Burning in the mouth and language: What is the cause of the disease? Language is on: Causes and treatment

Burning in the mouth and language: What is the cause of the disease? Language is on: Causes and treatment

Why burns, bakes lips, tongue, gum. How to solve a problem.

If a person knows for sure that he recently did not overdo it with a very acute food or something like that, but feels a burning sensation in his mouth, on the tongue, on the gums, on his lips for some time, then this is most likely a reason for a medical nature .

Burning and baking in the mouth: What is the cause of the disease?

In medicine, the burning syndrome in the mouth has several names:

  • burning tongue syndrome
  • glossodinia
  • dentomatolgia
  • burning oral syndrome

This problem is manifested in the fact that a person, especially during the day, feels a painful burning sensation on:

  • language
  • gums
  • inner surface of the cheeks
  • in the throat
The doctors call the glossal burning burning in the mouth.
The doctors call the glossal burning burning in the mouth.

The symptom is most manifested in the day and evening, at night the unpleasant sensations are dull, and in the morning they arise again. In itself, such sensations can pass in a sufficiently long time, possibly after a few months.
The causes of such a symptom have not yet been fully studied, but it may indicate certain diseases and physiological disorders, and most often in women.

Important: a burning language can be a result of various external factors and internal pathologies

For example:

  1. Regular use of toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfite (if the body responds to this substance with allergies)
  2. Wearing dentures and an allergic reaction of the body to them
  3. Aphthous stomatitis (candidiasis of the mucous membrane of the mouth)
  4. Diabetes
  5. Gastrointestinal reflux (emission of part of gastric juice into the esophagus)
  6. Reduced level of thyroid hormones
A stove in the mouth can be due to allergies to toothpaste.
A stove in the mouth can be due to allergies to toothpaste.

Glossodinia may appear and:

  • during menopause in women
  • when taking some drugs that help a decrease in blood pressure
  • in a state of depression
  • in the treatment of cancer
  • with a lack of a certain composition of minerals and vitamins in the body, especially iron and zinc, vitamin B and folic acid

The sky burns in the mouth

If it burns in the mouth, then, perhaps, there is a lack of iron, zinc and folic acid in the body. Treatment will consist in saturation of the body with these elements and substances.

If a person has an established diagnosis and takes certain drugs, then a possible cause of burning in the mouth, as well as a feeling of dryness, may be the so -called Shegren syndrome.

Important: Shegren syndrome means that due to the causes of an autoimmune nature, connective tissue can be affected. Artificial saliva will help get rid of the unpleasant sensation of dryness (xerostomy) and burning in the mouth and regular intake of fluid. Shegren syndrome is determined by the doctor, he prescribes appropriate treatment

The sensations of burning in the mouth can also occur due to the causes of dental nature, such as:

  • candidiasis and other fungal infections
  • aftose stomatitis
The reason for burning in the mouth: candidiasis.
The reason for burning in the mouth: candidiasis.
  1. Burning in the mouth is especially noticeable when eating spicy and acid -containing food. The dentist will determine the aphthous stomatitis by the presence of unpleasant sensations and in curdled formations in the patient's mouth. As a rule, antifungal therapy leads to the disappearance of the symptom of burning in the mouth
  2. With the diagnosis of diabetes, the appearance of the same aphthous stomatitis is possible, from which the stove can also burn in the mouth. In addition, diabetics have changes in the vessels, including those located in the mouth. The elimination of burning symptoms depends on the treatment of a general disease
  3. Due to hormonal imbalance during menopause, symptoms of various nature may occur, including burning heaven and gums. In this case, it is necessary to regulate the hormonal background, a healthy lifestyle and rational nutrition
  4. Unfortunately, stress experienced by a person, a state of anxiety, neuralgia can lead to many physiological changes in the body, and their external manifestation, for example, can be grinding teeth and others that leads to the irritation of the oral cavity and painful sensations in it
The reason for the burning in the mouth: aphthous stomatitis.
The reason for the burning in the mouth: aphthous stomatitis.

Burning gums: Causes

Inflammation of the gums, and, as one of the manifestations of this, burning on the gums, can occur in the case of periodontal disease. This disease has been very common recently, along with periodontitis, and a visit to the dentist is the first thing a person, concerned about such symptoms.

However, periodontitis, as a rule, is a consequence of other human diseases-problems with its cardiovascular system, hormonal system, and so on.

Bitterness in the mouth and burning of the tongue and lips: Reasons

A bitter taste, most likely, can be caused

  • digestive problems
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
Bittering in the mouth and burning of the lips can occur due to problems with the digestive organs, taking antibiotics and other drugs, allergies.
Bittering in the mouth and burning of the lips can occur due to problems with the digestive organs, taking antibiotics and other drugs, allergies.

Then the patient is not only bitter in his mouth and the tongue bakes, but there are other symptoms. Among these:

  • language raid (white or yellow)
  • reduced salivation, from which it becomes dry in the mouth
  • bodding
  • heartburn

Pains are possible. If they are in the right side along with a sense of bitterness and dry mouth, this may mean the presence of stones in the gall bladder.

Similar symptoms are also characteristic of gastritis, which developed based on the bacteria Helicobacter Pilori. A visit to a gastroenterologist is needed.

Inflammation of the gums can be accompanied by a metal taste in the mouth. The first thing is a visit to the dentist.

Some possible unstatomic reasons:

  • neurotic disorders
  • amenorrhea
  • the use of antibiotics and an individual reaction to them of the body
  • the use of some antihistamines and the individual reaction of the body to them

VIDEO: About the most important thing: what can give out a metal taste in the mouth

Burning in the mouth: what to do, how to treat

Important: Treatment of burning sensation in the mouth should begin with the establishment of the cause of this problem

If the initial diagnosis is established, then this symptom is treated in parallel with the underlying disease that caused it.

To do this, you need to visit a number of specialist doctors, it is possible to conduct clinical studies of the body. Excluding gradually the possible causes of burning in the mouth, you can reach the clarification of the main reason.

Important: if the doctors as a result of examinations eliminate obvious causes that led to the sensations of a burning tongue, such as inflammation of the mouth, causes of a systemic nature, like diabetes and others, the doctor has reason to diagnose glossodinia

If it burns in the mouth, you need to see a doctor.
If it burns in the mouth, you need to see a doctor.

The treatment of glossodinia is aimed at softening its symptoms. Medication should include:

  • tricyclic antidepressants
  • antipsychotics
  • analgesics
  • benzodiazepines
  • anticonvulsants

Unfortunately, there is no one single treatment regimen for all patients. Also, doctors, rather, about softening, and not about the treatment of this disease.

Language burns: causes and treatment with folk remedies

Some folk remedies will help to soften the symptoms of a burning language syndrome.

Definitely necessary:

  • adjust your daily and nutrition mode:
  • exclude sharp and sour objects from the diet
    Refuse alcohol
  • abandon the use of funds for the oral cavity containing alcohol

It is necessary to carefully approach the choice of toothpaste, you may have to choose a toothpaste for children.

If it bakes in the mouth, you can’t drink alcohol.
If it bakes in the mouth, you can’t drink alcohol.

You can rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda and replace with such a rinse tooth brushing.
Help the salivation and softening of a burning sensation in the mouth chewing chewing gum. But without sugar, but with xylitol.
It is also recommended to suck ice cubes or drink water while activating unpleasant and pain in the mouth.

Video: Aftose stomatitis. Symptoms, signs and methods of treatment

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Comments K. article

  1. Thanks for the interesting article. I collided with the Glossite in the summer, the tip of the tongue was red and it feels like “burned”. The doctor prescribed a rather simple treatment: rinsing a calendula with chamomile and absorbing the pills of the trachisan. They are pleasantly cool, because Mint and remove the infection in the oral cavity. Unpleasant sensations passed after 4 days of such treatment.

  2. The article is interesting, but the pictures are a little frightening. She treated Glossitis last summer, there was a redness of the tongue, a slight burning sensation. The doctor recommended the pills of the trachisan, within 4 days everything returned to normal. No pain, no discomfort.

  3. You can rinse your mouth with a solution of baking soda and replace with such a rinse tooth brushing.
    Help the salivation and softening of a burning sensation in the mouth chewing chewing gum. But without sugar, but with xylitol.
    It is also recommended to suck ice cubes or drink water while activating unpleasant and pain in the mouth.

  4. This disease can not always be .... often the number of bad bacteria exceeds the amount of good ones, and therefore it is important to observe the balance of microflora. In this regard, the dent multiflore helps me well. Great probiotics for solving just the same problem. I usually order in the online store. And of course, regular teeth brushing is also very important.

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