10 best tools for strengthening and growth of nails. How to apply professional tools to strengthen and grow nails and from a pharmacy at home?

10 best tools for strengthening and growth of nails. How to apply professional tools to strengthen and grow nails and from a pharmacy at home?

Damaged, laying and thin nails are a cruel reality with which you should not put up. There are a huge amount of funds that can eliminate these unpleasant phenomena, and most of them are available to absolutely everyone.

Beautiful well -groomed nails -this is an important component of the female image. But sometimes it happens that the nails begin to break, become fragile and vulnerable. What to do in this case?

Nail the industry does not stand still, so today there are many various strengthening agents. They not only perfectly cope with their function of strengthening the nail plate, but also nourish and level it. Moreover, such means are very easy to use. So, you will not even notice how your nails will become healthy and strong in just a few sessions.

Means for strengthening and growing nails from a pharmacy: application at home

To yours the nails were strongand healthy ones do not have to use expensive special tools. In the pharmacy you can purchase a lot All familiar fundswho will cope with this task perfectly, and will cost you much cheaper.

There are many ways to strengthen nails at home
There are many ways to strengthen nails at home

Sea salt

This wonderful drug can be found not only in a pharmacy, but also in any market. Can be purchased both pure salt and with various useful additives. Clay additive is considered very useful. She copes with improving the nail plate. And if you choose salt with lavender, then salting action Your skin will be provided.

Surely you noticed that after sea bathing, the nails became more healthy and strong. It is precisely this effect that has sea \u200b\u200bsalt. Plus to this, iodine, contained in salt, also affects the restoration of nails.

Baths with sea salt will help not only strengthen the nails, but also accelerate their growth
Baths with sea salt will help not only strengthen the nails, but also accelerate their growth

To prepare bath with miraculous salt, you will need half a liter of warm water and a couple of tablespoons of sea salt. Literally 10 minutes, and your pens will not recognize. Nails will receive the necessary useful elements, and the skin of the hands will become smooth and elastic.


Available and inexpensive remedy copes with strengthening nails perfectly. Iodine is vitalthe human body, it plays a large role in metabolic processes.

Among other means to strengthen nails, iodine is used
Among other means to strengthen nails, iodine is used

To strengthen your nails Just apply a little iodine with a cotton swab on the nails. In a few hours, this solution is completely absorbed.

Important: In this case, it is necessary to apply to the nails and hands nutritious cream, since the tincture of iodine is made on an alcohol basis.

Paraffin or wax

These available funds are excellent moisturize and nourish the skin. And if your nails are not enough moisturizing, and they began to crumble and break, then this is the most correct remedy. Nails, especially long, should be elastic.

But, in no case, do not use candle paraffin or wax. These funds should be special, which can only be bought in a pharmacy.

Paraffin baths will help eliminate the fragility of the nail plate
Paraffin baths will help eliminate the fragility of the nail plate

In addition, in winter to do procedures using paraffin or wax is a pleasure, since they have a warming effect.

For the bath, paraffin must be gently melted, then add a few drops of any essential oil. Before applying the composition of the arm, lubricate any nutrient cream. Then the hands must be dressed in polyethylene gloves And dip the brushes in paraffin. Wrap your arms with a terry towel and hold it like that for about 20 minutes.

Burr oil

Thanks to his own moisturizing propertiesthe oil is perfectly nourishes and restores the water balance of the skin and nail plate. And in combination with other burdocks, burdock oil is able to work real miracles.

Burdock oil is so often used for hair and nails
Burdock oil is so often used for hair and nails

Add to burdock sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil, which is rich in vitamins. Also add vitamins C, E and A, the capsules of which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Mixture apply on the skin of the hands and nails regularly.

Almond oil

The content of vitamins, beneficial skin, makes this oil almost indispensable in the beauty industry. It is wonderful moisturizes nails and softens the skin.

Three times a week, it is necessary to lubricate the cuticle with this oil and carefully push it away. After some time, you may notice that the growth of the cuticle is suspended. Thus it can be carried out unscrew manicure.

Almond oil will help in acceleration of hair growth, as well as soften the cuticle
Almond oil will help in acceleration of hair growth, as well as soften the cuticle


It contains a huge amount useful trace elements. At the same time, it has the property dry the skin. Therefore, when using it, it is mandatory to use additional fatty and nutritious creams. Clay lotions are enough to do twice a month.

And do not forget that together with cosmetics to strengthen nails, you must take any vitamin complexes.

Video: Folk remedy for strengthening and bleaching nails

Professional tools for strengthening nails

The cosmetic market is literally full various nail care products. Such funds can be divided into preventive and therapeutic. Now practical any problems with nails You can easily solve. Some drugs regenerate tissues, others strengthen the nails, others - nourish and moisturize.

Nail-industry offers a large amount of nails of various actions
Nail-industry offers a large amount of nails of various actions

If you want to buy professional treatment for treatment Your nails, it is better to purchase it in the pharmacy. Be sure to carefully read its composition. If there is calciumYour nails will be strong. At relaxing nails A tool that contains which has fruit acids.

Smart enamel gel to thicken nails: how to use, reviews

Due to the fact that this enamel includes provitamin B5, high -quality moisture and nutrition for your nails will be provided. The edge of the nail is fixed due to this tool, and, accordingly, the nail ceases to interpret.

Availability calcium leads to strengthening the nail plate, its alignmentas well as to the production of natural keratin.

Smart enamel
Smart enamel

Enamel is preferably daily. It is perfectly absorbed and dries. Immediately after use, you can feel like a nail plate thickens and acquires elasticity and elasticity. In addition, regular use of smart enamel leads to the correct growth of nails and preserving their healthy appearance.

OPI - tool for strengthening nails: how to use

Various environmental factors, constant stress and poor ecology clearly affect the condition of the nails. Therefore, they can become brittle, soft and layering. To avoid such consequences and make your nails truly healthy and strong, pay attention to special remedy O.P.I., which is designed to strengthen the nail plate. Its unique formula cares for nails and protects the nail plate from various damage.

Tool for strengthening the nail plate from OPI
Tool for strengthening the nail plate from OPI

Keratic acids and other beneficial substances are covered with a thin layer of nails and give him strength. This amazing tool can be used both in the cabin and at home. The full course is about two weeks.

It is necessary to apply the drug every other day. You can even alternate it with a manicure. The surface of the nail plate after the first applications aligned, smoothed out and strengthened. A good look of nails can last a long time.

In addition, O.P.I. Protects nails from external influences and mechanical damage. It is especially good that the product dries almost instantly.

The maximum use time is about two weeks. The surface of the nails must be carefully clean and degrease. Then apply the product. In two weeks of use every other day, you can use it As a basic coating.

Mavala - a tool for strengthening nails: how to use

Mavala Scientifique - This is a specially developed tool that perfectly strengthens, nourishes and maintains in good condition a nail plate. Using this tool, you can forget about the problem for a long time Relaxing or fragility of nails.

Mavala Scientifique take care of the beauty and health of your nails
Mavala Scientifique take care of the beauty and health of your nails

Nutritious and beneficial substances that are part of this unique drug will make your nails strong, beautiful and healthy.

This is how this miracle should be used:

  1. It is necessary well peel the nails, remove varnish and wipe with a fat
  2. A special brush apply Mavala Scientifiqueon the edge of the nail plate
  3. Good dry your nailsTo fix the product

Make sure that the means not hit on the skin or cuticle. It is necessary to use it twice a week.

Video: Strengthening nails at home

Evelyn - a tool for strengthening nails: how to use

If you have weak nails by natureor they suffered as a result of building, then you can not do without an increase in Evelyn. It allows nails accelerate regeneration, nourishes and strengthens them, makes them healthier. As the manufacturers say, their tool is the solution of the whole eight problems of nails:

  • warns relaxing
  • makes the nail harder
  • eliminates brittleness
  • makes the surface of the nail smooth
  • strengthens weakened nails
  • removes dullness
  • makes a nail plate thicker
  • gives the nails matte
Evelyn remedy fights 8 nail problems
Evelyn remedy eliminates 8 main problems that the nail plate is susceptible to

Also, evelyn remedy forces the nail to grow faster, and this means that long and strong nails will be provided to you.

A tool is applied to strengthen everyday. So that its use gives a more effective result, means do not wash the first three days. Those. Three layers of the product should be on your nails. On the third day, it can be washed off and act according to the previous scheme again.

Before applying this varnish, it is necessary process the cuticle Either cream or special oil. Thus, you can protect the skin from drying out. If you use varnish as a basis, do not forget that his dullness can change the color of the main varnish.

Sally Hansen - a tool for strengthening nails: how to use

According to manufacturers, varnish

Sally Hansen produces various means to restore and improve nails
Sally Hansen produces various means to restore and improve nails

it is used in order to cure brittle, weak and relaxing nails. This is a remedy gives the nail plate hardness, strengthens it and prevents stratification. The special composition of Sally Hansen compacts and, as it were, “seals” the edges of the nails. Long -term protection and excellent growth You will be provided.

Before applying the product, it is necessary to carefully peel. The tool is applied as ordinary varnish. Especially give attention to the edges of the nail. After applying one layer, let the varnish dry, and then repeat the procedure. Sally Hansen is used or as an independent toolor as a basic coating for any varnish.

IBX - tool for strengthening nails: how to use

The difference between the IBX complex and similar tools is that this varnish penetrates deep into the structure of the nailand heals him from the inside. He nourishes and moisturizes each layer of the nail plate. You can compare the action of this varnish with professional procedure in the cabin.

IBX will give your nails salon care at home
IBX will give your nails salon care at home

The varnish is so eats into the structure of the nail platethat it cannot be removed by any means. It grows only with a nail.

Using procedure:

  1. Prepare your nails, give them shape and length, degrease and let it dry well
  2. Apply the drug on the entire surface of the nail and dry with a lamp or hairdryer
  3. Remove the sticky layer special sponge
  4. Dry In a special lamp
  5. Cover the nail with the second layer of IBX and repeat the drying procedure and removing the sticky coating
  6. Such a procedure it is necessary to repeat three times, and then you can apply varnish

Be sure to make sure that the drug did not get on the skin.

Phytosmetic - a tool for strengthening nails and an activator of growth: how to use

The beauty of this drug is that it practically made on a natural basis. It includes various oils. His cream texture It allows you to easily apply to the area of \u200b\u200bthe nail plate and cuticle. Means it is perfectly absorbed, activates the growth of the nail plate and softens the cuticle. Thanks to him, we get healthy and strong nails.

The composition of the means phytosmetics - natural components
The composition of the phytosmetics - natural components

You need to apply the product massage movements on the entire nail plate and cuticle, hold a little and remove the excess with a napkin. This complex is completely compenses the deficiency of vitamin and elementsTherefore, its use is recommended by many specialists.

Function of nails to strengthen the nails: use

This domestic company is remembered by our mothers and grandmothers. But the assortment of this company is constantly updated. And strengthening nail polish I have already received many positive reviews.

It is perfectly strengthened nail plate, protects it from external influences and mechanical damage. It can even be said that this tool completely replaces the varnish, since it has several shades, from almost transparent to saturated color.

Budget funds for strengthening nails, such as nails or Christina show a good result
Budget funds for strengthening nails, such as nails or Christina show a good result

It is applied very easilyLike an ordinary varnish. Thanks to its right texture does not spread and dry quickly. Can be used as basic coatingor how the main varnish. On sites you can find a lot of reviews about this tool.

Many surprises him low price and good enough quality. Vitamins and minerals that make up its nails make nails strong, healthy, accumulate their good growth. With this means of your marigold They will always look well -groomed, and you will spend relatively little effort, time and money.

Strengthening nails gel varnish

If your nails have become brittle and dull, try the procedure for them strengthening gel varnish. This drug consists to a greater extent of proteins, so it can be called identical to natural nail plates. That's why he does not bring any harm, on the contrary, protects the nails from damage and strengthens their structure.

In salon practice, it is often used to strengthen nails gel varnish
In salon practice, it is often used to strengthen nails gel varnish

Mode of application:

  1. Before the procedure for a couple of hours, try refrain from water proceduresand applying cream on hand
  2. We disinfect our hands and gently push the cuticle with a wand
  3. Now you need remove the glossy surface of the nail using a special grinding saw
  4. All nogots degrease special tool
  5. Then a brush is applied with gel varnish to the surface of the nail plate
  6. Drying is carried out Under the ultraviolet lamp

It is very important that in addition to the strengthening properties, the gel varnish has good breathabilityThis means that your nails will be able to "breathe".

Strengthening nails with vitamins

Without vitamins, it is not possible to imagine our life. They play a huge role and in strengthening our nails. So what we need vitaminsTo make the nails healthy and strong? And what contains the necessary vitamins?

There is nothing more useful than strengthening nails with vitamins that can be obtained through food products
There is nothing more useful than strengthening nails with vitamins that can be obtained through food products

Vitamin A

This is peculiar barrier against various fungal diseases. And also - this is the basis of the fortress of the nail plate. You can find it in liver, carrots, various vegetables and herbs.

Vitamin C

Known to all Askorbinka will protect the nails from aging and will not give the plate yellow. If this vitamin is not enough in the body, then the nails can be relaxed and broken. AT blackcurrant, onions and citrus fruits You will find this wonderful vitamin.

Vitamin E

Plays an important role in growth stimulation Our nails do not allow fungal infections to affect the nail plate. Lie down on nuts, legumes and vegetable oils.

The most useful for nails: calcium, vitamins A, e, in
The most useful for nails: calcium, vitamins A, e, in

B vitamins

Thanks to this group in our body calcium is better absorbed. Very important for nails is B7 (biotin) or N vitamin. It synthesizes in our body Collagen and Keratinwho, in turn, give the hardness of the nail plate. Use as much as possible greenery, eggs and milk.

As you can see, you can improve and strengthen your nails both with special means and changing your daily diet. What to choose from all this is to decide exclusively to you, but in no case should you leave your nails in trouble.

Video: Means to strengthen thin nails

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Comments K. article

  1. I use not only cosmetics to support the health and strengthening of nails, but also accept the special dragee of Mertz. They help to make up for the body with vitamins from the inside. After taking the first course, the nails became stronger and the nail plate became flat and the shine appeared.

  2. In its experience in applying strengthening funds, I advise you from Nano Professional. Only after using it, I noticed that the nails stopped applying, and very quickly! About a month later, they became tangibly stronger and finally began to grow, although before that I chose for a long time from different companies and tried a lot. But either the effect was temporary or it was not at all! For example, smart enamel and Sally Hansen did not help me at all (then they advised to take Armor. He has a very strong composition, even stem cells of the apple are included. Plus that he himself looks beautiful and how the base for varnish is suitable. And of course, vitamins inward also do not have to be forgotten, problems from poor nutrition can be.

  3. I love the professional varnishes at Nano! The quality is excellent, stay for a very long time for 5-6 days without chips !! It is necessary to try their healing))

  4. The easiest and most affordable way is the strengthening baths for nails. But one external influence is always not enough. The cosmetologist also advised me to drink Natubiotin. I drink them for less than a month, the condition of the nails has already improved. They have become stronger and no longer laying.

  5. Natubiotin helped me a lot to restore and strengthen my nails. There, as part of Coenzyme R which contributes to the production of keratin and collagen and thereby improves the condition of the nail plate. I drank exactly a month.

  6. I have dry, brittle nails. Aravia Cream-Vosk, Evelyn, drank collagen and nails improved significantly (since January) !!! I hope it is not soon necessary to build up and rarely occurred, but resort to this procedure (now I see a noticeable result, but I will also try recommendations from the article.
    All beautiful nails !!!

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