Cruel children: What is the child cruelty, why are children cruel, who is to blame and what to do, how to prevent child cruelty?

Cruel children: What is the child cruelty, why are children cruel, who is to blame and what to do, how to prevent child cruelty?

This article will talk about the cruelty of children. You will find out why children are cruel, who is to blame and how to deal with this problem.

Cruel children: How do they show their rigidity?

From some news and stories, even adults who have seen species come into shock. Stories about how schoolchildren cruelly tormented the cat and brought him to death, with pleasure watching his agony. Stories about how teenagers brutally beaten a crowd of teenager. Stories about how cruel children treat their elderly grandparents.

How do they show their rigidity ?? There were always cruel children. According to statistics, up to 10% of crimes are committed by minors. According to expert research, 6% of students are ready to kill if they are paid for this.

In the documentary "Crust General", an experiment was conducted. Six teenagers looked through the scenes of violence, and at this time their reactions to what they saw were recorded on the detector. In just one teenager, the scene of violence caused a sense of empathy, sympathy, pity.

It makes no sense to list all the facts of childhood cruelty, and I don’t want to. Instead, I want to understand why children who do not have a lot of life experience can be so cruel. What to expect in the future from such children? How to deal with this? How to prevent?

Cruel children

Anyone who considers the life of any living being is useless, at one point can come to the conclusion about the futility of human life. These words belong to Albert Schweitzer, the German Theologian. Many believe that cruel children become killers and rapists, if in childhood they tormented animals. Statistics show that this rule does not always work. For example, the famous killer Chikatilo loved animals.

The manifestation of cruelty can be conscious and unconscious. In the case of conscious cruelty, the child enjoys the fact that another creature hurts. Conscious cruelty is manifested by a child on a regular basis. Unconscious cruelty can manifest itself when the child knows the world. He still does not know that his actions can harm the animal or a person, but wants to do it to see what will happen. There are many examples of unconscious cruelty. For example, a child can tear the wings of a butterfly to see how it will fly away.

IMPORTANT: You can not lower the unconscious cruelty of the child from your hands. It is important to explain to the child that it is strictly forbidden to do this. It is necessary that he understands that every life is very important and priceless, and he, the child, has no right to break it.

Often children's cruelty is manifested in the crowd. Each social society has “outsiders” - people who have become objects of ridicule, outcasts. In adolescence, "outsiders" are often subjected to persecution. Teenagers can mock the child with a crowd, although no one would do this alone.

The cruelty of teenagers

Cruel children: where cruelty comes from, the causes of childhood cruelty

The causes of childhood cruelty do not always lie on the surface. It is generally accepted that if the children are cruel, then they are from a dysfunctional family. It often happens that the cause of childhood cruelty lies in the family. However, there are many examples that children from quite prosperous families grow cruel.

There are a number of reasons why children become cruel. Consider them:

  • Genetic form of cruel or aggressive behavior. Scientists investigated the brain of killers, whose cruelty could not be associated with violence in the family or school, neither homelessness. They found anomalies of the brain and came to the conclusion that if a person has a certain gene, then he can follow the path of crime. A positive environment can only weaken the genetic program of behavior.
  • Family reasons. Lack of parental love, indifference, unfair punishment, improper upbringing, aggression of parents, permissiveness or life complete prohibitions. If it is customary to handle animals or people in the family, you should not be surprised that children will also grow cruel.
  • Social reasons. The child’s desire to assert himself in the society of peers, aggression in response to undeserved censure, persecution of one of his peers under the influence of the crowd. The situation is aggravated by the fact that in the last decade it has become familiar to set private life. Teenagers often shoot cruel violence scenes and upload videos on social networks. Thus collecting likes and many views, because these videos cause strong emotions. You should not say that for the injured child, such cruelty can cause tragedy. There are cases when injured adolescents ended the life of suicide, not cope with humiliation and moral pain.
  • Computer games, television. Often the causes of childhood cruelty lie on the surface. Starting from preschool age, children watch many cartoons that abound in cruel scenes. A small child begins to consider cruelty to the norm. Growing up, children begin to play computer games, which are also rich in scenes of murders, cruelty and violence. Many parents do not control the content that their children watch. Hiding behind employment, work and their own affairs, they leave the choice of content at the discretion of the children themselves.
  • Indifference of teachers. Part of the fault for the cruelty of children falls on teachers. There are cases when the teacher hid from the parents the fact of bullying the child. Some teachers prefer not to intervene in children's showdowns, believing that they themselves will figure it out. In turn, not every child can tell parents what is happening to him at school because of the fear of consequences or simply because parents are not serious about his problems.

Important: so who is to blame for the fact that children become cruel? The answer to this question is ambiguous.

The reasons for the cruelty of children

You can blame anyone: school or kindergarten, television, computer games, cruel society of other children. But still, experts find the deepest roots of childhood cruelty in the family. Children's cruelty originates from why at home. It is not without reason that the responsible for the commission of crimes by children under 14 years of wine lies with parents.

Video: Children's cruelty

Cruel children: How to prevent child cruelty?

Important: parents have all the possibilities to grow a child with a normal person. But for this you need to make efforts. The upbringing of a child lies not only in such concepts as feeding-ox-explosion.

In addition, parents should be attentive to the problems of their children. Although they seem insignificant to many, but, believe me, for the child his problems are very significant. Parents should develop the talents of their child, expand his horizons, build trusting relationships with the child, and learn how to respect him.

Tips on how to prevent child cruelty:

  1. Start raising children with yourself. Think about what example do you give to your child? What are you teaching? If you want the child to grow up with a kind, responsible, decent person, start with yourself. A personal example is more expensive than millions of instructive conversations.
  2. Pay a lot of attention to your child, love. Children who love rarely become cruel. Praise the child for his successes, often say that you love. The child should know that he is loved unconditionally and for no reason.
  3. Try to build trusting relationships. Consult with a child on any issues, he must know that his opinion is important. In turn, he will tell you about his experiences and events taking place at school in the company of friends.
  4. Become a child for a child and supportBut do not enclose it in a hard framework. So that the child does not have a desire to break beyond the limits of these frames.
  5. Together with that there should not be a feeling of permissiveness. Your child’s freedom ends where the freedom of another person begins. Since childhood, a child should learn to understand that not all faces can be crossed.
  6. Should not allow cruel punishment in relation to the child. Children remember beatings from parents for life. Then they will begin to take out their resentment and anger on other people or animals. Children need to be punished if they are guilty, but not with the help of a cruel assault.
  7. Filter the information that your child is watching and reading. It is impossible to allow the complete independent immersion of the child on the Internet, where there are often no rules, ethics and justice.
  8. From childhood, teach a child to compassion, sympathy for people and animals. As a clear example, educational conversations in a calm tone, stories about kindness and instructive stories, and care for animals are suitable.
  9. Teach your child to express your opinion and emotions calmly, constructively, without aggressive proving your opinion to others. It is important to learn how to negotiate and peacefully resolve conflict situations.
  10. Teach the child to respond correctly to those who try to poison him, mock or offend him: Do not pay attention, translate as a joke, do not provoke, not allow yourself to hit.
  11. Learn the child that in the company of his friends and in society, in general, there should not be rejected and humiliated people. Carefully follow who your child is friends with.
  12. Try to raise a child so that he is confident in himself. If the teenager is sure that he is strong, he will not prove it with fists to those who do not think so.
  13. Discuss books, films, events with your child. This will fill a cultural vacuum.
  14. Do not turn a blind eye to the misconduct of your children. Do not change the rule: punishment follows the crime. Learn the child from childhood to be responsible for your actions. The framework of the permitted should be clearly defined.
  15. Find your child to your likingWhere he can assert himself, realize his talent. At the same time, focus on the talents and desires of the child, and not on your vision of your own child.
How to prevent the cruelty of a child?

Cruel children: How to deal with childhood cruelty?

Important: if you notice that your child from childhood began to show systematic cruelty to animals - these are alarming calls. If a child likes to hurt other children, for example, a younger brother or sister, friends in a sandbox or kindergarten, you can’t take it negligently.

Do not knock out a wedge with a wedge. In response to your cruelty, scream or physical punishment, the child will become even more embittered, but now he can hide anger and show it when the parent does not recognize, does not see.

In this case, everything must be done in order to understand the causes of the cruelty of your child and stop it.

What to do:

  1. Try to figure out what's wrong with your family. Pay more attention to the child, talk, spend time with him. Do not confuse this item with permissiveness. If you indulge all the whims of the child and lower all his antics on the brakes, you can grow a real monster.
  2. If you see that your work on yourself, family and child does not give results, contact a psychologist with your child. Do not spare any effort, no time, no money for this. Otherwise, the consequences may not be very good. In childhood, you can still re -educate the child when it grows up, it remains only to reap the fruits.
  3. Take the child with active sports, Give him the opportunity to throw off all the negativity, anger there. Let the child spend strength on sports, which mocks animals or peers. Let him prove his strength and dexterity there.
  4. Control what the child does. If he plays computer games all day, take it with active games in the fresh air. But do not press the authority, but try to interest.
  5. If a the child fell into a bad company, do everything possible to make it as soon as possible and least painless he parted with "bad" friends.
What to do if the child is cruel

Tips on how to prevent child cruelty are also suitable for those who see that his children become cruel. Only in this case, the parent needs to be even more attentive.

Cruel children are not a phenomenon, not something out of the ordinary. Teachers are not surprised at child cruelty, because they face her quite often. If this was a discovery for you, do not be surprised. Engage in the upbringing of your children responsibly so that your "flowers of life" do not do troubles in adulthood.

I want to complete the article with the words of Antoine de Saint-Exupery from the fairy tale "Little Prince": “People have forgotten this truth,” said Fox, “but do not forget: you are forever responsible for everyone you have tamed. You are responsible for your rose ". We are responsible for our child, do not forget this.

Video: Social video - there is no cruelty in the world

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  1. I think it's about parenting and attention to children. Yes, my son is also a guy is cocky, sometimes he climbs to fight. But I normally explain to him why it is not worth doing this, I teach to calmly solve conflicts. To reduce the excitability of the nervous system, I give chewing loafs of Mishka Evalar Calm, I buy on a

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