Itching, edema, burning, dryness, acne and cracks on small and labia labels: causes, treatment. How to treat itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy, after sex?

Itching, edema, burning, dryness, acne and cracks on small and labia labels: causes, treatment. How to treat itching and swelling of the labia during pregnancy, after sex?

Why it itch, swell, dry the labia. What diseases give such a symptom. How to get rid of itching.

Itching is a feeling that is very difficult to overcome. One can imagine how unpleasant a woman who really wants to scratch “there”. Do she need to immediately run to the gynecologist? It is necessary to figure out why such discomfort arises, how to get rid of it.

What is itching and swelling of the labia?

I call it an irresistible desire to scratch the skin. It is literally born in the head. So the nervous system reacts in response to local irritation.

Itching and swelling of the labia in a woman is often a non -specific symptom of one of the many gynecological diseases. Also, the occurrence of uncomfortable sensations can be tied with non -compliance with personal hygiene rules.

Itching and edema of the labia can have an infectious or non -infectious nature.
Itching and edema of the labia can have an infectious or non -infectious nature.

The most common reasons why the labia swell and itch is:

  1. Insufficient genital hygiene, when a woman is rarely laid
  2. Synthetic underwear that does not “breathe” and creates a “greenhouse effect”
  3. Wearing hygienic tampons is longer than 3 hours, and gaskets for critical days longer than 5 hours
  4. Frequent washing with soap
  5. Allergy to daily pads
  6. Allergies to intimate hygiene products
  7. Injuries during sex
  8. Overheat
  9. Hypothermia
  10. Stress
  11. Irritation after shaving or hair removal
  12. Books of pubic lice
  13. Vaginal dysbiosis
  14. The use of some drugs
  15. Inflammation of the genital organs of non -infectious nature
  16. Inflammation of the genital organs of an infectious nature (including sexually transmitted diseases)
  17. Metabolic disorders due to diseases of the endocrine glands, pregnancy, menstruation, menopause
  18. Diseases of the urinary system
  19. Blood diseases
  20. Oncological diseases

Important: itching of the labia, accompanied by swelling, is often observed in nervous, excessively emotional women. Psychosomatics takes place

Irritation from the razor is one of the reasons why the labia scratches.
Irritation from the razor is one of the reasons why the labia scratches.

If there is a single episode of itching labia, perhaps it is caused by the transfer of linen, an uncomfortable pose, so on. It makes no sense to worry, everything will go by itself. Do not let the problem on a gear and consult a doctor without fail, if it scratches constantly, itching is accompanied by:

  • edema and redness
  • swelling
  • discharge (with an unpleasant odor)
  • cracks and abrasions of the labia
  • urination soreness
  • soreness during intercourse

Important: often the itching of the labia is so intense that a woman is not able to sleep at night and do her usual business during the day

Itching and edema of the labia without discharge, cause

Itching dull pain in the small and large labia, accompanied by edema, but without discharge, may indicate vulvia in a woman.

IMPORTANT: Vulwa is a pain syndrome, not coherent with infections. Most often it occurs due to allergies or neuropathy

  1. Pathology is most often observed in women in childbearing age
  2. Pain and itching occurs for no apparent reason and literally prevent the woman from living
  3. Discomfort in the genital area affects the sexuality of a woman
  4. Vulwa - the cause of depression
Vulwa is the cause of itching pain in the external genital organs of a woman.
Vulwa is the cause of itching pain in the external genital organs of a woman.

The cause of itching in the labia and the entire vulvar complex is an increase in the number of signals sent to the brain from local nerve endings. Often this is due to inflammation (neuritis) of the sexual nerve. The pathology is provoked:

  • clans
  • abortion
  • inaccurate, too rude sexual intercourse
  • mechanical trauma

If, after a thorough gynecological examination, analyzes for sexual infections, ultrasound and other examinations, the diagnosis of vulwa is confirmed, it is often necessary to undergo treatment not only for a female doctor, but also with a psychologist and/or a neuropathologist.

Vulwa is treated:

  • diet (in order to reduce oxalates in the urine)
  • kegel exercises (to strengthen the muscles of the pelvic floor and relieve spasm)
  • baths
  • antihistamines (if there is an allergy)
  • anti -inflammatory and analgesic drugs (diclofenac, naproxen)
  • antidepressants

Important: sometimes a patient with vulwa is shown psychotherapy

Itching labia and white discharge, causes

The cause of itching, pain, redness of the small and large labia, the external genitals of the woman can be the fungus of Candida. Simply put, such symptoms can manifest the thrush in women.

Important: up to 75% of women of childbearing age once transferred thrush

Yeast live in the vagina in most women. If the immunity is strong, the vaginal flora is normal, they do not make themselves felt.

The thrush is developing if:

  • a woman has due to stress, acute or chronic illness, overwork, vitamin deficiency reduced immunity
  • the woman had a hormonal failure
  • the woman takes contraceptive, antibiotics
  • the level of glucose in the blood of a woman is increased
  • a woman eats incorrectly
  • hypothermia occurred
Candidiasis is the cause of the itching of the labia and white discharge from the labia.
Candidiasis is the cause of the itching of the labia and white discharge from the labia.

The doctor detects the thrush at the usual examination and confirms the diagnosis with the results of the analysis of the vaginal microflora. He will prescribe as a treatment:

  • antifungal agents local or orally
  • immunity
  • anti -inflammatory drugs
  • diet

Important: there are a lot of advertising from thrush products that promise recovery in almost a day. They are freely released without a recipe and are really effective. But doctors warn that self-medication is fraught with chronic fungal infection with its relapse 2-4 times a year

If a woman has a thrush, her sexual partner should also be treated.

VIDEO: Thrush in women symptoms treatment. Thrush during pregnancy treatment. How to cure thrush

Itching and edema of the labia during pregnancy, causes

In the period when a woman hatches a child, her body becomes very vulnerable. Many diseases can “cling” to the future mother. Also, relapses that occurred in her chronic form occurred.

Pregnancy can be overshadowed by unpleasant sensations in the labia: their itching and swelling. Causes of unpleasant sensations:

  1. Physiological changes in the body of women associated with hormonal restructuring, growing uterus. Edema and itching can occur due to circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs, infringement of nerves, so on
  2. Varicose veins. The formation of venous nodes provokes swelling and redness of the vulva, the desire to scratch, painful sensations
  3. Inflammatory processes in the external genital organs of a woman. This is bartolinitis (inflammation of the bartoline glands located near the entrance to the vagina and secreting grease to moisturize the mucosa), vulvit (inflammation of the vulva), vulvovaginitis (inflammation of the vulva and vagina)
  4. Relapse of thrush. Yeast infection, which occurs in a chronic form, often wakes up precisely during pregnancy
  5. Infectious diseases transmitted
Itching labia during pregnancy requires a doctor.
Itching labia during pregnancy requires a doctor.

Important: the health of the future mother is very fragile. Her illnesses can be transmitted to the child or harm him. Therefore, in case of edema and itching of the labia, a woman should consult a doctor who is pregnant

What is the severe itching of the labia after sex?

One of the reasons why a woman has a labia after sex is an allergy to condoms.

Important: condoms are produced from latex received from a wooden wood. Latex contains proteins, which are allergenic. Not only latex, but also all kinds of lubricants, flavors can cause a reaction. Other

After sex, itching the labia can appear to condoms.
After sex, itching the labia can appear to condoms.

Allergies to condoms can manifest itself in different ways, from itching and rash to the genitals to attacks of suffocation. If a woman noticed that after secure sex, she scratches the vagina or labia, she needs to visit the gynecologist. It will exclude other possible causes of the problem, for example, infection, will give a referral to an allergist and tests in order to detect an allergen.

Itching and acne and cracks on the labia, causes

Despite the fact that running water is in almost all houses, there are convenient daily gaskets and products for female hygiene, itching and cracks on the labia can appear due to such ridiculous causes as:

  • pollution
  • irritation of urine
  • hit the vulva of feces masses
  • sweating
  • wearing synthetic, too close underwear

As a rule, it is enough to eliminate these reasons to get rid of the problem.

An irregular change of gaskets causes the itching of the labia.
An irregular change of gaskets causes the itching of the labia.

But sometimes things are more serious. Perhaps the inflammation of the labia - vulvit began. With him, they are noted:

  • itching and swelling of the labia
  • drying and cracking of the mucosa
  • rashes
  • the appearance of whitish plaque
  • general malaise, nervousness, fever

Vulvit could be:

  1. Primary-due to mechanical, chemical irritation, hypothermia, allergies, so on
  2. Secondary - infectious, when pathogenic microorganisms fall on vulva from the vagina, cervix, uterus with vaginitis, colpite, cervicitis, endometritis, so on

To cure inflammation of the labia, eliminate its cause and symptoms.

Dry and itching of the labia, causes

Women complain of dry mucosa of the external genitalia and in the vagina, itching, during pregnancy, after childbirth, in the prelimacteric or menopause, after menstruation, when they have hormonal restructuring.

If the genitals of the genitals do not produce enough lubricants, the labia can dry and itch.
If the genitals of the genitals do not produce enough lubricants, the labia can dry and itch.

The lack of lubrication produced leads to drying out, tightening the mucous membrane of the labia, unpleasant sensations and itching. Sometimes discomfort has to undergo, using local moisturizers. Sometimes hormone therapy is required. Exactly answer the question of what treatment should be, only a doctor can be.

VIDEO: On the dryness of the female genital organs

What to do with itching labia, how to treat folk remedies?

To find out the cause of the itching of the labia and eliminate her medication, a woman is not able to. After the examination and tests, this is done by the doctor according to an individual scheme.
With the help of folk remedies, you can try to reduce discomfort. Help:

  1. Douching with soda, iodine, decoctions of herbs
  2. Tampons with aloe juice
  3. Baths with chamomile, sea salt
  4. Air baths
Douching with soda, salt and iodine will help get rid of itching the labia.
Douching with soda, salt and iodine will help get rid of itching the labia.

RECIPE: Douching with soda, salt and iodine

  • 1 teaspoon of soda and salt, 10 drops of iodine are dissolved in 1 liter of water.
  • with the help of a sprint, the solution is inserted into the vagina, the labia is wiped with it
  • repeat the procedure twice a day before the disappearance of the symptoms

Important: it is necessary to introduce as many lactic acid products as possible into the diet - yogurt, kefir, acidophilus

Cream and ointment from itching labia. Is it possible to smear the labia with children's cream?

Ointments help reduce the feeling of itching in the labia:

  • antihistamines (Beloderm)
  • corticosteroid (Mesoderm)
  • analgesic (diclofenka)
  • with antibiotics (acriderm)
Ointments from the itching of the labia must prescribe a doctor.
Ointments from the itching of the labia must prescribe a doctor.

Important: you can smear the labia with children's cream to relieve mechanical irritation, for example, due to rubbing underwear or due to irritation

VIDEO: Itching of the genitals? There is a solution to the problem of folk remedies

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Comments K. article

  1. I ran into such symptoms during menopause. In addition, increased irritability also tormented the ecists. By the way, the Lady's formula of menopause and daily sports+sometimes did soothing baths with chamomile.

  2. Good afternoon. I am saved by a tripofan formula of calm. I drink a course for half a year. The dream is normalized, and then irritability gradually decreases, additional forces and energy appear.

  3. Such symptoms are characterized by tank. Vaginite. A disgusting sore that I had several times.

  4. And the thrush with the same symptoms also flows vaginitis, you wrote it right. I remember the doctor prescribed me an antifungal drug after passing the tests. And the second stage was lactozhinal to restore the microflora, this stage is very important. I was cured then and I had nothing more like that.

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