The female name is Christina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Christina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name is Christina - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Christina: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

It is interesting to know the secret, story, the origin of the name Christine? Read the article.


Christina is a Russian version of the Old Slavonic name "Khrystyna". Translated from Latin, this name means "Christian." Previously and even now, in Catholic countries, Christine can be pronounced as Christian or Christian.

What does the name Christine in the church calendar mean?

What does the name Christine in the church calendar mean?
What does the name Christine in the church calendar mean?

In ancient times, Christina’s name was given to girls from poor families, as he was translated as a “peasant woman”. Noble families of their children were called that. What does the name Christine in the church calendar mean? The name Christine in the church book of names is written as a follower of Christ. Many elders translated this name as well as "the name of Christ" or "dedicated to Christ." In general, Christine’s name was associated with Christ, but not with the peasants.

Saint patron named after Christina

The patron saint protects from various adversities. He needs to pray when a difficult business has to do, before a long road and for any other case. Each name has its own patron. The name of Christine has several patrons:

  • Christina Persian - day of veneration on March 26;
  • Christina Caesarea - February 19;
  • Christina Lampsaccoi - May 31;
  • Christina Nicomedia - June 13;
  • Christina Tirskaya - August 6;
  • Martyr Khristina - August 18.

Advice: Buy yourself in the church of one of the patrons and always carry with you. This will help protect yourself from enemies and evil languages.

The secret named after Christine

The secret named after Christine
The secret named after Christine

All Christines are very friendly and sociable. They love people and will always come to the aid of any person, especially if they ask them about it. But the secret of the name Christine is a very touchy character. She will not tolerate criticism in her address, and it does not matter whether the deserved comments will be honored or not. In addition, Christina will remember your words for a long time and, if conveniently, will definitely “throw” the offensive phrase in response.

Another secret of girls and women named Christine is a ardent temperament that is hiding behind the external coldness of the image. A serious mask always “puts on” a serious mask on his face - this is necessary so that the boyfriends go aside at least for a while.

What is the nationality of Christine's name?

Christina is the Old Slavonic name. But, if you look at the origin, then the nationality of this name is Greek. It is worth noting that such a name for girls and women can be found among Turks, Ukrainians, Moldavians, Belarusians and Gypsies. Therefore, by nationality, the name is Christine is uncertain and meaningful.

Kristina name: origin and meaning, popularity

Kristina name: origin and meaning, popularity
Kristina name: origin and meaning, popularity

The origin of the name is Christine is Greek. This name would remain purely Greek, but with the adoption of the Orthodox faith in Russia, the old Slavs began to be called this name. It was translated as Christianus - Christians, Christ.

The meaning of the name Christine is determined by its sound with some foreign tint. Modern people hear in this name an imprint of aristocracy and elitist, unlike our ancestors, in whom it was associated with peasants or slaves. When parents give this name to their daughter, they suggest that she will not look like the rest. Selectivity, style, imagery - all this applies to Christine.

The meaning of the name for a mature woman is determined by the need to achieve a high position. Therefore, Christians often choose fashion professions in which you can grow up the career ladder. Even if Christina has a housewife all her life, she will still dream of a high position.

The highest popularity of this name for girls reached the highest popularity in the 90s. By 2013, the popularity of this name fell to zero and increased again by 2015. Now, less and less parents call this name of their children, but perhaps in a couple of years it will become popular again.

Christina - decoding a name from Greek

The decoding of the name Christine with the Greek χριστός is Christ, the Divine, Christian. In Greek, this name was written like this: Christina, and pronounced - Christina.

Kristina name in English, Latin, different languages

Kristina name in English, Latin, different languages
Kristina name in English, Latin, different languages

In the modern world, you need to know how the name is written in Latin and in English. This is necessary to fill out many documents, for working on the Internet, for traveling abroad and in Russia, and so on. When parents choose the name of their daughter, they also want to know how it sounds in other languages, because now it is important. So, the name is Christine in English, Latin and other different languages:

Christina's name in different languages
Christina's name in different languages

How is the name Christine written in the passport?

A foreign passport is the second most important document. Without it, it is impossible to leave abroad. In it, all data is indicated in English. How is the name Christine written in the passport? In this document it should be written as Kristina or Christina.

Remember: When applying for official documents (visas, tickets and others), you must indicate the name as it is written in the passport. In emails and when working with foreigners, you can sign as you like.

Kristina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

For any girl and women, it is important that she is addressed affectionately. Therefore, when choosing a name for their daughter, parents always pay attention to how it will sound in abbreviation and in a diminutive affectionate version:

Kristina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?
Kristina: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Christina: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Christina: The meaning of the name, character and fate
Christina: The meaning of the name, character and fate

Christina is growing a good girl. She converges perfectly with other children and loves to play with them. A little shy, but when it opens, it becomes confident in herself. Here are a few more characteristics of the name Kristina:

  • Meaning of the name - In learning, Christina is very assiduous and persistent. Humanities are perfectly given to her, but mathematics and physics will also master quickly. A serious attitude towards all matters and responsibility will help her in this. Parents should be understood with understanding and attention to Christine, not overload her with additional classes (tutoring, dances, and so on), if she does not want to. Adult Christians also love freedom, they will not tolerate any restrictions.
  • Character - friendly. All Christians are sociable, easily find friends at any age. Outwardly, they seem cold -blooded and even arrogant, but this is not so. Christines are very kind and understandable. At work, Christina is responsible, everything weighs before making an important decision and easily finds a common language with members of the team.
  • Fate - Luxurious. Christina from an early age loves all the beautiful and, growing up, she achieves her goal. She walks through life with confident steps and is even ready for selfish acts. The origin of the name Christine, associated with Christianity, will not allow a woman to make irreparable mistakes. She successfully circumvents all the obstacles and easily comes out of the most difficult situations.

Christina is very observant and always studies the world around him. It is mobile, but it makes decisions consciously. It may seem that Christina’s character is difficult. She is in no hurry to reveal her soul to everyone, but this does not prevent her from living as she wants.

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Christine: compatibility with male names

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Christine: compatibility with male names
What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Christine: compatibility with male names

Parents at the birth of a child should choose not only the name, but also look at how it sounds with the middle name.

  • Often it is the middle name that plays a key role in choosing a name, because everyone understands that in adulthood they will turn to a person completely - by name and patronymic.
  • It is very ugly when you have to pronounce this phrase, as if stumbling.
  • In addition, the middle name can distinguish some character traits, while others can muffle.

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Christine? Great compatibility with such male names:

What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Christine?
What patronymic is suitable for the girl to the name of Christine?

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Christina on the Orthodox calendar?

When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Christina on the Orthodox calendar?
When is the name day, the day of the Angel at Christina on the Orthodox calendar?

The name of the Angel is celebrated on the birthday of the patron saint. Christina’s birthday should be close to the date of veneration of the saint. For example, name day, Angel's Day is at Christina on the Orthodox calendar:

  • The patron of Christina Persian is the day of veneration on March 26. A person’s birthday should be in March, April.
  • Patron of Christina Caesarea - February 19. The birthday should be in January or February.
  • Patron of Christina Lepsaki - May 31. The birthday should be in May, June.
  • Patron of Christina Nicomedia - June 13. Birthday in July, August.
  • Patron of Christina Tirskaya - August 6. The birthday should be in August, September.
  • Martyr Khristina - August 18.

If you have a birthday in October, November or December, then you can choose a patron who has a date of birth closer to yours: a martyr Christina or Christina Persian. Angel's Day is celebrated on the day of veneration of the saint.

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Christina are short in verses and prose

I always want to congratulate your beloved daughter, wife, girl, mother, grandmother or just a familiar woman unusual and original. This can be done in verses or prose. But remember that the words read should be uttered with love and from the bottom of the heart.

Congratulations on the Day of the Angel for Christina are short in verses and prose:

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Christina are short in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Christina are short in verses and prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Christina short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Christina short in verses
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Kristina short in prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Kristina short in prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Christina short in beautiful prose
Congratulations on the Day of Angel Christina short in beautiful prose

Song named Christina

Congratulate Christina with a song or just give her a pleasant moment and drink several unforgettable chords. There are many songs with the name Christine, here are a few of them:

  Video: Song about Christina

Video: Philip Kirkorov - Christina / Golden Gramophone 2011

Video: Song of A. Yabloneva ,, Christina ,,

Video: Christina Corp (girl Christina) Clip with musicians of the group ©

Tattoo named Christina

Tattoos are in fashion for a long time, but now there are so many options for undergoing painting that you can get confused when choosing a suitable sketch. Recently, it is popular to make a tattoo named. It can be the name of a beloved girl, her own child or her own. Beautiful tattoos named Christina:

Original tattoo for a woman with her name:

Tattoo named Christina
Tattoo named Christina

A man’s tattoo on his arm is the name of a beloved woman.

Tattoo named Christina for a man
Tattoo named Christina for a man

Cristina's tattoo sketch in Japanese.

Tattoo named Christina in Japanese
Tattoo named Christina in Japanese

Sketch of Tattoos named after Christine for a woman.

Original tattoo named Christina
Original tattoo named Christina

This tattoo is suitable for both a man and a woman.

Stylish tattoo named Christina
Stylish tattoo named Christina

Thin lines, original inscription - such a tattoo will be barely noticeable, but it will turn out very stylish.

Female tattoo named Christina
Female tattoo named Christina

Brutal tattoo - clear letters, even lines. Suitable for a man.

Brutal tattoo named Christina
Brutal tattoo named Christina

Suspension named Christina from gold: photo

Many women like to wear jewelry with their name. They want everyone around to know what a beautiful name they have. Therefore, the pendant with the name of Christina from gold will be a great gift for any holiday. Photos of such gold jewelry:

The pendant "Christina", made of yellow gold, looks very stylish thanks to the original performance. The uneven lines add a delight to the inscription, and the jewelry is made unusual.

Suspension named Christina from gold: photo
Suspension named Christina from gold: photo

Pink gold suspension with four blue cubic zones. A great combination of stones and precious metal makes this decoration unusually beautiful.

Pendant named Christina from gold
Pendant named Christina from gold

Suspension with a name and a small crown. Yellow gold and even letters make the product very stylish and slightly luxurious.

Pendant named Christina from gold with a crown
Pendant named Christina from gold with a crown

White gold, the majestic first letter of the name - make the decoration unique in design. Any girl will like this suspension.

Suspension named Christina from white gold: photo
Suspension named Christina from white gold: photo

Kristina name: intuition, intelligence, morality

Christina is always reasonable and does not make hasty decisions. Therefore, its intelligence and intuition differ from the same qualities in women with other names.

  • Intuition - Christina does not rely only on her inspiration. She will carefully plan all cases and actions, she has a day scheduled for a minute, and she will not be able to move away from the planned plan.
  • Intelligence - The male mindset helps patiently fulfill all the tasks. He gets along well with the men's team. Representatives of the stronger sex always listen to Christine. The analytical mindset allows you to successfully conduct any business.
  • Moral - Christina lives according to her laws. She adheres to principles that will seem philistine for other people: pettyness, stinginess, responsibility to completely strangers.

Christine needs a lot of time to show her activity. Therefore, people around should be patient.

Kristina name: hobbies, activities, business

Kristina name: hobbies, activities, business
Kristina name: hobbies, activities, business

Christina will not count on some luck. She achieves everything herself, although this happens after many years. Personality and zeal are the main professional qualities of Christina.

  • Activity -Scientific: engineers in the field of electronics, teachers, employees of research institutes. In choosing a profession, Christina is better not to interfere, otherwise she will then blame everyone if she does not like this choice.
  • Business “She can do any business that she wants to do.” Christina does not need money, since a successful financial situation can secure himself.
  • Hobbies - Verserial. She likes everything and she wants to try.

Even if Christina becomes a housewife, she will still dream of opening, for example, her cafe, restaurant or some company. She will not calm down until she succeeds in doing it.

Kristina name: Health and psyche

Health in women named Christina is average. It is necessary to protect the ears, since there is a probability of otitis media. Christina's body is subject to infectious diseases, so you need to engage in its immunity throughout life.

The psyche is not always able to understand what this woman thinks about. But this is not necessary, because if Kristina is calmly talking to, then she will tell everything herself.

Kristina name: sexuality, marriage

Kristina name: sexuality, marriage
Kristina name: sexuality, marriage

Vanity aspirations can prevent Christine from seeing real happiness. Even success and glory cannot replace marriage for her, but she understands it late. However, Christina is so dodgy in life that he will be able to successfully get married when she wants - at 40 and even at 50.

Christina’s sexuality is revealed if she sees the prospect in the partner. If a man wants to create a strong relationship with her, then he should have great potential, otherwise he has no chance.

What sign of the zodiac is the name of Christina?

It has been known for a long time, which enhances the qualities inherent in the specific sign of the zodiac. Therefore, before, call the girl in the name of Christina, read the information about which sign is approaching this name.

  • Virgo - Artistic natures. They will help Christine to reveal her potential.
  • Twins - Devoted and monogamous. Christina herself will not expect some actions about herself in relation to her partner.
  • Capricorn - Positive people. Christina will be able to make plans and implement them, setting others around for creation.

Only three signs of the zodiac are suitable for Christine, but it is they who will be able to complement her emotional disposition and make her happy life.

Stone Talisman to the name of Christine

Stone Talisman to the name of Christine
Stone Talisman to the name of Christine

Christine is suitable for three stones of the talisman. If they are always carried with them in the form of jewelry or just in a bag, then they will add energy and will be a talisman.

  • Agate - Health and longevity. You can even give Christians even black agate, but not to Virgo.
  • Fiery Opal - A stone of fidelity and devotion. A good amulet for Christina, if she is married.
  • Jasper - Protect from failures and evil envious people. Netting with good energy.

Also, Christine is suitable for Andaluzite Stone. It can also be a talisman, but in one bunch of agate or opal, that is, in one decoration there should be two stones.

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Christina

Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Christina
Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Christina

Flowers and plants accompany us in life. Each person has his own flower or plant - a talisman. It is better to choose it by name. For the name of Christina, there are such amulets:

  • Plant named after Christine - Kiparis. He gives women with this name endurance and perseverance when achieving the goal. A heightened sense of justice interferes a little in this, especially in adolescence, but then an adult woman will be able to adapt to life.
  • Flower - Jasmine. From its aroma it blows with new life force. Kristina he helps to be life -lifting and self -confident.
  • Tsolisman tree - Grab. This is a tree for active people who lack even greater determination to act and make important decisions.

If it is impossible to plant a dalisman plant at home, then you can dry its leaflet and always carry it with you. It will protect and restore the spiritual forces of a person with this name.

Totem animal named after Christine

Totem animal named after Christine
Totem animal named after Christine

All Christines seek to live better than before. Therefore, they are always in motion, but they find time for family and children. This can be explained by the fact that Christine has a totem animal - a dove. It symbolizes motherhood and femininity. If from the side it seems that Christina’s career is in the first place, then she always has a family in her soul and heart, and then everything else.

Numerology named after Christine

Christina patronizes the number 6. “Six” is a support for loved ones. She will always come to the rescue, and she does not need to be asked about it. The people of this numerical sector are inherent in everything beautiful. They try to achieve complete harmony in everything.

Pseudonym to the name of Christine

Pseudonym to the name of Christine
Pseudonym to the name of Christine

To come up with a pseudonym, you need to rearrange the letters in the name. At the same time, it is important to pronounce the resulting word aloud - it should sound beautiful. Pseudonyms to the name of Christine:

  • Tina;
  • Rex;
  • Kisa;
  • Sour-malvinka;
  • Kriss;
  • Kriss-gaston;
  • Christic;
  • Kasch and so on.

You can also write a name in English and attribute a beautiful nickname to it. You will get a very stylish pseudonym, for example, Cristina Dorcas, Cristina Leslie or Cristina Genaro and so on.

Famous people, celebrities named Christina

There are many famous people and celebrities with the name Christine. Among them are people of the creative sphere and sports environment.

Famous people, celebrities named Christina
Famous people, celebrities named Christina

If you add Olympic champions to this list, then it will expand three times. Christina's name is a beautiful name. Celebrities are proudly worn, they are called newborn children in many countries of the world. This name looks beautiful in all languages \u200b\u200bof the world. Therefore, if you do not know what to call your daughter, feel free to call her the name of Christina.

Video: The meaning of the name. Kristina

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  9. Where to find out about the description of the name Christina

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