations that excessive savings leads to poverty

In this article, we will give you simple evidence that excessive savings have the opposite effect and leads to poverty.

The indisputable truth has long been known - the excessive savings that a person doomes himself, believing that this will help him save more money for his needs, makes him even poorer. This is based on the fear of going beyond the usual lifestyle, to be left without a livelihood and, as a result, a person unconsciously narrows the boundaries of capabilities, reduces his income, and his expenses are growing anyway.

It turns out to be thrown out of the circulation of money, the philosophy of which is in simple truth - the more it leaves, the more it comes. But the most dangerous - you yourself become dependent on money. And this is the reason that leads you to poverty!

How saving leads to poverty: 12 evidence of harm from excessive frugality

Let's look at twelve examples to get twelve confirmations of this theory. We assure many of your habits that you yourself form in yourself for savings, limit you and your capabilities. And as a result, all this leads to poverty at the mental and psychological level, to a meager financial position and a low level of prospects.

  • 1. Look around - your poverty is firmly on the surrounding things!

Often the poor love literally cluttered their house with unnecessary things. The hundredth time breaks the kettle, and tea bags are brewed several times. This also includes the wearing of torn tights, which are not visible under the shoes, or, an extreme case, washing disposable bags. Instead of relaxing and calmly drink delicious tea, you yourself come up with problems and Form at the subconscious level the poor syndrome!

Look around you
Look around you
  • 2. Time is not for your savings!

An economical person gets used to saving on everything except his own time. He is repairing old clothes that continue to break; It repairs the water supply without knowledge and tools, which takes a large share of nerves; He plants seedlings and grows vegetables in the garden, while spending not only a lot of his time and effort, but also money to care for all this harvest. No, their products are a big plus and charging for the body, but if this is not your earnings, then This is more a hobby.Especially if there is a question of this nature: earn 1000 rubles or grow a carrot for 200 rubles, spent on seeds and fertilizer 400.

The time spent on many things in which a person is not a master can be used to make money in the area in which he is a professional. It has long been estimated that earned funds with more than enough to purchase new clothes, pay the master to repair the water supply and buy vegetables on the market, and it would still be for a living, rest and entertainment.

And then there was a fire and pulled even greater expenses than a box of matches
And then there was a fire and pulled even greater expenses than a box of matches

As an example - Why spend a few days on poor -quality layout of the tiles, which will disappear over time, and you will again invest in its repairs. Of course, after all, the master once pay it is expensive - this is what the burgundy and poor thinks.

Important: reasonably weigh the benefits of work! Sometimes it’s really more profitable to pay a professional. An exception - if you like this business!

Know how to value your time
Know how to value your time
  • 3. You save on nutrition and objects of first importance, and this, as a result, affects health!

Saving on food and buying low -quality food, as well as essential goods, a person makes the largest mistake in his life! Because it deprives yourself of what you can’t save on and you can’t buy for any money - health. After some time, he will have to contact the doctors and spend a lot of money for treatment, and these expenses will already be many times more than those that once managed to save.

The same applies to refusals to visit doctors in time for preventive examinations, go somewhere to relax and improve health. All this over time turns into serious problems that require significantly large expenses. As an example: it is cheaper to treat caries, not a flux!

Sometimes this is an accurate answer
Sometimes this is an accurate answer
  • 4. The stingy pays twice - a well -known truth!

This is what the case is the purchase of cheap things of such a sample as household appliances, clothes, shoes and furniture. Cheap by definition cannot be of high quality and serve for a long time. Therefore, instead of one purchase, designed for several years, a person often makes 2-3 similar during the same period of time, which in total cost more. Moreover, buying cheap clothes, a person cannot look presentable, And therefore, the attitude of others, including employers, significantly reduces its capabilities.

  • 5. For the sake of saving purchases, you do only at sales and promotions!

This is a brilliant course of all systems sold. But the benefit for buyers is already very foggy. Of course, promotional goods have such an overstated price that they are sold at a normal price. By the way, Small advice - As a rule, a new product upon admission to the store (it has not yet been temporarily removed) has the initial price of almost its cost. And now, after a while, its price rises so that the sellers are reduced to shares.

BUT Sales are often often only have the illusion of price reduction. No, still buying a promotional product is cheaper than at a full price. Just be careful! The main trick of all sales is the desire to take a completely unnecessary thing or even several! And it turns out that you have an annual supply of soap at home, but there is no savings!

We save as we can!
We save as we can!
  • 6. You are chasing easy money by profit or want to get everything for nothing

If you think to get a job as the director of the company, easily getting a high salary, then this path will lead you to poverty. For nothing is easily given. The second is confirmed this - if you are offered a free product, then it simply cannot be of high quality in a priori. A poor person does not think about a step in advance, he thinks - if only cheaper or completely free. And he forgets about the development, its true cost and a possible future. In addition, because of the desire to save people, people often find themselves victims of the swindlers - unscrupulous sellers, intermediaries. Needless to say, the costs can cover the savings of your whole life!

  • 7. Training is the key to your future and your future!

Saving in training, getting poor -quality education or giving it to children, you block your further opportunities. Only a person who has received a worthy education and has become a real professional in his business does not matter which one can count on a good position and high salary in the future. This is how you would not convince yourself, but Learning something is almost unrealistic for free. Moreover, it is always worth investing in your development. Take the banal example -You have mastered the YouTube coating with gel polish. But you cannot be called a master, because you do not know a lot of professional nuances. Perhaps you will come to this through the trial method, but this is a sampling either on yourself or on customers.

The same applies to obtaining any kind of services-courses, seminars, master classes that you can take place to increase your professional level. What is cheap or free is most often for the time spent.

Many have such a girlfriend
Many have such a girlfriend
  • 8. You are not engaged in yourself!

Rich and successful people always deal with their health and keep themselves in good physical shape. Exactly sport It helps to keep yourself in good shape, which means that it increases your performance. In addition, your figure improves, and this affects your self -confidence. And this also in business gives its plus! And poor people do not follow their nutrition and level of vitamins. This item is directly related to your health, which we have already written above.

  • 9. You do not take care of yourself and do not spoil yourself!

It is bad to look and not spend money on a stylist, hairdresser, a cosmetologist is an unacceptable luxury in our time, adversely affecting your image and limiting your capabilities. In addition, sometimes it does not hurt to pamper in good mascara, for example. Purely in order to say to your "I" that You are worthy of the best. And this will already give you an incentive to earn more! Change thinking - denying yourself, you gradually develop a habit. And this already at a subconscious level blocks your enthusiasm and desire for the better.

Important: no need to “stretch the legs by clothing”! By this, you immediately block your desire to strive for the better. But do not buy yourself the last iPhone to be at the level. Separate the importance of things from tremors. It is poor people who often take rash loans, which they cannot do! Rich people in all things see the benefit or the opportunity to earn!

Get out!
  • 10. You do not rest and do not communicate!

Firstly, rest is the physiological need of our body. If you deny yourself this, then quickly block and lose your performance. So, you cannot save and even earn the right amount. Secondly, there is always a plus in communication! Secular "party", picnics with friends, corporate parties - all this requires additional expenses. But if you deny yourself them, then doom yourself to social isolation. And by this, you deprive yourself of the opportunity to communicate, exchange information and new beneficial acquaintances with interesting people who, perhaps, could change your life for the better.

  • 11. You skimp on gifts or holidays!

Excessive frugality leads to the fact that over time you cease to invite friends to visit, celebrate holidays and birthdays, considering it unnecessary expenses. And if you are the first birthday of friends, then give them gifts the cheapest. You cease to borrow money and generally avoid helping others in every way, which, of course, does not remain unnoticed. Be prepared for the fact that in a situation when you need help, you will have no one to provide it. And do not forget that usually people reciprocate - and on gifts you will also be reflected.

On a note!
On a note!
  • 12. You are exhausted by saving!

And finally, the habit of saving on everything can lead to the fact that you begin to spend a lot of energy on calculations, records of all your income and expenses, wondering what you can still save on. As a result, this will not only affect your performance, but can also lead to neurosis and constantly growing depression.

So, think for yourself whether there is a sense in saving or is it just an illusion that makes a person even more poor!

Video: How does saving lead to poverty?

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