A children's birthday script for a child 6, 7, 8, 9 years old. 10 ideas of a funny children's birthday

A children's birthday script for a child 6, 7, 8, 9 years old. 10 ideas of a funny children's birthday

In the article you will find many simple and interesting contests for both school -age children and adults.

The student’s birthday is not easy to arrange, because the child already has his own character. He can easily say: “I do not want,” “I will not.” So how to captivate the child and guests so that no one says “I do not want”?

Birthday contests for a child 6-7 years old


  • 2 children participate. In the middle of the table, a cover of juice or a tennis ball is placed. Children become opposite each other
  • On command, they begin to blow the lid over the enemy and try to drop it to the floor. You cannot help with your hands. Only blow
  • Who scored more heads - he won

Ball the worship.

  • Two children participate. Each is given an inflated balloon and a rocket for large tennis or badminton. At a distance of 5 meters, mark the finish line
  • The task of the participants is to convey the ball as soon as possible on a racket on an outstretched arm to the finish line and back
  • Who will cope with the task faster, he will win. If the ball falls to the floor, it can be lifted and moved on

Competitions at the birthday of a child 8-9 years old


  • The host begins to read the prepared proposals. The proposals will contain either a real event or the invented fact. For a real event, children should scream "Wow!" For an unreal and invented fact, they must say "Oh well!" After each sentence, the host gives clarification, especially if many were mistaken
  • The one who gave the correct answers, he won
  • Examples of real events and facts: “Every winter, birds fly south”, “In addition to our planet, others exist”
  • Examples of incredible and untruthful facts: "The sea is salty, because a long time ago someone threw salt into it"
  • The more interesting your facts will be, the more interesting it will be for children to play the game

Who is he?

Of the children, one leader is chosen. Of the remaining children, one child is chosen and called the leader who was chosen.

The host after that leaves the room. Children mix among themselves. The host tries to find the chosen participant closed to the touch: by hand, head or other signs.

Contests for children for a boy's birthday

Air battle.

Two boys participate. An impromptu sword is made from a long narrow ball for each participant. You can twist an impromptu helmet from the same balls.

On the floor, a circle is indicated in any way. Participants are in the center of the circle. On command, they begin to squeeze each other outside the circle with air swords. Who went beyond the line - he lost.

Forget the goal.

One participant becomes an impromptu gate (you can use a double interior door). The second is trying to throw the balloon into the gate with his feet.

Contests for children for birthday girls

Decorate the ball.

Speed \u200b\u200bcompetition. Wins - the first to cope with the task.

Participants are distributed on an inflated ball, scarf and felt -tip pen. The task of the participant is to tie the ball with a scarf as soon as possible and draw a muzzle.

Blind master.

Participants are blindfolded and plasticine give. The presenter calls the animal that participants should blind on his team.

Whose beast is more like a guessed by the host - he won.

Birthday quests for children

Quests at the birthday of a birthday are a very exciting activity for children. Children always solve the tasks with pleasure and want to go through the quest to the end. But quests require careful preparation and props.

Meaning quest:

  • Someone meets the child through a note and tells his story that something bad happened. As a result, something that needs to be found urgently was lost
  • To find this something you should find to solve some riddles
  • Each search and every step should be accompanied by new, albeit small tasks
  • There should always be tips, otherwise the child will not pass the quest and will be very upset

An example of the Sherlock Holmes quest.


  • Detective costume
  • Photo of Sherlock Holmes
  • A pen
  • Paper
  • Memory card with audio files
  • Computer to play the contents of the memory card
  • 5 paper various traces of dog
  • Toy or real dog

The postman approaches the child and transfers a very important letter: “Dear friend. I really need your help. I walked in the footsteps of Baskerville's dog for many days, but then something happened that was very scared.

Now I am in the shelter and I can’t catch up with the dog. Help me do this until a crime has been committed. To begin with, find the desired inventory in a place that is located simultaneously in the house and on the street. Sincerely, detective Dr. Sherlock Holmes. "

After reading the letter, the child must understand that it was about the balcony and go there. If the child did not guess, then let him look into the envelope and see the letters there. From the letters you can add the word "balcony".

  • On the balcony, the child finds a box in which the detective’s costume, a memory card, traces and a note lies. The note says: “These are the evidence that I could find on the case. Recognize the voice of the Baskerville dog among other votes on the memory map and go on the trail "
  • You give the child 2 times to listen to the voice of the dog Baskerville. After insert a memory card and listen to files. On the memory card of 5 numbered audio files. Of these, the child should find out the voice of the right dog. When the voice is identified - the child must see the file number and remember
  • After that, the child looks at the tracks. Each trace is numbered. Different traces diverge on the floor from the balcony, each of which leads to different points of the apartment
  • The child finds a trace under the same number as the file itself, and follows these traces
  • Traces lead the child to a closet with clothes. A note hangs on the closet: “Dear friend, the things of a criminal hanging here who hid the dog Baskerville. Search them carefully and find the clues "

On hangers in the closet, 5-6 things with pockets should hang, preferably and hidden. Having climbed into pockets, the child will find 7 letters “K”, “O”, “R”, “I”, “D”, “O”, “P”. From them he will make a word and go to the corridor.

In the corridor on the floor there will be a letter with the next note: “Dear friend, you are closer to the truth. Solve the riddles using logic. And you will understand where to move on. "


  • Under the fences you can see 12 dog paws. How many dogs are there behind the fence? (3 dogs)
  • If the white cat after climbing into the chimney became black, then what will the black cat become? (Will remain black)
  • Cat, dog, banana, mouse, horse. What word is superfluous? (Banana, since this is not an animal)
  • That standing in the corridor leaves traces. (Shoes)

After that, the child should examine all the shoes in the corridor. In one boot, the child will find a collar. On the collar there will be a note "Go to the next room (bath, kitchen)." The child will go into the room, see the real or toy dog \u200b\u200band dress a collar on it.

Birthday laughter games

I will click.

Children and one adult participate in the competition. The host counts up to three and at the same time shouts "one-two-three, delicate-run." Children begin to run from the host. Whom the host caught, he tickles. Then the game continues.

The game is very funny and simple. All children are awarded with incentive prizes.


The presenter says that the competition will be at the most powerful child. Participants are issued according to the felt -tip pen. The task of everyone is to keep the felt -tip pen between lips and nose as long as possible. To make the guys more difficult to cope, the rest of the guests should try to laugh. The one who will stand longer in front of funny guests will win and hold the felt -tip pen.

Birthday Fanta Games

Fands can stretch in several ways:

  • Participants throw out 1 of their things in a bag. The host with his eyes closed takes out a thing from the bag, but other participants do not see it. Children decide jointly what the owner of the imaginative will do. Whose thing was the host - he fulfills the fact
  • Cards with a fantamy. Each player on the card writes his desire. The cards are folded in a deck and mixed. The loser pulls the Fant from the deck and performs

Fands can be pulled in any competition, when there is someone who coped with the task a little worse than the rest.

Examples of phantas:

  • Sing a song
  • Depict an animal
  • Tell a joke
  • Tell the poem
  • Sit on the ball so that it bursts
  • Shout out the window "ku-ka-re-ku"
  • Take an interview from any guest, asking 10 funny questions
  • Make another participant in 30 seconds
  • Show a child who requires hysteria to buy a toy
  • Take a picture with the birthday
  • Sit 10 times
  • Show the dance

Victorine contests for birthday for children

Quiz contests not only entertain children, but also help to think a little. For quizzes, you can use absolutely any questions: from simple and obvious to speed, to difficult for ingenuity. Questions can be from the world around or based on fairy tales.

You can call the beginning of a fairy tale, and participants must end the name. You can call the hero, and the participants should name what fairy tale this hero is from. You can exercise children in easy mathematical tasks.

Examples of questions for ingenuity:

  • When a person will be in a room without a head. (When it sticks out the window)
  • A month in which the most talkative person speaks the least. (February)
  • The bear has no one, the raven has two, the person has one. (Letter O)
  • What belongs to a person, but very many also use this. (Name)
  • Can a crow fly, and the dog sits on the tail. (Of course, everyone is on his own)
  • The year when everyone sleeps, eat and drink more than usual. (Leap
  • Which hand is more convenient to interfere with tea? (More convenient with a spoon)

Birthday riddles for children


  • You can just make riddles. Who will give more correct answers, he won
  • What kind of brothers? I counted them - the year disappeared. Years go, but they do not grow. What is the name of those brothers? (Months)
  • Ice peas galloped on the threshold. If the land covered, the crop destroyed. (Peas)
  • What blooms in the sky and warms everyone with warmth? (Sun)

What is in the package.

  • Tastes are added to an opaque package: fruits, sweets, chocolates, waffles
  • Children take turns taking out an object with their eyes closed and try to guess what it is. If the child guesses, he takes himself. If you make mistakes, puts back in a package
  • The game continues until every child receives a prize

Mobile contests for birthday for children


Two children become their backs to each other and shook their hands in the elbows. It turns out a sort of crab.

Crabies become one line and on command begin to run sideways to the finish line. The winning crab then competes with the next crab. So the winners are revealed.


  • For the contest, you will need two garbage bags of 60-100 liters and a lot of puffed up to the end of the balloons are cut off the corners of the bags so that the legs crawl there
  • Children are divided into two teams, each of which chooses the captain.
  • The captains of the teams climb into the bags in the holes. Hands grab the top of the bag. It turns out an impromptu barrel
  • At the command, the teams begin to throw balls into a barrel, and the captain holds the barrel tightly. A team that will throw more balls into a barrel in a barrel and will be declared the winner

Simple birthday contests for children


You need a lot of cubes for the game. 2 people participate.

The task of children is to take turns laying a cube one on one. The tower will become higher and higher. Putting cubes will be more difficult and more difficult. The one, after which the tower will fall, lost.

To the reaction.

Three words choose things. Each word means that the child should do. The host begins to speak words, and children must execute the appropriate commands. After each error, participants are left. The remaining player will be the winner.


  • "Tanya" - hands on the belt
  • "Tanechka" - hands on the shoulders
  • "Tanyusha" - hands up

Dance contests for children for birthday


  • The host performs funny movements, you can slightly complicated. Children repeat these movements to the music. From movements, a dance is created that children must memorize
  • After several rehearsals follows the final performance to the music
  • All participants are awarded. Those who have not forgotten and did not mix up the movement - receive the main prizes

Competitions to guests at the birthday of a child


Cards with animal images are prepared in advance.

The guests take turns pulling the card and depict the one who is drawn on the card. And the rest of the guests are trying to guess the animal.

Show the intellect.

Guests can be entertained with intellectual, but comic questions. Whoever gives the correct answers - he won.

  • Is it possible to bring water in a sieve? (You can a piece of ice)
  • Who speaks all languages \u200b\u200b(echo)
  • What note is needed for compote (salt)
  • The surname of which composer looks like a shot (bang)
  • Which wheel does not spin in the car in motion (spare)
  • Paper package (envelope)
  • What word consists of three syllables, but indicates 33 letters (alphabet)
  • From which canvas you can’t sew a shirt (from railway)
  • Which wing never flies (car)
  • Equilateral rectangle (square)
  • How day and night end (soft sign)
  • What watches show the correct time twice a day (faulty)
  • What can be seen with closed eyes (sleep)

Other guests competitions in the article We prepare a birthday for a preschooler. Top simple and funny guests

Contests at the table for a child's birthday


The competition is suitable for both children and adults and does not require exit from the table.

The host gives one participant the subject and says that it is. The participant must come up with what else this subject is similar to. And so the subject is transmitted in a circle, until it stops calling the associations of the participants or one participant remains. Anyone who thinks more than 30 seconds is tracked down.


  • This Apple
  • If this is not an apple, then this is a tomato
  • If not a tomato, then a stone
  • If not a stone, then the ball

An apple can be like a peach, nectarine, orange, persimmon, grapefruit, soap bubble

A banana can be like a month, a boat, hair clip, horn, beak.

Guess me.

  • The competition will help guests to get acquainted if they have not met yet
  • Everyone writes on a leaflet that distinguishes its appearance, character. For example: I have long red hair, I love to laugh and joke
  • The host reads written on a leaf out loud. And everyone is trying to guess who we are talking about

Prizes for contests for a child's birthday

Prizes for schoolchildren and their guests can be both common and exclusively school:

  • Sweets in all their manifestations
  • School supplies: notebook, pen, pencil, washing, ruler, compass, felt -tip pens
  • Showers

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Approaching the preparation of the children's holiday is responsible, you will provide the fun of not only the birthday man, but also his guests.

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  1. cool, well done, many interesting ideas.

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