The female name Daria - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Daria: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

The female name Daria - which means: description of the name. The name of the girl Daria: Secret, meaning of the name in Orthodoxy, decoding, characteristics, fate, origin, compatibility with male names, nationality

Find out what the name Daria means, what is its origin, who will be the patron saint of the girl with the name when she has a name day.

Daria is one of the most popular female names today. Many call their daughters that way, paying tribute to fashion. They think little about what this name means. But, "as you call the ship, so it will float." It sounds rudely, but completely reflects reality. There is a completely justified opinion that the name affects the character and fate of man. Therefore, deciding to adverse daughter Daria (Dasha), find out that this name means what its origin, what does it give to a girl or a woman wearing him.

What does the name Daria in the church calendar mean? When is the name day, Daria's Angel's Day is an Orthodox calendar?

Choose a name for the child, based on the holy, today is again fashionable. Thus, the baby acquires a guardian angel.

Important: the name Darius appears in the saints. If your girl is called Daria, then they will baptize her a little differently, changing one letter. Darias are also baptized by Darin.

Rev. Martyr Daria Zaitseva.
Rev. Martyr Daria Zaitseva.

If we consider the Orthodox month, you can see that Daria called several saints and great martyrs, respectively, the name day of Dasha is several times a year, in April and in August.

the date Holy
March 14th rev. Martyr Daria Zaitseva
April 1 martyr Daria Roman
April, 4 martyr Daria
August 17 righteous Daria
August 18 New Martyr Daria Siushinskaya, Daria Timagina and Daria Smilebina

Important: how you can call a girl about how saints, read in the article " How to call a child on a church calendar? Saints for girls for girls«.

Daria Roman.
Daria Roman.

Patron saint of the name Daria

Dash is considered the patroness of Dash. Here is her story:

  1. Daria was originally a pagan, she served in the temple of Athena Pallas. Everything changed the marriage concluded with Chrysafan, a Christian. Then Daria was still very young. Relatives of the young man, dissatisfied with his religion, wanted the beauty-pagan to turn him away from Christ. But it happened quite the opposite.
  2. The first wedding night for the young did not go quite usually: instead of carnal pleasures, Chrysafan told his wife about Christ, thereby turning her to his faith. Both spouses agreed to store virginity. They made their house with a Christian temple for men and women. The couple called to piety.
  3. The ill -wishers did everything to destroy Darius and Chrisaphan. The man was imprisoned in prison and should have been tortured, then thrown into a stinking hole. But in both cases, the miraculous power of God retained him unharmed. The woman was sent to Blelishchi, but God sent her not to protect the lion that escaped from the menagerie. The house with a woman and the beast set fire to, but Leo managed to escape, and Daria remained unharmed.
  4. In 283, the spouses were the same, buried alive. In the place of their martyrdom, the temple was soon erected by ordinary people. But his story was bitter: by order of the authorities, the entrance to him was falling asleep, destroying all the worshipers.
    In the 18th century, the Pope Stefan II ordered the Brothers Warin and Armenia to write the life of the holy martyrs of Chrysafan and Daria. Their memory day is April 1.
The holy martyrs of Chrysafan and Daria.
The holy martyrs of Chrysafan and Daria.

Video: Life of the saints of Chrysafan and Daria

What is the nationality of the name Daria? Daria is a decoding of a name with Greek. Name Daria, Dasha: origin and meaning, popularity

The name Daria or Daria has several options for origin.

  1. If we consider the name of Darius (as well as Darina, Daraen, Daromil) by ancient Slavic, it comes from the word “gift” and can mean “gift”, including God. You can reduce this name as Dasha and Dara.
  2. The name Darius may have an ancient Greek origin. Then it is a derivative of the male name Darios, which was named by the famous ruler. The meaning of the female version is the lord, the winner, a rich or the owner of the good.

Important: in it, the “etymological dictionary of the Russian language” M. Fasmer presented the name of Daria as a brief form of the name of Dorofei.

The meaning of the name Daria.
The meaning of the name Daria.

The name Daria is common among the Slavs at all times. Before the revolution, it was mainly peasant, but sometimes merchants were called dasha. In the first half of the twentieth century, the popularity of the name was somewhat slept, and in the 70s it increased significantly.
Since the 2000s to today, the name Daria (Daria and Darina) has been one of the most popular, constantly enters the five leaders, constantly competing with Maria and Sofia.

Over the past 10 years, the name Daria is one of the five most popular.
Over the past 10 years, the name Daria is one of the five most popular.

The secret of the name Daria. Daria: The meaning of the name is character and fate, intuition, intelligence, morality

Let's see what Daria gives the name:

  1. In childhood, Dasha immediately stands out with his sociability. She easily finds a common language with peers and adults (the latter do not cease to be surprised at the artistry of the baby). In a team of children, Dasha strives to be a leader, she often commands in games, often becomes a participant in conflicts, does not disdain to solve them with fists. Daria hates one.
  2. Daria from an early age is a friend and assistant for her mother.
  3. Study may not be given to Dasha. The girl is smart and smart, she grabs everything on the fly and remembers well, but sometimes she does not have enough perseverance and concentration. Daria will never do what she is not interested in.
  4. Already in childhood, Dasha demonstrates good taste in music, art, choosing clothes and other things.
  5. Dasha has a strong will and a heightened sense of responsibility for others.
  6. Daria cannot be criticized. And the critic himself will “receive”, and Dasha’s pride will be damaged.
  7. The impulsiveness of Daria plays on hand - the girl is not vindictive, excited, she prefers to immediately express everything in the eyes.
  8. Dasha’s intuition is weak.
The secret of the name Daria.
The secret of the name Daria.
Positive character traits Negative character traits
kindness rightness
sincerity heat and impulsiveness
responsiveness cruelty
generosity restlessness
self -giving laziness
self confidence

Name Daria: Sexuality, Marriage

  1. Daria in her youth is amorous, but quickly burns out. At a more mature age, she already more clearly realizes what she needs, often she married a certain calculation, but only for a pretty person.
  2. In marriage, Dasha often pulls the blanket over herself, strive to be the main one. She is not inclined to betrayal.
  3. She does not mind having many children.
  4. Sex for Daria is a painful theme. Firstly, very often she is not confident in her beauty and attractiveness. Secondly, acting impulsively, the girl may be in bed in a random man, and then torment herself with remorse.
Daria is a faithful wife.
Daria is a faithful wife.

Important: a strong union for Daria can turn out with Alexander, Anton, Ivan, Eugene, Sergey, Yuri. From marriage with Oleg, Semyon, Fedor, Philip and Alexei she should not wait for anything good.

Name of Daria: Health and psyche

  1. Although the newborn Daria behaves uneasily, young parents do not need to worry much: the girl is not painful. Like all her peers, in childhood she will suffer from colds.
  2. An adult, she should pay attention to the health of the bronchi and lungs, they are weak in her.
  3. Other diseases that Daria can hurt: tonsillitis, cereals, whooping cough, scarlet fever, chickenpox, scoliosis, thrombophlebitis, varicose veins, hemorrhoids, constipation.
A woman named Daria categorically cannot be smoked.
A woman named Daria categorically cannot be smoked.

Dasha’s nervous systems are unstable, which can affect neurosis and depression. Again, on the impulse, she can behave aggressively. She should constantly work on her own stress resistance.

Name Daria: hobbies, activities, business

Dasha always has a purely female hobby, to which she allocates enough time. This is either cooking, or clothing design and sewing, or embroidery, or knitting. Girls with this name rarely have musical talents.
But the profession of Dasha can choose “male” - lawyer, journalist, military, scientist, researcher, so on.

A woman named Daria can make a good career. In the team, she turns out to be a leader, and the money seems to flow in her hands.

A good boss will come out of Daria.
A good boss will come out of Daria.

Daria: What is the abbreviated short name, diminutively affectionate?

Daria can be called abbreviated or diminutively.

  • Dasha
  • Dara
  • Daria
  • Daryusha
  • Darina
  • Dashulya
  • Dashun
  • Dashuta
The character of a girl named Daria.
The character of a girl named Daria.

The name Daria, Dasha in English, Latin, different languages. How is the name Daria written in the passport?

Since there is no Daria in English, it translates according to the rules of transliteration and looks like Darina. That is how he is entered in a passport.
And this is what Daria’s name looks like in other languages.

Language Option of the name
ukrainian Darina, Daria, A GOLDER
deutsch Daria
italian Dariella (Darella), Darina (Darina), Dariuccia (Daryuchchi), Darietta (Darietta), Dà (yes)
belorussian Dar’ya, Giving, Adar’ya,
polish Darka (Darka), Darunia (Daruna), Darusia (Darusya, Darusya)
czech Daria (Daria), Darja (Daria), Darka (Darka), Darina (Darina), Daraška (Darushka), Darinka (Darinka), Darijka (Dariya)
finnish Tarja (Taria)

What middle name is suitable for the girl to the name of Daria: compatibility with male names

You can call Daughter Daria if your spouse is called:

  • Alexander
  • Alexei
  • Andrew
  • Artem
  • Vadim
  • Gleb
  • Daniel
  • Denis
  • Dmitry
  • Egor
  • Ilya
  • Kirill
  • Konstantin
  • Maksim
  • Matvey
  • Michael
  • Oleg
  • Novel
  • Sergey
  • Timothy
  • Philip

What zodiac sign is Daria's name?

The name of Daria is the signs of the zodiac Aries and Virgo.

Signs of the zodiac for Daria.
Signs of the zodiac for Daria.

Talisman stone to the name Daria

A male-murder woman named Daria is a blood.


Flower, plant, wood-talisman for the name Daria

Plants are a woman named Daria - anemone, mountain ash and thyme.

The plant is a talisman for Daria - mountain ash.
The plant is a talisman for Daria - mountain ash.

Totem animal named after Daria

Totem animals for Daria are giraffe and mosquito.

The totem animal for Daria is a giraffe.
The totem animal for Daria is a giraffe.

Numerology named after Daria

The number of the name Daria is 6.

Numerology named after Daria.
Numerology named after Daria.

Pseudonym to the name Daria

As you know, a pseudonym for any name can be anything. But, if you choose a similar one in a name or consonant with it, for Daria the most suitable are:

  • Dara
  • Dora
  • Dolce
  • Darcy
  • Gifted
  • Diva
  • Dalaria
  • Divine, others

Famous people, celebrities named Daria: photo

Daria Astafyeva, singer.
Daria Astafyeva, singer.
Daria Verbova, model.
Daria Verbova, model.
Daria Dontsova, writer.
Daria Dontsova, writer.
Daria Melnikova, actress.
Daria Melnikova, actress.
Daria Shkurikhina, gymnast.
Daria Shkurikhina, gymnast.

Tattoo named Daria, Dasha

Women do a tattoo named Daria in honor of themselves and their daughters, men in honor of their lovers and daughters. Such tattoos are often located on the inside of the forearm and wrist.

Tattoo named Daria on the forearm.
Tattoo named Daria on the forearm.
Tattoo named Daria on the wrist.
Tattoo named Daria on the wrist.

Suspension with the name Daria from gold: photo

Golden suspension with the name Daria.
Golden suspension with the name Daria.

Suspension in the form of the name Daria.
Suspension in the form of the name Daria.

Daria will be delighted with a pendant with her name or letter D.

Song with the name Daria, Dasha

Maxim Leonidov - Vision (Dasha)

Lolita and Prokhor Chaliapin. Dasha

Dasha Mikhail Shufutinsky

Congratulations on the Day of Angel Daria short in verses and prose

Congratulations to Daria in verses.
Congratulations to Daria in verses.
Birthday verse for Daria.
Birthday verse for Daria.
Verse for the anniversary for Daria.
Verse for the anniversary for Daria.

Video: The meaning of the name Daria

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Comments K. article

  1. Daria Dontsova is a pseudonym. Hunting name is agrippina!

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