10 ways to beautifully tie a scarf on a jacket, coat, outerwear? How beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf around the neck?

10 ways to beautifully tie a scarf on a jacket, coat, outerwear? How beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf around the neck?

Original ways of decorating clothes using a scarf.

The undoubted final emphasis of the image person is a variety of accessories.
To add not only personality, style and beauty creating your own image, but also a scarf will help to warm in a cool season.
The variety of their sizes, colors and structures give a wide selection for imagination.
And if in addition to this, use various methods of tying scarves, you can very effectively change your image, with each use of it.

Snude scarf: how to tie beautifully?

Recently, these convenient and practical accessories have gained great popularity.
There are many ways to decorate them, consider some of them.

  • We throw an accessory in the form of a free loop around the neck, straighten exactly along the entire length

This will help to visually increase growth, giving a chic and finished image.

Tie a scarf snood
Tie a scarf snood
  • Wrap the snood several times around the neck
Tie a scarf snood
Tie a scarf snood

This method, in addition to heat and comfort, emphasizes the style and taste of the hostess.

  • We put on a clamp in the form of a hood
Tie a scarf snood

To do this, we first put it on the neck, twist it with eight, raise one of the resulting loops on the head.

Having lowered the clamp on the shoulders in the form of a steamer, we get a multi -layer image beloved by designers.

  • A chic and unique way: snood -girbling

A convenient, fantasy idea that preserves heat and emphasizes the individual taste of the owner.
And you can do it and thus.

How beautifully tie a scarf clamp on a coat?

Since warm outerwear implies a low temperature regime of the environment, the snood in this version is suitable from warmer materials.
The best option for combining comfort, warmth and style:

  • We form an eight from the product
  • We throw it into the chest area and shoulders
  • If the length of the product allows us to make several revolutions
  • You can just throw a clamp on your head, straightening it on the shoulders
How beautifully tie a scarf clamp on a coat?

Video: How to wear a snood scarf?

How to tie a long scarf on a coat?

The simplest moves:
Option 1

  • We throw the floors of the product through the neck so that they are in front
  • We stretch one, as long as possible, half through the belt on the clothes on one side, the second is short, slightly refuel into the belt, from the opposite part
How to tie a long scarf on a coat?

Option 2

  • We wrap one half of the scarf around the neck and let it into the formed loop.
How to tie a long scarf on a coat?

3 option

  • Fold in half the product, wrap the neck, let both halves through the formed space.
How to tie a long scarf on a coat?

4 option

Very simple:

  • We throw one or two halves over the shoulders, wrapping in one or half turn around the neck.
How to tie a long scarf on a coat?

Video: How to tie a scarf over a coat?

How to tie a scarf voluminous?

For an ideal, voluminous shape, a wide, long product will be needed.

  • We send the ends behind the back, and the central part on the neck is slightly pulled forward.
  • We lay it in the form of a neat drapery
  • The remaining length we make a cross on the cross and return forward.
  • We tie it in a spacious bundle.
How to tie a scarf voluminous?

We straighten the scarf thrown onto the shoulders in the form of a vest or leave the subtle phaldes.
We fix it on the waist with a belt.
We throw the product on the shoulders.
We fix one half with a pin just below the waist, on the opposite side, we throw the other over the shoulder and fix it with a brooch.
Beautifully straighten the drapery.
Another interesting sentence is displayed in detail in the figure.

How to tie a winter scarf around the neck beautifully?

Considering that in most cases cold weather implies primarily protection against bad weather with warm clothing - you should choose dense, thick accessories.

  • Such volumetric products do not imply too complex nodes
  • We wrap the neck in two turns, and tie the ends and cover with drapery
    How to tie a winter scarf around the neck beautifully?

    If we choose not too thick stole, the knot can be complicated.
    Suppose such an option if the thickness of the scarf allows you not to look extremely huge.
    Nothing complicated, but very impressive.

How to tie an eight scarf?

  • We throw a folded one in the shoulders.
  • We pass one half through the hole
  • We form an eight from the loop and stretch the second part of the scarf through it
How to tie an eight scarf?

How beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf on a coat with a collar and without a collar?

The optimal way that is suitable for any outerwear option:

  • We throw an accessory on a coat
  • We make the canvases the cross on the cross from the back and throw it forward
  • First we stretch one half under the scarf, fix it with a knot, then do the same with the other side
  • We remove the remaining ends in the folds
How beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf?
  • Having wrapped a hat around the neck, casually tied or leaving the ends freely, you can warm your neck well, at the same time emphasize the stylish, business image.
  • For a coat with a collar, we tie it under it, and in the absence of it, you can vary by making tight or free shapes.

French beam complicated:

  • We put on the “tails” on the back folded in half a headdress in half
  • Weave and transfer them to the chest
  • We carry out under a clamp and take it upstairs

How beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf on a jacket with a collar and without a collar?

  • The options proposed for the coat are also, like all other methods described above, acceptable for jackets.
  • The main thing is that the accessory harmoniously fits into the chosen wardrobe of clothes.
How beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf?
How beautifully and stylishly tie a scarf?

How to tie a scarf on a hood jacket?

How to tie a scarf on a hood jacket?
  • We throw a stoop on the head, connect the crossed ends from the back with the knot
  • We distribute on the shoulders - under the hood, the product taken from the head
  • An excellent voluminous option, will become an additional jewelry for a jacket and does not hurt to use the tower

How to tie a hijab scarf?

Option 1

  • We cover the head with a hijab-worship, while one half should be longer than the other
  • We fix it with a pin in front
  • Swaddling head with a long part of the product
  • We fasten it with a small pin on the occipital part and near the ear
  • The remaining length we drape the chest
How to tie a hijab scarf?

Option 2

  • We take a long and wide scarf, one half of which we cover the head and forehead
  • We tie the corners of the product behind the neck
  • We wrap the remaining half of the stoles around the head several times
  • We fix the canvas, in the area of \u200b\u200bits end and ears, a pin

3 option

  • We throw a hijab on your head.
  • Each of the freely hanging, we fix the end on the opposite side with a pin so that a closed, spacious oval around the face is formed, beautifully falling in waves.
How to tie a hijab scarf?

How to tie a sling scarf for newborns?

Despite the fact that this method of wearing a child is not welcomed by many mothers, he has the right to exist.
Indeed, thanks to his simplicity in execution, he can greatly facilitate the life of a young woman, if necessary.
Various ways of making sling from the canvas are described in accessible on site.
For beginners, a sling-moms there is the easiest way:

  • We have the center of the canvas on the shoulder
  • We cross the ends on the side and wrap them around the waist until they become meek
  • We tie a knot
  • In the "house" obtained on the side, we conveniently have a child

The best option recommended by orthopedists:

  • We throw it over the neck so that the loop turns out to the back, we leave one soul mate longer
  • We stretch it obliquely under the chest
  • We throw behind your back
  • We stretch in a loop and fix the knot
  • In the resulting "cradle" in front, the baby is placed sitting with the legs placed
How to tie a sling scarf for newborns?

Video: Slung-Sharf position "Cradle"

How fashionably and beautifully tie a light or chiffon scarf around the neck?

How fashionably and beautifully tie a light or chiffon scarf around the neck?

From delicate, thin accessories, the most beautiful drapery builds.
They are tied in bows, decorated with beads or brooch, formed in the form of flowers.
It is in this option that you can fantasize limitlessly.

How to tie a men's scarf?

Most female techniques for tying shawls are also acceptable for men's accessories.
But not all men love to linger for a long time at the mirror, and even more so to study and remember such trifles. ”
Therefore, consider the simplest and most common.
Askot or Dandy node.
For stylish liberated men.

  • Put a long scarf around the neck
  • We cross the phalda
  • We put in the formed opening on the chest the upper floor of the scarf
  • We correct the knot, making it free

Simple wrap.
A good alternative for cool autumn.

  • We envelop the neck once
  • We leave the phalda naturally hanging
How to tie a men's scarf?

French knot

  • Simple, but very spectacular and well preserving heat, option
  • Fold the product in half
  • We have around the neck
  • We pass the folded ends through the formed loop and tighten

It looks like this: it looks like this:

Ideal for office dressing room.
A scarf thrown over the shoulders, wear is freely flowing or tucked into a jacket

Video: How to tie a men's scarf correctly?

How to stylishly tie a light scarf on a coat, jacket?

How to stylishly tie a light scarf on a coat, jacket?

  • Chiffon and thin silk products look great in any interpretation.
  • When combining a scarf with outerwear, it is necessary to pay attention to the combination of fabric and the color of a scarf and a jacket and coat.
  • It is not necessarily the color of the accessory should be in the same color scheme as the chosen wardrobe.
  • A sharply contrasting model creates a special, bright image.
  • And the accessory selected in tone will look like a chic draping.
  • For such clothes, all the proposed modifications of the nodes are optimal.

How to tie a beads on a jacket?

You can decorate a summer wardrobe with a thin long stole:

  • At an equal distance, we tie the knots, leaving only the ends with free ones.
  • We envelop the neck with the resulting beads.
  • We tie the edges of the jewelry, hide them inside the resulting necklace.
How to tie a beads on a jacket?

A scarf tied in the form of a necklace looks unique:

  • Multilayer jewelry is best suited.
  • To the accessory spaciously thrown on the shoulders, we tie it on the edges of the beads.
  • The unique and unique necklace is ready.

You can improvise a necklace with long beads and a stylish scarf:

  • It is enough to turn the scarf with a tourniquet and wrap around the bead
  • Having tied the necklace around the neck will turn out to be a chic, but at the same time a strict image of a business lady

The main condition for tying a scarf is to take into account comfort and convenience.
We leave fashion in second place.

Video: How to tie a scarf: 25 ways?

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