How to restore nails after building? Strengthening nails at home

How to restore nails after building? Strengthening nails at home

From this article you will learn how to quickly restore nails after the extension procedure. All methods of strengthening the nails described in it do not require special efforts and time, they are easily feasible at home.

The extended nails retain the correct shape for a long time and look beautiful, but after their removal it often turns out that their nails became brittle and weakened. The recommendations below will help them return their previous health, they will also come in handy in the care of weak nails that have not undergone extension procedure.

Proper nutrition to strengthen nails

For the highest possible restoration of nails, pay attention to your nutrition. Products containing zinc, sulfur, iodine, calcium, iron, selenium and silicon will help to make them again strong again. Enter your diet:

  • sea \u200b\u200bfish;
  • bananas;
  • nuts (especially almonds);
  • dairy;
  • figs and dates;
  • cranberries, currants;
  • greens, salads, spinach;
  • patch beans;
  • liver, low -fat beef;
  • eggs;
  • whole grain bread and cereals.

Add vegetable oils to food, drink freshly squeezed juices from beets, orange, carrots.

Nail restoration using vitamins and dietary supplements

Several ampoules with the condition of the nails after building will help after building vitamins a and E. This is an affordable product sold in almost every pharmacy. Using it, too, will not be difficult: just break the ampoule and wipe the nails with liquid.

You can also buy ampoules with vitamin B5allowing to restore the damaged structure of the nail plate. The method of their use does not differ from the previous one.

Drink if necessary the course of vitamins and trace elements. Especially helps to improve the condition of the nails vitamin Etaken inside. Try to be on the street more often, since during sunbathing is it produced vitamin Dresponsible for assimilation calciumwhich is so necessary for nails.

There are also dietary supplements that make it possible to quickly restore nails, for example, Amway, Oriflame Hair & Nail Nutricomplex, Vision Cheviton, Vitabalans Oy Biotini Strong Hair & Nail. Before you, read reviews and consult your doctor.

Feeling nails

If you have strongly weakened nails, drink a course of one of these drugs, consulting first with a doctor:

  • Alloton
  • Vitrum Beuti
  • Calcemin
  • Perfectil
  • Priorin
  • Revalid
  • Mertz (special dragee)
  • Fittal.

Be sure to read the instructions, do not allow an overdose!

Oils, varnishes and gels, restoring nails

A variety of oils, as well as basic coatings, will help you to reanimate your nails after building. The former will feed them, and protect them from negative external influence.

Rub the oils into the nail with massage movements, and then remove their remains with a cotton pad. Using oils, combine basic varieties and healing. For example, drip a couple of drops of grapes oil in tea tree oil.

There are quite a lot of various basic coatings, we will consider the most popular and effective:

Nail Protex (Sally Hansen). This is a basic tool for strengthening nails containing vitamins E and B5, strengthens the nails, restoring their damaged structure. To obtain the maximum result, use it without using varnish, applying to nails in two layers.

Original Nail Envy (O.P.I.). This tool, designed to restore nails, has vitamin E, calcium, as well as wheat proteins. Apply it every day for two weeks. When the nails recover, you can use the product as a regular base coating for varnish.

Trind Nail Repair Color (Trind Cosmetics BV). This nail fortifier has a special formula that helps the formation of a stronger structure of the nails and makes them strong and elastic. Apply this tool every day for two weeks.

Significantly popular among owners of weakened nails are the means of a series "Smart enamel (Frenchi Products). In total, there are 11 products in the line, among which there are also protective coatings for nails:

"Restorer of damaged nails" It has the ability to restore cracked or broken particles of nails, and also has a thickening and strengthening effect. It contains vitamin A and alphafront acid, moisturizing and nourishing nail plate. Apply it on the nails in one or two layers.

"Gel to thicken nails" gives weakened nails a kind of “shell”, saving them from creases, as well as laying. Calcium and vitamin B5, which are in its composition, provide the normal functioning of the nail plate, making the nails stronger and stronger. Apply the product to dry peeled nails.

If you want to preserve the natural beauty of nails without applying a coating on them, use cream-butter Fresh Melon Nail Butter (Beyu). It contains shi and almond oils that significantly strengthen nails. Apply it several times a week on them, as well as to the cuticle.

Folk remedies for strengthening nails

Recipe No. 1: To accelerate the recovery of nails after building, grease them once a week with freshly squeezed lemon juice or spend them with a lemon slice. After drying the nails, wash your hands with warm water, and then apply a nutritious cream on them.

Recipe No. 2: The healing effect on the nails is have red and black currants, cranberries. Get them to the state of gruel and apply them on the nails like a mask. Keep it for several minutes, and then wash it off. You can simply rub the berries in a deep bowl and place your fingertips in it.

Recipe No. 3: In order for your nails to be treated even at night, make such a mask for them: combine five drops of vitamins A and E, sunflower oil, lemon juice, water. Rub it into the nail plate before bedtime.

Recipe No. 4: To strengthen your nails will allow you to be ordinary potatoes. Boil it and turn it into mashed potatoes. Apply it on the nails and wrap your hands in plastic bags, as well as a towel. Wait for complete cooling, and then wash your hands.

Recipe No. 1: The replacement of paraffin therapy can be lubricating the nails with wax. Such a procedure is capable of resusing them as soon as possible. Combine a little cosmetic wax and essential orange oil or lemon. Lubricate the nails with this composition and rub it with massage movements for 20 minutes., Then wash your hands with warm water. Repeat the lubrication with wax every three days.

Baths for strengthening nails, restoring

An effective method of strengthening nails is salt baths.

Recipe No. 1: Pour warm water into a bowl, pour a tablespoon of table or sea salt, and then lower your hands for several minutes into the solution. You can enhance the effect of the bath by dropping a couple of drops of lemon juice into the water. After the procedure, do nail massage using some vegetable oil. The oil will nourish them, and massage will accelerate the regeneration process. Use such baths twice a week.

Recipe No. 2: Oil baths are no less healing for nails. Heat 100 ml of vegetable oil and dip the fingertips for 15 minutes into it. After the procedure, massage your nails. You can add drops of lemon juice and tea tree or five drops of iodine to the oil.

Nail strengthening tips

Let us finally give several recommendations that will help you reanimate your nails after building and allow you to maintain their health in the future:

  • Lubricate the nail plate with iodine at night. Do not worry, in the morning there will be no trace of it, and this procedure will help the rapid restoration of your nails.
  • After removing an extended nail, do not cut your own with a sawdust with diamond spray, so as not to finally destroy it!
  • Try not to use varnish for at least a month after removing the extended nails.
  • Do not exercise nails more often than once every six months, so as not to encounter the problem of panaritia - an ingrown nail.

No matter how much the extension procedure simplifies nail care, it often has negative consequences. If the problem of weakened nails touched you, follow the recommendations given in this article, and your nails will again become healthy, strong and strong!

Video: how to restore and grow nails after building extension procedure

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Comments K. article

  1. A very interesting article. I also give preference to vitamins, because They act from the inside. When she took off the extended nails, she began to take Natubiotin. The benefits were not only for nails, but also for skin and hair.

  2. I really like to paint your nails gel varnish, you can not worry and walk with well -groomed nails for weeks. But then, of course, a nightmare. In addition to external care, I drink the triple and-3-year-old omega-3, began to notice that after removal, the nails grow faster, returning to normal and the hair became thicker.

  3. Natubiotin helped me restore my nails after building. I drank a month. The effect is super! Now I don’t even paint with varnish, my pink and beautiful))

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