Itching of the body skin: causes, types, treatment with folk remedies and medicines, prevention of skin itching

Itching of the body skin: causes, types, treatment with folk remedies and medicines, prevention of skin itching

If the skin itchs, then the problem needs to be treated. And as we will tell in the article.

Since we are all living people quite normal, that sometimes something is itching, aches, etc. However, the nature of such manifestations can be different and, starting from it, we can talk about whether they are pathological.

One of the pressing problems of many people is skin itching. It should be noted that such a phenomenon can be both an independent illness and a symptom of another disease in the body.

Itching of the skin of the body: causes

It is customary to mean the unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations that occur in any parts of the body and are accompanied by burning, tingling, irritation, etc.

There are a lot of reasons for such an unpleasant sensation. Among the main ones, it is worth highlighting:

  • Liver ailments. Some diseases of this organ in the early stages are manifested by such an unpleasant symptom. Among such diseases, the growth of dense connective tissue in the liver, inflammatory ailments of the liver, etc. can be called the growth of dense tissue.
  • Ailles of the urinary system. Skin itching can manifest due to body poisoning with substances with kidney sick, that is, when toxins are not excreted from the body, with functional kidney disorders.
  • Lemitting ailments. With excessive formation of thyroid hormones, severe skin itching is often observed. Experts associate this with the fact that blood is much faster to the skin during such an ailment.
  • Diabetes. This ailment most often manifests itself as itching in the external genital organs. Also, similar itching and itching of the skin throughout the body manifests itself in case of violation of metabolic processes in the body.
  • Blood ailments, among which:
  • Oncological disease of the lymphatic system.
  • Leukemia.
  • Malignant blood diseasearising due to the malfunction of the plasma cells of the bone marrow.
  • Diseases that are manifested by the accumulation and proliferation of mast cells in tissues.
  • The disease, which is manifested by the appearance of structurally abnormal and functionally inferior protein bodies from the group of immunoglobulins in the blood.
  • Senile itch. Already by the name it is clear that such a phenomenon is characteristic of people of advanced age. As a rule, in such people, the elasticity and water balance of the skin is lost, the skin becomes more susceptible to sunlight, etc., all this provokes the appearance of itching.
  • Itching in HIV-infected people. In this case, itching can cause itching in the body, which quickly progress due to weakened immunity.
  • Mental itching. Sometimes people feel severe itching and burning due to nervous breakdowns, stressful situations, long-term stay in a depressive state and emotional stress. Such itching is also felt by mentally unhealthy people. Often they argue that their itching is caused by insects, an animal that is inside their body, under the skin, etc., which in fact is not there.
  • Allergies. Here you can distinguish various allergies, for food, chemicals.
  • Parasitic itching. In this case, itching throughout the body is provoked by various parasites that settled in the body:
  • The most common parasites can be called lice. These difficultly displayed parasites provoke not only itching on the scalp and adjacent zones, but also a deterioration in the general condition of the body, curls and skin on the head.
  • Plane itching. At the same time, parasites choose secluded places on a person’s clothes and live there. At the same time, the contact places of parasites with the skin, most often the neck, armpits, etc.
  • Pubic pediculosis. Itching zone is subjected to itching.
  • The lesion of the skin with a microscopic tick.
There may be many reasons
There may be many reasons
  • Fungal ailments It can also cause itching of the skin:
  • Skin infectious diseasescaused by the mushrooms Trichophyton, Microsporum and Epidermophyton.
  • Superficial skin lesion caused by fungi of the genus Candida
  • Diseases that affect the surface parts of the stratum corneum of the epidermis, as well as hair.
  • If an insufficient amount of nutrient and beneficial substances enters the human body, this unpleasant symptom is also possible.
  • Another cause of itching is ignoring personal hygiene rules. At the wrong time, the adopted shower, not changed underwear and bedding - all this can lead to skin itching.
  • Hormonal disorders And the restructuring of the body during menopause is also sometimes accompanied by a similar phenomenon.
  • Sometimes, along with severe itching, another symptom appears - spots. In this case, we can talk about:
  • Acute inflammation of the skin, which is caused by allergens or irritating substances, for example, a new shower gel, washing powder.
  • The chronic inflammatory ailment of the skin, which is due to the hereditary predisposition of the body to allergic reactions. Itching manifests itself on knees, elbows, more often cheeks, especially in babies.
  • Itching of the lower extremities And the manifestation of spots on them, which darken over time, may indicate the presence of trophic disorders in the body.
  • The appearance of blisters on the skin that itching indicates the presence of urticaria in humans.
  • Itching can also cause different types of neurodermatitis.

As you can see, there really are a lot of reasons for the appearance of skin itching. Only a doctor can establish an exact cause, so in order not to start the possible disease, it is better to immediately contact the specialists for help.

Itching of the skin of the body: species

Based on the cause of the appearance of skin itching, such types are distinguished:

  • Proprioceptive. As an example, it is possible to cite itching, which provoke insects with their bites.
  • Neuropathic (manifests itself in case of damage to the human nervous system). As an example, it is a itch that occurs with damage to the peripheral nerves.
Itching of the skin
Itching of the skin
  • Neurogenic. As an example, it is possible to cite itching due to stagnation of bile.
  • Psychogenic (provoked by various mental ailments). Often, people suffering from mental ailments feel itching for no reason from a medical point of view.
  • Mixed.

Itching of the skin: treatment with folk remedies and medicines, prevention of skin itching

Treatment of skin itching is carried out only after establishing an accurate diagnosis, since there were a lot of causes as it has already become clear.

So, initially you need to go to an appointment with the therapist or dermatologist, these experts will prescribe a number of the necessary tests and examinations, collect and analyze the anamnesis, and then prescribe the necessary treatment and, if necessary, will be sent for consultation to another profile doctor.

Itching of the skin
Itching of the skin

Most often, such drug therapy is used with itching:

  • With senile itch. The skin should be moistened, if possible it should be put in order, so that there are no deficiency of any vitamins and trace elements. Also, a slight sedatives like valerian, vitamin complexes are prescribed as an aid.
  • With skin ailments. Since there are a lot of such diseases, they treat them in different ways. Dermatologists in this case prescribe creams with anti -inflammatory, soothing, antibacterial substances in the composition.
  • In the ailments of the thyroid gland. Most often, hormonal agents are prescribed to get rid of the disease. It is also necessary to moisturize the skin as much as possible, since with such ailments the water balance is disturbed.
  • With ailments of blood. Depending on the disease, different treatment is prescribed. Often, with frivolous ailments, drugs are prescribed, which include iron.
  • With renal itch A number of necessary procedures are carried out that significantly improve the condition of a sick person. Adsorbing, antihistamines can also be prescribed.
  • In the presence of parasites In the body, funds are prescribed that fight them. Sedding drugs can also be prescribed.
  • If itching is caused by mental disorders, a specific treatment is carried out, which is aimed at improving the general and mental state of the patient.
Problematic situation
Problematic situation

As for folk remedies, with frivolous ailments that cause itching, they have a certain effectiveness:

  • Take 1 tsp. Chamomiles, nettles, violets, calendulas and mix. Now 1.5 tbsp. l. Pour 250 ml of boiling water the resulting collection and let it brew for 1-2 hours. Strain the infusion and take 1 tbsp. l. Three times a day. The duration of treatment can be 3 months.
  • If the scalp itches, use coconut and tangerine oil. Rub some oil into the scalp with light massage movements. These funds will relieve itching and unpleasant sensations.
  • It is possible to reduce itching by applying a clean rag soaked in cold water to the place of localization.
  • Take a fresh sheet of aloe and washing it, squeeze the juice out of it. Lubricate the itching place with juice, let the tool absorb.
  • Make lotions. Take fresh mint, wash it and pour several twigs with boiling water, let the liquid stand for 15 minutes, dip a rag in it and attach it to an irritated place.
  • If itching is not caused by allergies to citrus fruits, use lemon juice. To do this, take the lemon and squeeze a little juice out of it. Moisten a clean sponge in the juice and wipe it with an itching place.
  • Take 1 tbsp. l. Bide and pour it 250 ml of boiling water. Let the product brew for 1 hour, then moisten a sponzhik in the liquid and wipe the itchy place.
  • Take 10% propolis tincture, wash yourself and apply a little funds to the sponzhik. Apply the sponge to the place of the most severe itching and bandage it with a bandage, leave it for 5-10 minutes. This tool will remove severe itching and burning.
Itching the skin
Itching the skin

Prevention of skin itching is to carry out such measures and comply with such rules:

  • A healthy lifestyle, the exclusion of alcohol and cigarettes from its diet.
  • Proper nutrition. No one says that you should torment yourself with diets and eat extremely proper food, however, fatty, spicy, sweet and fast food in your menu should be in limited quantities.
  • Adhere to personal hygiene rules. Change your underwear daily, bathe at least once a week and change bedding. Do not forget that too frequent bathing is also useless, the skin becomes more dry from them.
  • At the first signs of any disease, contact the doctor, do not delay the treatment of the disease and do not ignore your body signals.

Skin itching is an important and often the earliest symptom of the presence in the body of some kind of ailment. By correctly recognizing the disease, and starting its treatment in time, you will save yourself from possible negative consequences.

Video:Symptoms, causes and treatment of severe skin itching in adults

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  1. For problems with the thyroid gland, do not delay. When I had skin itching, my nails are brittle and lay down, my hair began to fall more than usual, I even drank the endocrinol Evalar and smeared the cream gel endocrinol. And then it became better. It is good that my case is not neglected and you can maintain the work of a thyroid vegetable product, not hormonal

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