Fat lumps of Bisha on the face - removal of plastic surgery: indications, contraindications, rehabilitation, consequences, photos before and after, reviews. How to remove Bish fatty lumps without surgery at home?

Fat lumps of Bisha on the face - removal of plastic surgery: indications, contraindications, rehabilitation, consequences, photos before and after, reviews. How to remove Bish fatty lumps without surgery at home?

Removing the fat lumps of Bish. Recommendations for recovery after surgery.

Almost all women are fixated on their appearance and that is why they strive to do everything so that their appearance is always perfect. But if in youth all the problems can be solved exclusively by proper care, then with the onset of a more mature age of the cream and massages, they no longer give the desired result.

Most of the processes of growing up, of course, on the face. Most often, people begin to annoy the so -called Bisha lumps, which make the female face more chubby and massive. To get rid of this problem, representatives of the fair sex have to go to extreme measures, that is, remove them surgically. About what Bisha lumps are and whether we need to delete them and talk in our article.

What is Bish fatty lumps, where they are on the face of adults and children?

Opinion of lumps of Bish

Bisha lumps are called fat deposits having a capsule type of shell and located between the cheekbones and the lower jaw. This name was given to them in honor of the first anatomist, who found them and described them in the most detail as possible. Two such lumps are located on the person’s face, each of which consists of three small segments, quite tightly grouped around the salivary duct located in the ears.

Initially, it was believed that Bisha lumps are assistants to the facial muscles and facial nerves. But over time, scientists found out that when the human body ceases to develop (the aging process begins), these fat deposits cease to fulfill all their functions, or more precisely, become unnecessary. And due to the fact that they consist exclusively of adipose tissue, they begin to increase a little, forming ugly folds on the human face.

For this reason, most people easily agree to the operation to remove them and almost painlessly return their former beauty to their face. As for the children, for them, Bisha lumps are vital. As scientists proved, it is they who in the first months of life help to significantly reduce muscle friction, maintain the tone of the cheeks and help the baby suck the mother’s breast correctly.

Why do bisha lumps on the face are removed?

Removing the lumps of Bisha

As you already, probably, understood the main reason that people decide on an operation to remove Bish lumps are that over time they make their cheeks more chubby and protruding. And if this only decorates a small child, then an adult, at least, adds age. Another reason that pushes people to this step is the asymmetry of the face. Sometimes, although very rarely, one lump is sharply increasing, and the other remains as it was.

As a result of this person, a person’s face begins to look as if curved. And then a man or woman has no choice but to resort to surgical intervention. But, perhaps, the most common reason why Bisha lumps are removed is the desire of people to make their face more neat and thin. Such an operation can be carried out upon reaching the age of 25, provided that a person has no serious health problems.

Bisha fatty lumps on the face: indications and contraindications for surgery

Indications for the operation

In most cases, the indication for the operation to remove Bish fatty lumps is the patient's desire. As practice shows, a large number of specialists do not see any medical reason in this. In view of this, patients, having weighed all the pros and cons, independently turn to a plastic surgeon for help.

But do not think that doctors do this operation, without exception. As a rule, they refuse people who have not reached the age of 25 and those who have not yet begun to sag. After all, no matter how regrettable it would be recognized, but sometimes complications arise that do not make the face better.

Indications for the operation:

  • Very chubby cheeks with general thinness
  • Unnatural skin of the skin in the cheeks (arises against the background of age -related changes)
  • The formation of deep nasolabial folds at a young age (up to 35 years)
  • Facial asymmetry
  • Too obvious deposition of fat in the cheeks against the backdrop of obesity
  • Holding the skin of the skin of the face and chin

Contraindications to surgical intervention:

  • Children and youthful age
  • Initially too thinned fat layer on the face
  • Too large or too small weight (deviation from the norm by more than 25 %)
  • Inflammatory diseases that occur in the face, neck and oral cavity
  • The presence of oncological disease

Where do Bisha's fat lumps on the cheeks remove, how much does the operation cost?

Operations for removing the bisha lumps should be carried out in good clinics

I immediately want to say that, although such an operation seems very simple, they carry it out under anesthesia. What a local or general will he already decide the doctor himself, given the amount of fat and the condition of the patient's body. And since in order to get to the lumps of Bish, a surgeon needs to make rather noticeable cuts, this operation must be carried out exclusively in sterile conditions, that is, in the operating room.

After all, only in this case you can be sure that the operation will be successful, and the recovery period will last the minimum time. As for the prices for a similar procedure, if we talk about Moscow, its cost starts from 30 thousand rubles. Moreover, such a fee is required by not too popular and promoted clinics. If you want to carry out this operation in a more popular place, then its cost may increase by at least 10 thousand rubles.

In addition, painkillers and the amount of fat, which are required to be removed, can affect the cost of the operation. At the very end, I want to say one thing, remember, Bish lumps are very close to the facial nerves, in view of this, it will be better if your problem is solved by an experienced doctor who has done a lot of successful operations.

Which of the stars deleted Bisha lumps: photo before and after

Polina Gagarina
Changing the cheekbone line at the singer Alsu
Face without lumps of Bisha at Natalia Portman

World spars and media faces of the local spill sooner or later decide to surgery to remove Bisha lumps. In most cases, they think that a more beautiful and sculptural face will help it become even more popular and in demand. And no matter how funny it may sound, it works often quite often and they begin to receive offers that they had never dreamed of before.

If you want to know who decided to such an operation, then look at the photos posted a little higher. Having carefully examined them, you can see how much the appearance of a person changes after the hated fat lumps were removed.

Methods and techniques for removing lumps of Bish on the cheeks

Ways to remove lumps of Bish

If you were attentive, you probably realized that the removal of Bisha lumps is like a mini-operation that provides a minimum load on the body. That is why after its implementation, people quickly recover and return to the usual way of life.

True, you must understand that the length of the recovery period directly depends on the method to which the operation will be done. As practice shows, if the procedure is carried out with minimal tissue injury, then in seven days it can feel quite normal.

Operation methods:

  • Classic. In this case, anesthesia is introduced to a person, and then the surgeon makes him a small incision from the inside of the cheek. Having gained access to the capsule with adipose tissue, he simply cuts it out with a scalpel, cauterizes the vessels and sutures the wound. Usually, after the effect of anesthesia ends, a person feels a sufficiently strong discomfort in the section.
  • Laser. Since in this case the standard scalpel is replaced by a laser beam, the operation is less painful and traumatic. That is why most patients who agreed to laser removal are introduced by local anesthesia, which gives a lower load on the heart and blood vessels.
  • Modeling. In this case, an incision is also made, simply adipose tissue will not be removed, but is redistributed so that the lower part of the jaw is in harmony with the upper. As a rule, such an operation is carried out to patients of the older age category in whom the fat layer is depleted against the background of age -related changes.

Rehabilitation and recovery after surgery to remove bisha lumps on the cheeks

Rehabilitation and recovery after surgery

Rehabilitation after removing Bisha lumps is carried out in a standard way. Immediately after suturing, the wound is treated with antiseptic drugs and the patient is transferred to the ward so that he moves away from anesthesia.

If no complications are observed, then by the evening a person is sent home, and in the usual conditions he is waiting for healing of the wound. All that he will need to do at this time, rinse his mouth several times a day with a solution that will disinfect the wound and stimulate faster tissue regeneration.

In addition, patients should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not take too hot and too cold food
  • There is only liquid and soft food (best wiped soups and porridge)
  • Be sure after breakfast, lunch and dinner, brush your teeth and rinse the oral cavity
  • Sleep on high pillows
  • Try not to strain the muscles of the face (do not laugh, do not scream and not cry)
  • Do not visit baths, pools and saunas
  • Be sure to limit strength training
  • It is categorically impossible for the entire recovery period to do facial massage

Yes, and if you notice that you intensified the pain syndrome or unpleasantly smelling discharge began to appear from the wound, then immediately show yourself to the doctor. It is likely to do a hidden infection in this way, which without timely therapy will complicate the healing of the wound and, as a result, your restoration will be delayed for weeks.

Resistance, removal of lumps, Bish balls on the face of women and men: for and against, is it worth it to remove?

Arguments for the operation

If you are still in doubt to remove Bisha lumps or not, then just sit down and think about how strong moral discomfort they deliver to you. If the presence of round cheeks does not particularly bother you, then you should not do the operation.

After all, no matter how harmless it is, complications after it still happen. Therefore, if you do not like to take risks, then it is better to leave everything as it is. If fat lumps do not allow you to calmly look in the mirror, then conduct the operation without hesitation.

Arguments for the operation:

  • After the operation, the oval of the face becomes clearer and noticeable, the skin on the cheeks pulls up, thereby visually rejuvenating a person.
  • Compared to the standard procedure for pumping fat from under the skin, removal of Bisha lumps gives a much better result. As practice shows, the visible effect of the operation lasts at least 5 years.
  • This is the only operation that allows you to effectively eliminate age -related changes (bully cheeks and skin sagging).

Arguments against the operation:

  • If the operation is carried out poorly, then the probability that part of the adipose tissue will remain in its place.
  • Sometimes, after removing fat lumps, the person’s face begins to look unnaturally thin (as a rule, this happens in elderly patients).
  • There is a possibility that the human body will not quite adequately respond to anesthesia and it will begin to problems with the kidneys and heart.
  • In the case of a medical error, you will not have the opportunity to return the former appearance to your face.

What is the danger of removing the bisha lumps, what are the consequences?

The consequences of the operation are unpleasant

I immediately want to say that complications after removing the bisha lumps are extremely rare. If the operation is carried out correctly and it does a professional in his field, then, as a rule, everything goes perfectly.

The wound is quickly delayed and a person after 10 days observes a beautiful and younger face in the mirror. In the case, a person did not undergo a thorough examination or the specialist did something wrong, that is, the probability that the operated person may have problems.

The unpleasant consequences of the operation:

  • Inflammation of tissues in the section. More often, all such a complication occurs if a person at the time of operation in his mouth had some kind of infection.
  • There are times when, after an incorrectly done face, what is called sliding, and becomes too elongated and thin. In this case, after restoration, women have to carry out an additional tightening of the skin of the face.
  • If immediately after removal a person loses weight, then this immediately affects his face. Since this inevitably leads to the fact that the skin becomes less elastic, it is visually perceived by painful.
  • If the specialist incorrectly selects anesthesia, then the patient may develop an allergic reaction that will manifest himself with a rash, itching and other unpleasant sensations. In this case, the recovery process will necessarily be accompanied by the use of anti -allergic drugs.
  • In very rare cases, inexperienced surgeons damage the fabrics that are in the immediate vicinity of the bisha lumps. As a rule, this leads to a more clearly pain syndrome and a slightly greater swelling of the cheek after surgery.

Komka Bisha on the cheeks: unsuccessful operations - photo

Photo # 1
Photo # 2
Photo number 3

As you already understood, although the operation to remove Bish lumps is not very difficult, the probability of complications still exists. In view of this, before you go to the surgeon’s scalpel, to start, go through the most thorough examination. Be sure to find out the specialist if you have no problems with your heart and blood vessels, specify how well your blood is coagulated. Be sure to contact the dentist and ask him to give you a conclusion that there are no wounds or other foci of infection in your oral cavity.

This must be done, because in the event of complications, you will look like women in photographs posted a little higher. It is clear that you will definitely not go with such a person, which means that you need a plastic surgery that will cost a lot of money. If you have official papers in your hands about your ideal state of health, then you will be able to compensate for part of the money paid for the operation through the court.

How to remove Bish fatty lumps without surgery at home?

Exercises for tightening the cheeks and the oval of the face

If for some reason you do not want to do the operation, you can try to get rid of Bisha lumps with less painful methods. But remember to achieve a visible result, you will need to deal with yourself every day. If you only occasionally do some cosmetic procedures, then you will definitely not get the desired effect.

Home methods of combating bisha lumps:

  • Refuse food that provokes the accumulation of fat layer and be sure to normalize the water balance of the body. After some time, your body will begin to process food correctly and, against the background of this, the weight will begin to decline, which is also the cause of the excessive puffiness of the cheeks.
  • Complete the face of the face regularly. This will help strengthen all metabolic processes in the dermis and, as a result, all fat cells located in the face will decrease in size. Such massage is carried out using tilting, stroking and patting.
  • Another good way able to help get rid of this problem is simple home gymnastics for the face. If you puff out the cheeks as much as possible and try to drive air inside the oral cavity, you can slightly reduce the thickness of the fat layer with such actions, thereby removing the swelling of the cheeks.

Fat lumps of Bisha on the face - Removing: Reviews

Komka Bisha on the face: reviews

Alexandra: Due to problems with weight, my face was always chubby. And when I turned 35, it began to decorate the so -called bulldog cheeks. And so that I do not try to do (losing weight and engaged in facebilding), they did not disappear. Therefore, a little doubt, I decided on a surgical operation. Everything went so perfectly that I even began to regret that I did not make it before.

Valentine: Too obvious lumps of Bisha are a distinctive feature of all women in our family. And with a grandmother and a mother, and aunt cheeks, so chubby that their head looks visually like a small ball. While I was small, I even liked it, but when I grew up, I realized how ugly it was. Therefore, as soon as I turned 25, I immediately found the clinic and removed the fat lumps. I was satisfied with the operation and, most importantly, now my face looks very beautiful, sophisticated and aristocratic.

Video: Plastic surgery. Removing the lumps of Bisha

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Comments K. article

  1. what the garbage will not come up. For some reason, infuriates. When will the little fingers consider something ugly and will wring grandmas for plastic surgery to remove the little fingers?

  2. in general, yes, there is such a phenomenon as these lumps and their role in the body - to help the child suck mom's milk. With age, they themselves resolve because they no longer fulfill their function

  3. Anka, you would consult about “resolved” before writing a comment)) If this is not your problem, then just rejoice at this)) The article, I think, is addressed to the one who has encountered this problem.

  4. Everything is cool described, except for a few but ...
    The operation takes 10-15 minutes and is carried out under local anesthesia in the form of two injections (one) into each cheek from the inside. Without these terrible stories about general anesthesia, etc. etc. And it costs 20 tyr.

  5. i did because my cheeks spoiled me very much. I have the right and beautiful facial features and the children's swollen, it is not beautiful at 30, so I simply removed these bags! It turned out divine, my new oval is very beautiful for me. My doctor, Lyubov Nikolaevna Gauer, did everything wonderful)

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